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Abstract ' In situ basalts' represent the ridge magmatism at and close to the ancient trench-trench-ridge triple junction. Such basalts in the Amami, Mugi, and Setogawa accretionary complexes, Southwest Japan, were described and analysed. The geochemical data show that the ' in situ basalts' include all the types of basalts, ranging from alkali basalts and high-alumina basalts to tholeiites, and the compositions tend towards intermediate and silicic rocks. The data also reveal that the ridge basalts are indistinguishable both from the island arc and intraplate basalts, no affinities with mid-ocean-ridge basalts. The sub-ridge mantle adjacent to the triple junction had a component of sub-arc mantle, and this mantle heterogeneity can be generated by the formation of a slab window.  相似文献   

New K-Ar dating and major- and trace-element analyses from the U ak-Selendi-Emet (USE) area constrain the timing of changes in the nature of volcanism in the Miocene in western Turkey. The data reveal a change from dominantly calc-alkaline and silicic in the Early Miocene to largely alkaline and more mafic volcanism in the Middle Miocene. This probably reflects a decreasing amount of crustal contamination with time, a result of extensional tectonics. High levels of various incompatible elements (including K) in the more mafic members, suggest an enriched subcontinental lithospheric source region for the Middle Miocene USE lavas. Highly variable Nb/Y, Ti/Y and Th/Nb ratios suggest a lithospheric mantle heterogeneously enriched by two processes: (1) enrichment by subduction-related processes producing high Th/Nb but low Nb/Y and Ti/Y; and (2) enrichment by small degree melts of depleted upper mantle producing low Th/Nb but high Nb/Y and Ti/Y. Both of these enrichment processes have variably contributed to Middle Miocene K-rich lavas in the USE area. The mechanism which initiated the melting of the enriched lithosphere is considered to be extension which produced decompression melting. Comparisons with the nearby Kula lavas reveals that by the Pliocene to Quaternary, volcanism, although still enriched in incompatible elements, had become sodic. It seems likely that continued extension up to this time thinned the lithosphere to such an extent that asthenospheric melts were produced which ascended and mixed with previously enriched lithosphere.  相似文献   

We report new trace element data for an extensive suite of quench basalt glasses dredged from the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 40°S and 52.5°S. Ratios between highly incompatible trace elements are strongly correlated and indicate a systematic distribution of incompatible element enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) (E-type: Zr/Nb=5.9-19, Y/Nb=0.9-8.4, (La/Sm)n=1.0-2.9) and incompatible element depleted MORB (N-type: Zr/Nb=30-69, Y/Nb=11-29, (La/Sm)n=0.48-0.79) along this section of the southern MAR. A notable feature of N-type MORB from the region is the higher than usual Ba/Nb (4-9), La/Nb (1.2-2.4) and primitive mantle normalised K/Nb ratios (>1). Ba/Nb ratios in E-type MORB samples from 47.5 to 49°S are especially elevated (>10). The occurrence and geographic distribution of E-type MORB along this section of the southern MAR can be correlated with the ridge-centred Shona and off-axis Discovery mantle plumes. In conjunction with published isotope data for a subset of the same sample suite [Douglass et al., J. Geophys. Res. 104 (1999) 2941], a model is developed whereby prior to the breakup of Gondwana and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, the underlying asthenospheric mantle was locally contaminated by fluids/melts rising from the major Mesozoic subduction zone along the south-southwest boundary of Gondwana, leaving a subduction zone geochemical imprint (elevated (K/Nb)n and 87Sr/86Sr ratios, decreased 143Nd/144Nd ratios). Subsequent impingement of three major mantle plume heads (Tristan/Gough, Discovery, Shona) resulted in heating and thermal erosion of the lowermost subcontinental lithosphere and dispersal into the convecting asthenospheric mantle. With the opening of the ocean basin, continued plume upwelling led to plume-ridge interactions and mixing between geochemically enriched mantle derived from the Shona and Discovery mantle plumes, material derived from delamination of the subcontinental lithosphere, and mildly subduction zone contaminated depleted asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

The mantle xenoliths included in Quaternary alkaline volcanics from the Manzaz-district (Central Hoggar) are proto-granular, anhydrous spinel lherzolites. Major and trace element analyses on bulk rocks and constituent mineral phases show that the primary compositions are widely overprinted by metasomatic processes. Trace element modelling of the metasomatised clinopyroxenes allows the inference that the metasomatic agents that enriched the lithospheric mantle were highly alkaline carbonate-rich melts such as nephelinites/melilitites (or as extreme silico-carbonatites). These metasomatic agents were characterized by a clear HIMU Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic signature, whereas there is no evidence of EM1 components recorded by the Hoggar Oligocene tholeiitic basalts. This can be interpreted as being due to replacement of the older cratonic lithospheric mantle, from which tholeiites generated, by asthenospheric upwelling dominated by the presence of an HIMU signature. Accordingly, this rejuvenated lithosphere (accreted asthenosphere without any EM influence), may represent an appropriate mantle section from which deep alkaline basic melts could have been generated and shallower mantle xenoliths sampled, respectively. The available data on lherzolite xenoliths and alkaline lavas (including He isotopes, Ra < 9) indicate that there is no requirement for a deep plume anchored in the lower mantle, and that sources in the upper mantle may satisfactorily account for all the geochemical/petrological/geophysical evidence that characterizes the Hoggar swell. Therefore the Hoggar volcanism, as well as other volcanic occurrences in the Saharan belt, are likely to be related to passive asthenospheric mantle uprising and decompression melting linked to tensional stresses in the lithosphere during Cenozoic reactivation and rifting of the Pan–African basement. This can be considered a far-field foreland reaction of the Africa–Europe collisional system since the Eocene.  相似文献   

Miocene intra‐arc rifting associated with the opening of the Japan Sea formed grabens in several areas in Southwest (SW) Japan, but the extensional tectonics of the arc are still not well understood. In this study, we first document the tectonostratigraphy of the Hokutan Group in the northwestern part of the Kinki district, and demonstrate the termination of extensional tectonics at ca 16.5 Ma, as inferred from grabens in the lower part of the group being unconformably overlain by sediments of the upper part. Second, we review early Miocene grabens in SW Japan to suggest that intra‐arc rifting was abandoned at ca 16 Ma, essentially simultaneously with the end of rotation of the SW Japan arc as evidenced by paleomagnetic studies. The lesser numbers of grabens and reduced thicknesses of graben fills suggest that extensional deformation of the SW Japan arc was significantly weaker than that of the Northeast (NE) Japan arc, which was broken into blocks, indicating various degrees of paleomagnetic rotation within NE Japan. The weak deformation has allowed paleomagnetic studies to infer the coherent rotation of the SW Japan arc.  相似文献   

Abstract   Spinel lherzolite is a minor component of the deep-seated xenolith suite in the Oki-Dogo alkaline basalts, whereas other types of ultramafic (e.g. pyroxenite and dunite) and mafic (e.g. granulite and gabbro) xenoliths are abundant. All spinel lherzolite xenoliths have spinel with a low Cr number (Cr#; < 0.26). They are anhydrous and are free of modal metasomatism. Their mineral assemblages and microtextures, combined with the high NiO content in olivine, suggest that they are of residual origin. But the Mg numbers of silicate minerals are lower (e.g. down to Fo86) in some spinel lherzolites than in typical upper mantle residual peridotites. The clinopyroxene in the spinel lherzolite shows U-shaped chondrite-normalized rare-earth element (REE) patterns. The abundance of Fe-rich ultramafic and mafic cumulate xenoliths in Oki-Dogo alkali basalts suggests that the later formation of those Fe-rich cumulates from alkaline magma was the cause of Fe- and light REE (LREE)-enrichment in residual peridotite. The similar REE patterns are observed in spinel peridotite xenoliths from Kurose and also in those from the South-west Japan arc, which are non-metasomatized in terms of major-element chemistry (e.g. Fo > 89), and are rarely associated with Fe-rich cumulus mafic and ultramafic xenoliths. This indicates that the LREE-enrichment in mantle rocks has been more prominent and prevalent than Fe and other major-element enrichment during the metasomatism.  相似文献   

The Kitakami Massif of the Tohoku district, Northeast Japan, consists mainly of the South Kitakami Belt (Silurian–Cretaceous forearc shallow-marine sediments, granitoids, and forearc ophiolite) and the North Kitakami Belt (a Jurassic accretionary complex). The Nedamo Belt (a Carboniferous accretionary complex) occurs as a small unit between those two belts. An accretionary unit in the Nedamo Belt is lithologically divided into the Early Carboniferous Tsunatori Unit and the age-unknown Takinosawa Unit. In order to constrain the accretionary age of the Takinosawa Unit, detrital zircon U–Pb dating was conducted. The new data revealed that the youngest cluster ages from sandstone and tuffaceous rock are 257–248 Ma and 288–281 Ma, respectively. The Early Triassic depositional age of the sandstone may correspond to a period of intense magmatic activity in the eastern margin of the paleo-Asian continent. A 30–40 my interval between the youngest cluster ages of the sandstone and the tuffaceous rock can be explained by the absence of syn-sedimentary zircon in the tuffaceous rock. The new detrital zircon data suggest that the Takinosawa Unit can be distinguished as an Early Triassic accretionary complex distinct from the Early Carboniferous Tsunatori Unit. This recognition establishes a long-duration northeastward younging polarity of accretionary units, from the Carboniferous to Early Cretaceous, in the northern Kitakami Massif. Lithological features and detrital zircon spectra suggest that the Early Triassic Takinosawa Unit in the Nedamo Belt is comparable with the Hisone and Shingai units in the Kurosegawa Belt in Shikoku. The existence of this Early Triassic accretionary complex strongly supports a pre-Jurassic geotectonic correlation and similarity between Southwest and Northeast Japan.  相似文献   

The currently active off-rift central volcano Öræfajökull in south-east Iceland sits unconformably on much older (10–12 Ma) and eroded crust. The composition of recent volcanics ranges from basalt to rhyolite, but the series is more sodic alkaline than the common rift zone tholeiitic suites. In this study we present Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopic data for a suite of Öræfajökull samples. The complete suite shows typical mantle values for oxygen isotopes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (average of 15 SAMPLES=0.703702) of the modern Öræfajökull rocks (basalts as well as rhyolites) are much higher than observed so far for any other Icelandic rocks. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios (average=0.512947; n=15) are lower than for rift rocks, but similar to rocks of the off-rift Snæfellsnes volcanic zone. Furthermore, the Öræfajökull rocks are enriched in the 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios compared to Icelandic rift basalts. The enriched nature of the suite indicates that Öræfajökull samples a source component that has characteristics common with EM2 type mantle. Furthermore, it is concluded that the silicic rocks of Öræfajökull formed by fractional crystallization from mafic melts rather than by partial melting of older crust.  相似文献   

The phase relations in hydrous and anhydrous mid-ocean ridge basalt were determined at pressures of 18-28 GPa. Liquidus phase relations in hydrous and anhydrous MORB are different. Garnet is the liquidus phase at pressures below 21 GPa, Ca-Al (CAS) phase and stishovite are the liquidus phases at pressures of 22-27 GPa, and stishovite and Ca-perovskite are the liquidus phases above 27 GPa, whereas Ca-perovskite is a liquidus phase of anhydrous MORB at pressures above 23 GPa. Under subsolidus conditions, we have found that in the hydrous MORB system the stability fields of Al-bearing perovskite and Na-Al (NAL) phase might shift to lower pressure by about 1.5 GPa compared to the dry MORB system. This shift could be explained by oxidation of a garnet-bearing assemblage by hydrous fluid and formation of Fe3+-bearing aluminous perovskite at lower pressures relative to the anhydrous system and/or differences in water solubility of the phases existing in perovskite-bearing assemblages. Our data indicate that hydrous basaltic crust remains denser than peridotite along the geotherm of a subducting slab, i.e. there is no density crossover between peridotite and basalt. Therefore, in slabs going through the 660 km discontinuity, basalt would gravitationally sink into the lower mantle under relatively hydrous conditions. The delamination of former basaltic crust near the 660 km discontinuity might be possible under relatively dry conditions of subduction. There are no stable highly hydrous phases in MORB above 10 GPa even at lower temperatures corresponding to subducting slabs. Therefore, MORB cannot be an important carrier of water to the deep Earth interior. However, it can be constantly supplied by water-bearing fluid from the underlying peridotite part of the descending slab. Thus, it is plausible that water can control subduction of the oceanic crust into the lower mantle.  相似文献   

Abstract Elemental and isotopic compositions of noble gases extracted from the bore hole water in Osaka plain, central Japan were examined. The water samples were collected from four shallow bore holes (180-450 m) and seven deep bore holes (600-1370 m) which have been used for an urban resort hot spring zone. The water temperatures of the deep bore holes were 22-50°C and that of the shallow bore holes, 13-23°C. The elemental abundance patterns show the progressive enrichment of the heavier noble gases compared with the atmospheric noble gas composition except for He, which is heavily enriched in deep bore hole water samples. 3He/4He ratios from the bore holes reaching the Ryoke granitic basement were higher than the atmospheric value (1.4 × 10−6), indicating a release of mantle He through the basement. The highest value of 8.2 × 10−6 is in the range of arc volcanism. On the other hand, the bore holes in sedimentary rocks overlying the basement release He enriched in radiogenic 4He, resulted in a low 3He/4He ratio of 0.5 × 10−6. 4He/20Ne and 40Ar/36Ar ratios indicate that the air contamination is generally larger in shallow bore holes than in deep ones from each site. The helium enriched in mantle He is compatible with the previous work which suggested up-rising magma in 'Kinki Spot', the area of Osaka and western Wakayama, in spite of no volcanic activity in the area. A model to explain an initiation of magma generation beneath this area is presented.  相似文献   

Ritsuo Nomura 《Island Arc》2021,30(1):e12421
The lower part of the Josoji Formation, Shimane Peninsula, contains clues for figuring out changes in deep-water characteristics during the opening of the Japan Sea. The foraminiferal assemblage includes early to middle Miocene biostratigraphic index taxa such as planktonic foraminiferal Globorotalia zealandica and Globorotaloides suteri. The occurrence of these two species, together with the absence of praeorbulinids, suggests that the lower part of the Josoji Formation is assigned to the top of planktonic foraminiferal Zone N7/M4 (16.39 Ma). The benthic foraminiferal assemblage, which is characterized by Cyclammina cancellata and Martinottiella communis, clearly suggests that the lower Josoji Formation was deposited at bathyal depths, and that it developed in association with the abrupt appearance of deep-sea calcareous forms. Such bathyal taxa are the main constituents of the Spirosigmoilinella compressa–Globobulimina auriculata Zone of the Josoji Formation and also of the Gyrodina–Gyroidinoides Zone at Ocean Drilling Program Site 797 in the Japan Sea. The base of these benthic foraminiferal zones can be correlated with the base of the nannofossil Sphenolithus heteromorphus Base Zone (= CNM6/CN3); thus, its estimated age is 17.65 Ma. This biostratigraphic information suggests that the lower Josoji Formation was deposited from shortly before 17.65–16.39 Ma in upper limit age. Evidence that fresh to brackish and shallow-water basins formed in the rifting interval of 20–18 Ma in the Japan Sea borderland suggests that the abrupt appearance of deep-sea calcareous foraminifera occurred about 1 my earlier in this area than in other sedimentary basins and suggests that a significant paleoceanographic change occurred in the proto-Japan Sea at 17.65 Ma.  相似文献   

 The ca. 10,500 years B.P. eruptions at Ruapehu volcano deposited 0.2–0.3 km3 of tephra on the flanks of Ruapehu and the surrounding ring plain and generated the only known pyroclastic flows from this volcano in the late Quaternary. Evidence of the eruptions is recorded in the stratigraphy of the volcanic ring plain and cone, where pyroclastic flow deposits and several lithologically similar tephra deposits are identified. These deposits are grouped into the newly defined Taurewa Formation and two members, Okupata Member (tephra-fall deposits) and Pourahu Member (pyroclastic flow deposits). These eruptions identify a brief (<ca. 2000-year) but explosive period of volcanism at Ruapehu, which we define as the Taurewa Eruptive Episode. This Episode represents the largest event within Ruapehu's ca. 22,500-year eruptive history and also marks its culmination in activity ca. 10,000 years B.P. Following this episode, Ruapehu volcano entered a ca. 8000-year period of relative quiescence. We propose that the episode began with the eruption of small-volume pyroclastic flows triggered by a magma-mingling event. Flows from this event travelled down valleys east and west of Ruapehu onto the upper volcanic ring plain, where their distal remnants are preserved. The genesis of these deposits is inferred from the remanent magnetisation of pumice and lithic clasts. We envisage contemporaneous eruption and emplacement of distal pumice-rich tephras and proximal welded tuff deposits. The potential for generation of pyroclastic flows during plinian eruptions at Ruapehu has not been previously considered in hazard assessments at this volcano. Recognition of these events in the volcanological record is thus an important new factor in future risk assessments and mitigation of volcanic risk at Tongariro Volcanic Centre. Received: 5 July 1998 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

Large-scale collapse of a dacite dome in the late afternoon of 15 September 1991 generated a series of pyroclastic-flow events at Unzen Volcano. Pyroclastic flows with a volume of 1×106 m3 (as DRE) descended the northeastern slope of the volcano, changing their courses to the southeast due to topographic control. After they exited a narrow gorge, an ash-cloud surge rushed straight ahead, detaching the main body of the flow that turned and followed the topographic lows to the east. The surge swept the Kita-Kamikoba area, which had been devastated by the previous pyroclastic-flow events, and transported a car as far as 120 m. Following detachment, the surge lost its force after it moved several hundred meters, but maintained a high temperature. The deposits consist of a bottom layer of better-sorted ash (unit 1), a thick layer of block and ash (unit 2), and a thin top layer of fall-out ash (unit 3). Unit 2 overlies unit 1 with an erosional contact. The upper part of unit 2 grades into better-sorted ash. At distal block-and-ash flow deposits, the bottom part of unit 2 also consists of better-sorted ash, and the contact with the unit 1 deposits becomes ambiguous. Video footage of cascading pyroclastic flows during the 1991–1995 eruption, traveling over surfaces without any topographic barriers, revealed that lobes of ash cloud protruded intermittently from the moving head and sides, and that these lobes surged ahead on the ground surface. This fact, together with the inspection by helicopter shortly after the events, suggests that the protruded lobes consisted of better-sorted ash, and resulted in the deposits of unit 1. The highest ash-cloud plume at the Oshigadani valley exit, and the thickest deposition of fall-out ash over Kita-Kamikoba and Ohnokoba, indicate that abundant ash was also produced when the flow passed through a narrow gorge. In the model presented here, the ash clouds from the pyroclastic flows were composed of a basal turbulent current of high concentration (main body), an overriding and intermediate fluidization zone, and an overlying dilute cloud. Release of pressurized gas in lava block pores, due to collisions among blocks and the resulting upward current, caused a zone of fluidization just above the main body. The mixture of gas and ash sorted in the fluidization zone moved ahead and to the side of the main body as a gravitational current, where the ash was deposited as surge deposits. The main body, which had high internal friction and shear near its base, then overran the surge deposits, partially eroding them. When the upward current of gas (fluidization) waned, better-sorted ash suspended in the fluidization zone was deposited on block-and-ash deposits. In the distal places of block-and-ash deposits, unit 2 probably was deposited in non-turbulent fashion without any erosion of the underlying layer (unit 1).  相似文献   

Mesozoic volcanic rocks are widespread throughout the Great Xing'an Range of northeastern China. However, there has been limited investigation into the age and petrogenesis of the Mesozoic volcanics in the eastern Great Xing'an Range. According to our research, the volcanic rocks of the Dayangshu Basin, eastern Great Xing'an Range are composed mainly of trachybasalt, basaltic andesite, and basaltic trachyandesite, with minor intermediate–basic pyroclastic rocks. In this study, the geochemistry and geochronology of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks are presented in order to discuss the petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Ganhe Formation in the Dayangshu Basin. Zircon U–Pb dating by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry indicates that the Mesozoic lavas formed during the late Early Cretaceous (114.3–108.8 Ma). This suite of rocks exhibits a range of geochemical signatures indicating subduction‐related genesis, including: (i) calc‐alkaline to high‐K calc‐alkaline major element compositions; (ii) enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, Ba, K) and light rare earth elements (LREEs/HREEs =7.33–9.85); and (iii) weak depletion in high field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, Ti). Furthermore, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data yield initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70450–0.70463, positive εNd(t) values of +1.8 to +3.3, and a mantle‐derived lead isotope composition. Combined with the regional tectonic evolution, the results of this study suggest that the Ganhe Group lavas are derived from decompression melting of a metasomatized (enriched) lithospheric mantle, related to asthenospheric upwelling, which resulted from lithospheric mantle delamination and produced extension of the continental margin following the subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

Many undertakings have used either a single value or a narrow window of temperatures as a threshold for the freezing of water within rock. These temperatures vary from 0 to ?5 C, with most windows being in the range ?1 to ?4 C. Based on thermal data, these thresholds are commonly used to ‘count’ the number of freeze–thaw events as a basis for determining freeze–thaw weathering. Data collected from northern Canada indicate that the temperature at which freezing occurs can vary substantially, even for the same site. Using exotherm and zero curtain observations from bricks, at angles of 90 and 45, aligned to the four cardinal aspects, the various temperatures at which water froze are shown. Bricks on the north and east commonly did exhibit freezing, based on exotherms, within the window ?1 to ?5 C, while data for the south and west aspects showed substantial variation, with freezes sometimes between ?6·4 and ?8·9 C. The data were evaluated for evidence of zero curtain effects (indicative of water freezing), but no unequivocal events could be found, and it is suggested that, at the scale of observation used here, they are unlikely. It would therefore appear that the use of thermal thresholds may not be meaningful for evaluation of freeze–thaw events. The available data also indicate many instances when temperatures went substantially sub‐zero (e.g. ?20 C) and yet no indication of water freezing occurred – most likely because there was no water available to freeze. This indicates that any form of freeze–thaw event counting, in the absence of some indicator of the presence of water and that it actually froze, is flawed, as thermal conditions alone are not adequate to indicate the occurrence or not of actual freeze–thaw weathering events. These data suggest that evaluations of freeze–thaw occurrence based simply on thermal thresholds may be substantially in error. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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