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本文提出了一种求解多入多出系统Diophantine方程的简便方法,并给出了基于Matlab语言的程序清单。该程序可以方便的嵌入到极点配置控制、最小方差控制等仿真程序的子程序中。  相似文献   

本文详细推导了MIMO系统信道容量的表达式,分析了MIMO系统是如何利用多径来提高频谱利用率,并说明当天线数目很大时,信道容量随收发端最小天线数目的增大而线性增大。最后对MIMO与AWGN、SISO、SIMO的信道容量进行了仿真比较。  相似文献   

刘冰 《微计算机信息》2005,(36):129-130
本文详细推导了MIMO系统信道容量的表达式,分析了MIMO系统是如何利用多径来提高频谱利用率,并说明当天线数目很大时,信道容量随收发端最小天线数目的增大而线性增大.最后对MIMO与AWGN、SISO、SIMO的信道容量进行了仿真比较.  相似文献   

准确的频偏测量与补偿对于MIMO系统获得好的性能具有重要作用.在实际的环境中,信道中可能还存在空间相关的干扰.如果将相关干扰按白噪声来处理,那么频偏测量与补偿的精度会下降.如果干扰相关矩阵已知,它可直接用于频偏测量以提高精度;而通常情况下,干扰相关矩阵是未知的,对于这种情况提出一种迭代的频偏测量方法,以迭代方式估计和利用干扰相关矩阵,使频偏测量精度不断得到提高.频偏补偿分成粗补偿以及基于锁相环的精补偿,并在锁相环中加入干扰抑制处理.仿真结果表明,本文方法可以有效提高相关干扰情况下MIMO系统频偏测量与补偿的精度.  相似文献   

在天线多中继系统优化问题的研究中,一般多中继系统源节点到中继和中继到目的节点的两个阶段的信道矩阵必须与其它中继节点共享,将使得系统开销增大。针对以上问题,提出了一种中继节点之间信道状态信息(CSI)连续共享方案。在源节点发送过来的CSI中,不是采用传统的以广播方式发包给所有中继,而是根据相位信息与中继节点矩阵的匹配,通过中继发送到目的节点。在中继节点处设计一种多用户分布式预编码方案,以改善和平衡目的节点接收信号的功率,使接收机实现相干合成,完成系统优化设计。仿真表明,提出的编码方案提高了系统容量,降低了编码复杂度,缓解了多入多出多中继系统中多路信号之间的干扰,提高系统的频谱效率,能很好地适用于多中继系统中。  相似文献   

多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)技术是能够实现多包接收(Multi-Packet Reception,MPR)功能。提出MIMO系统的MAC协议,该协议基于数据流控制方法实现多包接收功能,并在同一通信领域内支持多对一和并行通信。网络仿真中采用调用信道模型的方法,并利用OPNET和MATLAB进行了PHY/MAC跨层动静态联合仿真分析。仿真结果表明,所提协议能够有效地提高移动Ad Hoc网络吞吐量、端到端分组延迟等性能。  相似文献   

提出一种基于两级码本结构的有限反馈自适应MIMO波束成形技术,对该两级码本进行一定的组合,得到一个码本集并从中选择用来量化的码本.在反馈码字索引的同时包含了码本选择的信息,从而实现码本的自适应切换.仿真结果表明,在相同误码率情况下,该方法能够降低反馈速率.  相似文献   

MIMO信号的最优检测在常规条件下是一NP难解问题。利用量子并行计算和量子纠缠等特性,量子计算与人工神经网络结合的量子神经网络能有效的解决这一问题。本文采用Hopfield神经网络实现MIMO信号检测,利用基于检测序列最大后验概率最佳接收似然函数与Hopfield神经网络的能量函数对应关系,构造一种量子神经网络的MIMO检测器。计算仿真结果表明:本文所提出的检测器在误码率方面有良好的性能。  相似文献   

MIMO信号的最优检测在常规条件下是一NP难解问题。利用量子并行计算和量子纠缠等特性,量子计算与人工神经网络结合的量子神经网络能有效的解决这一问题。本文采用Hopfield神经网络实现MIMO信号检测,利用基于检测序列最大后验概率最佳接收似然函数与Hopfield神经网络的能量函数对应关系,构造一种量子神经网络的MIMO检测器。计算仿真结果表明:本文所提出的检测器在误码率方面有良好的性能。  相似文献   

MIMO和MC-CDMA技术相结合,能够提高传统MC-CDMA系统的性能.在分析MC-CDMA系统中不同信道估计方法的基础上,提出一种改进的基于训练序列的MIMO MC-CDMA信道估计方法,能够使发射天线个数成倍增加,而不仅仅受限于子载波个数与多径数目之比,并设计合理的训练序列,大大降低了计算的复杂度.  相似文献   

根据微小区双散射的MIMO椭圆信道模型,分析发送、接收端阵元天线间的信道相关性,考虑到发射端与接收端周围存在大量散射体,且散射体服从非均匀分布,采用Von Mises分布函数描述散射角度的分布情况,从而得到信道相关函数的闭式表达式,并通过仿真分析影响信道相关性的主要因素。实验结果表明,相关系数随天线间距、角度扩展、扩展因子的增大而非单调性减小,为MIMO技术的应用提供了有效理论依据。  相似文献   

研究多入多出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)系统空间相关性模型和空间相关性对MIMO系统误码性能和信道容量的影响。通过一均匀线阵和均匀圆阵结合的2发4收的MIMO系统分析影响空间相关性的因素,表明角度扩展相对于天线间的归一化间距对空间相关性影响更为显著,同时随着空间相关性的减小,系统的误码性能得到改善,而信道容量也相应增加。  相似文献   

空间相关性是多输入多输出(MIMO)无线通信系统急需解决的问题。MIMO系统的容量增长与无线信道的空间相关特性紧密联系。本文分析了这些特性与信道容量的关系,利用相关性矩阵对圆形天线阵列的分析,分析结果可以证明圆形天线阵列的半径的减小意味着信噪比的减小。  相似文献   

对影响多输入多输出(MIMO)信道容量的因素进行分析研究有助于未来无线传感器网络的组建与优化。假设信道系数不变,给出了发射端不同功率分配方案对信道容量的影响并进行了对比,通过实验仿真可知,注水算法对信道容量是最优的,此结论与理论分析相吻合,但其运算复杂度较高。推导了等功率分配方案在低信噪比时信道容量的近似表达式,并通过实验仿真与理论值进行了比较,其运算量大大降低,且在低信噪比时逼近理论值。假设MIMO信道矩阵随机分布,对影响信道容量的天线相关性进行了分析与仿真;比较了在不同天线配置下,遍历容量和中断容量的变化趋势,结论有助于组网时根据相关要求选择适宜的天线数目。  相似文献   

A broadband 8‐antenna multiple‐input and multiple‐output (MIMO) system working for 5G new radio N77 (3.3‐4.2 GHz) in mobile terminals is proposed. In particular, each antenna element/unit consists of a monopole‐type meandered branch and an inverted U‐shaped self‐isolated antenna branch; and the antenna unit is fed by the meandered branch. The antenna unit has two resonances generated separately by each branch of the antenna unit. Since the monopole couples strongly with the self‐isolated antenna element that has the inherent self‐isolation characteristics, quite good isolation for the broadband 8‐antenna MIMO system can be obtained. The results such as antenna efficiency, radiation patterns, envelope correlation coefficient, and channel capacity are also presented.  相似文献   

In this article, a pair of unsymmetrical dual‐feed antennas with one shared radiator and two isolated ports is proposed for multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) systems. The proposed antenna pair achieves high isolation between the two ports by properly adjusting the distance between the two feeding ports and the position and length of shorting strips on the radiator. The antenna has simple structure and covers the 3.3‐3.7 GHz band, which could meet the demand of future 5G applications. The measured results show that antenna has good impedance matching (better than 10 dB return loss) and high port isolation (better than 20 dB isolation) from 3.35 to 3.65 GHz. The total efficiencies are above 55% and the envelope correlation coefficient is <0.1, which is sufficient for MIMO applications.  相似文献   

A compact four‐element multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna for ultra‐wideband (UWB) applications with WLAN band‐notched characteristics is proposed here. The proposed antenna has been designed to operate from 2 to 12 GHz while reject the frequencies between 4.9 to 6.4 GHz. The four antenna elements are placed orthogonal to attain the polarization diversity and high isolation. A thin stub connected to the ground plane is deployed as a LC notch filter to accomplish the rejected WLAN band in each antenna element. The mutual coupling between the adjacent elements is at least 17 dB while it has low indoor and outdoor envelop correlation (<0.45) and high gain with compact size of two boards, each measuring 50 × 25 mm2. To validate the concept, the prototype antenna is manufactured and measured. The comparison of the simulation results showed good agreement with the measured results. The low‐profile design and compact size of the proposed MIMO antenna make it a good candidate for diversity applications desired in portable devices operating in the UWB region.  相似文献   

微带阵列天线的使用对飞机的隐身性能、机动性能等都具有非常重要的现实意义,在分析矩形微带天线设计原理的基础上,依据指标设计要求,完成了一个C频段微带天线阵的设计;同时,利用三维电磁场仿真软件(Ansoft HFSS)进行了仿真,并对其设计的参数进行了优化;在此基础上,通过实物加工,暗室实测,以及与AnsoftHFSS仿真结果进行比较,达到了C频段微带天线阵设计的目的,具有一定的实用工程价值.  相似文献   

In this article, a compact half‐hexagonal ultra‐wide band multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna is presented. The key feature of the antenna is its novel isolation improvement technique which includes grounded stub along with dual grounded circular ring resonator. The antenna contains two counter facing half‐hexagonal monopoles having hybrid isolation circuit. The antenna has a compact size of 20 × 34 mm2, with operating frequency band of 3‐11 GHz where port isolation is better than 20 dB in most of the band. The MIMO performance is ensured by calculating envelop correlation coefficient and mean effective gain ratio for isotropic, indoor, and outdoor environment. The performance of the antenna with multilayer printed circuit board having large dual ground plane and device housing is also studied. Results show that the proposed MIMO antenna is a good candidate for handheld devices for wireless personal‐area networks application.  相似文献   

A compact four and eight elements multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna designed for WLAN applications is presented in this article. The antenna operates in IEEE 802.11b/g WLAN (2.4 GHz), IEEE 802.11 ac/n WLAN (5.2 and 5.8 GHz) and WiMAX (5.8 GHz) bands. The resonated mode of the antenna is achieved by two unequal Reverse‐L shaped, line‐shaped slots on top and parasitic element on the ground layer. The single antenna provides wide bandwidth of about 29% (2.3‐3.1 GHz) in lower and 22% (4.9‐6.1 GHz) in the upper band. The compactness of the single element antenna is found about 95% with respect to the patch and 61% in overall dimension. Thereafter an investigation is carried out to design two, four, and eight elements MIMO antennas. All of the multi‐element structures provide compact configuration and cover entire WLAN frequency ranges (2.4‐2.48 and 5.15‐5.85 GHz). The dimension of the proposed eight element MIMO antenna is 102 × 52 × 1.6 mm3. It covers the frequency (measured) from 2.4 to 3.1 GHz and 5 to 6.1 GHz. The diversity performance of the proposed MIMO antenna is also assessed in terms of the envelope correlation coefficient (ECC), diversity gain (DG), and total active reflection co‐efficient (TARC). The ECC is found <0.5 whereas the DG >9.0 is obtained for the desired bands.  相似文献   

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