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This largely programmatic paper offers a new way of thinking through the incorporation of farmland into financial markets. Building on the notion of “operations of capital”, it sketches analytical entry points for scrutinizing the inner workings of agri-finance capital formation. The concept of operations can make two useful contributions to the existing discussion. First, it helps provide a more nuanced historicization of the entanglement between finance and farmland. Finance has a long history of penetrating agriculture and the new quality of the contemporary coupling of finance and farmland only becomes fully visible when adopting a more nuanced historical perspective. Rather than imagining the history of capitalism as one where industrial capitalism gives way to financialized capitalism, the concept of operations sensitizes us for the situated modes, processes and practices of financial economization that have reworked economy, society and nature at specific historical conjunctures.Second, it allows us to move beyond simply treating “financialization” as explanans. Shifting attention to the situated practical activities of global finance, it eventually helps us explore central categories of financial economization (“capital”, “resources”, “property” and “value”) as practical accomplishments rather than taking them for granted. Only then can we come to terms with how finance works through farmland in different geographical settings. Empirical material from an ongoing research project will support my arguments.  相似文献   

The earthquake catalogue of the European area, 1901–1985, with unified magnitudes, has been used for the preparation of epicentre maps of the Mediterranean area. Epicentres have been plotted on three sheets for different magnitude ranges,M B (orm B ) 5, 0,M S (orm B ) = 4.4–4.9,M S (orm B ) 4.3, according to the estimated levels of homogeneity. The first map (M 5) enables an objective comparison of seismicity over the whole Mediterranean area. The other two maps are complementary without the guarantee of completeness. Epicentres define the position of principal earthquake zones and levels of earthquake activity. The maps also serve as the starting point for further data processing. Graphs illustrating the time variation of earthquake activity in the whole area and the mean magnitude-frequency relationships are included.  相似文献   

Dollet  Cyrielle  Guéguen  Philippe 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(1):349-372
Natural Hazards - In moderate-to-low seismic hazard regions, estimating the socio-economic consequences of an earthquake on the regional scale is a costly and difficult task. This study analyses...  相似文献   

Trigger mechanisms and syn-eruptive processes of Plinian eruptions are poorly understood especially in the case of mafic powerful events. In the last decades, the combined geochemical and textural studies on volcanic rocks have proven to be fundamental tools for exploring the dynamics of magma ascent in volcanic conduits and for improving our ability to interpret volcano-monitoring signals and assess hazard. In this case study, we quantitatively investigate 2D and 3D micro-textural, geochemical, and isotopic features of pyroclastic rocks erupted during the Pomici di Base Plinian eruption (22 ka), the generally acknowledged first and most powerful event of the Somma–Vesuvius volcano. A peculiar aspect of this eruption is its high intensity that remained stable during the entire Plinian phase despite the strong magma compositional variation towards mafic terms. We infer that the transfer of magma towards the surface was intensified by the occurrence of rapid vesiculation pulses driven by limestone assimilation (skarn recycling) during magma ascent through the carbonatic bedrock. We conclude that limestone assimilation can hence be a syn-eruptive process, able to trigger further gas nucleation with deep impact on the eruption intensity, particularly crucial in the case of mafic/intermediate magma compositions.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - This correction stands to support the updating of the original article for changing the name Glauciene Justino Ferreira to Glauciene Justino Ferreira da Silva. The author group...  相似文献   

Mineralogical–geochemical studies of zircon from the Ichet’yu occurrence revealed unusually high Y and HREE contents (correlative with the P content) in the inner parts and zones of approximately 10% of the grains. They represent the intermediate members of the zircon–xenotime join with a heterovalent scheme of isomorphism Zr4+ + Si4+ → (Y + HREE)3+ + P5+. Geochronological and mineralogical–geochemical data suggest that the Middle Timan basement (the most probable source of zircon of the Ichet’yu occurrence) is made up of the Paleoproterozoic rocks and possibly represents a continuation beneath the Mezen syneclise and Middle Timan of the Paleoproterozoic collisional structure, to which the Arkhangelsk diamond province is confined.  相似文献   

This paper presents a series of cyclic 2D direct shear tests on sand–rough material interfaces under constant normal load (CNL) and constant normal stiffness (CNS) conditions. The aim of these tests is to describe the behavior of the soil–pile contact subjected to a large number of cycles due to environmental or anthropic loadings. These cycles (typically 104 or less due to an early rupture) are small (10, 20 and 40 kPa in terms of shear stress). A new interpretation of the direct shear tests is proposed. The sample of soil is schematically composed of a sheared interface and of a buffer under oedometric load. The problem of sand leakage between the shear box and the rough plate, classical phenomenon in this type of test, is focused. The effect of initial density, position of “center of cycles” in stress plane (mean cyclic variables) and cyclic amplitude is investigated. The cycles are defined by the initial mean cyclic normal stress, the level of initial mean cyclic stress ratio and the normalized cyclic amplitude. Under CNL condition, either dilation or contraction is exhibited, in agreement with the characteristic state developed by Luong (International symposium on soils under cyclic and transient loading, Swansea, 7–11 January, pp 315–324, 1980). The influence of a prescribed normal stiffness is especially considered. It can be highlighted that CNS cyclic paths are always contractive. This contraction results in a drop of mean cyclic normal stress often called degradation of friction.  相似文献   

 The crustal structure of the transition zone between the Eastern Alps and the western part of the Pannonian depression (Danube basin) is traditionally interpreted in terms of subvertical Tertiary strike-slip and normal faults separating different Alpine tectonic units. Reevaluation of approximately 4000-km-long hydrocarbon exploration reflection seismic sections and a few deep seismic profiles, together with data from approximately 300 wells, suggests a different structural model. It implies that extensional collapse of the Alpine orogene in the Middle Miocene was controlled by listric normal faults, which usually crosscut Alpine nappes at shallow levels, but at depth merge with overthrust planes separating the different Alpine units. The alternative structural model was tested along a transect across the Danube basin by gravity model calculations, and the results show that the model of low-angle extensional faulting is indeed viable. Regarding the whole lithosphere of the western Pannonian basin, gravity modelling indicates a remarkable asymmetry in the thickness minima of the attenuated crust and upper mantle. The approximately 160 km lateral offset between the two minima suggests that during the Miocene extension of the Pannonian basin detachment of the upper crust from the mantle lithosphere took place along a rheologically weak lower crust. Received: 13 July 1998 / Accepted: 18 March 1999  相似文献   

Between 2008 and 2010, the island of Majorca (Spain) experienced the coldest and wettest winters of the last 40 years. Accumulated rainfall was twice the average and values of intense rainfall up to 296 mm/24?h were recorded, very similar to those calculated for a return period of 100 years. Additionally, high precipitation coincided with anomalous, low temperatures, with abundant snowfall and freezing in the highest zones of the Tramuntana Range, in the northwest sector of the island. As a result, 34 mass movements were recorded on the range, which seriously affected the road network in an area of great importance for tourism, as it welcomes 8.5 million visitors each year. Fourteen rockfalls, 1 rock avalanche, 15 landslides and 4 karstic collapses were inventoried. The geological structure, formed by a series of NW overlapping thrusts, determines the distribution as well as the failure pattern of the movements. Thus, the northern face of the range registered 68% of the mass movements: nine rockfalls with planar failure took place as well as all the landslides recorded. Likewise, south-facing slopes have been affected by longer runout rockfalls with a wedge-type failure. The thorough analysis of the meteorological data shows that most of the movements have taken place after antecedent rainfall over 800?mm. Additionally, the rockfalls have also occurred after several freeze–thaw cycles, being a determining and unusual factor in this warm region. Intense rainfall >90 mm/24?h also caused rockfalls as well as exceptional very intense rainfall >120 mm/24?h caused landslides. The results aim to contribute to the design of an early warning system coordinating emergency, infrastructure services and meteorological centres in a region of high risk.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - A microseismic sounding profile was made along the Baksan River valley from the eastern summit of Elbrus volcano to the southern edge of town Tyrnyauz. The geological...  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Vegetation indices have been widely used for monitoring the spatiotemporal variables of vegetation and characterizing droughts, primarily in semiarid regions. Drought is a...  相似文献   

The Service d’Observation de la Rade de Villefranche-sur-Mer is designed to study the temporal variability of hydrological conditions as well as the abundance and composition of holo- and meroplankton at a fixed station in this bay of the northwest Mediterranean. The weekly data collected at this site, designated as “Point B” since 1957, represent a long-term time series of hydrological conditions in a coastal environment. Since 2007, the historical measurements of hydrological and biological conditions have been complemented by measurements of the CO2–carbonic acid system parameters. In this contribution, CO2–carbonic acid system parameters and ancillary data are presented for the period 2007–2011. The data are evaluated in the context of the physical and biogeochemical processes that contribute to variations in CO2 in the water column and exchange of this gas between the ocean and atmosphere. Seasonal cycles of the partial pressure of CO2 in seawater (pCO2) are controlled principally by variations in temperature, showing maxima in the summer and minima during the winter. Normalization of pCO2 to the mean seawater temperature (18.5 °C), however, reveals an apparent reversal of the seasonal cycle with maxima observed in the winter and minima in the summer, consistent with a biogeochemical control of pCO2 by primary production. Calculations of fluxes of CO2 show this area to be a weak source of CO2 to the atmosphere during the summer and a weak sink during the winter but near neutral overall (range ?0.3 to +0.3 mmol CO2 m?2 h?1, average 0.02 mmol CO2 m?2 h?1). We also provide an assessment of errors incurred from the estimation of annual fluxes of CO2 as a function of sampling frequency (3-hourly, daily, weekly), using data obtained at the Hawaii Kilo Nalu coastal time-series station, which shows similar behavior to the Point B location despite significant differences in climate and hydrological conditions and the proximity of a coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   

The study addresses population dynamics in Ghana on the urban and regional levels between 1984 and 2000. At the urban level, the development trends are analyzed for urban localities (population above 5,000) on the basis of geo-coded census data. Potential driving forces for rapid population growth related to size, location, accessibility and facility counts are examined using bivariate and multivariate analysis. An index of weighted accessibility relative to other urban localities provides significant explanation at the national level, as does initial locality size. At the regional level, population development is analyzed to provide insight into the rural–urban relations. The level of urbanization is steadily increasing but varies considerably between regions. Areas of high population growth are found in some rural areas that have a remote location relative to the large urban centers. This seems to indicate the existence of ‘frontier’ regions, i.e. areas that experience a high degree of in-migration by people aiming to undertake specific farming activities. A high proportion of the population growth in these areas appears to take place in relatively small towns. The paper concludes with a more in-depth discussion of the development characteristics of Ghana’s Western Region. This region has experienced one of the highest regional population growth rates, mainly due to its status as a ‘frontier’ for cocoa production.
Lasse Moller-JensenEmail:

The F–(Ba–Pb–Zn) ore deposits of the Zaghouan District, located in NE Tunisia, occur as open space fillings or stratabound orebodies, hosted in Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary layers. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns may be split into three groups: (i) “Normal marine” patterns characterizing the wallrock carbonates; (ii) light REE (LREE) enriched (slide-shaped) patterns with respect to heavy REE (HREE), with small negative Ce and Eu anomalies, characteristic of the early ore stages; (iii) Bell-shaped REE patterns displaying LREE depletion, as well as weak negative Ce and Eu anomalies, characterizing residual fluids of subsequent stages. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707654–0.708127 ± 8), show that the Sr of the epigenetic carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and ore minerals (fluorite, celestite) are more radiogenic than those of the country (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, lower Miocene) sedimentary rocks. The uniformity of this ratio, throughout the District, provides evidence for the isotopic homogeneity and, consequently, the identity of the source of the mineralizing fluids. This signature strongly suggests that the radiogenic Sr is carried by Upper Paleozoic basinal fluids.The δ34S values of barite, associated to mineralizations, are close to those of the Triassic sea water (17‰). The δ34S values of sulfide minerals range from − 13.6‰ to + 11.4‰, suggesting two sulfur-reduced end members (BSR/TSR) with a dominant BSR process.Taking account of the homogeneity in the Pb-isotope composition of galenas (18.833–18.954 ± 0.001, 15.679–15.700 ± 0.001 and 38.690–38.880 ± 0.004, for the 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios respectively), a single upper crustal source for base-metals is accepted. The Late Paleozoic basement seems to be the more plausible source for F–Pb–Zn concentrated in the deposits. The genesis of the Zaghouan District ore deposits is considered as the result of the Zaghouan Fault reactivation during the Late Miocene period.  相似文献   

The melting temperature of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy was determined up to 119 GPa based on a change of laser heating efficiency and the texture of the recovered samples in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments. We have also investigated the subsolidus phase relations of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy by the in-situ X-ray diffraction method and confirmed that the bcc phase is stable at least up to 57 GPa and high temperature. The melting curve of the alloy was fitted by the Simon’s equation, P(GPa)/a = (T m(K)/T 0) c , with parameters, T 0 = 1,473 K, a = 3.5 ± 1.1 GPa, and c = 4.5 ± 0.4. The melting temperature of bcc Fe–18 wt% Si alloy is comparable with that of pure iron in the pressure range of this work. The melting temperature of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy is estimated to be 3,300–3,500 K at 135 GPa, and 4,000–4,200 K at around 330 GPa, which may provide the lower bound of the temperatures at the core–mantle boundary and the inner core–outer core boundary if the light element in the core is silicon.  相似文献   

The Hagendorf–Pleystein Pegmatite Province, SE Germany, is known for the largest feldspar–quartz pegmatite in Central Europe and renowned for its rare elements, e.g., Li, Nb, and Ta, giving rise to a spate of exotic minerals, mainly phosphates. Argillaceous rocks are scarce and eclipsed by the numerous mineralogical investigations on rare phosphates. These phosphate pegmatites are for the first time subjected to a clay mineralogical study, rendered possible by the newly discovered strongly kaolinized aplite near the Kreuzberg Quartz Pegmatite at Pleystein. The supergene kaolin akin to the residual kaolin deposit at Tirschenreuth, SE Germany, was analyzed for its major and minor elements by XRF and micro-chemically by EMPA. Mineralogical investigations involved XRD, IR spectroscopy, thermoanalytical studies, CEC analyses and SEM-EDX. Supergene kaolinization forms a repository for heavy minerals critical for the interpretation of the emplacement of the Late Paleozoic pegmatites as well as a matrix for pegmatite-related trace elements and thereby may be used as an ore guide during exploration of these rare metal pegmatites. The resultant kaolin is also the protagonist in the story of exhumation and destruction of a pegmatite by weathering and erosion. Irrespective of the strength of kaolinization, Nb–Ta–Ti heavy minerals can be identified in the regolith atop the host pegmatite or aplite and used for genetic interpretation of the primary mineralization and the origin of the felsic intrusive. Nb–Ta solid solution series (s.s.s.) have to be treated cautiously because of the disposition of Ta-enriched Nb–Ta oxide s.s.s. to undergo corrosion in their tantalite lamellae more easily than in their niobium-enriched zones. Kaolinization may alter the primary Nb/Ta ratio but not to the extent that Ta is released completely. The most strongly kaolinized new aplite is the youngest member of a series of felsic intrusive rocks in the Pleystein pegmatite–aplite system. The supergene kaolinization extending from the Miocene through the Pliocene can easily be correlated by “minero-stratigraphy” with the larger Tirschenreuth kaolin deposit. The four stages established in the area furnish evidence of gradual alkalinization of the meteoric pore fluids throughout the Neogene and the Quaternary. Youngest stages are found at Tirschenreuth, the oldest regolith stage is present at Pleystein.  相似文献   

Cross-community scaling relationships (CCSRs), which result from individual density scaling with average individual body size at guild and community levels, enable investigation of energy constraints at high levels of the ecological hierarchy. Here, we studied cross-community scaling relationships in benthic macroinvertebrate guilds in 15 Mediterranean and Black Sea lagoon ecosystems characterized by strong habitat heterogeneity and high energy density, using data already available in the LifeWatch-Italy data portal. The study sought to describe CCSR patterns in lagoon ecosystems, analyzing their variability across habitat and ecosystem types and evaluating the relative influence on individual body size, macroinvertebrate guild density, or both, of proxies of ecosystem properties, including physiographic characteristics and external disturbance, acting as potential drivers. Significant CCSRs were observed in benthic macroinvertebrate guilds in Mediterranean and Black Sea lagoons. They were characterized by high internal variability and slopes less negative than the metabolic scaling theory expectation (b = ?0.75), ranging between b = ?0.27 and b = ?0.50. Lagoon ecosystem typology, inter-lagoon variation, and ecosystem properties explained part of the variation in internal CCSRs, while habitat variation and intra-ecosystem habitat heterogeneity did not show any influence. CCSR intercepts expressing macroinvertebrate-specific densities showed patterns of variation that were consistent with those of proxies of ecosystem energetics and parsimony, such as eutrophication, chemical and physical disturbances, and openness. These relationships highlight the relevance of CCSRs, which enable inferences on the properties, functioning, and ecological status of ecosystems from simple analyses of community structure.  相似文献   

Sun  Jiaqi  Wang  Xiaojun  Yin  Yixing  Shahid  Shamsuddin 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(2):2081-2099
Natural Hazards - The objective of this study was to reconstruct the long-term drought and flood time series to analyze their changing characteristics in Hengshui City of North China. Disaster...  相似文献   

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