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随着气候变化的加剧,涝渍灾害发生的频率和强度不断增加,严重制约着作物的可持续生产。充分挖掘作物自身潜力,提高其对水分胁迫等非生物逆境的抵抗力是适应气候变化的内在要求。随着作物抗逆生理生化机制研究的深入,人们越来越重视施氮在作物抗逆中所发挥的重要作用。为了进一步了解氮肥对涝渍条件下作物生长和产量的调控效应及调控机制,本文总结了涝渍胁迫对作物地上部光合作用、抗氧化酶活性、膜质氧化作用、内源激素含量、根系生长及产量形成的影响及其氮素调控效果,明确了氮肥施用调控作物生长和产量形成的生理机制,指出了氮肥调控涝渍胁迫下作物生长和产量研究中存在的问题,在此基础上笔者指明了未来的一些研究方向,如应用新型氮肥、现代高科技技术、培育氮高效且抗逆的品种等提高作物的抗逆性。  相似文献   

盐渍和涝渍对棉苗生长和叶片某些生理性状的复合效应   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
 以陆地棉鲁棉研17和鲁棉研28为材料,以无盐正常供水为对照,研究了在盐渍、涝渍和盐涝复合胁迫14 d后棉苗干物质积累、叶片光合速率、叶绿素荧光参数和叶绿素含量等的变化。结果表明,盐渍、涝渍和盐涝复合胁迫都显著影响两个品种的光合速率和干物质积累。盐渍对棉苗的影响程度小于涝渍,而涝渍又小于盐涝复合胁迫,盐涝双重胁迫对棉苗生长和干物质积累的抑制表现出累加效应。盐渍胁迫下叶绿素含量的下降是光合作用受抑制的重要原因,而涝渍和盐涝胁迫下光合速率下降可能是叶绿体结构和PSⅡ稳定性的下降引起的。  相似文献   

淹水胁迫下辣椒种子生理生化响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了促进辣椒抗涝品种的选育,解决辣椒生产上的涝害问题,通过研究淹水胁迫对辣椒种子生理生化的影响,为辣椒抗涝品种选育提供理论基础。以生产上对水涝敏感度低、中、高的3个辣椒品种‘S15’、‘A46’和‘A77’的种子为材料,研究淹水胁迫0 h、10 h、5天、10天、15天、20天后的种子发芽率和发芽势的变化,以及不同淹水时间对SOD、POD、CAT、GR、AMS和LPS等酶活力,PRO和可溶性糖含量,超氧阴离子、羟自由基含量的影响。研究发现,不同水涝敏感度种子对水涝的响应不一。淹水20天后,‘S15’的超氧阴离子、羟自由基含量最低,Pro和可溶性糖含量最高,谷胱甘肽还原酶活性最高;‘A77’的可溶性糖含量最低,SOD、CAT活性最低,超氧阴离子、羟自由基含量最高。隶属函数分析结果表明,不同种子对淹水胁迫的响应差异随着淹水时间的延长不再产生较大差异,5天可作为辣椒抗涝鉴定淹水胁迫的最佳时间。研究认为,不同辣椒种子表现出的耐涝性与生产实际一致;各项生理生化指标相关性不显著,均可作为辣椒品种抗涝性的鉴定指标。  相似文献   

渍涝胁迫对芝麻生理指标及产量性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以抗涝基因型河南1号与不抗涝基因型冀芝1号为试验材料,研究了在不同生育时期渍涝对不同基因型芝麻生理指标和产量性状的影响。研究结果表明,在渍水条件下芝麻的生长速率明显减慢;比叶重下降,在盛花期淹水后相对受害率最大;叶绿素含量均下降;受渍涝伤害的芝麻根系TTC还原强度急剧下降,淹水处理与对照相比差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01);渍水条件下的单株结蒴数、每蒴粒数、单株千粒重、单株产量均较对照有不同程度的降低,单株秕粒率较对照升高。  相似文献   

为探究水涝胁迫对不同土壤盐碱度下甜菜幼苗生长的影响,验证甜菜在水涝逆境中的生长规律,评估水涝胁迫对盐碱地甜菜种植的影响,以甜菜‘SV1433’为供试品种,以微酸性黑土为基础利用NaCl、Na2SO4、Na2CO3、NaOH调节土壤盐碱度,采用室内土培法,设置微酸土、盐渍土、盐碱土3个土壤盐碱梯度下对照及水涝胁迫共6组处理。结果发现,播种9天后出苗结束,微酸土中甜菜出苗较快,优于盐渍土及盐碱土;播种26天后收苗,在微酸土、盐渍土、盐碱土3种土壤盐碱度下,水涝胁迫比对照植株鲜重分别降低40.7%、26.9%、25.2%,干重分别降低41.1%、29.9%、24.8%,株高分别下降20.4%、19.1%、16.3%,表明随土壤盐碱度升高水涝胁迫对甜菜幼苗鲜重、干重、株高影响逐渐降低;水涝胁迫下幼苗根面积及叶面积显著降低,植株叶长显著下降,叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率、叶片气孔导度显著降低,表现出水涝胁迫下盐碱土中甜菜幼苗生长较好,优于盐渍土及微酸土。  相似文献   

Waterlogging causes long‐lasting damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum). Root growth and respiration were investigated after heading in waterlogged, pot‐grown, wheat plants and also in hydroponically grown, wheat seedlings exposed to a hypoxic treatment. In the pot experiment, plants were subjected to 8 days of waterlogging after heading. This period of waterlogging resulted in reduced shoot and root growth through to maturity. The root CO2 emission rates of previously waterlogged and well‐drained plants were about 220 and 140 nmol g?1 per s, respectively, with the rate differences persisting from 10 days after anthesis through to maturity. In the hydroponic experiments, seedlings (Feekes stage 2.0) were exposed to root‐zone, hypoxic treatment for 10–19 days. The roots showed 27 % higher CO2 emission rates and 37 % higher O2 consumption rates, compared with untreated roots. In whole root systems, the high respiration rates found during hypoxic treatment disappeared during recovery under aerated conditions as a result of the appearance of newly initiated roots. However, measurements of the respiration of the previously hypoxic roots showed abnormally high respiration rates. In roots exposed to hypoxic treatment, total sugar concentrations were 3.6‐times higher than in untreated roots indicating that this elevation of sugar may be responsible for the continued high respiration rate. This study shows that roots exposed to waterlogging or to hypoxic treatments do not increase their weights and thus recover from the metabolic disturbances resulting from these treatments.  相似文献   

人工模拟不同程度的淹水环境,评价墨西哥落羽杉苗木耐水淹能力。以2年生墨西哥落羽杉(Taxodium mucronatum Tenore)实生苗为试验材料,模拟不同程度淹水胁迫:苗体全部淹水(苗木全淹)、苗体中部以下淹水(苗木半淹)、苗体根部淹水(苗木浅淹)、苗体不淹水(对照处理),测定分析各处理条件下苗木叶片中的可溶性蛋白含量、游离脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量、丙二醛含量以及过氧化物酶活性的变化规律。结果显示,在整个淹水胁迫试验期间,不同程度淹水胁迫处理对墨西哥落羽杉苗木各生理生化指标的影响均达极显著水平(P<0.01)。随着淹水胁迫程度的加重,不同处理下的苗木叶片各生理生化指标的变化存在较大差异;苗木叶片中丙二醛含量增高、过氧化物酶活性增强,可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量则随着淹水胁迫时间的延长而呈现出较为复杂的变化,3个指标表现出反复“上升下降”的变化趋势。墨西哥落羽杉苗木具有较强的耐水淹能力,其苗木可以在浅淹胁迫和半淹胁迫环境中长期生存,即使处于全淹环境中的苗木在短期内也不会发生死亡现象。  相似文献   

研究淹水对玉米物质积累和光合能力的影响及有效缓解措施,以期为玉米抗逆高产栽培提供依据。以两个耐涝性不同的玉米自交系为试验材料,研究了外源亚精胺对淹水条件下植株物质积累、叶面积、叶绿素含量、净光合速率和叶绿素荧光特性等指标的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,淹水处理显著降低玉米地下部干重、地上部干重、单株干重、相对干物质积累速率和叶面积;随淹水处理天数增加,叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率和实际光化学效率逐渐降低,且敏感型Su95-1各指标降幅最大。淹水条件下外施亚精胺处理植株,干物质积累量和光合指标较对照显著降低,但较淹水处理有不同程度地提高,且Su95-1增幅更大。综上,在淹水条件下,外施亚精胺能提高叶片的光合能力并提高植株耐涝性,最终增加干物质积累。  相似文献   

A field experiment was performed to study the effects of waterlogging for different durations (3 and 6 days) on grain filling and endosperm cell proliferation of summer maize hybrids DengHai605 (DH605) and ZhengDan958 (ZD958) at the third leaf stage (V3), the sixth leaf stage (V6) and the 10th day after the tasselling stage (10VT). Results showed that waterlogging damages on grain filling and endosperm cell proliferation varied with growth stage and duration of waterlogging. The most significant effect of waterlogging was observed at V3, followed by V6 and 10VT. Endosperm cell content, average endosperm cell proliferation rate, grain weight and grain‐filling rate were reduced significantly with increasing waterlogging durations, with the most significant (P < 0.05) reduction in V3‐6 with a decrease of 37.1 %, 51.9 %, 13.6 % and 12.1 % for DH605, and 27.3 %, 51.1 %, 17.4 % and 14.3 % for ZD958, respectively. Waterlogging damages on grain filling and endosperm cell proliferation resulted in a significant reduction in grain yield. Waterlogging at V3 had the most yield reduction, followed by V6 and 10VT. Yield reduction after waterlogging for 6 days at different stage was about twice as much as that after waterlogging for 3 days. Clearly, the most significant inhibition of grain growth for waterlogging was observed at V3, followed by V6 and 10VT. The inhibition was enhanced significantly with increasing waterlogging durations. Endosperm cell number and grain weight was decreased by 8.3–24.1 % and 1.2–10.8 % after waterlogging for 3 days, while decreased by 12.9–32.2 % and 4.6–14.7 % after waterlogging for 6 days, compared to CK.  相似文献   

两个彩色棉品种生理特性及产量性状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以淮棕杂1号、淮绿杂1号和白色棉亲本材料zms-41为材料,研究了棕色棉、绿色棉及其亲本生理特性及产量性状的差异.结果表明,亲本叶绿素(a+b)含量最高,棕色棉次之,绿色棉最低,盛花期后绿色棉叶绿素a、b的含量与亲本差异明显.绿色棉和棕色棉叶面积系数的增长主要在棉花生育中前期,盛花期以后,叶面积系数下降较快;叶比重在整...  相似文献   

Five cowpea genotypes, Gorom local (Go), KVX61‐1 (KV), Mouride (Mo), Bambey 21 (B21) and TN88‐63 (TN), differing in their susceptibility to water stress, were studied under glasshouse and field conditions, to determine their physiological, biochemical and agronomic responses to water deficit at flowering stage. Effect of water deficit on leaf water potential (ψl), canopy temperature, gaseous exchange, leaf proline content, total protein and starch contents, maximal quantum yield (ϕp0) and yield components was examined. Water deficit significantly increased the canopy temperature and the proline content of the five genotypes while ψl, gaseous exchanges, ϕp0 and starch content decreased significantly. Yield components, with the exception of seed number per pod, of the five genotypes, were also significantly affected. Under glasshouse and field conditions, the results showed that stomatal closure is the common strategy used by the five genotypes to avoid dehydration. Go, Mo and TN tolerated water stress better than B21 and KV. Furthermore, Go and Mo recovered more rapidly after rewatering than B21 and KV. These latter genotypes are revealed to be sensitive with low recovery capacity. The results suggest that the maintenance of net photosynthesis and solute accumulation seem to be traits conferring water stress tolerance in Go, Mo and TN. These traits and recovery capacity could be valuable selection criteria for higher yields under water deficit conditions.  相似文献   

涝渍是中国长江、黄河流域棉区棉花产量、品质提高的重要限制因子。棉花常具有复杂的耐涝机制,其中,转录因子在其响应涝渍胁迫中发挥着重要作用。本研究从形态结构、生理生化、基因表达等方面综述了近几年国内外有关棉花涝渍胁迫的研究进展,探讨了胁迫条件下棉花的形态及生理适应性,信号转导过程,重点分析了b ZIP、AP2/EREBP,NAC、WRKY、MYB、b HLH等几大家族转录因子的结构、分类及生物学功能,并对其响应非生物胁迫的复杂调控机制进行了论述,以期为发掘棉花耐涝基因,利用分子手段培育棉花耐涝新品种提供思路。  相似文献   

Two sugar beet (Beta vulgaris sp.) varieties, which were supposed to differ in drought tolerance, were exposed to drought stress in a growth chamber and a container experiment in field. The aim was to test for (i) differences between the varieties in water use efficiency (WUE), biomass production and distribution and (ii) the relationship between WUE and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ), and between biomass production and Δ. Significant differences in WUE were detected between plants of well‐watered and drought treatments in both experiments, but not between the varieties. Production losses due to drought were large for both varieties in both experiments. Losses in the growth chamber were up to 50 % of plant dry weight and the corresponding value in the field was 24 %, when plants were given 60 and 30 %, respectively, of the full‐watered treatments. Significant negative correlations between WUE and Δ were found, but not between biomass production and Δ, when both varieties were included. Negative correlations between WUE and Δ were also found for each variety separately. The results suggest that Δ estimates from leaf tissue of sugar beet may provide a useful tool for genetic selection of drought‐tolerant sugar beet varieties.  相似文献   

Lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) is a valuable forage legume but it is short lived in many regions and periodic reseeding is necessary to maintain adequate lucerne in swards. Sod-seeding is a fast, one pass method of renovation but variable seedling establishment of sod-seeded lucerne has been experienced in the Atlantic Region of Canada. Experiments were conducted in two consecutive years to determine seeding date effects on establishment and growth of sod-seeded lucerne in timothy ( Phleum pratense L.) dominant swards at two sites. In the first experiment lucerne was sod-seeded on four dates in swards, band sprayed with paraquat at 0.5 kg/ha−1, and was compared with sod-seeded red clover ( Trifolium pratense L.). In the second experiment the effects of four sod-seeding dates of lucerne and broadcast or band spraying of paraquat in swards were determined. Sod-seeding lucerne between late April and mid-June resulted in the best establishment and yields. Yields of sod-seeded lucerne were usually greater with broadcast than with band applied paraquat. Red clover established more readily and made a greater contribution to total yields than lucerne.  相似文献   

O. Chloupek 《Plant Breeding》1988,101(2):169-172
The size of the root system as determined by its electrical capacity was evaluated in lucerne plants of two varieties and three new synthetic populations in field experiments during four years (1981–1987). The average size of the root system of plants which were harvested three times, per year for forage was about 11 % smaller than that of plants grown for forage in the primary growth and for seed in the secondary growth of each year. The smallest root system was determined in the variety ‘Bobrava’ and the synthetic population ZE-S-VH (relatively 100 and 100.9 %), followed by the variety ‘Palava’ and the synthetic population ZE-S-IV (1 05.1 anc 106.7 %). The largest root system was Sound in the synthetic population ZE-S-V (111.7%). One of the five parental Tories in ZE-S-IV and ZE-S-V exhibited significant effects of general combining ability for root system size. The large root system could also be due to higher resistance to vascular wilt. The larger root system is related to higher persistence, stability for more: cuts, higher level and stability of forage and seed yield in comparison to the control variety. The results present evidence for succesfully breeding, lucerne for larger root systems.  相似文献   

为了阐明盛花期湿害胁迫对不同种植方式芝麻影响的差异,在芝麻盛花期即始花后28天,对垄作和平作2种种植方式的芝麻进行湿害处理,撤水后调查2种种植方式芝麻的萎蔫面积、萎蔫株率、病害发生程度等指标,测定不同生育时期芝麻的干物质积累量,成熟期进行室内考种并测产,计算投入产出比,比较经济效益。结果表明:垄作比平作能有效减轻湿害造成的芝麻萎蔫、倒伏、叶枯病和茎点枯病的发生;盛花期湿害对2种种植方式的芝麻生长都有抑制作用,但对垄作芝麻的影响较小;湿害对2种种植方式芝麻的农艺性状和产量有很大影响,且对平作的影响大于垄作,其差异性大小为单株蒴数 > 单株产量 > 单产 > 有效果轴长度 > 有效果节数 > 株高,显著性差异达极显著水平,蒴果长度的差异达显著水平,对蒴粒数、千粒重的差异影响不显著;垄作、平作的投入产出比分别为1:2.86、1:2.04,垄作芝麻每公顷可增加纯收益5492.7元。  相似文献   

Yields of sugarcane (a complex hybrid of Saccharum spp.) in FL, USA, are lower on sand soils than on organic (muck) soils. Nitrogen (N) supply may limit sugarcane growth and yields on these sand soils. A 2‐year pot study was conducted to determine sugarcane genotypic variation in response to N rate on a sand soil. Treatments included four N rates (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha?1) and three sugarcane genotypes (CP 80‐1743, CP 01‐2390 and TCP 87‐3388). Nitrogen fertilizer was equally split and applied at about 55 and 125 days after planting (DAP) for each treatment. During the experiment, the number of nodes and length of the primary stalks and tillers were recorded. Leaf relative chlorophyll (soil plant analysis development (SPAD)) and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) were measured biweekly. All plants were harvested at 183 DAP to measure green leaf area (GLA), shoot biomass accumulation and partitioning, and fertilizer N use efficiency (NUE). Genotypes differed significantly in leaf SPAD, Pn, GLA, and shoot biomass accumulation and partitioning. CP 01‐2390 had the highest leaf Pn and shoot biomass, and CP 80‐1743 had the lowest GLA, shoot biomass and NUE among genotypes. Nitrogen rate affected leaf SPAD, GLA, shoot biomass and NUE, but had much less effect on leaf Pn. Green leaf area and biomass increased with increasing N rates. Our results suggest that a two‐pronged approach, selection of genotypes with high NUE while working to optimize N rates and delivery can improve sugarcane yields on sand soils.  相似文献   

Phosphorous deficiency in soil limits crop growth and productivity in the majority of arable lands worldwide and may moderate the growth enhancement effect of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. To evaluate the interactive effect of these two factors on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) growth and physiology, plants were grown in controlled environment growth chambers with three levels of phosphate (Pi) supply (0.20, 0.05 and 0.01 mm ) under ambient and elevated (400 and 800 μmol mol?1, respectively) CO2. Phosphate stress caused stunted growth and resulted in early leaf senescence with severely decreased leaf area and photosynthesis. Phosphate stress led to over 77 % reduction in total biomass across CO2 levels. There was a below‐ground (roots) shift in biomass partitioning under Pi deficiency. While tissue phosphorus (P) decreased, tissue nitrogen (N) content tended to increase under Pi deficiency. The CO× Pi interactions were significant on leaf area, photosynthesis and biomass accumulation. The stimulatory effect of elevated CO2 on growth and photosynthesis was reduced or highly depressed suggesting an increased sensitivity of cotton to Pi deficiency under elevated CO2. Although, tissue P and stomatal conductance were lower at elevated CO2, these did not appear to be the main causes of cotton unresponsiveness to elevated CO2 under severe Pi‐stress. The alteration in the uptake and utilization of N was suggested due to a consistent reduction (18–21 %) in the cotton plant tissue N content under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

棉花不同品种钾吸收效率差异的根系形态学和生理学机理   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
用6个棉花品种作为试验材料,通过水培试验比较其对钾的吸收能力,研究其根系形态学、生理学特征和K+吸收动力学参数。结果表明,低钾胁迫下,钾高效品种中棉所64的根干物质质量、根体积、根活跃吸收面积、根活跃比表面积最大,根系活力最强;钾高效品种中棉所35的根干物质质量较大、根长而细,根总吸收面积最大,根总比表面积都最大,根系活力也较强,且K+最大吸收速率Imax最大,最小临界浓度Cmin较小,耐低钾能力强。而钾低效品种中棉所50和中植棉2号的根系形态学等指标都较差,根系活力较弱,且Imax也较小。该研究不仅有助于阐明棉花耐低钾胁迫的机理,而且能评价不同品种对低钾的适应能力。  相似文献   

郭孝  李明 《中国农学通报》2007,23(11):20-20
在河南省黄河滩区土壤和气候条件下,对紫花苜蓿与无芒雀麦和羊茅二种多年生禾草的混播草地特点进行了研究,并对其地上、地下生物量的时空间动态进行了详细的分析与研究。结果表明,紫花苜蓿混播牧草地上和地下生物量季节动态均呈双峰曲线,地上生物量峰期分别在完熟期以及果后营养中期;地下生物量的峰期分别在种子完熟期和果后营养后期。地上部分生物量增长最快在抽穗期(现蕾期)到完熟期期间,紫花苜蓿与无芒雀麦以及羊茅的混播牧草的生长强度为11.92gDM/(m2·d)和14.13gDM/(m2·d);地下部分增长最快分别在分蘖期(分枝期)到拔节期(抽茎期),紫花苜蓿与无芒雀麦以及羊茅的混播牧草根系生长强度分别为8.53gDM/(m2·d)和8.94gDM/(m2·d)。  相似文献   

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