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We study network growth from a fixed set of initially isolated nodes placed at random on the surface of a sphere. The growth mechanism we use adds edges to the network depending on strictly local gain and cost criteria. Only nodes that are not too far apart on the sphere may be considered for being joined by an edge. Given two such nodes, the joining occurs only if the gain of doing it surpasses the cost. Our model is based on a multiplicative parameter λ that regulates, in a function of node degrees, the maximum geodesic distance that is allowed between nodes for them to be considered for joining. For n nodes distributed uniformly on the sphere, and for within limits that depend on cost-related parameters, we have found that our growth mechanism gives rise to power-law distributions of node degree that are invariant for constant . We also study connectivity- and distance-related properties of the networks.  相似文献   

Opinion Dynamics on Complex Networks with Communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王茹  池丽平  蔡勖 《中国物理快报》2008,25(4):1502-1505
The Ising or Potts models of ferromagnetism have been widely used to describe locally interacting social or economic systems. We consider a related model, introduced by Sznajd to describe the evolution of consensus in the scale-free networks with the tunable strength (noted by Q) of community structure. In the Sznajd model, the opinion or state of any spins can only be changed by the influence of neighbouring pairs of similar connection spins. Such pairs can polarize their neighbours. Using asynchronous updating, it is found that the smaller the community strength Q, the larger the slope of the exponential relaxation time distribution. Then the effect of the initial upspin concentration p as a function of the final all up probability E is investigated by taking different initialization strategies, the random node-chosen initialization strategy has no difference under different community strengths, while the strategies of community node-chosen initialization and hub node-chosen initialization are different in fina/probability under different Q, and the latter one is more effective in reaching final state.  相似文献   

Yuying Gu 《Physics letters. A》2009,373(37):3309-3314
A new type of network growth rule is studied, which comprises nodes adding, plus a rewiring procedure, and replacing of nodes with the complete bipartite graph K2,3 acting on Petersen graph. The 3-regular extended Petersen networks have 0 clustering coefficient, short diameter, high connectivity and the Hamilton path. All these properties play an important role in the information transfer of the network, as they cannot only increase the security but also save time and system resources.  相似文献   

Sungmin Lee  Yup Kim 《Physica A》2008,387(12):3033-3038
Dynamical scalings for the end-to-end distance Ree and the number of distinct visited nodes Nv of random walks (RWs) on finite scale-free networks (SFNs) are studied numerically. 〈Ree〉 shows the dynamical scaling behavior , where is the average minimum distance between all possible pairs of nodes in the network, N is the number of nodes, γ is the degree exponent of the SFN and t is the step number of RWs. Especially, in the limit t satisfies the relation , where d is the diameter of network with for γ≥3 or for γ<3. Based on the scaling relation 〈Ree〉, we also find that the scaling behavior of the diameter of networks can be measured very efficiently by using RWs.  相似文献   

Jian-Wei Wang  Li-Li Rong 《Physica A》2009,388(7):1289-1298
Considering that not all overload nodes will be removed from networks due to some effective measures to protect them, we propose a new cascading model with a breakdown probability. Adopting the initial load of a node j to be Lj=[kj(∑mΓjkm)]α with kj and Γj being the degree of the node j and the set of its neighboring nodes, respectively, where α is a tunable parameter, we investigate the relationship between some parameters and universal robustness characteristics against cascading failures on scale-free networks. According to a new measure originated from a phase transition from the normal state to collapse, the numerical simulations show that Barabási-Albert (BA) networks reach the strongest robustness level against cascading failures when the tunable parameter α=0.5, while not relating to the breakdown probability. We furthermore explore the effect of the average degree 〈k〉 for network robustness, thus obtaining a positive correlation between 〈k〉 and network robustness. We then analyze the effect of the breakdown probability on the network robustness and confirm by theoretical predictions this universal robustness characteristic observed in simulations. Our work may have practical implications for controlling various cascading-failure-induced disasters in the real world.  相似文献   

Jian-Wei Wang  Li-Li Rong 《Physica A》2009,388(8):1731-1737
Most previous existing works on cascading failures only focused on attacks on nodes rather than on edges. In this paper, we discuss the response of scale-free networks subject to two different attacks on edges during cascading propagation, i.e., edge removal by either the descending or ascending order of the loads. Adopting a cascading model with a breakdown probability p of an overload edge and the initial load (kikj)α of an edge ij, where ki and kj are the degrees of the nodes connected by the edge ij and α is a tunable parameter, we investigate the effects of two attacks for the robustness of Barabási-Albert (BA) scale-free networks against cascading failures. In the case of α<1, our investigation by the numerical simulations leads to a counterintuitive finding that BA scale-free networks are more sensitive to attacks on the edges with the lowest loads than the ones with the highest loads, not relating to the breakdown probability. In addition, the same effect of two attacks in the case of α=1 may be useful in furthering studies on the control and defense of cascading failures in many real-life networks. We then confirm by the theoretical analysis these results observed in simulations.  相似文献   

Attack vulnerability of scale-free networks due to cascading failures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, adopting the initial load of a node i to be with ki being the degree of the node i, we propose a cascading model based on a load local redistribution rule and examine cascading failures on the typical network, i.e., the BA network with the scale-free property. We find that the BA scale-free network reaches the strongest robustness level in the case of α=1 and the robustness of the network has a positive correlation with the average degree 〈k〉, where the robustness is quantified by a transition from normal state to collapse. In addition, we further discuss the effects of two different attacks for the robustness against cascading failures on our cascading model and find an interesting result, i.e., the effects of two different attacks, strongly depending to the value α. These results may be very helpful for real-life networks to avoid cascading-failure-induced disasters.  相似文献   

The concept of edge weight provides additional depth for describing and adjusting the properties of networks. Redistribution of edge weight can effectively change the properties of networks even though the corresponding binary topology remains unchanged. Based on regular networks with initially homogeneous dissimilarity weights, random redistribution of edge weight can be enough to induce small world phenomena. The effects of random weight redistribution on both static properties and dynamical models of networks are investigated. The results reveal that randomization of weight can enhance the ability of synchronization of chaotic systems dramatically.  相似文献   

We numerically investigate the effect of four kinds of partial attacks of multiple targets on the Barabási Albert (BA) scale-free network and the Erdos-Rényi (ER) random network. Comparing with the effect of single target complete knockout we find that partial attacks of multiple targets may produce an effect higher than the complete knockout of a single target on both BA scale-free network and ER random network. We also find that the BA scale-free network seems to be more susceptible to multi-target partial attacks than the ER random network.  相似文献   

A. Santiago 《Physica A》2009,388(11):2234-2242
In this paper we study the robustness of heterogeneous preferential attachment networks. The robustness of a network measures its structural tolerance to the random removal of nodes and links. We numerically analyze the influence of the affinity parameters on a set of ensemble-averaged robustness metrics. We show that the presence of heterogeneity does not fundamentally alter the smooth nature of the fragmentation process of the models. We also show that a moderate level of locality translates into slight improvements in the robustness metrics, which prompts us to conjecture an evolutionary argument for the existence of real networks with power-law scaling in their connectivity and clustering distributions.  相似文献   

Xiao-Gai Tang 《Physica A》2009,388(22):4797-4802
We study the information traffic in scale-free networks where the information generation rate varies with time as a periodic function. We observe that when the fluctuation in packet generation rate increases, the average transit time increases and network performance degrades. In order to improve the transportation efficiency in this situation, we propose a new routing method called mixed routing. It operates in two modes: (1) when the packet generation rate is small, the shortest paths are used to deliver the packets to the destination; (2) when the packet generation rate is large, the traffic loads in central nodes are redistributed to other non-central nodes, using the so-called efficient routing method. We find that the time shifting between the two modes is very critical for the routing performance. Consequently, we provide an efficient method to determine the critical times to shift the routing modes for achieving good network performance.  相似文献   

Jihong Guan  Shuigeng Zhou  Yonghui Wu 《Physica A》2009,388(12):2571-2578
In this paper, we propose an evolving Sierpinski gasket, based on which we establish a model of evolutionary Sierpinski networks (ESNs) that unifies deterministic Sierpinski network [Z.Z. Zhang, S.G. Zhou, T. Zou, L.C. Chen, J.H. Guan, Eur. Phys. J. B 60 (2007) 259] and random Sierpinski network [Z.Z. Zhang, S.G. Zhou, Z. Su, T. Zou, J.H. Guan, Eur. Phys. J. B 65 (2008) 141] to the same framework. We suggest an iterative algorithm generating the ESNs. On the basis of the algorithm, some relevant properties of presented networks are calculated or predicted analytically. Analytical solution shows that the networks under consideration follow a power-law degree distribution, with the distribution exponent continuously tuned in a wide range. The obtained accurate expression of clustering coefficient, together with the prediction of average path length reveals that the ESNs possess small-world effect. All our theoretical results are successfully contrasted by numerical simulations. Moreover, the evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game is also studied on some limitations of the ESNs, i.e., deterministic Sierpinski network and random Sierpinski network.  相似文献   

Shunjiang Ni  Wenguo Weng  Shifei Shen 《Physica A》2008,387(21):5295-5302
The class of generative models has already attracted considerable interest from researchers in recent years and much expanded the original ideas described in BA model. Most of these models assume that only one node per time step joins the network. In this paper, we grow the network by adding n interconnected nodes as a local structure into the network at each time step with each new node emanating m new edges linking the node to the preexisting network by preferential attachment. This successfully generates key features observed in social networks. These include power-law degree distribution pkk−(3+μ), where μ=(n−1)/m is a tuning parameter defined as the modularity strength of the network, nontrivial clustering, assortative mixing, and modular structure. Moreover, all these features are dependent in a similar way on the parameter μ. We then study the susceptible-infected epidemics on this network with identical infectivity, and find that the initial epidemic behavior is governed by both of the infection scheme and the network structure, especially the modularity strength. The modularity of the network makes the spreading velocity much lower than that of the BA model. On the other hand, increasing the modularity strength will accelerate the propagation velocity.  相似文献   

A. Santiago 《Physica A》2009,388(14):2941-2948
In this paper we present a study of the influence of local affinity in heterogeneous preferential attachment (PA) networks. Heterogeneous PA models are a generalization of the Barabási-Albert model to heterogeneous networks, where the affinity between nodes biases the attachment probability of links. Threshold models are a class of heterogeneous PA models where the affinity between nodes is inversely related to the distance between their states. We propose a generalization of threshold models where network nodes have individual affinity functions, which are then combined to yield the affinity of each potential interaction. We analyze the influence of the affinity functions in the topological properties averaged over a network ensemble. The network topology is evaluated through the distributions of connectivity degrees, clustering coefficients and geodesic distances. We show that the relaxation of the criterion of a single global affinity still leads to a reasonable power-law scaling in the connectivity and clustering distributions under a wide spectrum of assumptions. We also show that the richer behavior of the model often exhibits a better agreement with the empirical observations on real networks.  相似文献   

When we study the architecture of networks of spatially extended systems the nodes in the network are subject to local correlation structures. In this case, we show that for scale-free networks the traditional way to estimate the clustering coefficient may not be meaningful. Here we explain why and propose an approach that corrects this problem.  相似文献   

Haitao Liu 《Physica A》2008,387(12):3048-3058
This paper proposes how to build a syntactic network based on syntactic theory and presents some statistical properties of Chinese syntactic dependency networks based on two Chinese treebanks with different genres. The results show that the two syntactic networks are small-world networks, and their degree distributions obey a power law. The finding, that the two syntactic networks have the same diameter and different average degrees, path lengths, clustering coefficients and power exponents, can be seen as an indicator that complexity theory can work as a means of stylistic study. The paper links the degree of a vertex with a valency of a word, the small world with the minimized average distance of a language, that reinforces the explanations of the findings from linguistics.  相似文献   

We study the evolutionary Prisoner's dilemma game on scale-free networks, focusing on the influence of different initial distributions for cooperators and defectors on the evolution of cooperation. To address this issue, we consider three types of initial distributions for defectors: uniform distribution at random, occupying the most connected nodes, and occupying the lowest-degree nodes, respectively. It is shown that initial configurations for defectors can crucially influence the cooperation level and the evolution speed of cooperation. Interestingly, the situation where defectors initially occupy the lowest-degree vertices can exhibit the most robust cooperation, compared with two other distributions. That is, the cooperation level is least affected by the initial percentage of defectors. Moreover, in this situation, the whole system evolves fastest to the prevalent cooperation. Besides, we obtain the critical values of initial frequency of defectors above which the extinction of cooperators occurs for the respective initial distributions. Our results might be helpful in explaining the maintenance of high cooperation in scale-free networks.  相似文献   

A preferential attachment model for a growing network incorporating the deletion of edges is studied and the expected asymptotic degree distribution is analyzed. At each time step t=1,2,…, with probability π1>0 a new vertex with one edge attached to it is added to the network and the edge is connected to an existing vertex chosen proportionally to its degree, with probability π2 a vertex is chosen proportionally to its degree and an edge is added between this vertex and a randomly chosen other vertex, and with probability π3=1−π1π2<1/2 a vertex is chosen proportionally to its degree and a random edge of this vertex is deleted. The model is intended to capture a situation where high-degree vertices are more dynamic than low-degree vertices in the sense that their connections tend to be changing. A recursion formula is derived for the expected asymptotic fraction pk of vertices with degree k, and solving this recursion reveals that, for π3<1/3, we have pkk−(3−7π3)/(1−3π3), while, for π3>1/3, the fraction pk decays exponentially at rate (π1+π2)/2π3. There is hence a non-trivial upper bound for how much deletion the network can incorporate without losing the power-law behavior of the degree distribution. The analytical results are supported by simulations.  相似文献   

Wen-Bo Du  Xian-Bin Cao  Lin Zhao 《Physica A》2009,388(20):4509-4514
Considering the heterogeneity of individuals’ influence in the real world, we introduce a preferential selection mechanism to evolutionary games (the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game and the Snowdrift Game) on scale-free networks and focus on the cooperative behavior of the system. In every step, each agent chooses an individual from all its neighbors with a probability proportional to kα indicating the influence of the neighbor, where k is the degree. Simulation results show that the cooperation level has a non-trivial dependence on α. To understand the effect of preferential selection mechanism on the evolution of the system, we investigate the time series of the cooperator frequency in detail. It is found that the cooperator frequency is greatly influenced by the initial strategy of hub nodes when α>0. This observation is confirmed by investigating the system behavior when some hub nodes’ strategies are fixed.  相似文献   

Long Sheng 《Physica A》2009,388(12):2561-2570
In this paper, we analyze statistical properties of English and Chinese written human language within the framework of weighted complex networks. The two language networks are based on an English novel and a Chinese biography, respectively, and both of the networks are constructed in the same way. By comparing the intensity and density of connections between the two networks, we find that high weight connections in Chinese language networks prevail more than those in English language networks. Furthermore, some of the topological and weighted quantities are compared. The results display some differences in the structural organizations between the two language networks. These observations indicate that the two languages may have different linguistic mechanisms and different combinatorial natures.  相似文献   

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