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界面活性剂对溴化锂吸收水蒸气的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为研究Marangoni效应的机理提供基础实验数据,同时也是为寻找更有效的添加剂以替代目前在溴化锂吸收式制冷机/热泵中被广泛采用的界面活性剂2-ethyl-1-hexanol和1-octanol,对一些可能成为界面活性剂的碳6和碳7的醇类物质开展了静态吸收促进实验研究.将碳6和碳7的醇,例如4-methyl-2-pentanol, 2-ethyl-1-butanol, 1-hexanol, 2,4-dimethyl-3-pentanol, 4-heptanol, 2-heptanol 和1-heptanol分别混合于62 wt%浓度的溴化锂水溶液中,在静态池吸收器中来测试吸收水蒸气的情况.实验表明,在研究的实验条件下1-hexanol 和1-heptanol 对溴化锂水溶液吸收水蒸气的促进作用好于2-ethyl-1-hexanol.  相似文献   

通过在纳米溴化锂溶液中添加液相添加剂降低溶液沸腾温度,从而有助于大幅度应用工业余热、废热等低品味热源。溶液沸腾温度主要反映了溶液汽泡成核所需的临界活化能(过热度)。尽管影响沸腾温度的因素较多,但是溶液的表面张力是一个重要的因素。此外纳米流体中的分散剂能造成纳米颗粒在加热面上如淤泥般的沉积,湮没了汽化核心,导致沸腾温度升高。  相似文献   

界面活性剂的混合添加对溴化锂溶液吸收水蒸气的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高洪涛  李豪 《制冷学报》2007,28(3):11-14
在静态池吸收实验中将两种有效添加剂混合添加,测试其对溴化锂水溶液吸收水蒸气的影响,从而探寻不同界面活性剂之间的促进或者抑制作用。通过对正辛醇、仲辛醇、异辛醇、正己醇四种物质采用单种添加和两种混合添加的测试实验表明,混合添加后的效果与其中较好的添加剂单独添加的效果接近,例如,正辛醇在四种添加剂中效果最好,其它添加剂与正辛醇混合添加的效果都与正辛醇单独添加时的效果相近。  相似文献   

黄飞  徐梁华  许海燕 《功能材料》2004,35(Z1):2237-2240
实验合成了以乙二胺(EDA)为核的1.0~3.0代聚酰胺-胺型树枝状分子,对合成的产品进行了核磁、红外、元素分析等表征.采用Wilhelmy吊板法测定了整代1.0~3.0代不同浓度下聚酰胺-胺型树枝状分子水溶液的表面张力,探讨了不同代数聚酰胺-胺型树枝状分子的表面活性.实验表明整代聚酰胺-胺型树枝状分子表面活性很小,但是2.0代分子水溶液的表面张力比同浓度的1.0代和3.0代分子水溶液的表面张力都低,而不是按由低代到高代的顺序递减.  相似文献   

通过在纳米溴化锂(LiBr)溶液中添加表面活性剂降低溶液沸腾温度,从而有助于大幅度应用工业余热、废热等低品味热源。尽管影响沸腾温度的因素较多,但是溶液的表面张力是一个重要的因素,首先对异辛醇(C8H18O)、壬醇(C9H20O)和癸醇(C10H22O)3种高沸点液相添加剂对纳米LiBr溶液的表面张力的影响做了深入研究,并进一步研究了相对应的沸腾温度。并且通过实验发现随着烷醇中烷基数增加,表面张力更低,使得沸腾温度也进一步降低。  相似文献   

本文就肋片管对不同的工况进行了大量的实验,将实验结果进行了分析比较,得到了一些有益的结论。肋片管对溴化锂降膜式发生器的传热传质有强化作用,管外换热系数的强化幅度约为43.7~55.3%,放汽范围的强化幅度约为27~49.2%。这些工作对选用适合于溴化锂降膜式发生器的强化传热管有着指导作用。  相似文献   

热源温度较低时,在溴化锂吸收式制冷机或热泵中使用降膜式发生器可以改善传热传质的性能.如何用强化管对降膜式发生器的传热传质进行强化是本文所关注的.文中对螺旋槽管进行了实验,并对结果进行了分析,最后得出了结论.  相似文献   

针对一种提出的根据热源温度品位自动调节效能的新型溴化锂-水吸收式制冷循环进行了理论分析,该循环可以平滑调节系统COP和工作范围。循环在单效循环基础上加入一对中压蒸发/吸收器,中压蒸发器的冷量用于冷却进入系统的冷却水。这样降低了吸收器出口稀溶液的浓度,升高了被结晶特性限制的发生温度上限,也降低了循环截止发生温度。通过建立模型直观说明了循环的效率变化以及对循环工作范围的扩大。计算结果表明在32℃和40℃的冷却水温下,新的循环(0.n效循环)可以分别将单效循环发生温度范围扩大2倍和6倍,同时保持0.3~0.75的COP。  相似文献   

节约能源和缓解高峰用电的紧张状况是制冷空调领域的专家非常关注的问题,采用蓄能系统是一种行之有效的方法.制冷潜能储存系统是以H2O/LiBr为工质的蓄能系统,通过分析其工作原理、过程、热力性并与现有其它蓄能系统进行经济性比较得知:该蓄能系统不仅能起到平衡电网峰谷负荷即移峰填谷的作用,且具有其它蓄能系统所无法比拟的优点:如蓄能密度大,当性能系数COP为4.3时,蓄能密度为400kJ/kg;可以利用各种能源如太阳能、地热能及工业废热等作为系统的驱动热源;系统简单;工作介质对环境友好,无任何污染;技术成熟;在经济性方面具有优势,投资少,在10年使用时间内的总收益是冰蓄冷空调系统的7倍.  相似文献   

Binary nanoemulsions, oil-droplet suspensions in binary solution (H2O/LiBr), are developed to enhance the heat and mass transfer performance of absorption refrigeration systems. In this study, a novel four-step method is used to prepare the stable oil-in-binary solution (O/S) emulsion. To stabilize the nanoemulsions in a strong electrolyte, four different polymers are used as a steric stabilizer. The droplet size and the thermal conductivity of binary nanoemulsions are measured by the dynamic light scattering method and the transient hot-wire method, respectively. It is found that the measured thermal conductivities of the oil in water (O/W) nanoemulsion and binary nanoemulsion (O/S) with a stabilizer enhance up to 6.4 and 3.6%, respectively compared with the Maxwell’s model. It is also found that GA (Gum Arabic) gives the highest thermal conductivity enhancement. It is finally confirmed that the initial stable condition of the O/S nanoemulsion can be recovered by the re-dispersion in actual absorption systems.  相似文献   

溴化锂溶液降膜吸收是吸收式空调系统中常见的热质传递形式之一。本文对溶液降膜吸收过程的热质耦合传递分析,建立了溴化锂溶液垂直降膜吸收热质传递的二维数学物理模型,采用CFD-Fluent对模型进行求解。计算得到不同Re下的液膜界面温度、液膜内浓度分布、传热传质通量及传热传质系数等。分析了Re对降膜吸收过程中热质传递的影响。结果表明:当液膜Re150时,液膜界面平均温度与平均传质系数随着Re的增大而增大,而平均传热系数随着Re的增大而减少;平均传热传质通量均是随着Re的增大而先增大后减小,存在一个最佳液膜Re使降膜吸收过程的传热传质通量达到最大,即Re=50时,平均传热和传质通量分别达到最大值7.2 k W/m~2与2.9×10~(-3)kg/(m~2·s)。  相似文献   

Heat/mass transfer enhancement additives used in aqueous lithium bromide absorption chillers are surfactants that lower the surface tension of the working fluid. It has long been speculated that the surface tension characteristics are a key to the enhancement but the point is controversial because some surfactants do not provide enhancement. In the present study, the surface tension of aqueous lithium bromide was measured, with and without various surfactant additives, using a drop weight method. Measurements were also made on water, with and without an additive. The results provide new information that clarifies several confusing aspects of the literature data. The major result is the realization that the surface tension of aqueous lithium bromide is strongly affected by the presence of surfactant vapor around the liquid interface. This apparently explains the large differences in surface tension data found in the literature since no previous studies mentioned the importance of the vapor conditions.  相似文献   

Diamond‐dispersed copper matrix (Cu/D) composite materials with different interfacial configurations are fabricated through powder metallurgy and their thermal performances are evaluated. An innovative solution to chemically bond copper (Cu) to diamond (D) has been investigated and compared to the traditional Cu/D bonding process involving carbide‐forming additives such as boron (B) or chromium (Cr). The proposed solution consists of coating diamond reinforcements with Cu particles through a gas–solid nucleation and growth process. The Cu particle‐coating acts as a chemical bonding agent at the Cu–D interface during hot pressing, leading to cohesive and thermally conductive Cu/D composites with no carbide‐forming additives. Investigation of the microstructure of the Cu/D materials through scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy analyses is coupled with thermal performance evaluations through thermal diffusivity, dilatometry, and thermal cycling. Cu/D composites fabricated with 40 vol% of Cu‐coated diamonds exhibit a thermal conductivity of 475 W m?1 K?1 and a thermal expansion coefficient of 12 × 10?6 °C?1. These promising thermal performances are superior to that of B‐carbide‐bonded Cu/D composites and similar to that of Cr‐carbide‐bonded Cu/D composites fabricated in this study. Moreover, the Cu/D composites fabricated with Cu‐coated diamonds exhibit higher thermal cycling resistance than carbide‐bonded materials, which are affected by the brittleness of the carbide interphase upon repeated heating and cooling cycles. The as‐developed materials can be applicable as heat spreaders for thermal management of power electronic packages. The copper‐carbon chemical bonding solution proposed in this article may also be found interesting to other areas of electronic packaging, such as brazing solders, direct bonded copper substrates, and polymer coatings.

Soonki Min 《Materials Letters》2008,62(29):4464-4466
In order to control the core-shell structure of bimetallic lead-free solder balls, the surface tension and the critical temperature for the phase separation of two immiscible liquid phases are required. In this study, the temperature dependence of the surface tension of the 60%Bi-24%Cu-16%Sn alloy was measured using the constrained drop method. The temperature dependence of the surface tension was changed at the critical temperature due to phase separation and corresponding modification of the atomic structure of the surface layer. This simple and new procedure enables us to determine the surface tension and the critical temperature for the separation of two immiscible liquid phases simultaneously.  相似文献   

为强化吸收式制冷机的蒸汽吸收率及制冷效率,基于活性炭的高吸附性能,在溴化锂水溶液中添加适量活性炭颗粒形成活性炭/溴化锂悬浮液替代溴化锂水溶液作为吸收剂,通过实验研究了其蒸汽吸收率、制冷效率,分析了替代的可行性。研究表明,在活性炭添加量为0~300ng/L条件下或在0~1.5吸着平衡常数范围内,悬浮液的水蒸汽吸收量比和制冷机组的制冷量随活性炭添加量和悬浮液吸着平衡常数近似线性增长;悬浮液的粘度随活性炭添加量线性增长,随温度升高线性减小。  相似文献   

以石蜡为相变材料,膨胀石墨为载体,碳纤维为强化传热介质,利用膨胀石墨对石蜡良好的吸附性及碳纤维高的导热性,制备了碳纤维/石蜡/膨胀石墨复合相变材料。采用扫描电镜、差示扫描量热仪、温度巡检仪对制备的碳纤维/石蜡/膨胀石墨复合相变材料热性能进行了测试和表征。实验结果表明,添加了碳纤维的石蜡/膨胀石墨复合相变材料的相变潜热随石蜡含量的降低而减小,随碳纤维含量的增加复合相变材料的相变温度略有降低,相变提前发生,随碳纤维含量的增加复合相变材料的导热性能大幅度提高。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to measure the vapor absorption rate and heat transfer rate for falling film flow of binary nanofluids, and to compare the enhancement of heat transfer and mass transfer under the same conditions of nanofluids. The key parameters are the base fluid concentration of LiBr, the concentration of nanoparticles in weight %, and nanoparticle constituents. The binary nanofluids are H2O/LiBr solution with nanoparticles of Fe and Carbon nanotubes (CNT) with the concentrations of 0.0, 0.01 and 0.1 wt %. The vapor absorption rate increases with increasing the solution mass flow rate and the concentration of Fe and CNT nanoparticles. It is found that the mass transfer enhancement is much more significant than the heat transfer enhancement in the binary nanofluids with Fe and CNT. It is also found that the mass transfer enhancement from the CNT nanoparticles becomes higher than that from the Fe nanoparticles. Therefore, the CNT is a better candidate than Fe nanoparticles for absorption performance enhancement in H2O/LiBr absorption system.  相似文献   

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