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The effect of sodium pyrophosphate (SPH) on the separation of chalcopyrite from galena was examined through flotation, adsorption, electrokinetic studies and infrared spectral analysis. Differential flotation tests indicate that satisfactory separation can be achieved within the pH range from 2.5 to 6 using SPH to depress the galena, but not the chalcopyrite when O-isopropyl-N-ethyl thionocarbamate (IPETC) is used as the collector. The electrophoretic mobilities of both the minerals dramatically become negatively charged following SPH adsorption in the pH range from 2.5 to 12. The infrared spectral analysis suggests that chemical adsorption occurs on galena surface treated by SPH, indicating that a chelate complex has formed. At weakly acidic pH values, the adsorption density of IPETC onto galena is significantly reduced in the presence of SPH. However, the amount of IPETC adsorbed onto chalcopyrite almost remains at the same level. Since the observed adsorption density of IEPTC onto chalcopyrite is quite high compared to galena, the observed flotation results are explained. A possible mechanism for the interaction between the two sulphide minerals and SPH is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a macroscopic mean-field model associating with the thalamus and cerebral cortex, we investigate how the newly proposed coordinated reset stimulation (CRS) strategy controls the absence seizures as some key parameters are changed. Different from the previous stimulation processes, CRS represents the intermittent pulse current administered to different structures including cortex, specific relay nuclei (SRN) and thalamus reticular nucleus (TRN) at different time by using three different micro-electrodes. In particular, we first simulate a typical absence epilepsy activity under the combined effect of the coupling strength between inhibitory interneurons (IIN)-excitatory pyramidal neurons (EPN) and EPN-TRN pathway. And then we explore the control mechanism of different parameters of 3:2 ON-OFF CRS on spike and slow-wave discharges (SWDs) region. Through analyzing the corresponding two-dimensional bifurcation diagrams, we find CRS is effective on controlling absence seizures in proper ranges of stimulation parameters. Especially, the combination of frequency and positive input duration can inhibit the pathological area more effectively. The obtained results might be helpful to study the pathophysiology mechanism of epilepsy, although the CRS’s feasibility still needs further exploration in clinical experiments.  相似文献   

方铅矿磨矿体系表面电化学性质及其对浮选的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电化学测试技术研究方铅矿磨矿体系中磨矿介质类型(瓷介质和铁介质)、机械力以及捕收剂对方铅矿表面电化学性质的影响。研究结果表明:瓷介质中,方铅矿表面会发生适当的氧化反应,有利于方铅矿浮选:增大方铅矿与瓷介质间的机械力,体系的还原性增强,同时削弱矿物表面的氧化反应,给浮选造成一定影响。铁介质中,一方面,由于铁与方铅矿的腐蚀电偶作用增强了体系的还原性,降低了药剂在方铅矿表面的吸附性能,另一方面,由于腐蚀电偶作I用产生的铁离子增强了方铅矿表面的亲水性,两方面的影响都不利于方铅矿的浮选;增大方铅矿与铁介质间的机械力,二者之间的腐蚀电偶作用和体系的还原性增强,同样不利于方铅矿浮选。当pH=9时,在瓷介质和铁介质磨矿体系中是否添加捕收剂,对方铅矿表面电化学性质和浮选影响不大。  相似文献   

换热影响下的接触热阻估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用已有的实验数据,估计了接触热阻的大小.在分析中除了考虑到原始数据的测量误差外,提出了平均换热系数以表征热量在传递过程中的散失或吸收,构筑了一个新的二次函数.计算结果对于解释实验数据十分有效.  相似文献   

The electrochemical process of galena in a pH 12.8 buffer solution was investigated using chronoamperometry and chronopotentiometry. To establish kinetic parameters on the surface of galena in the diethyldithiocarbamate solution, the exchange current density and the dependence of current density on reaction time were determined. Experimental results demonstrate that the exchange current density of galena is 1.585×10?2 A/m2 in the diethyldithiocarbamate-free solution. In the diethyldithiocarbamate solution, ...  相似文献   

This paper investigated the effects of potassium ferrate(PF) on the flotation performances of chalcopyrite and galena. The flotation results showed that PF obviously depressed galena, but had little effects on the floatability of chalcopyrite within p H range of 4.0–12.0. Zeta potential tests showed that the addition of PF induced the formation of more amounts of hydrophilic species on the surface of galena under an alkaline environment. Industrial grade O-isopropyl-N-ethyl thionocarbamate(IPETC...  相似文献   

In present study, a novel organic depressant N-thiourea-maleamic acid (TMA) was synthesized and applied as a galena depressant in the flotation separation of Mo-Pb ores. The depression behaviors of TMA were tested through flotation experiments. A wider separation window for single minerals over 90.0% was obtained at 30.0 mg/L TMA, confirming that TMA could depress galena significantly, while effected molybdenite floatability slightly. An effective separation was obtained for artificially mixed minerals and actual Mo-Pb ores. The adsorption mechanism on galena was revealed by UV–Vis spectra, zeta potential tests, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis, contact angle tests and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The zeta potentials of galena became more negative and the contact angle of galena dropped from initial 74.36° to 57.8° with 30.0 mg/L TMA depressant, inferring that TMA had adsorbed on galena surface. The analysis results of UV–Vis spectra, FT-IR and XPS gave further evidence that TMA might chemisorb on galena surface via Pb sites on galena surface and the thiourea group in TMA molecular structure, while the carboxyl group played a role of hydrophilicity.  相似文献   

In order to determine the dynamic stress intensity factors(DSIFs)for a single edge crack at the center hole of a finite plate under a compressive step loading parallel to the crack,the finite element method was employed to solve the cracked plate problem.The square-root stress singularity around the crack tip was simulated by quarter point singular elements collapsed by 8-node two-dimensional isoparametric elements.The DSIFs with and without considering crack face contact situations were evaluated by using the displacement correlation technique,and the influence of contact interaction between crack surfaces on DSIFs was investigated.The numerical results show that if the contact interaction between crack surfaces is ignored,the negative mode I DSIFs may be obtained and a physically impossible interpenetration or overlap of the crack surfaces will occur.Thus the crack face contact has a significant influence on the mode I DSIFs.  相似文献   

针对盾构掘进行为对盾壳和土体间接触应力的影响,将盾构和土体相互作用模型简化为含孔洞的弹性半空间平面应变模型,将盾构掘进作用简化为洞周径向、竖直和水平位移模式,基于复变函数理论,提出盾构掘进行为诱发的盾壳-土体附加接触应力计算方法,通过三维数值模拟进行分析与验证. 采用该方法,对相关参数进行敏感性分析. 研究表明,随着机土相对位移的增大,附加接触应力出现多个逐渐增大的应力峰值,相同量值的不同位移模式对应的附加应力峰值基本一致;在相同的掘进行为下,泊松比越小、土体弹性模量越大,极值点处的附加接触应力越大,盾壳-土体附加接触应力受埋深的影响较小. 定义盾周附加应力系数的分布函数,建立盾构机力和力矩增量平衡方程. 通过计算发现,盾构机的水平和竖向调姿荷载、偏转力矩与姿态角改变量呈正比例关系,纵向调姿荷载受姿态角改变的影响较小.  相似文献   

The effect of dolomite with different particle size fractions on hematite flotation was studied using sodium oleate as collector at p H of about 9. The effect mechanism of dolomite on hematite flotation was investigated by means of solution chemistry, ultraviolet spectrophotometry(UV), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). It is observed that dolomite with different size fractions has depressing effect on hematite flotation using sodium oleate as collector, and dolomite could be the "mineral depressant" of hematite using sodium oleate as collector. The reasons for that are concerned with sodium oleate consumption and the adsorption onto hematite of dissolved species of dolomite.  相似文献   


为了全面解析风电齿轮的疲劳损伤演化机理, 以某1.5 MW风力发电机高速级齿轮为研究对象, 基于Voronoi图与多晶体组织的几何相似性, 建立介观尺度下的齿面模型, 采用内聚力单元模拟晶界对基体的割裂作用, 引入双线性分离曲线作为评判损伤的依据. 采用周期跳跃的加载方式模拟齿面接触载荷的循环累积效应, 仿真预测接触疲劳裂纹的萌生位置及其疲劳寿命, 并探讨风速变化和齿面间摩擦因数对疲劳裂纹演化的影响. 结果表明, 齿轮在疲劳损伤初期的演化速率较慢, 随着损伤量的不断累积, 其损伤速率逐渐加快. 针对研究对象, 在距齿面深度0.13、0.27 mm处最先出现裂纹, 并伴随接触应力的循环加载逐渐扩展, 最终于齿面形成典型的剥落破坏. 此外, 通过对比分析还可以发现, 高风速和齿间润滑不良均显著降低齿轮的寿命.


A suitable and efficient flotation collector at normal atmospheric temperature for Donganshan iron ore was developed.A new chelate collector W-2 was synthesized.At 30 °C,condition flotation tests on mixed magnetic concentrate of Donganshan sintering plant established the best reagent system.With the optimum reagent system,one direct flotation and one reverse flotation including one roughing,one cleaning and two scavenging stages have been conducted.After closed-circuit flotation,excellent indices were obtained with grade of siderite concentrate of 36.49%,recovery rate of 10.65%,and loss on ignition of 11.17%,and the grade of hematite concentrate reached 66.27%,with recovery rate of 78.25%,tailing grade of 16.22%,and recovery rate of 11.10%.To analyze the mechanism of action from W-2 to quartz and siderite,zeta potential and FTIR spectra were detected.Results showed that after reaction with W-2,the zeta potential of quartz and siderite evidently changed,which resulted from hydrogen bond between quartz and W-2,and a certain chemical action between siderite and W-2.In addition,the electronegativity equalization principle was used to calculate electronegativity of active adsorption sites and analysis on reagent molecular structure showed that W-2 molecule had five active adsorption sites.Results showed that the electronegativity of atoms N and O in W-2 presented a substantial increase,and the synergy of atomic sites allowed considerable enhancement of collecting ability.  相似文献   

The interaction mechanism of collector DLZ in the flotation process of chalcopyrite and pyrite was investigated through flotation experiments, zeta potential measurements and infrared spectrum analysis. Flotation test results indicate that DLZ is the selective collector of chalcopyrite. Especially, the recovery of chalcopyrite is higher than 90% in neutral and weak alkaline systems, while the recovery of pyrite is less than 10%. When using CaO as pH regulator, at pH=7-11, the floatability of pyrite is depressed and the recovery is less than 5%. Zeta potential analysis shows that the zeta potential of chalcopyrite decreases more obviously than that of pyrite after interaction with DLZ, confirming that collector DLZ shows selectivity to chalcopyrite and pyrite. And FT1R results reveal that the flotation selectivity of collector DLZ is due to chemical absorption onto chalcopyrite surface and only physical absorption onto pyrite surface.  相似文献   

为提升垃圾清扫性能,利用龙卷风原理设计吸尘装置并对其结构参数和扩展域进行研究,采用ANSYS FLUENT 16.0、有限体积法与RNG k-ε模型对吸尘装置的流场进行计算,分析探讨各结构参数和扩展域参数对龙卷风的形成及吸尘效果的影响规律,提出了新型的吸尘装置的原理以及设计方案. 研究结果表明:排尘口高度与吸嘴直径的比值是1.6时,此时装置产生的龙卷风上部完全发展且结构稳定;吸嘴进风口距地面高度与圆筒直径的比值是0.2时,此时装置产生的龙卷风具有明显的单涡结构,吸嘴覆盖区域的近地面风速最大,吸尘效果最好;导流孔倾斜角度为45°或-45°时装置产生的龙卷风最稳定且强度最大;涡流比在一定范围内增加时装置内的风场结构的强度变大,有利于吸尘效率的提高;扩展域的高度和直径均存在阈值,当扩展域参数大于相应阈值时,其影响可以忽略不计. 吸尘装置通过设置合适的结构参数,能够形成高稳定性与强吸尘效果的类龙卷风流场,可实现高效清扫效果.  相似文献   

建立了粗糙表面点接触混合润滑的数学模型。针对外加载荷为800N和80N,润滑油卷吸速度由静止增加到5000mm/s的工况,引入油膜厚度比、接触区域比、接触载荷比和最大压力比等混合润滑参数,分析了3种不同表面粗糙度幅值对混合润滑性能的影响。分析结果表明:接触表面的粗糙度幅值对混合润滑区域内平均油膜厚度、最大压力等均有显著影响。  相似文献   

通过滴体积法测定了不同温度、pH和盐浓度等条件下油酸钠水溶液的表面张力,测定了油酸钠-吐温80复配体系水溶液的表面张力,初步研究了油酸钠的表面活性以及吐温80对油酸钠的增效作用,为选矿作业提供了理论支持.  相似文献   

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