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Clonal propagation becomes more abundant with increasing altitudes as environmental conditions worsen. To date, little attention has been paid to the way in which clonal propagation affects genetic diversity and the fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS) of clonal alpine trees. An AFLP study was undertaken to quantify the clonal and genetic diversity and FSGS of the vulnerable treeline species Polylepis reticulata in Ecuador. We successfully genotyped 32 and 75 ramets within 4 m × 100 m (coarse scale) and 4 m × 4 m (fine scale) transects of one population, respectively. Higher genotypic diversity was detected at the coarse scale than at the fine scale, while lower genetic diversity was detected for P. reticulata than other Polylepis spp. at both scales. Significantly stronger FSGS was detected at the ramet level than the genet level for P. reticulata within a spatial distance of 3 m. The studied P. reticulata population showed pronounced FSGS (Sp = 0.012 at the genet level, a statistic reflecting declining pairwise kinship with distance) revealed restricted gene dispersal, which implies restricted seed dispersal for this population, assuming pollen flow is as extensive as that described for other wind‐pollinated tree species. Our results revealed that clonal diversity is a function of both sample size and the spatial scale of the sampling area. The findings highlights that clonal propagation has affected FSGS within a spatial distance of 3 m for this species.  相似文献   

Plant species often exhibit genetic structure at multiple spatial scales. Detection of this structure may depend on the sampling strategy used. We intensively sampled a common, naturally patchy Banksia species within a 200 km2 region, in order to assess patterns of genetic diversity and structure at multiple spatial scales. In total, 1321 adult shrubs from 37 geographical populations were genotyped using eight highly polymorphic microsatellite markers developed for the species. Genetic structure was detected at three spatial scales. First, we identified a stark and unexpected division of the landscape into two genetic subregions, one to the north‐east and one to the south‐west of the sampling grid. This differentiation was based on sudden, highly structured differences in common allele frequencies, the cause of which is unknown but that may relate to physical and reproductive barriers to gene flow, localised selection, and/or historical processes. Second, we observed genetic differentiation of populations within these subregions, reflecting previously described patterns of restricted pollen flow in this species. Finally, fine‐scale genetic structure, although weak, was observed within some of the populations (mean SP = 0.01837). When feasible, intensive sampling may uncover cryptic patterns of genetic structure that would otherwise be overlooked when sampling at broader spatial scales. Further studies using a similar sampling strategy may reveal this type of discontinuity to be a feature of other south‐western Australian taxa and has implications for our understanding of evolution in this landscape as well as conservation into the future. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 241–255.  相似文献   

Paternity analysis was used to determine the spatial distribution of male parents of 984 offspring collected from 13 identified mother trees in a natural stand of 5.76 ha and comprising 296 adult trees of Quercus petraea and Q . robur . For seven of the 13 maternal progeny arrays sampled, we found an excess of nearby matings and a preferential direction of pollination. For the remaining progeny arrays, no departure from random distribution of male parents was detected. A common trend among all families was a high percentage (averaging 65% for Q. robur and 69% for Q. petraea ) of offspring that were pollinated by male parents from outside the study site. By pooling the data over all families, the average pollen dispersal curve within the stand was inferred and fitted to a negative exponential distribution. This model extrapolated for distances over the spatial scale of the study stand was insufficient to explain the high level of gene flow detected by the paternity analysis, suggesting a substantial level of long-distance pollination events. The genetic composition of the pollen pools received by each maternal tree was compared and showed significant differentiation that could be attributed to differences in male reproductive success. By contrast, no significant differentiation between the pollen clouds from outside and inside the study stand was detected, suggesting genetic homogeneity between the surrounding forest and the study stand.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the historical expansion of common oaks (Quercus sect. Prinus) in the northeastern part of Japan, the relation between the chloroplast haplotypes (I and II) in Quercus mongolica var. crispula and the chloroplast types (T‐ and C‐type) were examined. Complete linkage between haplotype II and chloroplast C‐type was found. The chloroplasts examined in the oak species collected from Sakhalin and Primorski Krai, Russia, and Harbin, China were all T‐type. This suggests that the T to C mutation had occurred in haplotype II in Japan. Neither of haplotype I nor haplotype II was found outside Japan, suggesting both occurred in Japan independently from an ancestral haplotype VI. Haplotype I, which has been known only in Mount Hayachine within Honshu, is distributed southward to the Kanto district, where refugia might have occurred during glaciations.  相似文献   

C. M. HERRERA 《Molecular ecology》2009,18(22):4533-4535
In two studies on mating patterns and spatial components of pollen and seed dispersal of Prunus mahaleb based on parentage analysis, García et al. (2005, 2007) depicted their 196 focal trees as a spatially isolated population where all reproductive trees had been genotyped. Additional distributional data for P. mahaleb trees in their study area, however, revealed that García and colleagues’ depiction of their study system bears little resemblance to reality. The trees these authors studied did not form a discrete, geographically isolated population. Around 300 ungenotyped reproductive trees occurred within the 1.5‐km distributional gap to the nearest population proclaimed by García and colleagues. Since exhaustive sampling of potential parental genotypes is essential in parentage analyses, the occurrence of a large number of ungenotyped trees in the immediate neighbourhood of focal trees can severely affect the main conclusions of García et al. (2005, 2007) as well as of several related publications on gene dispersal and mating patterns of P. mahaleb conducted on the same trees and relying on the same false premises of spatial isolation and exhaustive sampling.  相似文献   

Oaks (Quercus) are major components of temperate forest ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere where they form intermediate or climax communities. Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) forests represent the climax vegetation in eastern Germany and western Poland. Here, sessile oak forms pure stands or occurs intermixed with Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris). A large body of research is available on gene flow, reproduction dynamics, and genetic structure in fragmented landscapes and mixed populations. At the same time, our knowledge regarding large, contiguous, and monospecific populations is considerably less well developed. Our study is an attempt to further develop our understanding of the reproduction ecology of sessile oak as an ecologically and economically important forest tree by analyzing mating patterns and genetic structure within adult trees and seedlings originating from one or two reproduction events in an extensive, naturally regenerating sessile oak forest. We detected positive spatial genetic structure up to 30 meters between adult trees and up to 40 meters between seedlings. Seed dispersal distances averaged 8.4 meters. Pollen dispersal distances averaged 22.6 meters. In both cases, the largest proportion of the dispersal occurred over short distances. Dispersal over longer distances was more common for pollen but also appeared regularly for seeds. The reproductive success of individual trees was highly skewed. Only 41 percent of all adult trees produced any offspring while the majority did not participate in reproduction. Among those trees that contributed to the analyzed seedling sample, 80 percent contributed 1–3 gametes. Only 20 percent of all parent trees contributed four or more gametes. However, these relatively few most fertile trees contributed 51 percent of all gametes within the seedling sample. Vitality and growth differed significantly between reproducing and nonreproducing adult trees with reproducing trees being more vital and vigorous than nonreproducing individuals. Our study demonstrates that extensive, apparently homogenous oak forests are far from uniform on the genetic level. On the contrary, they form highly complex mosaics of remarkably small local neighborhoods. This counterbalances the levelling effect of long‐distance dispersal and may increase the species’ adaptive potential. Incorporating these dynamics in the management, conservation, and restoration of oak forests can support the conservation of forest genetic diversity and assist those forests in coping with environmental change.  相似文献   

Parentage analysis was conducted to elucidate the patterns and levels of gene flow in Rhododendron metternichii Sieb. et Zucc. var. hondoense Nakai in a 150 x 70 m quadrant in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan. The population of R. metternichii occurred as three subpopulations at the study site. Seventy seedlings were randomly collected from each of three 10 x 10 m plots (S1, S2, and S3) on the forest floor of each subpopulation (A1, A2, and A3). Almost all parents (93.8%) of the 70 seedlings were unambiguously identified by using 12 pairs of microsatellite markers. Within the quadrant, adult trees less than 5 m from the centre of the seedling bank (plots S1, S2, and S3) produced large numbers of seedlings. The effects of tree height and distance from the seedling bank on the relative fertilities of adult trees were highly variable among subpopulations because of the differences in population structure near the seedling bank: neither distance nor tree height had any significant effect in subpopulation A1; distance from the seedling bank had a significant effect in subpopulation A2; and tree height had a significant effect in subpopulation A3. Although gene flow within each subpopulation was highly restricted to less than 25 m and gene flow among the three subpopulations was extremely small (0-2%), long-distance gene flow from outside the quadrant reached 50%. This long-distance gene flow may be caused by a combination of topographical and vegetational heterogeneity, differences in flowering phenology, and genetic substructuring within subpopulations.  相似文献   

Although Ficus (Moraceae) is a keystone plant genus in the tropics, providing resources to many frugivorous vertebrates, its population genetic structure, which is an important determinant of its long‐term survival, has rarely been investigated. We examined the population genetic structure of two dioecious fig species (Ficus hispida and Ficus exasperata) in the Indian Western Ghats using co‐dominant nuclear microsatellite markers. We found high levels of microsatellite genetic diversity in both species. The regression slopes between genetic relationship coefficients (fij) and spatial distances were significantly negative in both species indicating that, on average, individuals in close spatial proximity were more likely to be related than individuals further apart. Mean parent–offspring distance (σ) calculated using these slopes was about 200 m in both species. This should be contrasted with the very long pollen dispersal distances documented for monoecious Ficus species. Nevertheless, overall population genetic diversity remained large suggesting immigrant gene flow. Further studies will be required to analyze broader scale patterns.  相似文献   

Prevailing directions of seed and pollen dispersal may induce anisotropy of the fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS), particularly in wind‐dispersed and wind‐pollinated species. To examine the separate effects of directional seed and pollen dispersal on FSGS, we conducted a population genetics study for a dioecious, wind‐pollinated, and wind‐dispersed tree species, Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc, based on genotypes at five microsatellite loci of 281 adults of a population distributed over a ca. 80 ha along a stream and 755 current‐year seedlings. A neighborhood model approach with exponential‐power‐von Mises functions indicated shorter seed dispersal (mean = 69.1 m) and much longer pollen dispersal (mean = 870.6 m), effects of dispersal directions on the frequencies of seed and pollen dispersal, and the directions with most frequent seed and pollen dispersal (prevailing directions). Furthermore, the distance of effective seed dispersal within the population was estimated to depend on the dispersal direction and be longest at the direction near the prevailing direction. Therefore, patterns of seed and pollen dispersal may be affected by effective wind directions during the period of respective dispersals. Isotropic FSGS and spatial sibling structure analyses indicated a significant FSGS among the seedlings generated by the limited seed dispersal, but anisotropic analysis for the seedlings indicated that the strength of the FSGS varied with directions between individuals and was weakest at a direction near the directions of the most frequent and longest seed dispersal but far from the prevailing direction of pollen dispersal. These results suggest that frequent and long‐distance seed dispersal around the prevailing direction weakens the FSGS around the prevailing direction. Therefore, spatially limited but directional seed dispersal would determine the existence and direction of FSGS among the seedlings.  相似文献   

Identifying microevolutionary processes acting in populations of marine species with larval dispersal is a challenging but crucial task because of its conservation implications. In this context, recent improvements in the study of spatial genetic structure (SGS) are particularly promising because they allow accurate insights into the demographic and evolutionary processes at stake. Using an exhaustive sampling and a combination of image processing and population genetics, we highlighted significant SGS between colonies of Corallium rubrum over an area of half a square metre, which sheds light on a number of aspects of its population biology. Based on this SGS, we found the mean dispersal range within sites to be between 22.6 and 32.1 cm, suggesting that the surveyed area approximately corresponded to a breeding unit. We then conducted a kinship analysis, which revealed a complex half‐sib family structure and allowed us to quantify the level of self‐recruitment and to characterize aspects of the mating system of this species. Furthermore, significant temporal variations in allele frequencies were observed, suggesting low genetic drift. These results have important conservation implications for the red coral and further our understanding of the microevolutionary processes acting within populations of sessile marine species with a larval phase.  相似文献   

In previous investigations, natural layering of Japanese stone pine (Pinus pumila) was suggested by the occurrence of adventitious roots. However, there is no genetic evidence so far that this species actually produces offspring by natural layering. We, therefore, investigated clonal structure and spatial genetic structure within a 38×18 m plot on Mt. Aino-dake, using allozyme, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analyses. We found 24 genets, with stems found to be genetically identical in multiple tests, which extended later-ally against the direction of the slope, indicating that there were clonal structures originating from elongation of ramified stems and subsequent natural layering. The results suggest, however, that less than one third of the 200 stems analyzed from this site were clonaly propagated. We also analyzed spatial genetic structure by spatial autocorrelation. Many of the spatial autocorrelation coefficients were significantly positive in short distance classes. We concluded that the species has genetic structures which largely originate from clonal propagation and avian seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Studies of heritable colour polymorphisms allow investigators to track the genetic dynamics of natural populations. By comparing polymorphic populations over large geographic areas and across generations, issues about both morph stability and evolutionary dynamics can be addressed, increasing our understanding of the potential mechanisms maintaining genetic polymorphisms. In the present study, we investigated population morph frequencies in a sex‐limited heritable colour polymorphic damselfly (Ischnura elegans, Vander Linden), with three discrete female morphs. We compared the frequencies of these three female morphs in 120 different populations from ten European countries at differing latitudes and longitudes. There were pronounced differences in morph frequencies both across the entire European biogeographic range, as well as at a smaller scale within regions. We also found considerable between‐population variation at the local scale within regions, particularly at the edges of the range of this species. We discuss these findings in the context of recent models of adaptive population divergence along the range of a species. This polymorphism is thus highly dynamic, with stable morph frequencies at the core of the species range but fluctuating morph dynamics at the range limits. We finish with a discussion of how local interactions and climatic factors can be expected to have a strong influence on the biogeographic patterns in this species and other sexually selected polymorphisms. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 775–785.  相似文献   

Trees' long lifespan, long-distance dispersal abilities and high year-to-year variability in fecundity are thought to have pervasive consequences for the demographic and genetic structure of recruited seedlings. However, we still lack experimental studies quantifying the respective roles of spatial processes such as restricted seed and pollen dispersal and temporal processes such as mast seeding on patterns of regeneration. Dynamics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedling recruitment was monitored in three plots from 2004 to 2006. Six polymorphic microsatellite genetic markers were used to characterize seedlings and their potential parents in a 7.2-ha stand. These seedlings were shown to result from 12 years of recruitment, with one predominant year of seedling recruitment in 2002 and several years without significant recruitment. Using a spatially explicit mating model based on parentage assignment, short average dispersal distances for seed (δ(s) = 10.9 m) and pollen (43.7 m < δ(p) <57.3 m) were found, but there was also a non-negligible immigration rate from outside the plot (m(s) = 20.5%; 71.6% < m(p) < 77.9%). Hierarchical analyses of seedling genetic structure showed that (i) most of the genetic variation was within plots; (ii) the genetic differentiation among seedling plots was significant (F(ST) = 2.6%) while (iii) there was no effect of year-to-year seed rain variation on genetic structure. In addition, no significant effect of genetic structure on mortality was detected. The consequences of these results for the prediction of population dynamics at ecological timescales are discussed.  相似文献   

Dispersal and local patterns of adaptation play a major role on the ecological and evolutionary trajectory of natural populations. In this study, we employ a combination of genetic (25 microsatellite markers) and field‐based information (seven study years) to analyse the impact of immigration and local patterns of adaptation in two nearby (< 7 km) blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) populations. We used genetic assignment analyses to identify immigrant individuals and found that dispersal rate is female‐biased (72%). Data on lifetime reproductive success indicated that immigrant females produced fewer local recruits than their philopatric counterparts whereas immigrant males recruited more offspring than those that remained in their natal location. In spite of the considerably higher immigration rates of females, our results indicate that, in absolute terms, their demographic and genetic impact in the receiving populations is lower than that in immigrant males. Immigrants often brought novel alleles into the studied populations and a high proportion of them were transmitted to their recruits, indicating that the genetic impact of immigrants is not ephemeral. Although only a few kilometres apart, the two study populations were genetically differentiated and showed strong divergence in different phenotypic and life‐history traits. An almost absent inter‐population dispersal, together with the fact that both populations receive immigrants from different source populations, is probably the main cause of the observed pattern of genetic differentiation. However, phenotypic differentiation (PST) for all the studied traits greatly exceeded neutral genetic differentiation (FST), indicating that divergent natural selection is the prevailing factor determining the evolutionary trajectory of these populations. Our study highlights the importance of integrating individual‐ and population‐based approaches to obtain a comprehensive view about the role of dispersal and natural selection on structuring the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of natural populations.  相似文献   

We tested for genetic differentiation among six populations of California sea mussels (Mytilus californianus) sampled across 4000 km of its geographical range by comparing patterns of variation at four independent types of genetic markers: allozymes, single‐copy nuclear DNA markers, and DNA sequences from the male and female mitochondrial genomes. Despite our extensive sampling and genotyping efforts, we detected no significant differences among localities and no signal of isolation by distance suggesting that M. californianus is genetically homogeneous throughout its range. This concordance differs from similar studies on other mytilids, especially in the role of postsettlement selection generating differences between exposed coastal and estuarine habitats. To assess if this homogeneity was due to M. californianus not inhabiting estuarine environments, we reviewed studies comparing allozymes with other classes of nuclear DNA markers. Although both types of markers gave broadly consistent results, there was a bias favouring studies in which allozymes were more divergent than DNA markers (nine to three) and a disproportionate number of these cases involved marine taxa (seven). Furthermore, allozymes were significantly more heterogeneous than DNA markers in three of the four studies that sampled coastal and estuarine habitats. We conclude that the genetic uniformity exhibited by M. californianus may result from a combination of extensive gene flow and the lack of exposure to strong selective gradients across its range.  相似文献   

A planktotrophic larval development suggests a relatively high gene flow over long distances. Both Littorina littorea and Melarhaphe neritoides have an egg capsule and planktotrophic larvae which taken together are pelagic over a period of 4–8 weeks. In the absence of differential selection one would expect low levels of genetic differentiation over large distances in these two species. In this study of allozyme variation, low levels of differentiation were found over thousands of kilometres (Norway to Spain for L. littorea and Sweden to Greece for M. neritoides). This supports the hypothesis of two species with a high dispersal potential. A second expectation from neutral theory is that effective population size is positively correlated with average levels of genetic variation within species. In light of the generally high densities of local populations of these species and the high interpopulation migration rate, both L. littorea and M. neritoides may be considered as having high Ne s. Contrary to neutral expectation, L. littorea revealed very low levels of heterozygosity over its whole European range (mean Hexp= 0.015, 15 loci), while average heterozygosity of M. neritoides (Hexp= 0.084, 11 loci) was no more than in other littorinid species. This paper also reports the occurrence of M. neritoides on the Swedish west coast in 1988, 89 and 90, and two factors which may have promoted this unusually large invasion are discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding the mode of temporal maintenance of plant pathogens is an important domain of microbial ecology research. Due to the inconspicuous nature of microbes, their temporal maintenance cannot be studied directly through tracking individuals and their progeny. Here, we suggest a series of population genetic analyses on molecular marker variation in temporally spaced samples to infer about the relative contribution of sexual reproduction, off‐season survival and migration to the temporal maintenance of pathogen populations. We used the proposed approach to investigate the temporal maintenance of wheat yellow rust pathogen, Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici (PST), in the Himalayan region of Pakistan. Multilocus microsatellite genotyping of PST isolates revealed high genotypic diversity and recombinant population structure across all locations, confirming the existence of sexual reproduction in this region. The genotypes were assigned to four genetic groups, revealing a clear differentiation between zones with and without Berberis spp., the alternate host of PST, with an additional subdivision within the Berberis zone. The lack of any differentiation between samples across two sampling years, and the very infrequent resampling of multilocus genotypes over years at a given location was consistent with limited over‐year clonal survival, and a limited genetic drift. The off‐season oversummering population in the Berberis zone, likely to be maintained locally, served as a source of migrants contributing to the temporal maintenance in the non‐Berberis zone. Our study hence demonstrated the contribution of both sexual recombination and off‐season oversummering survival to the temporal maintenance of the pathogen. These new insights into the population biology of PST highlight the general usefulness of the analytical approach proposed.  相似文献   

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