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质子交换膜燃料电池的商业化有望在不久的将来实现更清洁的能源社会.然而,氧还原反应缓慢的反应动力学和苛刻的条件对质子交换膜燃料电池的寿命和成本产生了巨大的挑战.之前大多数铂基催化剂的设计都将重点更多地放在提高活性上.随着质子交换膜燃料电池的商业化,寿命问题也受到了更多的关注.对整个生命周期中结构演变进行深入地了解,有助于...  相似文献   

李静  冯欣  魏子栋 《电化学》2018,24(6):589
质子交换膜燃料电池中,空气电极上进行的氧还原反应动力学过程迟缓,是贵金属铂催化剂的主要消耗反应,但铂储量有限、成本过高、稳定性差等缺点严重制约了质子交换膜燃料电池大规模商业化应用. 开发低载量、高催化活性、高稳定铂催化剂是降低燃料电池成本的重要途径之一. 本文以作者课题组近年工作为基础,综述了铂基催化剂的稳定性研究,以及以铂合金为代表的低铂氧还原反应催化剂的最新研究进展. 文章重点讨论了催化剂的结构设计与制备,并对未来氧还原催化剂的发展提出了展望  相似文献   

分别利用液相热解法和浸渍还原法制备了碳载钯纳米催化剂(Pd/C),并研究了其对氧还原反应的电催化活性。与浸渍还原法相比,液相热解法得到的Pd/C催化剂虽然粒径较大,但表现出较好的氧还原反应(ORR)活性和稳定性.在所制备的Pd/C催化剂基础上,通过置换欠电势沉积的Cu原子单层,获得了Pt单层修饰的Pd/C催化剂,其ORR活性较Pd/C催化剂有显著提高,且与纯Pt/C催化剂接近,而其耐久性则较纯Pt/C催化剂有显著提升,显示出Pt单层催化剂的潜在优势.  相似文献   

氧在Pt-Fe-Co/C合金催化剂上的还原   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

分别在酸性和碱性电解质中研究了界面合金化的纳米Ag承载Pt纳米结构催化剂Pt0.5^Ag-B/C(Pt/Ag原子比为0.5)对氧还原反应(ORR)的电催化特点.结果表明,该催化剂对ORR的半波电势(E1/2)与通常的Pt/C催化剂(E-TEK公司)相当,但前者的本征电催化活性是后者的近两倍.与未合金化的Pt0.5^Ag-A/C相比,在Pt0.5^Ag-B/C催化剂中形成的合金化的Pt/Ag界面不仅使ORR的E1/2正移,而且明显提高了贵金属Pt的分散度或利用率.  相似文献   

Xiao ZHAI  Yi DING 《物理化学学报》2017,33(7):1366-1378
燃料电池是将化学能直接转化为电能的能量转换装置,具有绿色、高效、便携等特点。对于大多数使用氧气或者空气为氧化剂的燃料电池而言,其阴极氧还原反应动力学缓慢、稳定性差是阻碍该技术走向商业化的主要因素,因此开发高催化活性和良好稳定性的低成本氧还原催化剂非常重要。基于脱合金法制得的纳米多孔金属是一类新型的宏观尺度纳米结构材料,其独特的开放型孔道结构、优良的导电性和结构的可调控性使其在电催化相关领域具有广泛的应用。本文侧重于讨论纳米多孔金属作为氧还原催化剂时所展示的一系列结构特性,及其在发展新一代高性能一体化燃料电池催化剂中所展示的机会。  相似文献   

燃料电池技术的商业化进程主要受制于其阴极动力学缓慢的氧还原反应(ORR)所需的高铂量电催化剂,因此急需开发更高活性的电催化剂。过去十年里,人们在提高铂基催化剂ORR活性的研究取得了极大进展。本文概述了通过结构调控提升铂基纳米晶氧还原电催化性能的最新进展,依据纳米晶的空间维度展开讨论,同时列举各类电催化材料的优缺点。基于理论和实验结果,本文重点讨论铂基纳米晶应用于氧还原电催化的构效关系,以及其对下一代电催化材料结构设计方面的潜在指导意义。最后,我们对此领域未来的研究方向做了展望。  相似文献   

宋平  阮明波  刘京  冉光钧  徐维林 《电化学》2015,21(2):130-137
目前,燃料电池中广泛使用的Pt基阴极催化剂价格昂贵、资源缺乏,且易中毒,故急需开发廉价、耐用、高效和高耐醇的非铂基阴极氧还原催化剂. 本文阐述了国内外在非铂氧还原催化剂方面的研究,并着重介绍了作者课题组的最新研究进展. 主要集中在非贵金属(Fe)负载和杂原子(F)掺杂的非金属催化剂,力求原料廉价并可提高催化剂的催化活性、稳定性、抗毒化能力,实现较高的性价比. 同时通过理论计算解释了氟单掺杂和氮氟共掺杂高效性的根源,为设计高效催化剂提供了有力的理论支持.  相似文献   

燃料电池Pt基核壳结构电催化剂的最新研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了用于燃料电池的Pt基核壳结构电催化剂的制备方法和表征方法的最新研究进展.首先,详细介绍了核壳结构催化剂的制备方法,主要包括胶体法、电化学法和化学还原法等.其中胶体法的应用最为广泛,制备过程简单易控;电化学法和化学还原法在最近几年得到了迅速发展,并有望用于核壳结构电催化剂的批量化生产.其次,简单阐述了核壳结构电催化剂特用的表征方法.其中高角度环形暗场-扫描透射电子显微镜是近年来发展的一种新技术,它利用暗场强度与原子序数的比例关系可以有效地表征核壳电催化剂的特殊结构.最后,总结了存在的问题并展望了可能的发展方向.  相似文献   

The applications of the most promising Fe—N–C catalysts are prohibited by their limited intrinsic activities. Manipulating the Fe energy level through anchoring electron‐withdrawing ligands is found effective in boosting the catalytic performance. However, such regulation remains elusive as the ligands are only uncontrollably introduced oweing to their energetically unstable nature. Herein, we report a rational manipulation strategy for introducing axial bonded O to the Fe sites, attained through hexa‐coordinating Fe with oxygen functional groups in the precursor. Moreover, the O modifier is stabilized by forming the Fe?O?Fe bridge bond, with the approximation of two FeN4 sites. The energy level modulation thus created confers the sites with an intrinsic activity that is over 10 times higher than that of the normal FeN4 site. Our finding opens a novel strategy to manage coordination environments at an atomic level for high activity ORR catalysts.  相似文献   

陈玉梅  梁志修  陈胜利 《电化学》2009,15(4):371-376
应用改进的多元醇法,分步还原制备表面富Pd的N iPd双元合金催化剂.研究表明:由于Pd较容易还原成核,且与N i的合金化程度低,Pd难以在N i颗粒表面实现单层包覆形成N i@Pd核壳结构,而是近似以单相的低合金化形式存在于N i颗粒表面,即形成N i@Pd(N i)的结构.与Pd/C相比,制备的N i@Pd(N i)/C催化剂,其Pd表面的氢吸附峰与吸收峰分辨清晰,含氧化物的脱附峰向正电势移动,氧还原活性显著提高.另外,N i的存在使Pd的抗甲醇性能明显增强,从而有望作为直接甲醇燃料电池的阴极催化剂.  相似文献   

Besides their use in fuel cells for energy conversion through the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), carbon‐based metal‐free catalysts have also been demonstrated to be promising alternatives to noble‐metal/metal oxide catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in metal–air batteries for energy storage and for the splitting of water to produce hydrogen fuels through the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). This Review focuses on recent progress in the development of carbon‐based metal‐free catalysts for the OER and HER, along with challenges and perspectives in the emerging field of metal‐free electrocatalysis.  相似文献   

质子交换膜燃料电池是一种能够将燃料的化学能直接高效地和环境友好地转化为电能的绿色能源技术。质子交换膜燃料电池具有能量转化效率高、启动快速、零排放或者低排放等优点,被认为是后石油时代最为重要的能源替代技术之一。然而目前使用的电催化剂存在铂用量高和稳定性不足等问题。开发高性能低Pt催化剂对于降低质子交换膜燃料电池成本、促进质子交换膜燃料电池的大规模商业化应用具有十分重要的意义。Pt基金属间化合物是一类具有严格元素化学计量比和规整原子排列结构的合金化合物,其氧还原反应催化活性明显优于相应的Pt基无序合金及纯Pt催化剂,被认为是最具应用前景的低Pt催化剂之一。本文着重从催化机理、制备技术、组成调控、颗粒度调控、形貌调控和晶体结构等几个方面介绍了Pt基金属间化合物催化剂近来的研究进展,以及这类催化剂在质子交换膜燃料电池阴极氧还原反应中的应用研究情况,指出了这类催化剂目前尚存在的不足及挑战,并展望了未来的研究发展思路及方向。  相似文献   

乙醇电氧化(EOR)是直接乙醇燃料电池和电解乙醇制氢共有的阳极反应.Au@Pt核壳和AuPt合金是广泛使用的两种电催化材料,迄今尚无两者对EOR性能的对比研究.以CO作为还原剂和淬灭剂合成了近似Pt单层的Au@Pt/C催化剂,作为对照,以NaBH4还原法合成了相同Au∶Pt物质的量比和金属载量的AuPt/C催化剂;运用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、扫描透射电子显微镜-能谱仪(STEM-EDS)、X射线粉末衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)等手段综合表征了两者结构之差异,同时以电化学循环伏安法和计时电流法测试了在碱性体系中其对EOR的电催化性能.结果表明,相比于商业化的Pt/C和Au/C,Au@Pt/C和AuPt/C对EOR的活性和稳定性均有着显著提升;Au@Pt/C对EOR的电催化活性和对C-C键断裂能力略优于AuPt/C.双金属催化剂中Au与Pt之间的晶格应力和部分电荷转移等效应可能是其性能提升的主要原因.  相似文献   

PtAg bimetallic nanoparticles for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in alkaline media were prepared by pulse electrodeposition (PED). During PED the reduction of Ag+ ions predominates, thus an increased Ag content in the co‐deposit is accomplished. The mechanism for this anomalous co‐deposition was elucidated by potential pulse experiments, which revealed that nuclei formation mainly occurs via the reduction of Pt2+ ions. The growth of the particles is diffusion controlled leading to the formation of a Ag shell covering a PtAg alloyed region. However, the shell is not growing homogeneously on the PtAg alloy. Hence, regions of the PtAg alloy are exposed, which exhibit an enhanced ORR activity compared to a pure Ag surface.  相似文献   

Stability studies on supported metal nanoparticles are essential for gaining insight into the design and optimization of high-performance materials. In this work, the dissolutions of Pt-based catalysts in HBr/Br2 mixture of various concentration regimes were studied and correlated with material structural properties. The dissolution of metal nanoparticles was enhanced by adding Br2 to the HBr solution. Comparing with commercial Pt/C catalyst, the well-alloyed PtIr/C catalyst was observed to exhibit high resistance towards dissolution. In addition, regulating the accessibility of the metal sites to dissolution-inducing species contributed to the marked stability of the nanoparticles in HBr/Br2 solutions, as shown for the surface-modified PtIr/C catalysts with organic diamine molecules.  相似文献   

The chemical dealloying mechanism of bimetallic Pt–Co nanoparticles (NPs) and enhancement of their electrocatalytic activity towards the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) have been investigated on a fundamental level by the combination of X‐ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and aberration‐corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Structural parameters, such as coordination numbers, alloy extent, and the unfilled d states of Pt atoms, are derived from the XAS spectra, together with the compositional variation analyzed by line‐scanning energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDX) on an atomic scale, to gain new insights into the dealloying process of bimetallic Pt–Co NPs. The XAS results on acid‐treated Pt–Co/C NPs reveal that the Co–Co bonding in the bimetallic NPs dissolves first and the remaining morphology gradually transforms to a Pt‐skin structure. From cyclic voltammetry and mass activity measurements, Pt–Co alloy NPs with a Pt‐skin structure significantly enhance the catalytic performance towards the ORR. Further, it is observed that such an imperfect Pt‐skin surface feature will collapse due to the penetration of electrolyte into layers underneath and cause further dissolution of Co and the loss of Pt. The electrocatalytic activity decreases accordingly, if the dealloying process lasts for 4 h. The findings not only demonstrate the importance of appropriate treatment of bimetallic catalysts, but also can be referred to other Pt bimetallic alloys with transition metals.  相似文献   

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