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本文研究了三种来源于印度洋的北半球夏季季节内振荡(BSISO)对长江中下游地区降水的影响.结果表明,在所有BSISO类型中水汽辐合对降水异常的贡献最大.在经典型中,伴随着自副热带西太平洋向西北太平洋传播的正(负)对流异常的气旋(反气旋)使得降水在-2(-1至3)侯减少(增加).在向东扩展型中,由于在印度洋的正(负)对流异常激发的遥响应在西北太平洋引起反气旋(气旋),降水在-2至0(1至3)侯增加(减少),在向北偶极子型中,由于伴随着正(负)对流异常的气旋(反气旋)从中国南海移动到西北太平洋,降水在-2至0(1至3)侯减少(增加).  相似文献   

Climate models suggest that anthropogenic emissions are likely to induce an important drying during summer over most of Europe in the late 21st century. However, the amplitude of the associated decrease in precipitation strongly varies among the different climate models. In order to reduce this spread, it is first necessary to identify its causes and the associated physical mechanisms. Consequently, the focus of this paper is to better estimate the role of large scale circulation (LSC) in precipitation changes over Europe using a multi-model framework and then to characterize the LSC changes using the weather regime paradigm. We show that LSC changes directly lead to a decrease of precipitation over northwestern Europe. This circulation-driven decrease in rainfall is mainly linked to an increase (decrease) of the occurrence of positive (negative) phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation regime. LSC is also responsible for a significant part of the models spread in precipitation changes over these regions. Over southern Europe, the role of LSC changes on multi-model mean precipitation changes is generally weak. We also show that the precipitation anomalies directly induced by LSC modifications seem to be further amplified through local feedbacks.  相似文献   

马圆  余锦华  方珂  董晓云 《气象科学》2020,40(2):264-269
采用1949—2016年7—8月美国国家环境预报中心及大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料与中国气象局(CMA)上海台风所整编的热带气旋最佳路径数据集,研究大气环状模(Circumglobal Teleconnection,CGT)与中国大陆地区登陆热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)频数气候变化的关系。定义200 hPa经向风经验正交展开(EOF)的第一模态为CGT,其时间系数为环状模指数(Circumgolbal Teleconnection Index,CGTI)。CGT在北半球中纬度地区有5个异常中心,CGTI在1949—2016年呈明显的下降趋势,且存在一个2~3 a的周期振荡。CGT与大尺度环流异常存在密切的联系。研究表明:CGTI与中国大陆登陆TC频数气候变率具有显著的正相关,即CGTI表现为正异常时,登陆中国大陆的TC频数增加,反之减少。当CGT表现为正位相时,东亚副热带西风急流增强,急流南侧的反气旋切变增强,使TC登陆过程的活动区域200 hPa的辐散增强,此外,对流层高层Rossby波能量向南传播增强,形成波通量辐合,导致东风异常,产生了东风异常的引导气流和纬向风垂直切变,东风切变使得切变减小,增加了TC登陆中国大陆的可能性。  相似文献   

Potential shifts in summer precipitation due to an enhanced greenhouse effect indicate the possibility of more rain days and heavier rains in the Midwest, and this study assessed the effects of such changes on transportation in Chicago using a 3-year period of data. Traffic accidents in the metropolitan area doubled on rainy days, with 30% more accidents in more densely populated urban areas than in suburban-rural areas. During rain events accident severity (number of injuries) was 55% higher in suburban and rural areas where less dense but higher speed traffic flows exist than in the city, however. Rain days during dry months produced more accidents and injuries than during normal or wet months. Three times as many accidents occurred during heavy rain periods (> 12.8 mm) as during nonrain conditions. Rain had a negligible influence on weekday traffic volume on busy highways but there was a 9% decrease in traffic volume on rainy weekends. A 3–5% decrease in ridership of public transportation occurred on rainy days, with most decreases during midday. Nationally, 27% of all fatality-producing aircraft accidents occurred during rainy weather conditions, as did 57% of the 30-min flight delays at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Results suggest that given continued transportation use patterns extend into the future, a future climate with more summer rain days, somewhat higher rain rates, and more storms would mean more total vehicular accidents, more total injuries in vehicular accidents, decreased ridership on public transportation systems, and more aircraft accidents and delays. A drier climate would likely experience fewer moderate to heavy rain events but results show that rain events during drier conditions produced a greater frequency of accidents and injuries per event than during wetter conditions.  相似文献   

1.对降水的影响鄂霍茨克海高压西南部产生强的偏南气流,其湿度充沛。若高压南下,与副热带高压脊合并,使黑龙江省东部到俄罗斯滨海省一带形成具有大陆和海洋双重性质的高压,高压轴向由东至西向转为南至北向,加强的偏南气流向黑龙江省输送大量暖湿空气,使降水的强度大大加强。气旋锋面等天气系统进入黑龙江省后,受到鄂霍茨克海高压的阻挡,移动速度减慢地面系统加强,往往出现较大降水天气过程。特别当东亚环流形势稳定时,天气尺度系统的路径和强度变化往往保持一定的规律,降水过程重复出现。2.鄂霍茨克海高压的形成和发展个例利用NCEP资料分…  相似文献   

The results of the MM5 regional meteorological model are compared with the station data. The simulations are carried out for the central part of the East European Plain for summer with a horizontal grid resolution of 15 km (24 × 34 grid points) and 24 vertical σ-levels, the upper level corresponding to 100 hPa. The MM5 model reliably reproduces information at a spatial scale of about 100 km, systematically overestimating temperature by about 1.5°C and underestimating daily precipitation totals by about 1 mm. The distribution functions for model and observed temperatures coincide with the Gaussian distribution function. The precipitation distribution functions are rather similar and have a form of the χ2-distribution with one degree of freedom. Station and model temperature extremes generally coincide in time. Extremes of daily precipitation totals are slightly underestimated by MM5.  相似文献   

The physical-synoptic principles of the automated method of summer precipitation forecasting introduced into operational prognostic practice in 2006 by the decree of the Central Methodical Commission of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) are presented. Beside that, improved modifications of this method, which are automatically updated, are shown. Validation of those updates based on observational data collected in 2004 has shown improvement of all major criteria of forecasts efficiency. The performed improvement is based on the more detailed quantitative realization of mechanism of various showers formation (including heavy rainfalls).  相似文献   

东亚和南亚季风协同作用对西南地区夏季降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究东亚夏季风(EASM,East?Asian?summer?monsoon)和南亚夏季风(SASM,South?Asian?summer?monsoon)相互作用及其强弱变化对西南地区夏季降水的影响,利用1979—2019年西南地区161站逐日降水观测资料和ERA-5提供的1979—2019年全球再分析资料,通过对...  相似文献   

珠江三角洲城市群对夏季降雨影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
任慧军  徐海明 《气象科学》2011,31(4):391-397
利用TRMM 2A25卫星降水数据和CMORPH同化数据对珠三角洲地区的降水分布特征进行了探讨,观测表明:珠三角城市群区域总体处于降水的低值中心,且对流降雨的低值中心尤为明显;同时近10 a珠三角核心城市区域降雨有减少的趋势,这种降水减少的趋势可能与珠三角城市化效应有关。本文进一步利用WRF模式模拟分析了珠三角城市群发展对夏季降雨的影响,结果表明珠三角城市化使得该区域降雨减少,其原因为城市化使得地表的蒸发减弱及其大气中的水分供应减少,同时也抬升了珠三角区域边界层高度相应增强了低层大气水汽垂直混合。  相似文献   

基于SRTM 90 m、USGS 30 s地形高程数据及青海气象台站实际海拔高度数据,分析了采用不同高度数据对青海地区2014年夏季气温和降水模拟准确度的影响.采用国家基本观测站的气象观测资料对模拟结果进行检验,结果表明:相对于台站实际海拔高度,模式地形总体偏高,青海南部和祁连山区海拔较高地区及青海东部地形梯度较大地区...  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art WRF model is used to investigate the impact of the antecedent soil moisture on subsequent summer precipitation during the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) period. The control experiment with realistic soil moisture condition can well reproduce the seasonal pattern from low- to high- atmosphere, as well as the spatial distribution of precipitation belt in East China. Compared with the control experiment, the sensitivity experiment in which the initial soil moisture is reduced generates more precipitation along the East China Sea, and less rainfall over both Central and South China. This suggests that the effect of initial soil moisture on monsoonal precipitation in East China is regionally dependent. The influence on precipitation is mostly attributed to the change in precipitation from mid July to late August. The initial soil moisture condition plays a role in changing the seasonal pattern and atmospheric circulation due to the weak heating and geopotential gradient, leading to a reduction in southeasterly flow and moisture flux from South China Sea. The changes between DRY and CTL runs result in reduced southerly wind over the ocean (south of ˜25 °N) and enhanced northerly wind over the land (north of ∼25 °N). The temperature and associated circulation changes due to drier initial soil moisture anomaly result in reduced southerly winds over East China, and therefore a weakened EASM system. The averaged moisture flux decreases significantly over Central China but increases along the East China Sea. In addition, the drier soil moisture perturbation exerts an effect on suppressing (enhancing) vertical velocity over Central China (along the East China Sea), thus leading to more (less) cloud water and rain water. Therefore, the influence of soil moisture exerts an opposite impact on surface precipitation between these two regions, with more and less accumulation rainfall in Central China and along the East China Sea, respectively.  相似文献   

利用湖南97个国家站的逐月降水资料、国家气候中心130项气候指数集以及国家气候中心和美国国家环境预报中心两套季节预测模式的降水预测资料,采用递归特征消除法确定预测因子并使用多层前馈神经网络、支持向量回归和自然梯度提升三种算法建立了两种湖南夏季降水统计预测方案的模型,检验了预测效果.结果表明:基于机器学习的预测模型对湖南...  相似文献   

基于BCC-CSM季节气候预测模式系统历史回报数据和国家气象信息中心提供的中国地面降水月值数据,通过多方法对比并讨论了影响预测结果的因素,利用长短期记忆(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM)网络预测2014年和2015年中国夏季降水。结果表明:LSTM网络的预测效果较逐步回归、BP神经网络及模式输出结果有一定优势。参数调优对于LSTM网络预测效果影响较大,重要参数有隐含层节点数、训练次数和学习率。选择合适的起报月份数据有助于提升季节预测的准确性,利用4月起报的数据预测夏季降水效果较好。海冰分量因子对降水季节预测有正贡献。在2014年、2015年夏季降水回报试验中,LSTM网络对降水整体形势有一定的预测能力,Ps评分分别为74分、71分,距平符号一致率分别为55.63%、55.25%,Ps评分的均值高于同期全国会商及业务模式。  相似文献   

Liu  Fei  Ouyang  Yu  Wang  Bin  Yang  Jing  Ling  Jian  Hsu  Pang-Chi 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(11):4641-4655
Climate Dynamics - Seasonal cycle of China summer precipitation has significant impacts on its subseasonal predictability; yet current understanding of seasonal evolution of the intraseasonal...  相似文献   

格点降水资料在中国东部夏季降水变率研究中的适用性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
姜贵祥  孙旭光 《气象科学》2016,36(4):448-456
本文使用1951~2010年PREC、CRU、APHRO和GPCC 4种格点降水资料,通过比较其与中国756站点观测降水资料在中国东部(105°E以东)夏季降水变率中的差异,检验和评估了它们的可靠性和适用性。结果表明:中国东部夏季降水变率的前3个主要模态分别是以江淮流域、长江流域和华北与东北南部为核心的经向多中心分布,有明显的年际和年代际变率特征,且干旱特征较洪涝更明显;长江流域夏季降水异常的主周期为3~7 a和20~50 a,而江淮流域和华北地区夏季降水异常的主周期则为准2 a和准10 a。另外,长江与江淮流域和华南地区分别在1970s末和1990s初发生了显著的年代际转变;4种格点降水资料都能很好地再现中国东部夏季降水的时空变率特征,但由于GPCC格点降水资料是基于更多的基站观测和更精细复杂的质量控制方案得到的,因此它具有更高的可靠性。  相似文献   

Prediction skill for southern African (16°–33°E, 22°–35°S) summer precipitation in the Scale Interaction Experiment-Frontier coupled model is assessed for the period of 1982–2008. Using three different observation datasets, deterministic forecasts are evaluated by anomaly correlation coefficients, whereas scores of relative operating characteristic and relative operating level are used to evaluate probabilistic forecasts. We have found that these scores for December–February precipitation forecasts initialized on October 1st are significant at 95 % confidence level. On a local scale, the level of prediction skill in the northwestern and central parts of southern Africa is higher than that in northeastern South Africa. El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) provides the major source of predictability, but the relationship with ENSO is too strong in the model. The Benguela Niño, the basin mode in the tropical Indian Ocean, the subtropical dipole modes in the South Atlantic and the southern Indian Oceans and ENSO Modoki may provide additional sources of predictability. Within the wet season from October to the following April, the precipitation anomalies in December-February are the most predictable. This study presents promising results for seasonal prediction of precipitation anomaly in the extratropics, where seasonal prediction has been considered a difficult task.  相似文献   


利用1961-2015年江西省83个国家级气象观测站逐时降水资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)和Morlet小波变换等方法,分析江西省短历时强降水时空分布特征,探讨当地短历时强降水与暴雨的关系。结果表明:(1)江西省短历时强降水极值与发生频次分布不匀,呈东多西少分布;全省短历时强降水发生频次变化一致,其中浙赣铁路沿线地区是其频次异常敏感区。(2)近55 a江西短历时强降水频次增加趋势明显,与江西区域性增暖呈正响应关系,该时段短历时强降水频次存在21 a和14 a左右年代际周期变化。(3)江西短历时强降水主要出现在4-9月,6月最多;其日变化4-7月呈双峰型,8-9月呈单峰型,强降水频次在16-17时最多。(4)江西短历时强降水与暴雨空间分布的高频中心相同,其相似系数达0.98;54.6%的短时强降水当日出现暴雨,尤其是凌晨至上午发生的短时强降水当日,暴雨概率高达69.2%~76.9%。


夏季风及其降水的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
袁重光 《大气科学》1990,14(1):46-52
本文介绍利用IAP2—L GCM模式模拟东亚地区西南季风的活动及长江流域的“梅雨”,结果表明:对于西南季风的进退;季风向北推进时的三次集中的降水活动;梅雨的降水;入出梅时间;梅雨期的高、低空环流结构;典型的降水分布等。都得到了较为成功的模拟。同时发现,在降水集中地带低频振荡现象甚为清楚。  相似文献   

超强厄尔尼诺事件对中国东部春夏季极端降水频率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用中国国家气象信息中心提供的中国地面逐日降水0.5°×0.5°格点数据集,研究了超强厄尔尼诺事件衰减年春、夏季中国东部极端降水发生概率的变化,并通过诊断超强厄尔尼诺自身及其衍生模态各自的水汽输送和垂直运动特征,探讨了超强厄尔尼诺事件对中国东部极端降水的影响机制。结果表明,超强厄尔尼诺事件衰减年春季,整个中国东部尤其是江淮以北地区,极端降水事件发生概率显著增大。同年夏季,长江流域极端降水发生概率比常规年份高出近1倍,而在华南和华北地区则相对减小。诊断分析显示,春季超强厄尔尼诺自身及其与热带太平洋地区年循环相互作用衍生出的组合模态(C-mode)均对降水的环流背景影响显著,热带太平洋西北部低空存在强盛的反气旋性异常环流,导致大量水汽在中国东部汇聚并上升,有利于该地区极端降水事件的发生。夏季,厄尔尼诺事件已经消亡,但与C-mode影响相关联的西北太平洋异常反气旋环流仍然存在,长江流域维持极端降水事件发生的有利条件。此外,研究也显示,超强厄尔尼诺事件衰减年春、夏季中国东部对流层中上层持续有异常经向风活动,频繁的南北冷暖气流交汇可能导致强对流事件发生次数增多,这也为该区域极端降水的频发提供了支持。   相似文献   

辽宁降水分区变化特征及夏季降水影响因子分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据1961—2000年辽宁地区降水资料,将辽宁地区降水划分为4个区,分析各分区降水的年际、年代际、季节变化以及周期特征。结果表明:辽宁南部和东南部地区降水明显减少;自20世纪90年代开始,东南部和南部地区降水显著减少,而中部地区降水增加;东南部地区的夏冬季和南部地区的冬季降水减少,西部地区春季降水增多。周期特征为春季和冬季周期为2 a或4 a,夏季和秋季为10 a。各分区夏季降水的影响因子不同,辽南地区多雨年东亚槽明显加深,东南区多雨年东亚槽略有加深并且偏东;南部和东南部夏季降水与副热带高压系统相关显著;各区夏季降水与太阳黑子负相关较好,其中8月相关显著,南部和中部相关性均好于东南部和西部地区。  相似文献   

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