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An extremely rapid, versatile prototyping methodology is developed for waveguide filters with periodic dielectric loading which enables direct dimensional synthesis of the unit cell starting from given design objectives. A prototype filter has been designed using a low dielectric constant material and built for the purposes of testing the feasibility of the proposed approach. Our numerical results are compared with an independent commercial software package and also with experimental measurements. Simulation results are also presented for a filter loaded high dielectric constant material. In both cases the results are in excellent agreement with the theory and demonstrate the validity and the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

为了实现介质集成波导滤波器的进一步小型化,通常要改进其谐振腔;通过在传统的介质集成波导谐振腔中心位置插入一个短路销钉,并且将其上金属平面与腔体四周的金属壁绝缘可以实现其体积的小型化.采用这种小型化谐振腔,设计了四腔微带滤波器,工作在2.8 GHz,相对带宽14.3%.最终加工了这个原型滤波器,仿真和测试结果吻合良好.相比采用传统的介质集成波导谐振腔的滤波器,这个滤波器尺寸可以减小到其1/4以下.  相似文献   

Design techniques for a new class of integrated monolithic high-permittivity ceramic waveguide filters are presented. These filters enable a size reduction of 50% compared to air-filled transverse electromagnetic filters with the same unloaded Q-factor. Designs for Chebyshev and asymmetric generalised Chebyshev filter and a diplexer are presented with experimental results for an 1800 MHz Chebyshev filter and a 1700 MHz generalised Chebyshev filter showing excellent agreement with theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel bandpass filter is presented, designed, and implemented by using a triple mode semi-hexagonal Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (HMSIW) cavity, which has the advantages of compact size, low insertion loss, and high selectivity in upper and lower passband. To realize a triple mode filter, the first resonant mode is shifted to near the next two modes using a via hole perturbation. Two microstrip open stubs connected to open edge of HMSIW resonator are introduced to generate two transmission zeros in the lower passband. The position of transmission zeros could be controlled by adjusting the coupling gap between the microstrip open stub resonators. By etching an E-shape slot on the top plate of HMSIW resonator, two other transmission zeros are produced in the upper passband. A wide-band planar six-pole bandpass filter, which has the advantages of wide bandwidth and small size, is also proposed and fabricated by cascading two triple mode resonators. Measured results indicate that 29% and 47% fractional bandwidth, as well as approximately 1 dB and 1.1 dB insertion loss, are achieved for the proposed filters. Measured results of all those filters agree well with the simulated results.  相似文献   

根据频率变换法的双通带滤波器综合理论,采用矩形基片集成波导谐振腔作为基本谐振单元,通过谐振器之间直接耦合设计了一种双层结构的双通带基片集成波导滤波器,利用Ansoft HFSS建立滤波器模型并进行全波仿真。仿真结果表明,两个通带内回波损耗均大于20 dB,插入损耗小于0.5 dB,通带之间的阻带衰减特性良好,同时其尺寸压缩了约50%,较好地实现了滤波器的小型化,满足了工程需要的技术指标。  相似文献   

利用基片集成波导与传统矩形波导的等效关系,类比矩形波导滤波器理论设计方法,结合三维电磁仿真软件模拟和优化技术,快速设计了K波段基片集成波导带通滤波器。实物测试结果显示滤波器的中心频率为19.75GHz,相对带宽6%,通带内插入损耗为1 dB,带内反射系数小于–14 dB,体积小于6 cm×2 cm×1 cm。相比传统波导形式滤波器,本设计为平面结构,体积小、易于系统集成。  相似文献   

A dual band substrate integrated waveguide H plane sectoral horn antenna with reconfigurable radiation characteristics has been proposed in this paper. Designed antenna acts as a perfect broadside radiator at 16.1 GHz and perfect endfire radiator at 14.4 GHz frequency. Broadside radiation has been achieved by etching rectangular slots in the flared section of horn exhibiting a gain of 8.87 dBi. To achieve perfect endfire radiation, dielectric loading is done at the edge of horn and at this frequency antenna shows a gain of 11.3 dBi. The horn and the loaded dielectric are integrated by using the same single substrate resulting in easy fabrication and low cost. The proposed design has been fabricated and measured results are in good agreement with the simulated results.  相似文献   

为便于系统集成和简化馈电电路,利用基片集成波导技术设计新型八木天线.通过引向器异面分置来提高增益,提出了X波段基片集成波导八木天线,并分析了引向器个数对天线增益和工作带宽的影响.利用增加激励器个数和改变馈电结构来扩展带宽,设计了单模和半模基片集成波导双激励超宽带八木天线,仿真和测试结果表明,基片集成波导双激励八木天线的工作带宽超过40%,带内增益均高于7.0 dBi,中心频率处为9.0dBi,可以广泛应用于雷达和通信系统中.  相似文献   

介绍了基片集成波导(SIW)这一新技术,并对其中的主模(TE10)进行了简要分析。为了实现毫米波电路系统小型化,对传统链式SIW滤波器进行改进,提出了一种新型的带倒角的紧缩结构SIW滤波器。利用这2种结构,设计了中心频率为31.15 GHz,3 dB带宽2.4 GHz,相对带宽7.7%,插损小于1.9 dB的带通滤波器。仿真结果表明:带倒角的紧缩结构SIW滤波器不仅布局更紧凑,最大长度缩短了近一半,而且具有更好的滤波性能。  相似文献   

衣晓洋  王朗 《电子设计工程》2011,19(20):145-147
基片集成波导(SIW)是近年发展起来的一种新型微波传输结构。应用基片集成波导技术,通过实现耦合腔间的正负耦合,设计了应用于毫米波的交叉耦合滤波器。经三维电磁仿真,通带回波损耗大于22 dB,最小插入损耗小于1.5 dB。仿真结果表明该滤波器具有极高的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

为克服传统漏波天线存在的开阻带缺点,提出了斜45°“目”字形缝隙结构,分析了该结构的色散特性和辐射特性,进而设计了具有波束从后向到前向连续扫描功能的漏波天线。同时,提出了四极化形成方案,利用 3 dB 耦合器作为圆极化馈电网络,再引入90°移相器后形成线极化馈电网络。将两条“目”字形缝隙线阵与馈电网络相结合来实现四极化漏波天线。测试结果表明,该四极化天线具有较好的端口隔离度,线极化的波束扫描范围是-25°~21°,圆极化的波束扫描范围是-21°~31°。  相似文献   

通过粒子群优化算法对一种具有蝶形单元的电磁带隙结构进行了优化设计,使其具有良好的频率特性。在优化过程中,为克服粒子群算法存在的早熟收敛和搜索精度低等问题,模拟生物克隆选择中5%的B细胞自然消亡过程,在优化算法进化过程中基于混沌理论和变异原理设计了粒子更新算法,并按照模拟退火方法进行更新后粒子的选择。通过仿真计算可以看出:给出的粒子群算法适合于蝶形单元电磁带隙结构的优化设计。优化后的电磁带隙结构在阻带性能和-10 dB带宽基本不变的情况下,通带波纹明显减小且基本对称,频率特性较好。  相似文献   

1/4模基片集成波导可等效为由两个磁壁和一个电壁组成的等腰直角三角形波导.采用基于等腰直角三角形波导的空腔模式法分析了1/4模基片集成波导,得到了横电波模和横磁波模的表达式.基于1/4模基片集成波导设计了一种单微带馈电的平面小型圆极化天线.仿真结果表明:该天线可以实现右旋圆极化,且具有6.18 dBic的高增益和3.44%的3 dB轴比带宽.  相似文献   

Si基集成光学陀螺中弯曲波导特性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
给出了Si基集成光学陀螺的光路结构,理论计算了余弦型弯曲波导的弯曲半径和弯曲损耗。仿真分析了弯曲波导的宽度、长度与弯曲损耗的关系,进而设计了集成光学陀螺用"K"形耦合器,并通过R-soft软件进行了仿真分析。搭建了弯曲波导的实验测试装置,分别测试了弯曲波导的传输损耗与光模场,结果表明,波导单位损耗为0.014dB/cm,验证了理论计算结果的正确性。采用光束扫描法测试了弯曲波导的模场,实验结果与理想高斯拟合曲线吻合。  相似文献   

针对需要安装在金属平台上的天线应用,提出了一种具有定向辐射特性的新型多频段背腔式半模基片集成波导缝隙天线。利用半模基片集成波导谐振腔的多模式特性实现了该天线多频段工作,通过在谐振腔的金属顶面蚀刻弯折形状的缝隙实现对外辐射,并可以通过调整弯折缝隙尺寸参数来减小天线尺寸。仿真和测试结果表明,该天线能同时工作在5.7/10.7/11.9/12.5/13.1GHz,且在这5个频段的最低增益大于6.7 dBi。天线具有便于和平面电路集成、体积小、结构简单、成本低等优点,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

A filtering power divider based on air-filled substrate-integrated waveguide (AFSIW) technology is proposed in this study. The AFSIW structure is used in the proposed filtering power divider for substantially reducing the transmission losses. This structure occupies a large area because of the use of air as a dielectric instead of typical dielectric materials. A filtering power divider provides power division and frequency selectivity simultaneously in a single device. The proposed filtering power divider comprises three AFSIW cavities. The filtering function is achieved using symmetrical inductive posts. The input and output ports of the proposed circuit are realized by directly connecting coaxial lines to the AFSIW cavities. This transition from the coaxial line to the AFSIW cavity eliminates the additional transitions, such as AFSIW-SIW and SIW-conductor-backed coplanar waveguide, applied in existing AFSIW circuits. The proposed power divider with a second-order bandpass filtering response is fabricated and measured at 5.5 GHz. The measurement results show that this circuit has a minimum insertion loss of 1 dB, 3-dB fractional bandwidth of 11.2%, and return loss exceeding 11 dB.  相似文献   

在半模基片集成波导上嵌入互补开环谐振器结构,设计了一种结构紧凑的新型带通滤波器.该结构允许低于截止频率以下传输正向波,利用具有高通特性的半模基片集成波导和互补开环谐振器组成具有带通特性的滤波器,通过改变互补开环谐振器结构参数,非常容易调节带通滤波器通带频率,利用该特性可以更容易实现任意通带微波滤波器.该滤波器具有体积小巧、损耗低、易制作、方便与其他电路集成等优势.  相似文献   

Zhu Tiancheng  Yao Suying  Li Binqiao 《半导体学报》2009,30(7):075005-075005-5
temperature coefficient is close to 0.69 ppm/℃ over the whole temperature range.  相似文献   

王朗 《电子设计工程》2011,19(22):123-125
采用反射群时延理论结合三维电磁仿真软件进行毫米波滤波器和双工器研究,设计了应用于毫米波效应实验所需要的双工器。经三维电磁仿真,各端口回波损耗大于20 dB,输入端口隔离度大于60 dB。仿真结果表明该设计方法不仅能快速获得设计结果,且结果相当准确。该双工器将用于毫米波段注入效应实验中。  相似文献   

胡云 《电讯技术》2012,52(9):1532-1536
开展了可靠性与结构一体化设计方法的研究.通过对机载电子设备数字样机进行应力分析发现设计薄弱环节,并根据薄弱环节对设备进行了设计优化,从而满足设备的环境适应性要求.在此基础上,进行设备的潜在故障分析与可靠性优化,提升设备的可靠性指标.某机载电子设备的应用实践与试验验证表明了这种一体化设计方法在电子设备设计中的适用性.  相似文献   

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