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为研究我国现行的污染物排污权有偿使用政策及环境税政策对排污交易市场费用效果的影响,从排污交易原理出发,分析排污交易、污染物排污权有偿使用及环境税3种环境管理手段促进企业污染物减排的原理。在此基础上设置10个虚拟企业模拟分析不同政策组合的费用效果。结果显示,当排污交易政策为主导时,3种手段并存对企业排污交易结果没有影响,且污染物排污权有偿使用政策和环境税政策在排污交易市场中所起的作用一样,均是压缩了排污交易市场中企业排污权的交易价格,增加了企业的污染物减排成本。若污染物排污权有偿使用价格或环境税税率(或二者之和)超出了原有排污交易市场均衡时企业污染物边际减排成本,则排污交易市场将会出现“失灵”现象,即企业不再寻求开展排污交易,而是缴纳污染物排污权有偿使用费或/和环境税。  相似文献   

本研究运用湖南省23家火电企业的污染物排放数据,分析了二氧化硫、氮氧化物的影子价格,并结合国家脱硫电价补贴、湖南省排污交易配额的实际定价进行了讨论,最后提出了相应建议。结果显示,湖南省火电企业二氧化硫影子平均价格为3021.67元/吨,氮氧化物影子价格为58089.28元/吨。在脱硫电价补贴后大多数企业可以实现零二氧化硫减排成本;在脱硝电价补贴方面,国家现阶段脱硝电价仅能补贴火电企业脱硝成本的很小一部分。对比分析湖南省污染物排污权有偿使用收费和交易政府指导价格标准发现,两个价格中二氧化硫和氮氧化物的价格均低于湖南省火电企业相关污染物影子价格(边际减排成本)。  相似文献   

排污权交易初始价格定价方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储益萍 《环境科学与技术》2011,(Z2):380-382,400
排污权交易初始分配价格的合理性将在很大程度上决定排污权交易市场的活跃程度,并使排污权交易更好地发挥市场经济手段的最大效用。初始价格的确定依据应为结合排污权时限及贴现率下的不同污染物的社会平均污染治理成本,并兼顾区域经济发展、行业水平、企业公平等因素。文章从定价方式、时限、发布与调整机制、配套措施等方面研究排污权初始价格的定价方案;并以某市为例,通过调查排污量占全市排污量85%以上的企业的污染治理成本,根据所研究的方案获得该市COD、SO2等排污权交易初始分配价格。  相似文献   

2007年12月以来,财政部、环境保护部已批复江苏等10个省(市、自治区)开展排污权有偿使用和交易工作,山东临沂等多个地方自主开展了排污权有偿使用和交易工作,取得了明显成效。《国家环境保护“十二五”规划》明确要求“健全排污权有偿取得和使用制度,发展排污权交易市场”。“十二五”期间,作为一项新的环境经济政策,排污权有偿使用和交易逐渐成为深化污染减排的重要抓手。通过排污权交易活动,建立活跃的市场,使有限的环境资源得到灵活、高效配置,能够极大地激发企业污染减排的积极性,推动污染减排工作开展。  相似文献   

本研究选取京津冀和珠三角作为案例地区,试图通过揭示这两个区域内二氧化硫减排成本异质性的差异来探讨在两区域内推行排污交易政策的经济合理性。首先我们评估了二氧化硫控制技术的成本。结果显示,钢铁行业内,脱硫技术的SO_2去除技术单位成本范围为2245元/t到23829元/t,大部分大于5000元/t;电力行业内,脱硫技术的SO_2去除技术单位成本范围为965元/t到6268元/t之间,大部分小于5000元/t。然后在技术评估基础上,该研究构建了两个区域钢铁和电力行业的边际减排成本曲线,并通过情景分析探讨了两个区域分别实施排污权交易政策(钢铁和电力行业之间进行交易)所带来的成本节约。模型显示,当各区域减排任务达到92%时,允许排污权在钢铁和电力行业间交易均可使区域内SO_2减排总成本降低,并且京津冀地区比珠三角地区开展SO_2排污权交易存在更大的成本节约空间。这表明在京津冀的钢铁和电力行业之间开展排污权交易比在珠三角实施更能体现该政策的经济效果。该研究对政策的启示是,中国应该在审慎评估减排成本和成本节约潜力的基础上制定和推行排污权交易政策。  相似文献   

运用经济制度推进污染减排的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济规模的不断扩大,我国污染减排的压力持续加大,在充分运用必要的行政和法律手段的同时,应注重运用污染减排的税收制度、排污权交易制度、与金融部门共享环境信息等经济制度或手段调控社会环境行为,将环境成本内部化,增加企业直接排污成本,降低企业内部治理成本,调动减排积极性,促进污染减排计划的顺利实施。  相似文献   

文章对重点污染行业和一般行业的定价方案、排污权时限、定价方式等进行系统研究。采用环境容量资源恢复成本定价法,以社会平均污染治理成本为基础,考虑排污权时限及贴现率方式,来估算排污权初始分配价格的参考值,同时调研重点污染和一般行业的二氧化硫、氮氧化物、COD和氨氮的消减成本,以重点污染和一般行业污染物消减成本为基础,再考虑温州的经济状况及环境质量状况确定估算排污权初始分配价格,详细评估温州排污权交易初始价格标准,并提出了温州市初始排污权有偿使用费、政府储备排污权有偿使用费征收标准。  相似文献   

排污权交易应用于农业面源污染控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前农业面源污染已经成为我国水环境污染的主要根源,文中通过对农业非点源污染现状的调查和对治理污染的手段和措施的分析,结合排污权交易的优势和特点,探讨排污权交易体系引入农业非点源污染控制系统的可行性,相比较于大型工业点源,农业面源污染减排成本较低的状况为排污权交易提供了有利条件。在分析面源污染具有涉及个体多、发生不确定性强、减排结果监测困难等特征的基础上,提出了工业点源与农业面源排污权交易的总体框架。同时针对农业面源排污权交易中可能存在的一些问题进行了初步探讨,提出解决思路,期待着为今后相关研究抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

目前,排污权有偿使用和交易作为各地环保工作体制、机制创新的热点,是利用经济手段促进环境保护的有益尝试。本文从指标来源、指标使用期限、与污染减排的关系、技术支撑以及指标交易后续监管五个方面分析了排污权交易指标关联要素,得出交易指标与国家政策、污染减排以及环境监管密切相关的结论,从完善国家政策、强化与污染减排衔接和突出指标后续监管三个方面提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

雷鸣 《环境保护》2014,(14):33-35
排污权有偿使用与交易对东北老工业基地经济结构调整和体制改革具有重要的意义。本文充分考虑东北老工业基地经济社会发展现状及污染特征,解析了排污权交易的资源配置与减排成本降低功能、提升技术更新速度功能以及促进新兴产业发展功能,分析了排污权交易缓解东北老工业基地现存污染排放量高、技术装备老化以及产业结构不合理等现实困境的功效,并提出东北老工业基地发展排污权交易应解决初始排污权的公平分配与定价、排污权指标核定技术规范以及污染物排污计量和监管系统应用开发等关键问题,以推进区域经济结构的有效调整和改革。  相似文献   

在应对气候变化问题上,欧委会坚持将民航纳入排放交易系统。欧盟已经通过指令立法程序,自2012年1月1日起正式将在欧盟境内起降的所有欧盟和非欧盟航班排放纳入欧盟温室气体排放交易系统(EUETS),试图通过“上限—交易”的模式来限制航空的温室气体排放。本文解读了欧盟这一法律和政策,并分析了欧盟将国际民航纳入EUETS后,中国的航空公司、乘客及航空减排政策和行业发展将受到的潜在影响。  相似文献   

欧盟航空碳税对中国的影响及应对建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管始终备受争议的航空碳税计划终于在欧盟内外的双重压力之下面临流产,但是建立全球碳排放交易体系终究是大势所趋,中国在这一问题上应该有前瞻性.由于欧盟航空碳税同环保高度相关,本文通过资料调研及数据收集,对欧盟此举的主要原因和对中国的影响进行了分析,并从保护航空业竞争力、介入全球碳排放交易体系设计和我国环保工作实际出发提出了应对建议.  相似文献   

欧盟温室气体排放交易实践对我国的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于欧盟温室气体排放交易体系的建立与特点,概述了欧盟温室气体排放交易第一阶段的市场运行效果,分析了该阶段取得的经验与教训,主要包括管制范围、历史数据获取与分配方法等方面,在此基础上提出我国应加紧制定温室气体排放交易法律法规、建立国际化碳交易所,并以电力行业为试点探索建立我国碳排放贸易体系。  相似文献   

Climate equity is a crucial but difficult element in negotiations on a post-2012 climate regime. With respect to the trading of greenhouse gas emissions the equity aspect is considered in the Kyoto Protocol which demands that emissions trading should be supplemental to domestic abatement efforts. The question arises whether a linking of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) to non-EU emission trading schemes or the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) could have an impact on principles of climate justice and thus potentially affect ongoing negotiations. In this study, we present the results of a three step analysis: In a first step, it estimates mid-term greenhouse gas emission entitlements for Annex B and Non-Annex B countries for the year 2020 which keep within reach a stabilization of the CO2 concentration at 450 ppmv in the long-term. In the second step, the resulting emission entitlements are used as an input to an economic partial-equilibrium model in order to assess the shift of abatement efforts under different scenarios of linking the EU ETS. In a third step, we analyze the outcome of the economic model with respect to the future trend of European per capita emissions under the current EU ETS relative to different scenarios of linking the EU ETS. The model results indicate that European per capita emissions have to be reduced to a considerably smaller extent if a linking of the EU ETS is accompanied by an optimal design of the National Allocation Plans and if low-cost CO2 permits became available via the CDM to a large extent.
B. BrounsEmail:

Research on environmental uncertainty typically distinguishes between different sources of uncertainty according to the different environments that a company interacts with. The regulatory environment and associated uncertainties become especially important when investigating the subject of pollution reduction. Many researchers have started to investigate the effects of environmental regulation on innovation, however, only little is known about the role of regulatory uncertainty in this context. We provide a taxonomy of regulatory uncertainties by building on the Miles and Snow scale of environmental uncertainty. We apply this taxonomy to uncertainties in current climate policy and test it based on a survey among companies that are subject to the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), a flexible mechanism of the Kyoto-Protocol. Our results show that the EU ETS creates uncertainties in all categories of our taxonomy and suggest further research to better understand how different regulatory uncertainties affect companies’ business decisions.  相似文献   

This article examines possibilities for linkage between the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and Russia, with a view to enhancing cooperation on a broader scale than the project-based approaches that have been tested thus far. Three paths for possible EU-Russia linkage are presented by which the Russian Assigned Amount under the Kyoto Protocol can be greened in order to stimulate emissions trading: 1. Joint implementation—reductions earned via individual projects in Russia; 2. Greened allowances or green investment schemes; and 3. Linked cap-and-trade systems, in which a Russian domestic emissions trading system would link with the European Union Emissions Trading System. The authors conclude that the third option, emissions trading through linked domestic emissions trading systems, offers the best opportunities at the lowest transaction costs. The authors discuss useful innovative instruments like call options and slip level arrangements on government-to-government and business-to-business levels.
Annie PetsonkEmail:

In the light of the prevailing goal to keep global temperature increase below 2° and recent challenges to reach a global climate agreement in the near term, linking emissions trading schemes has emerged as a prominent complementing policy option. To this end, we explicitly assess (1) the macroeconomic welfare impacts and (2) the trade-based competitiveness effects of linking the European Union (EU) Emissions Trading Scheme in the year 2020. A stylized partial market analysis suggests that, independently of regional cost characteristics, the integration of emissions trading schemes (ETS) yields economic welfare gains for all participating regions. A computable general equilibrium analysis confirms these findings at the macroeconomic level: The economic efficiency losses from emissions regulation are diminished for both EU Member States and non-EU regions by linking ETS. However, the quantitative analysis suggests opposite trade-based incentives for linking up: while EU Member States improve their terms of trade by integrating with emerging ETS, non-EU linking candidates face competitiveness losses by linking. We conclude that, for non-EU regions, the attractiveness of linking ETS is a matter of priorities for economic welfare or international competitiveness. If these priorities are hierarchized in favor of welfare, the globalization of the carbon market could become a promising policy option complementing the efforts to reach a global climate agreement in 2015.  相似文献   

Next to energy efficiency, in the context of GHG reductions, additional policy mechanisms to the incumbent EU Emissions Trading scheme (EU ETS) are discussed. Such is the case of Non-ETS Domestic Offset (DO) schemes, which can reduce CO2-eq.emissions in the non-ETS sectors and trade these as CO2 credits on the ETS market. Taking into account that the EU’s “Linking Directive” (EC 2004) creates the conditions to use credits generated by emission reduction projects certified by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol (KP) within the EU ETS market, in this paper we employ the institutional analysis method of interactions in order to provide insight of a combined White Certificates (WhC) and DOs cheme. Special attention is paid to the parameters that seem to hamper harmonization of WhC and DO. Aim of this paper is to discuss whether smart market- based instruments, such as WhC, can be complementary to the effectiveness of mechanisms fostering energy efficiency such as DOs projects and vice versa. In this respect, the potential combined scheme is assessed (ex-ante) with the help of standard criteria that refer to the triptych energy, environment & society. Given the outcome of the study made, it is fair to say that such a DO/WhC combined scheme could be selected if the additionality concern is to minimize short term social costs of reaching a certain goal. However recent information and research conducted so far cannot yet uphold an ambition that a WhC/DO scheme of this kind could also drive technical change, keep consumer costs down and be equitable.  相似文献   

以我国7个碳排放权交易机制试点地区的碳交易体系(ETS)和19个地区模拟ETS的设计方案、调研数据为基础,采用C2GS2模型作为基本工具构建数据包络分析模型(DEA)对碳交易机制的管理效率进行评价.结果显示,在7个试点地区中,北京、广东、深圳和重庆ETS机制的管理效率为DEA有效;上海和天津ETS处于规模递增阶段,湖北处于规模递减阶段,通过其在有效生产前沿面上的“投影”提出调整方案.建议:ETS覆盖的碳排放量低于地区总排放量的50%;下调中国核证自愿减排量(CCER)的碳抵消比例;紧紧围绕机制所覆盖的企业特征,进行投入要素规模设计;惩罚机制必不可少,但惩罚力度需根据本地区ETS投入要素特点进行设计;对ETS的碳排放上限(减排率)不宜设计过紧,否则可能对地区经济可持续发展能力造成损害.  相似文献   

上海市在用车监测与维修制度探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘昶  屠莹 《上海环境科学》2003,22(6):373-378
根据上海市机动车辆的管理现状,提出上海市在用车I/M制度体系网络、监测方法、数据收集网络与“通过/不通过”排放限值方面的基本设想,为建立一个真正有效的在用车监测与维修制度提供依据。  相似文献   

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