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利用红外辐射光谱反演大气CO2浓度的理论研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据最新的大气分子光谱数据集(HITRAN 2004),利用逐线积分辐射传输模式,模拟计算了大气顶射出红外辐射光谱及其对大气CO2浓度变化的灵敏度,发现:大气CO2 4.3 μm吸收带,特别是2 2412 249 cm-1、2 2502 258 cm-1、2 2592 267 cm-1和2 3822 390 cm-1波段射出的红外辐射,随CO2浓度的增加而显著降低,且很少受其他大气成分变化干扰,因此特别适于用来遥感探测大气CO2浓度的变化.根据最优非线性反演方法,反演获得了015 km的大气CO2廓线,结果表明,利用上述4个通道的红外辐射值,可精确反演出自由对流层的CO2浓度变化.  相似文献   

依据最新的大气分子光谱数据集(HITRAN 2004),利用逐线积分辐射传输模式,模拟计算了大气顶射出红外辐射光谱及其对大气CO2浓度变化的灵敏度,发现:大气CO2 4.3 μm吸收带,特别是2 2412 249 cm-1、2 2502 258 cm-1、2 2592 267 cm-1和2 3822 390 cm-1波段射出的红外辐射,随CO2浓度的增加而显著降低,且很少受其他大气成分变化干扰,因此特别适于用来遥感探测大气CO2浓度的变化.根据最优非线性反演方法,反演获得了015 km的大气CO2廓线,结果表明,利用上述4个通道的红外辐射值,可精确反演出自由对流层的CO2浓度变化.  相似文献   

利用高光谱红外探测资料反演大气参数   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
文章介绍了红外高光谱的卫星探测技术以及利用现有的机载和星载高光谱资料的反演方法,着重讨论了美国NASA地球观测系统上携带的大气红外探测仪AIRS的反演方法。  相似文献   

用非色散红外气体分析仪进行大气CO2本底浓度的测量   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
按WMO关于开展全球CO2监测的要求,在对引进设备进行改进的情况下,建立了我国开展大气CO2本底浓度连续测量的红外气体分析测量系统及有关方法。系统的测量精度优于0.1ppm,完全满足全球本底测量的要求,并具有较好的国际可比性。在此基础上,首次取得了我国大陆上空大气CO2的本底浓度资料。  相似文献   

研究表明,全球CO2浓度变化有二大特点,一是北半球具有明显的季节变化,而南半球由于各纬度上的浓度变化很小,没有明显的季节变化。二是两个半球又有一个相同的特点,那就是都有较大的逐年增高的趋势,各地的平均年增长率在1.4至1.7ppmv/a之间。南北两半球相比,北半球的年平均浓度要高出4ppmv,年平均增长率也要略高一些。研究表明,大气CO2浓度的变化还具有10年左右的周期,而且与厄尔尼诺年的关系比较密切。  相似文献   

依据红外分光计(InfraRed Atmospheric Sounder,IRAS)光谱通道特征,发展了基于IRAS的大气辐射传输计算模式。以大气分子吸收光谱数据集(HIgh resolution TRANsmission,HITRAN) 2004为初始谱线输入资料,利用该模式模拟计算IRAS在CO2 吸收带的10个通道辐射率测值对CO2浓度变化的响应,并对比了其与大气温度和水汽、O3等气体浓度误差对辐射率测值的影响,探讨了利用风云三号气象卫星探测大气CO2浓度的可行性。结果表明,IRAS的通道4最适于用来监测大气CO2浓度的变化,当CO2体积混合比浓度变化在10×10-6时,对应的辐射率变化同仪器等效噪声辐射率相当,所以IRAS在理想状态下,最高可分辨的大气CO2浓度变化约为10×10-6。  相似文献   

概述了利用特征向量统计回归反演算法,从EOS/MODIS的红外通道资料反演大气温湿度垂直分布的过程,并与美国国家环境预报中心NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)的等压面再分析场资料按照纬度和气压高度进行了真实性检验。结果表明:由MODIS资料反演得到的大气温湿度参数能够揭示大气温湿度的垂直分布。在各个等压面上均方根误差平均值在中纬度地区为3.39K,低纬度地区为1.40K,近地面层、对流层顶附近及下垫面地形复杂的区域误差较大,总体上低纬度地区要好于中纬度地区。反演的水汽误差也为低纬度地区小于中纬度地区,且随高度升高,中、高纬度误差都逐渐减小并逐渐接近。  相似文献   

利用景德镇温室气体监测站CO_2观测数据,分析了景德镇地区2017年12月—2018年11月大气CO_2浓度变化特征,同时对其浓度进行了筛分,以剔除污染数据,使其更具区域代表性。研究表明:景德镇地区大气CO_2浓度昼降夜升,早上最高,傍晚最低;春季最高,秋季最低;春、夏季NNE、NE、ENE风向,秋季NE、ENE风向以及冬季W、WSW、SW、SSW、S风向上CO_2浓度较高。同时,春、夏和秋季大气CO_2浓度大致随风速的增加而不断降低,冬季风速对大气CO_2浓度无明显影响。筛分后数据显示景德镇地区年均大气CO_2浓度为422.1×10~(-6),浓度日均值年振幅73.96×10~(-6),夏半年CO_2浓度低于冬半年。  相似文献   

大气CO2标准气浓度标定及采样瓶CO2浓度分析系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对美国NOAA/CMDL开发的用于我国大气本底监测的非色散红外CO2瓶分析和标准气标定系统做了测试与讨论,并对在青海瓦里关、浙江临安、黑龙江龙凤山和北京上甸子所采集到的实验性空气样品中的CO2浓度进行了测量,与瓦里关在线连续测量结果进行了对比,结果均表明该系统具有较高的灵敏度、精确度和较好的稳定性,具备了从进样到数据处理等较为完整的自动化功能,具有简便易行、准确可靠等特点,可用于大气CO2标准气体的标定及采样瓶分析。测量和对比结果也表明,样瓶采样和分析系统可在一定程度上替代现场连续测量系统,在不同的地点进行采样并进行集中分析也是一种较为经济、实用的方法。  相似文献   

大气长波辐射计算中的温度订正和CO2浓度效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱永甫  毛慧婷 《高原气象》1991,10(4):391-399
本文对长波辐射平均面透射率的计算方法和温度效应作了一系列试验。试验表明,在计算中可以采用制表和插值节省计算时间,并保证计算精度。温度效应较明显,在计算大气长波辐射变温率时,应予以考虑。最后还对CO_2浓度变化所引起的变温效应进行了计算,得出了一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

The atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) instrument onboard Aqua Satellite is a high spectral resolution infrared sounder. In recent years, AIRS has gradually become the primary method of atmospheric vertical observations. To examine the validation of AIRS retrieval products (V3.0) over China, the AIRS surface air temperature retrievals were compared with the ground observations obtained from 540 meteorological stations in July 2004 and January 2005, respectively. The sources of errors were considerably discussed. Based on the error analysis, the AIRS retrieved surface air temperature products were systemically corrected. Moreover, the AIRS temperature and humidity profile retrievals were compared with T213 numerical forecasting products. Because T213 forecasting products are not the actual atmospheric states,to further verify the validation, the AIRS temperature and humidity profile products were assimilated into the MM5 model through the analysis nudging. In this paper, the case on February 14, 2005 in North China was simulated in detail. Then, we investigated the effects of AIRS retrievals on snowfall, humidity field,vertical velocity field, divergence field, and cloud microphysical processes. The major results are: (1) the errors of AIRS retrieved surface air temperature products are largely systematic deviations, for which the influences of terrain altitude and surface types are the major reasons; (2) the differences between the AIRS atmospheric profile retrievals and T213 numerical prediction products in temperature are generally less than 2 K, the differences in relative humidity are generally less than 25%; and (3) the AIRS temperature and humidity retrieval products can adjust the model initial field, and thus can improve the capacity of snowfall simulation to some extent.  相似文献   

The atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) instrument onboard Aqua Satellite is a high spectral resolution infrared sounder. In recent years, AIRS has gradually become the primary method of atmospheric vertical observations. To examine the validation of AIRS retrieval products (V3.0) over China, the AIRS surface air temperature retrievals were compared with the ground observations obtained from 540 meteorological stations in July 2004 and January 2005, respectively. The sources of errors were considerably discussed. Based on the error analysis, the AIRS retrieved surface air temperature products were systemi-cally corrected. Moreover, the AIRS temperature and humidity profile retrievals were compared with T213 numerical forecasting products. Because T213 forecasting products are not the actual atmospheric states, to further verify the validation, the AIRS temperature and humidity profile products were assimilated into the MM5 model through the analysis nudging. In this paper, the case on February 14, 2005 in North China was simulated in detail. Then, we investigated the effects of AIRS retrievals on snowfall, humidity field, vertical velocity field, divergence field, and cloud microphysical processes. The major results are: (1) the errors of AIRS retrieved surface air temperature products are largely systematic deviations, for which the influences of terrain altitude and surface types are the major reasons; (2) the differences between the AIRS atmospheric profile retrievals and T213 numerical prediction products in temperature are generally less than 2 K, the differences in relative humidity are generally less than 25%; and (3) the AIRS temperature and humidity retrieval products can adjust the model initial field, and thus can improve the capacity of snowfall simulation to some extent.  相似文献   

基于红外高光谱大气探测器AIRS实况观测资料,尝试用人工神经网络算法来实现晴空时大气的温度垂直廓线反演,重点将该算法与目前已经发展比较成熟的特征向量统计反演算法进行比较。结果表明,两种算法在计算时间效率和反演精度上相当。鉴于人工神经网络算法的统计物理本质,误差反向传播BP神经网络可以求解非线性问题,在优化训练样本和继续调试网络种类和网络参数的基础上,有望能进一步提高反演精度。  相似文献   

从红外太阳透过率反演大气可降水量的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从红外波段太阳透过率测量中可以反演大气可降水量#AW#a。我们在近、中红外波段选取了三对波长,用LOWTRAN 7辐射传输模式,主要研究了散射和气溶胶对这三对波长反演#AW#a算式的影响。结果表明,通常采用近红外波长对(即0.9422~0.862 μm)反演#AW#a并非最佳选择,因为其反演算式受到大气状态(混浊度)的很大影响;而在稍远段两对波长(1.47~1.55 μm和3.704~3.067 μm)对应的算式较为稳定。  相似文献   

利用精确的逐线积分模式,研究了大气主要温室气体H2O、CO2、O3、N2O和CH4吸收带重叠对红外冷却率的影响。同时,通过CO2浓度加倍的敏感性试验,详细讨论了重叠效应对CO2辐射效应的影响。结果表明:气体吸收带重叠对大气红外辐射计算具有重要的影响。在这5种大气主要的吸收气体中,N2O和CH4的重叠效应对总冷却率影响很小,在实际应用中可以忽略两者的重叠作用,采用近似方法处理其贡献。重叠效应对CO2辐射效应影响的总趋势是减弱由于其浓度增加而导致的温室效应的增强,主要贡献来自于CO2 15 μm带的两翼,以及以960 cm-1和1064 cm-1为中心的次级弱吸收区。在垂直方向上,重叠效应主要表现在减弱了地表大气的增温强度,并使对流层大气由原来的冷却作用转变为增暖作用,而对平流层大气的影响很小。此外,由于大气H2O含量的变化,重叠效应还表现出明显的季节性和纬度变率。  相似文献   

Over the Asian continent,high aerosol loading is critical to ensure the high accuracy of CO2 retrieval in the near infrared absorption band.Simulations were performed to explore the effect of light path modification by aerosol son the atmospheric CO2 near infrared band(6140-6270 cm-1).The Vector LInearized Discrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer(VLIDORT) model and the Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model(LBLRTM) were used for forward calculations.The U.S.standard atmosphere was used for atmospheric profiles.The results indicate that the aerosols caused similar effects to increases in CO2 in the planetary boundary layer and became more significant with aerosol layer rising while aerosol optical depth was 0.1.This effect will cause an over estimation of the CO2 mixing ratio in the retrieval process and an under estimation in the aerosol layer.The results also indicate that the effect of urban and industrial aerosols is smaller than that of non-absorbing and dust aerosols because of the nearly constant absorption properties in the near infrared band.  相似文献   

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