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无机膜催化反应器中的环己烷脱氢反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无机膜催化反应器中的环己烷脱氢反应赵修仁,黄闻迪,陈淑兰(大连理工大学化工学院,大连116012)关键词:无机膜,膜催化反应,环己烷脱氢1前言由于无机膜具有耐温、耐化学腐蚀及轻度耐压的特点,因此有可能用于在高温下进行的催化反应而实现膜催化过程。Arm...  相似文献   

无机膜及无机膜反应器的发展和应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
无机膜具有强度高、孔径容易控制、化学性质稳定、热稳定性好、易再生和不易老化等优点,成为膜技术领域重要研究方向,膜反应器是它的应用之一。综述了无机膜的发展状况,包括无机膜的分类和最新研究,无机膜反应器的特点、类型和它的作用;重点介绍了无机膜的应用和无机膜反应器的分类及应用研究,并提出了实现其工业化的不足。  相似文献   

吴雪妹 《浙江化工》2002,33(4):12-14
介绍膜催化反应器中的无机膜材料及其制备方法与功能,综述了膜催化反应技术的应用研究进展,指出了膜催化反应技术在工业化发展过程中的几个问题。  相似文献   

固定床催化反应器稳态模拟通用软件FBRS的开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
计算机模拟是研究列管式和多级绝热式固定床催化反应器的工程问题,例如工况模拟、设计计算、参数分析、操作或设计优化的强有力手段。本文简要地介绍了作者开发成功的、可以用于这两大类反应器各种典型模拟计算的通用软件 FBRS。它是一个通用、高效、结构开放和功能多样的软件系统。  相似文献   

微孔无机膜反应器研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主要介绍了无机膜在化学反应中的应用--膜反应器研究,对膜反应器的特点、类型、应用、影响因素以及与其它反应器的比较进行了评述,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

无机膜的发展现状与展望   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
介绍无机膜的制备、应用和膜催化反应的若干进展,并对本世纪前十年的无机膜发展方向进行评述。  相似文献   

姚培洪 《兰化科技》1995,13(3):194-197
介绍了选择性穿透膜的分类、传递分子的机理及催化无机膜反应器的特点--包括反应与分离的结合,不同反应的耦合等。  相似文献   

《Catalysis Reviews》2013,55(1-2):147-198
The purpose of this review article is to provide readers with an extensive account on methane-coupling reactions performed in membrane reactors available in literature up to 2000. The principles, advantages or disadvantages, and crucial problems of all kinds of membrane reactors used in methane coupling are discussed. Some areas such as solid oxide membrane reactors for methane oxidative coupling are treated less extensively, as it has always been reviewed by other researchers. More emphasis has been placed in catalytic proton or mixed proton and electron-hole conducting membrane reactors, as they have greater potentials and have received less attention in the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review article is to provide readers with an extensive account on methane-coupling reactions performed in membrane reactors available in literature up to 2000. The principles, advantages or disadvantages, and crucial problems of all kinds of membrane reactors used in methane coupling are discussed. Some areas such as solid oxide membrane reactors for methane oxidative coupling are treated less extensively, as it has always been reviewed by other researchers. More emphasis has been placed in catalytic proton or mixed proton and electron-hole conducting membrane reactors, as they have greater potentials and have received less attention in the literature.  相似文献   

国外膜催化剂的研究与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对当前国外膜催化技术(包括膜催化剂和膜反应器)的研究和应用作了全面的评述。着重考察了无机膜(各种金属膜和合金膜、陶瓷膜、各种氧化物膜、玻璃膜以及复合膜等)的催化作用,分加氢、脱氢、共轭反应、氧化还原、C_1-化学中的膜催化等进行了综述。分析了苏联、日本和美国等国家发展膜催化技术的作法,对我国开展膜催化研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional nonisothermal mathematical model has been developed to simulate a tube-and-shell configuration, catalytic membrane reactor. The three-layer membrane consists of an inert large-pore support, an o2 semipermeable dense perovskite layer and a porous catalytic layer. The model is applied to the simulation of the partial oxidation or methane to syngas (oxyreforming). The membrane reactor simultaneously supplies oxygen to the catalytic reaction along the reactor length, and separates oxygen from the air feed, using a dense perovskite layer which is a mixed conductor, thus allowing rapid oxygen permeation without the use of an external circuit. Two configurations of catalytic membrane reactors are simulated, for both bench-scale and industrial-scale conditions. Comparisons are made to the conventional fixed-bed reactor, and to membrane reactors which are isothermal, adiabatic or wall-cooled. The simulation results imply that the temperature rise in exothermic partial oxidation reactions may be mitigated substantially by the use of a dense membrane reactor,  相似文献   

膜反应器的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以化学反应工程的观点,对一级可逆反应的膜反应器进行了理论分析。建立了反应速率和分离速率偶合的联立动力学方程求解方法,得出关于膜反应器的几个基本结论。1.膜反应器能促进反应效果必须具备下列条件:(1)膜的选择性 S_m 要远大于反应平衡常数 K_o 的倒数S_,》K_c~(-1)(2)正反应的速率常数 k 比反应物 R 的分离速率常数 k_R 要大一些。2.膜反应器的理想最大转化率 X_mX_m=1/[1+(S_mK_c)~(-1)]3.当无因次参数 m 为7.9时,膜反应器的相对转化率η为99%,且应该在 m≥7.9附近进行操作。4.膜反应器的各种参数与促进反应效果的最适宜的操作条件有关。通过分析,确定了膜反应器的总转化率有某一个理想的最大值,可得到理想的最大转化率、膜的选择性和平衡常数之间的关系。在设计条件和操作条件下,这种关系对于所研究的膜反应器是有效的。  相似文献   

引 言近年来 ,膜反应器研究已经成为化学反应工程领域的热点课题之一 .其中单侧的膜反应过程研究较多 ,而耦合膜反应过程的研究相对较少 .耦合膜反应过程是指在膜反应器中膜两侧都有反应发生 ,一侧反应的产物是另一侧反应的反应物 ,而膜可优先选择该物质透过 .耦合膜反应过程的研究首先是在前苏联开展的 ,主要以Gryaznov等[1,2 ] 对脱氢反应与加氢反应耦合过程的研究为代表 ,有关介绍参见Shu等[3] 、Zaman和Chakma[4 ] 以及Saracco和Specchia[5] 的综述 .研究表明 ,耦合膜反应过程有其特殊的优点 :通…  相似文献   

钯复合膜反应器中异丁烷催化脱氢反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
引 言异丁烷脱氢反应是一个受热力学平衡限制的反应 ,平衡转化率很低 ,若将膜反应器用于该反应 ,则可以通过膜不断地从反应区选择性分离出氢气 ,克服了反应受热力学平衡制约的缺点 ,这样就可降低反应温度和减压程度的要求 ,改善反应的工艺条件 ,从而达到高效和节能的目的 .文献中已分别对钯 /陶瓷复合膜[1,2 ]和钯 -钌 (钌的质量分数为 2 % )合金膜[3]反应器中的异丁烷脱氢反应进行了初步研究 .前文[4 ]已对用改进的化学镀新工艺制备的钯和钯 -银 /陶瓷复合膜进行了表征 ,本文将用钯-银 /陶瓷复合膜反应器进行异丁烷脱氢反应的研究 .本工作…  相似文献   

In this research we analyze the steady-state operation of a continuous flow bioreactor, with or without recycle, and an idealized or nonidealized continuous flow membrane reactor. The model extends to include a fixed bed reactor where a fraction of the biomass is detached by the flow. The reaction is assumed to be governed by Tessier growth kinetics. We show that a flow reactor with idealized recycle has the same performance as an idealized membrane reactor and that the performance of a nonidealized membrane reactor is identical to that of an appropriately defined continuous flow bioreactor with nonidealized recycle. The performance of all three reactor types can therefore be obtained by analyzing a flow reactor with recycle. The steady states of the recycle model are found and their stability determined as a function of the residence time. The performance of the reactor at large residence times is obtained.  相似文献   

A hollow fiber membrane reactor, which resembles a tube-and-shell heat exchanger, was developed for homogeneous catalytic reactions with gas reactants and products. The gas stream flows through the tube side while the reaction takes place in the catalyst solution which fills the shell side. The separation load of product from the catalyst solution can be reduced by using a hollow fiber membrane reactor instead of a conventional bubble column reactor. The reactor operates in a plug-flow pattern with a large mass transfer area per unit volume of catalyst solution

This concept was investigated experimentally using the direct oxidation of ethylene to acetaldehyde reaction in an aqueous solution of palladium (H) chloride-cupric chloride with a silicone rubber membrane reactor and a polypropylene membrane reactor. It was experimentally demonstrated that membrane reactors could achieve higher production rates per unit volume of catalyst than the conventional sparged reactor. The experimental data were in good agreement with the predictions by the mathematical model. The conditions under which the membrane reactor will be more advantageous than the conventional sparged reactors can be readily ascertained with the analytical solution of the simplified membrane reactor model.  相似文献   

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