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为明确用于防治稻飞虱的“秕谷草-伪褐飞虱-中华淡翅盲蝽”载体植物系统的可行性,本文开展了靶标作物水稻、载体植物秕谷草和靶标害虫褐飞虱、替代猎物伪褐飞虱组合对中华淡翅盲蝽成虫形态、种群增长参数、产卵选择性和取食选择性的影响研究.结果表明: 中华淡翅盲蝽水稻种群(取食褐飞虱卵)的雌雄成虫个体均显著大于秕谷草种群(取食伪褐飞虱卵).取食褐飞虱卵的中华淡翅盲蝽种群增长参数单雌产卵量、净增长率、内禀增长率、周限增长率明显高于取食伪褐飞虱卵的种群,但取食伪褐飞虱卵也有较高的种群增长能力,足以扩繁种群.对于靶标作物水稻和载体植物秕谷草,无论是水稻种群还是秕谷草种群均偏好在水稻上产卵.同时,2个种群的雌虫、雄虫和若虫对褐飞虱卵和伪褐飞虱卵捕食量没有显著性差异.在上述研究基础上,讨论了在田间建立“秕谷草-伪褐飞虱-中华淡翅盲蝽”载体植物系统的可行性.  相似文献   

肖铁光  陈永年 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):431-434
九香虫AspongopuschinensisDallas是一种药用资源昆虫,章士美等(1981、1985)对此虫作过初步研究[1,2]。我们于1991~1993年对其生物学进行了研究,意欲为其繁殖利用提供理论依据。1材料和方法1.1材料从湖南湘东、湖南、湘西各地十几个县市的越冬场所20处采回成虫,群体放入多个养虫笼(1m×1m×1m)内,笼中栽置南瓜,供其取食,成虫产卵后孵化的若虫,以不同龄期提供各项试验用。1.2方法①历期观察:将一批同时产下的卵和同时孵化的1龄若虫群体饲养,分别移到栽有南瓜和丝瓜的钵内后,放入恒温室中的自控恒温养虫箱内[(20±1)℃,…  相似文献   

[目的]记述了云南元江虎斑蝶Danaus genutia(Cramer)种群的全虫期形态特征、幼期发育历期、在云南昆明温室中的代生活史和生殖力、寄主范围、成虫及幼虫的行为习性,为该高观赏价值蝶种的规模化养殖提供依据。[方法]通过在气候箱内单虫饲养观察个体发育史,建立温室实验种群收集种群生活史资料,结合实验种群和野生个体观察了解幼虫和成虫习性;根据成虫对多种植物的同时选择产卵、成虫对单种植物的顺序选择产卵及幼虫取食和发育情况判定幼虫寄主植物。[结果]在25℃恒温条件下,虎斑蝶从卵到成虫羽化历时22~27 d;在温室自然变温条件下(16.5~36.4℃),雌成虫从卵发育至产卵需35~40 d;成虫雌雄性比为1:1.26,单雌平均产卵量为64.84粒;虎斑蝶元江种群的唯一确认寄主为鹅绒藤属的两种植物,青羊参Cynanchum otophyllum和峨眉牛皮消C.giraldii。[结论]虎斑蝶元江种群中存在明显的体表色斑多态性,这种警戒色多态性可能是地理种群间基因交流的结果,也可能是种群内的稳定多态性,有待进一步研究;除了萝藦科鹅绒藤属的2种植物,其他多种被文献报道为虎斑蝶寄主的植物被证明非元江虎斑蝶种群的寄主植物。  相似文献   

【背景】取食经历对植食性昆虫的寄主选择行为具有较大影响,影响天敌昆虫寄主专一性测定的设计和结果解释。【方法】采用选择性试验,观察了入侵豚草的重要天敌——广聚萤叶甲成虫羽化后取食不同植物对其后续产卵寄主选择的影响。【结果】与取食豚草的试虫相比,有取食三裂叶豚草、苍耳或菊芋经历的成虫选择苍耳产卵的频次增加,不再对豚草表现出明显的选择偏好性。对产卵识别期的Cox模型分析结果表明,成虫早期取食不同植物,对后续产卵选择有显著影响,成虫羽化后如果先取食豚草或三裂叶豚草,则选择苍耳产卵的倾向显著低于豚草;但如果先取食苍耳、菊芋和农家向日葵,则选择苍耳产卵的倾向与豚草无显著差异。【结论与意义】由此推测,广聚萤叶甲初羽化成虫取食的植物对其后续产卵选择具有较大影响,因而在寄主专一性测定中应关注测试前饲喂的植物种类。  相似文献   

观察了捕虱管蓟马的多种行为,认为该虫的日常行为为取食、行走、搜索、休息、交配和产卵;对所试验的5种害虫的喜好程度依次为椭圆蚧卵,柑桔木虱卵、褐圆蚧卵、柑桔粉虱卵、桔全爪螨若虫,褐圆蚧若虫、桔全爪螨卵、椭圆蚧若虫、柑桔木虱一龄 若虫,除柑桔木虱一龄若虫外,取食差异不显;捕虱管蓟马取食卵的量比若虫多,经T-检验分析,两无明显差异;室内饲养蓟马和田间采获蓟马的行为,及各行行为间差异,通过二因素方差分析显示不显;不同虫态蓟马取食时间长短依次为雌成虫、雄成虫、若虫、在食物充足的情况下,不同虫态之间几乎没有竞争,偶有成虫捕食幼虫现象发生。对该虫的交配行为及产卵行为作了详细的观察,发现雌蓟马成虫和雄蓟马成虫都多次交配;雄虫之间的性竞争十分激烈,而雌虫之间几乎没有竞争。  相似文献   

东方油菜叶甲Entomoscelis orientalis Mots.嗜食扁蓄,偶食其它蓼科植物。年生1代,6月以成虫在土中越夏越冬,翌年3月底扁蓄出苗时出蛰。每雌产卵1143.7粒。成虫出土时体内营养已耗竭,需大量取食方可交配,整个产卵期需不断大量取食方可继续产卵。幼虫二、三龄期需暴食方可化蛹。新羽化成虫需大量取食、积累营养,方可蛰土越夏越冬,渡过漫长的地下岁月。所以这种虫从一出土就拼命吃,直到入土为止。对麦田扁蓄的控制作用可达3年以上。麦熟前有形成种群波向四周扩散的现象。  相似文献   

胡霞  刘强 《昆虫知识》2008,45(1):58-61,F0002
中华食蜂郭公虫Trichodes sinae Chevrolat是西鄂尔多斯地区重要传粉昆虫火红拟孔蜂Hoplitis pyrrhosoma Wu的寄生性天敌。文章报道中华食蜂郭公虫除成虫外各虫态的形态特征、生活史及幼虫和成虫的行为等生物学特性。该虫在西鄂尔多斯地区1年发生1代,越冬幼虫于4月上旬开始化蛹,5月中旬陆续羽化出巢,成虫取食植物补充营养后,开始交尾、产卵。1龄幼虫能够寻找并钻入火红拟孔蜂的巢室,取食火红拟孔蜂幼虫,直至结茧化蛹。室温条件下,卵期约6~8d,幼虫期约260~280d,蛹期约40~50d;雄虫寿命约28~30d,雌虫寿命约35~40d。  相似文献   

<正> 桔绿绵蜡蚧Chloropulvinaria aurantii(Cockerell)又名黄绿絮介壳虫,在上海发生普遍,是海桐重要害虫,亦为害夹竹桃、柿、杜仲、山茶、桂花等。成虫和若虫群集在枝条和叶片上为害。严重时可使枝叶枯死,并诱生煤烟病。 此虫在上海一年发生2代,以若虫在枝条上越冬。4月变为成虫,雄虫交配后死亡,5月雌虫从腹后分泌出一个蜡质卵囊,产卵于囊中,每头雌成虫产卵数百粒至2千余粒,产卵后干缩死去。5月下旬孵化为若虫,先群集在枝条上为害,后迁至叶片上,在叶片上沿主脉寄生。8月出现第2代成虫,8月下旬产卵,9月孵化为  相似文献   

系统研究大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly江西龙南(24°9′N,114°8′E)种群生物学特性。结果显示,该虫仅在春季和秋季发生为害,以成虫在土中越冬和越夏。由于成虫滞育期的差异,该虫显示出生活史多样性,有些个体隔年繁殖;有些个体是一化性,仅在春季或秋季繁殖1代;有些个体是二化性,在春季和秋季各繁殖1代;有些个体是多化性的,春季1代,秋季2~3代,因此,在田间1年可发生1~4代。春季,滞育成虫于2月中旬至4月初陆续出土繁殖,羽化的成虫于4月上旬至5月中旬陆续入土越夏;秋季,滞育成虫于8月中旬至10月中旬陆续出土,羽化的成虫于9月中旬至12月中旬陆续入土越冬。成虫一生能多次交配,在25℃下,春季世代雌虫产卵期为8~29d,平均产卵量为776粒;秋季世代雌虫产卵期为9~39d,平均产卵量为1003粒。各虫态的发育历期:在18~28℃间,卵为8.66~3.85d,幼虫为19.37~7.92d,蛹为8.57~3.41d。卵、幼虫和蛹的发育起点温度分别为10.5、11.5和11.9℃。滞育成虫的寿命为5~28个月。  相似文献   

齿缘刺猎蝽是国内广泛分布的一种捕食性天敌昆虫,能捕食多种农林业害虫。为了充分利用该虫,我们对齿缘刺猎蝽的生活史、形态特征和行为进行了研究。结果表明,齿缘刺猎蝽在湖南一年发生一代,以成虫越冬;5月份产卵,若虫4龄,初孵若虫黄褐色,2-4龄若虫由黄绿色到淡绿色,4龄若虫可见明显白色翅芽,8月份羽化为成虫,成虫灰褐色。各龄若虫和成虫体表均分布有较多棘或刺。成虫平均寿命长达312.5 d,不太活跃,有一定的飞行能力,取食和交配的时间较长,整个产卵期产卵量为每头雌虫35-41粒。  相似文献   

【目的】角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis是五倍子蚜的主要生产种,深入了解角倍蚜越冬若蚜的生物学习性,揭示田间无土植藓条件下越冬若蚜的种群动态,可以为进一步降低若蚜越冬的死亡率,提高五倍子产量提供依据。【方法】在田间以无纺布为基质种植侧枝匐灯藓Plagiomnium maximoviczii培育越冬若蚜,定期采集带不同龄期角倍蚜的藓块带回实验室,利用数码显微系统连续观测和记录越冬期间若蚜的行为习性、形态特征、种群动态和龄期分布等,并连续测量越冬期间侧枝匐灯藓的藓层厚度和覆盖率。【结果】角倍蚜秋迁蚜以卵胎生方式产生若蚜,若蚜在侧枝匐灯藓的拟叶基部分泌蜡丝包裹自身并形成蜡球,在蜡球内取食和越冬。每个蜡球内通常有1头若蚜。越冬若蚜从1-4龄,体色由淡黄色逐渐加深至深褐色,体长和体宽随龄期的增加而增加,分别从1龄若蚜552.92±16.95和94.70±11.52μm增加到4龄若蚜的1 205.25±10.75和593.15±7.66 μm。越冬期间若蚜的平均种群密度从10月中旬的13.10×104头/m2降至翌年3月的1.05×104头/m2,总死亡率高达91.98%。越冬若蚜个体间的发育进度很不整齐,并与当地的气温变化密切相关。若蚜越冬期间侧枝匐灯藓的厚度和覆盖率逐步增加。【结论】越冬若蚜体长和体宽可作为角倍蚜龄期鉴别的主要指标。田间越冬期间角倍蚜若蚜的总死亡率很高,其中越冬初期和中期若蚜转移寄生期的死亡率较其他阶段高。  相似文献   

Investigations have been carried out on the relative preference of U. mukerjii to four common species viz., C. maculatus, C. analis, C. chinensis and Zabrotes subfasciatus of store bruchids. Results show correspondence between the acceptance/contact ratio and the total number of eggs laid by the parasitoid for Callosobruchus species. U. mukerjii shows maximum preference on C. maculatus followed by C. analis, C. chinensis and Z. subfasciatus in the decreasing order. Z. subfasciatus has been the least preferred host having 2-3% parasitization in choice situation. Percentage emergence of the adults and females differ insignificantly from each other in Callosobruchus species. In no choice experiments, U. mukerjii laid sufficient number of eggs in the eggs of C. chinensis and Z. subfasciatus but less number of eggs in a choice situation due to competition with the preferred host. As is evident, U. mukerjii gives the first preference to primary host C. maculatus. Moreover, the congeneric species i.e C. analis and C. chinensis are given more preference than Z. subfasciatus.  相似文献   

This study examined the feeding habits of Nephus arcuatus Kapur (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), an important predator of mealybugs in south-western Iran. The consumption capacity of male and female N. arcuatus adults was determined by their feeding on eggs, first-instar nymphs, and adult females of two destructive mealybugs, Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead) and Planococcus citri Risso, over a 24-h period. N arcuatus consumed significantly more first-instar nymphs than eggs, and more eggs than female adults of both prey species. In addition, we also studied the developmental stage prey preference of adults reared on either N. viridis or P. citri and found that the prey preference of females did not change with the developmental stage of the mealybug. Meanwhile, the males reared on either N. viridis or P. citri showed a significant preference for the first-instar nymphs of P. citri over first-instar nymphs of N. viridis, while a preference for the eggs or adult females of these two mealybugs was not observed. This selection of first-instar nymphs by males was not tied to its previous feeding experience. Our findings suggest that prey stage, prey size and previous feeding experience had no effect on the prey selection of N. arcuatus, making it a good candidate for the biological control of mealybugs.  相似文献   

Understanding how fertilization affects host resistance to hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae Annand (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), is important because fertilizers are often used to grow resistant selections to a suitable size for testing. We evaluated four hemlock species (Tsuga) under three different fertilizer regimes to assess whether fertility affected resistance to the adelgid and to determine whether it affected feeding preferences of the adelgid predators Laricobius nigrinus Fender and Sasajiscymnus tsugae (Sasaji & McClure). Treatments were long-term fertilization (from June 2008 to June 2009), short-term fertilization (from March to June 2009), and no fertilizer. Fertilizer was applied biweekly with 240 ppm N by using water-soluble fertilizer (N-P-K, 20:20:20). Plants (>1 yr old) were artificially infested with adelgids on 31 March 2009. Among unfertilized hemlocks (n=10 per species), foliar N was highest in Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) CarriBre and lowest in T. chinensis (Franch.) E. Pritz. Significantly more progredien ovisacs or sisten eggs were present on T. mertensiana than on the other hemlock species with none on unfertilized T. chinensis. A. tsugae adults on T. heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. were unaffected by fertility, but densities of developing A. tsugae nymphs were higher on unfertilized T. heterophylla plants than on fertilized T. heterophylla plants regardless of fertilizer treatment. Both L. nigrinus and S. tsugae consumed more adelgid eggs that developed on fertilized T. canadensis than from unfertilized plants. The predators did not exhibit this preference for adelgid eggs from females that developed on T. heterophylla or T. mertensiana.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated whether flowering phenology and yield attributes of different strawberry cultivars affect the abundance and feeding impact of tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), as well as behavioral decisions made by feeding nymphs and ovipositing adults. The distribution of emerged nymphs in cage experiments involving nine different cultivars of June-bearing strawberry cultivars suggests that females lay more eggs on plants with numerous flower receptacles, while cultivar per se did not influence their oviposition behavior. A large number of nymphs emerged from receptacles of strawberry plants, while the distribution of emerged nymphs among receptacles, petioles, leaves, and stems varied for different cultivars. These results suggest that the relative intensity of damage caused by ovipositing females may vary for different cultivars. Foraging nymphs did not exhibit a preference for any strawberry cultivar per se, although the abundance of nymphs increased with the weight of receptacles, especially for late instars. Evaluating the density and feeding impact of L. lineolaris for different cultivars under field conditions revealed that some host plant attributes affect the abundance of plant bugs, such as early flowering season and high productivity. Decreasing number of emerged nymphs per flower per plant with increasing density of receptacles per plant suggests that females lay relatively more eggs per receptacle on plants with few receptacles; this pattern of oviposition may explain, in part, why patches with low density of plants typically have high incidence of damage. Planting a high yielding early season cultivar such as 'Cavendish' may contribute to reduce the incidence of damage by L. lineolaris.  相似文献   

Indicator classifications help us to focus on the most relevant groups of species in monitoring the effects of land use changes on biodiversity. We studied changes in distribution area of 74 butterfly species preferring one of the three common habitats of boreal agricultural landscapes: semi-natural grasslands (35 species), arable field margins (7) and forest edges (32). Using extensive atlas data from four time periods during the last 50 years in Finland, we quantified trends in the occupancy of the species in 10 km grid squares, and classified them into four classes: declining (23), stable (17), increasing (27) and fluctuating (7) species. Trends among the species favouring three habitats were different: 60% of the species of semi-natural grasslands had declined, whereas 86% of the species typical of open field margins had increased. An increase also predominated in species associated with forest edges. Declining and increasing species differed in three ecological characteristics: increasing species were more mobile, utilized a wider range of habitats and, based on their larval host plants, lived in more eutrophic habitats than declining species. Species overwintering as adults showed more positive trends in occupancy than species overwintering as eggs, larvae or pupae. Observed trends in occupancy are in good agreement with long-term changes in land use and habitat availability in Finland: a long-continued decrease in the area of semi-natural grasslands and an increased amount of open forest edges and clearings due to modern forestry during the past 50 years.  相似文献   

To investigate whether or not oviposition on substrates other than host plants (e.g., non‐host plants, abiotic materials) would affect the evolution of egg size in phytophagous insects, we studied the winter cherry bug, Acanthocoris sordidus (Thunberg) (Heteroptera: Coreidae), as a model organism for its interpopulation variation in oviposition preference. The rate of oviposition off host plants is much higher in the Amami Island population than in either the Kyoto or Kochi populations. We compared egg size and number among the three local populations from Kyoto, Kochi, and Amami Island. In addition, to evaluate the adaptive significance of larger eggs for offspring in terms of searching for host plants, we examined the relationship between egg size and first‐instar body size. We also searched for a relationship between egg size and starvation tolerance in the second instars because first instars can develop to second instars without food intake, and thus the substantial host‐searching stage is the second instar, when females lay their eggs off host plants. Females from the Amami population produced fewer larger eggs than females from either the Kyoto or Kochi population. Regardless of the local population, the body size of first instars that emerged from larger eggs was larger, and the second instars originating from larger eggs had a higher starvation tolerance. The larger body size and higher starvation tolerance should enable nymphs to disperse further, which may enhance the probability of successfully reaching host plants. These results suggest that egg size in A. sordidus may be determined in relation to its oviposition habits to maximize reproductive success, resulting in interpopulation variation in egg size.  相似文献   

A study of predation choices of Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae) late instars and adults, when offered various developmental stages (eggs and nymphs) of the recently established whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), was made based on two preference indices. In addition, prey choices of late instars when presented with three ratios of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and B. tabaci at a similar developmental stage (eggs, young or late instars) were assessed. M. caliginosus preferred older nymphs of B. tabaci than any other stage. It also chose T. vaporariorum over B. tabaci, unless the latter consisted of > 75% of the available prey. These results suggested that M. caliginosus might interfere with parasitoids such as Encarsia, Eretmocerus, or Amitus spp. because all three species emerge from the host pupal case. Furthermore, in mixed infestations, M. caliginosus preference for T. vaporariorum might either negatively affect the control of B. tabaci, or, contrarily, enhance the predator population, before a B. tabaci outbreak occurs in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

Studies on strategies of host plant use in sympatric-related species are significant to the theory of sympatric speciation. Altica fragariae Nakane and Altica koreana Ogloblin are sympatric closely related flea beetles found in Beijing, northern China. All their recorded host plants are in the subfamily Rosoideae of the Rosaceae, so we regard them as a model system to study interactions between herbivorous insects and plant-insect co-evolution. We conducted a set of experiments on the host preference and performance of these flea beetles to study whether these closely related species have the ability to use sympatric novel host plants and whether monophagous and oligophagous flea beetles use the same strategy in host plant use. Oviposition preference experiments showed that A. koreana, a monophagous flea beetle, displayed high host fidelity. However, A. fragariae, which is oligophagous, often made "oviposition mistakes," ovipositing on nonhost plants such as Potentilla chinensis, the host plant of A. koreana, although normal host plants were preferred over novel ones. Larval performance studies suggested that A. fragariae was able to develop successfully on P. chinensis. Feeding experiences of larvae had no effect on feeding preference, oviposition preference, and fecundity of adults. However, females were impaired in their reproductive ability when fed on nonhost plants. Therefore, A. fragariae finished their development of larval stages on P. chinensis and came back to their primary host plant, Duchesnea indica, for feeding and reproduction after eclosion.  相似文献   

Abstract: Biological control provides an environmentally harmonious and potentially stable management tactic to combat noxious pests such as Bemisia tabaci, notorious for its resistance to synthetic pesticides. Bioassays conducted under control chamber conditions integrating applications of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa, reared for 20 years on Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and the fungus Verticillium lecanii on the third‐fourth instar nymphs of B. tabaci on tomato, showed a comparable effect between the parasitoid‐fungus combined treatment and the fungus treatment alone (70.7% vs. 70.4%). Analysis of our results indicates antagonism between the two biocontrol agents related to the parasitoids’ ability to discriminate between infected and healthy B. tabaci nymphs. The parasitoid treatment alone produced 36.3% mortality, with no mortality in the distilled water controls. The behavioural performance of the parasitoid could have either genetic or environmental causes. Bioassays studying the feeding habit of the imported mirid predator Macrolophus caliginosus (adults) and the indigenous mirid Camptotylus reuteri (nymphs and adults) on eggs, or early second instar nymphs of B. tabaci, and choice preference tests indicated a significant difference in feeding between M. caliginosus and C. reuteri. There was no significant difference in percentage feeding of M. caliginosus on eggs (2.2%) or second instar nymphs (8.0%). There was a significant difference in feeding of M. caliginosus adults (18.6%) when offered eggs and second instars in the same arena compared with eggs or second instars offered separately. These results could be attributed to the biological behaviour of the predator having a type III functional response. Studies with the local C. reuteri species showed no significant difference in adult and nymphal consumption on second instars of B. tabaci compared with nymphs on eggs. However, C. reuteri adults fed less on eggs compared with nymphs. This local predatory species appears to be more efficient than M. caliginosus in feeding on particular stages of B. tabaci without depending on prey density. This is further supported by the low consumption of both adults and nymphs in the choice test (4% and 2.3%, respectively) compared with M. caliginosus adults (18.6%).  相似文献   

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