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乐可  浏泓 《现代妇女》2008,(3):21-21
如果你能坚持每天给孩子讲一段故事,你就是一位了不起的妈妈。别小看这每天半个小时的亲子阅读,它能让你的孩子在无限的想象空间中获得巨大的乐趣,你嘴里的“小狗生气啦”、“小猫找不到家啦”全是生动的画外音,而画面中的小草、小花、小动物的表情、色彩和动作,也因为妈妈富有表情的讲解而成了鲜活的画面。  相似文献   

利用文学作品的形象,帮助幼儿获得正确的分享认知,使一个个健康的榜样形象通过分享走进幼儿的心里,逐渐建立起分享认知.围绕阅读内容,设计不同活动,引导幼儿获得分享情感体验,经过搭建分享阅读过程、分享物品、分享情感这几个体验平台,帮助幼儿有效地完成由被动分享到主动分享、由模仿分享到自觉分享的过程,从而达到使幼儿内化分享行为的目标.在阅读延伸活动中移情与拓展,创设机会进行分享行为实践,以避免分享行为的不稳定,有意识地从每个阅读延伸活动中挖掘有价值的分享点,尽量多给幼儿创造分享实践的机会,启发他们在分享实践中互相交流、磋商、协调,使他们学会考虑别人的需要,形成换位意识,从而克服以我为中心,养成与人合作,共享的品质.  相似文献   

作为两千余年来人类历史文明传承最重要的媒介——纸质书籍在电子书的迅猛冲击下看似不堪一击:同样数量的阅读资料,与数字阅读相比,它笨重而庞大,昂贵而不易保存,尽管纸质书籍的缺点很多,但它的优点也不容忽视。而数字阅读需要现代技术作支撑.比如电、网络、电子设备等,一旦离开了这些,也就不复存在了。而纸质书籍只要不遭水浸、火烧、分解等就会一直存在。  相似文献   

正你或许拥有无限的财富,一箱箱的珠宝与一柜柜的黄金。但你永远不会比我富有——我有一位读书给我听的妈妈。——史斯克兰·吉利兰《阅读的妈妈》看罢史斯克兰·吉利兰《阅读的妈妈》里的这首小诗,静静想来,如果几年之后,你的孩子也是这样跟他的伙伴比富的;如果你的孩子长大懂事之后,也是这样以你为骄傲的,你是不是该从现在开始,做一位阅读妈妈了呢!  相似文献   

张久楠 《现代交际》2015,(1):161+160
分享阅读是根据儿童的阅读水平和特点建立的一套儿童阅读的模式和理念,这种方式有利于推动我国早期阅读课程的研究和发展,本文从分享阅读的概念界定及理论基础两个方面开展分享阅读教学理论研究综述,力图为分享阅读这种教学模式的研究提供必要的理论参考。  相似文献   

张久楠 《现代交际》2014,(10):139-140
分享阅读是根据儿童的阅读水平和特点建立的一套儿童阅读的模式和理念,这种方式有利于推动我国早期阅读课程的研究和发展。本文在基于分享阅读意义分析的基础上,分析了我国幼儿园分享阅读教学理论与实践的发展历程,力图对我国幼儿园的分享阅读教学改革提供一定的理论与实践参考。  相似文献   

本文浅议了在开展全民阅读、创建书香社会的环境下,无锡新吴区图书馆推广家庭阅读主要方式和问题以及展望等。  相似文献   

张久楠 《现代交际》2013,(10):131-132
分享阅读主要是在轻松愉悦的氛围下,在幼儿园或家庭实施的,意在培养幼儿阅读兴趣、阅读习惯的一种类似游戏的阅读活动。通过对幼儿园分享阅读的教师教学中存在问题的分析,可以提出相应的解决策略,以提高教师的教学效果和幼儿的学习质量。  相似文献   

家庭阅读对儿童阅读兴趣的培养十分关键,能够提升儿童阅读的质量和水平,家庭阅读同时也推动了全民阅读的深度和广度,为儿童早期阅读带来较为深远的影响,本文对图书馆职能进行研究,分析图书馆与家庭阅读推广的发展。  相似文献   

近些年来,我们推崇全民阅读,其中家庭阅读推广成为我们推广的主流方式,家庭阅读推广主要针对的服务对象是广大的未成年人读者,推广家庭阅读是实现全民阅读的重中之重。我们在做好基本馆务工作和读者服务的同时,可以引导未成年人读者养成良好的阅读习惯,并利用我们的读者资源把我们的理念带入家庭中,真正实现家庭阅读推广。  相似文献   

Over the last 3 decades, economic models have been developed that recognize that potentially conflicting interests may shape household decisions and the sharing of resources within families. This article provides an overview of how decision making within households has been modeled within economics, presents the main benefits and limitations of those models, and critically assesses their usefulness to researchers from other disciplines interested in the within‐ household distribution of resources. The main focus is on the theory, empirical application, and results of the currently dominant collective models, but the authors also look at developments that led up to them and some subsequent extensions and alternative approaches. Given the weight placed by policymakers and others on economic and quantitative evidence, it is incumbent on researchers of all disciplines to understand the achievements and limitations of the models used, explicitly or implicitly, to produce such evidence and the assumptions that lie behind them.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis' judgments about patients' decentered sexual lives are often influenced by analytic ideals that are based on long-cherished cultural values and/or theoretical constructs. These analytic value judgments sometimes assume that all or most individuals are optimally fulfilled in the context of deeply intimate and sexually monogamous long-term relationships, where attachment love and sexual passion coexist in equal intensity. Such analytic aims may not at all correspond to the wishes of any given patient, nor do such aims consider the literature that suggests that what may be called attachment love is often difficult to integrate with intense erotic desire. As well, there is risk that analysts' aims for patients may be hypocritically more idealistic than the values that analysts themselves adhere to in their own personal lives. Analysts' acknowledgment and acceptance of their own imperfect sex lives and love lives may leave more room to respect the idiosyncratic compromises and adaptations of each uniquely individual patient.  相似文献   


“The Inverse Relation Between Fish Consumption and 20-Year Mortality From Coronary Heart Disease,” DAAN KROMHOUT, et al. The low death rate from coronary heart disease among the Greenland Eskimos has been ascribed to their high fish consumption. We therefore decided to investigate the relation between fish consumption and coronary heart disease in a group of men in the town of Zutphen, the Netherlands. Information about the fish consumption of 852 middle-aged men without coronary heart disease was collected in 1960 by a careful dietary history obtained from the participants and their wives. During 20 years of follow-up 78 men died from coronary heart disease. An inverse dose-response relation was observed between fish consumption in 1960 and death from coronary heart disease during 20 years of follow-up. This relation persisted after multiple logistic-regression analyses. Mortality from coronary heart disease was more than 50 per cent lower among those who consumed at least 30g of fish per day than among those who did not eat fish.

We conclude that the consumption of as little as one or two fish dishes per week may be of preventive value in relation to coronary heart disease. (New England Journal of Medicine 1985;312:1205–9.)

“Teaching Touch at Medical School,” JULES OLDER. The association between touch and healing is ancient and worldwide. Skilled hands are among the physician's most important diagnostic and therapeutic tools. Yet a survey of medical schools in the English-speaking world revealed that most offer no touch training in their curricula. Of 169 medical schools, only 12 give any formal instruction in the uses and meaning of therapeutic touch in medicine. The teaching modes of these 12 schools are discussed, and the program of the most touch-conscious school, the University of Otago, is described. (Journal of the American Medical Association 1984;252:931–3.)

“Tubal Infertility and the Intrauterine Device,” DANIEL W. CRAMER, et al. To study the association between intrauterine devices (IUDs) and pelvic inflammatory disease, we compared contraceptive histories in 4185 white women—283 nulliparous women with primary tubal infertility, 69 women with secondary tubal infertility, and 3833 women admitted for delivery at seven collaborating hospitals from 1981 to 1983. The relative risk of tubal infertility associated with IUD use was calculated by means of multivariate logistic regression to control for confounding factors, including region, year of menarche, religion, education, smoking, and reported number of sexual partners. The adjusted risk of primary tubal infertility associated with any IUD use before a first live birth was 2.0 (95 per cent confidence limits, 1.5 to 2.6) relative to nonuse. Users of the Dalkon Shield had an adjusted risk of 3.3 (1.7 to 6.1), users of the Lippes Loop or Saf-T-Coil had a risk of 2.9 (1.7 to 5.2), and users of copper IUDs had a risk of 1.6 (1.1 to 2.4). Women who reported having only one sexual partner had no increased risk of primary tubal infertility associated with IUD use. The adjusted risk of secondary tubal infertility associated with use of a copper IUD after a first live birth was not statistically significant (1.5; 95 per cent confidence limits, 0.8 to 3.0), whereas the risk from similar use of noncopper devices was significant (2.8; 1.3 to 5.9). We conclude that tubal infertility is associated with IUD use, but less so with copper IUDs. (New England Journal of Medicine 1985;312:941–7.)  相似文献   

Making Sense of Organizational Change: Voices of Older Volunteers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The role of voluntary and community sector organizations in the delivery of public services is increasing and these changes bring new responsibilities and benefits to organizations that have the capacity to participate. There are concerns within the sector about the implications for citizenship and participation. The sector is highly dependent on volunteers yet little is known about how organizational change in response to new relationships with the statutory sector impact upon the commitment and well-being of people who volunteer. This paper addresses that gap in knowledge for older volunteers. Drawing upon collaborative research with a voluntary organization in the north of England, the authors explore the meanings and aspirations of volunteering for older people, and explain how and why changes associated with closer engagement with public service delivery and less grant dependency can be disempowering for them.
Susan BainesEmail:

Interest Group Participation in Rule Making: A Decade of Change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ten years ago we completed a survey that examined interest groupparticipation in the rule-making process. At the time, it wasthe first major study to examine the role of interest groupsin one of the most important policy-making venues in our democraticsystem. This article reexamines interest group participationin rule making a decade later. We focus most of the study oncomparisons in how organizations access rule-making agencies,what techniques are used to lobby agencies, and the perceivedeffectiveness of these techniques by the organizations themselves.In addition, given the relatively new phenomenon of e–rulemaking and the increase of other electronic communication techniques,we open an examination of interest groups use of these formsof communications and their implications. We find that rulemaking continues to be a primary concern of organizations tryingto influence federal public policy, even as they have focusedmore on campaign and grassroots activities. In some ways, theseefforts are more important now than they were ten years ago.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of rising trends in the study of networked interactions conveyed by social media technologies and the emergence of new meanings associated with social change. In recent years, a healthy amount of studies has focused on ICT uses within collective action, considering social media tools to have become crucial components of many transnational movements and social change projects. Crossing boundaries between social movements theories, political science, and communication studies, literature suggests that ‘online activism’ and increasingly networked interactions may have transformed the meanings and definitions associated with ‘collective action’ and ‘social change’. To make sense of these meanings, we identify three approaches used by scholars, which focus on (i) the actual networking of actors, (ii) the diffusion of new repertoires and frames through networks, and (iii) making sense of new meanings conveyed within networked cultures. We conclude by suggesting the need for more comprehensive research to better observe and make sense of how's actors define collective action and how they use social media tools when striving to convey social change.  相似文献   

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