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黄铁矿是富有机质沉积的特征矿物。根据TOC/S、TOC/DOP、S/Fe关系以及S TOC Fe多重线性回归分析结果对三水盆地古近系〖HT5”,6”〗土〖KG-*3〗布〖HT5”SS〗心组红岗段黑色页岩中沉积黄铁矿的形成及其控制因素进行了分析。土布心组红岗段黑色页岩的黄铁矿有成岩黄铁矿和同生黄铁矿两种成因组分。红岗段下部(亚段A)有机碳含量普遍较低,底部水体以弱氧化条件为主,硫酸盐还原作用发生于沉积物/水界面以下,黄铁矿为成岩成因,其形成主要受有机质的限制。红岗段中上部(亚段B和C)的沉积条件变化频繁,其有机碳含量变化幅度大。富有机质(TOC>4%)岩层形成于缺氧的底部水体条件下。水体中可含H2S,碎屑铁矿物在埋藏之前即与之在水体中反应形成同生黄铁矿。这一过程不受有机质的限制,而是受活性铁与H2S接触时间的限制。同时,由于大量淡水输入导致硫酸盐浓度的降低,从而对硫化物形成有一定的限制作用。对于低有机质(TOC<4%)样品,黄铁矿由同生和成岩组分组成。其中以成岩黄铁矿为主,其形成过程主要受有机质限制,而同生黄铁矿受铁矿物与H2S接触时间的限制。  相似文献   

The Honggang member of the early Paleogene Buxin Formation is the main source rock in the Sanshui Basin, characterized by organic-rich black shales with the cyclic recurrence of organic- poor sediments. The geochemical characteristics of the Honggang member have been documented to determine the organic matter types and depositional environments in this paper. The organic matter of the black shales mainly consists of a mixture of land plant-derived and phytoplankton-derived organic matter. Total organic carbon content (TOC)–sulfur–iron (Fe) relationships suggest that the organic- rich black shales were deposited under dysoxic-to-euxinic water conditions. The time that iron minerals remained in contact with H2S in anoxic waters possibly influenced the formation of syngenetic pyrite, and organic carbon controlled the formation of diagenetic pyrite. Organic-poor intervals usually show pyrite sulfur enrichment and higher degree of pyritization values relative to low organic carbon contents. This resulted from HS– diffusing downward from overlying organic-rich sediments and formed Fe sulfides through reactions with sufficient Fe. Trace elements generally exhibit low concentrations and little TOC dependence, suggesting some degree of depletion in these elements in the early Paleogene sediments of the Sanshui Basin. This probably resulted from cyclic recurrences of oxic benthic conditions, which promoted the remobilization of trace elements and caused the low concentration of trace elements.  相似文献   

沉积物的元素地球化学特征是对沉积盆地水体环境以及古气候条件变化的响应。本文根据元素(Al、Fe、Mg、Ca、K、Na、P、V、Ni、Co、Cr、Cu、Zn、Sr、Ba、Cd、Li、Mn、Pb、Ti)的含量及其比值(Al/Ti、Fe/Mn、Sr/Ba、Mg/Ca、Sr/Ca、Na/Ca、V/Cr、Ni/Co、Ni/V)的变化,对三水盆地古近系心组红岗段生油层的沉积条件进行了系统分析。心组红岗段下部(亚段A)表现为较稳定的地球化学特征。各元素丰度及其比值指示这一时期陆源输入持续较高、且物源组成变化不大。由于海水入侵的影响,湖盆水体盐度相对较高,底部水体以弱氧化条件为主,O2-H2S界面位于水/沉积物界面附近。红岗段中上部(亚段B、C)的元素地球化学特征变化较为频繁且幅度很大,反映古气候和湖盆沉积条件的迅速变迁。在潮湿气候条件下,沉积物的地球化学特征表现为以Al、Ti为代表的外源元素含量及其比值较高,而Mg、Ca等盆内化学沉积元素含量较低。古氧气指标指示底部水体为还原环境,有利于有机质保存。因而,相应于较高的有机碳含量。在间歇性干旱时期,陆源输入减少,外源元素含量及其比值显著降低。随着蒸发作用的加强,水体盐度加大,内源元素丰度以及Mg/Ca、Sr/Ba、Sr/Ca和Na/Ca比值大幅度上升。底部水体为氧化环境,O2-H2S界面多位于水/沉积物界面或沉积物中。上述两种气候条件在红岗段中上部沉积时期交替出现。红岗段沉积后期由于淡水的长期输入,湖水出现逐渐淡化趋势。  相似文献   

古近系心组红岗段是广东三水盆地的主要生油层,以一套黑—灰黑色页岩沉积为主,其富含有机质、纹层理发育良好的岩层与相对贫有机质、含微体生物化石的微扰动层交替出现。根据纹层状页岩与生物扰动页岩的C-S-Fe关系以及对氧化还原条件敏感的痕量元素(Mo、U、V、Co、Ni、Pb和Cu)地球化学记录,对这两种不同岩相的地球化学特征及其所反映的水体氧化还原条件进行了分析。纹层状页岩的TOC、S含量和DOPT值均较高,TOC-S、TOC-DOPT显示较弱的相关性;而生物扰动页岩的TOC、S含量和DOPT值相对较低,TOC-S、TOC-DOPT相关性显著。痕量元素在两种岩相中的分布也有差别,各元素在纹层状页岩中的丰度均高于生物扰动页岩,尤其是Mo和U具有较高的丰度水平、且在不同岩相中显示明显差别。黑色页岩中的C-S-Fe关系和痕量元素(特别是Mo和U)分布反映了心组红岗段沉积时期湖盆水体的氧化还原条件变化。生物扰动页岩沉积期间,底部水体主要为氧化环境,间歇性出现贫氧条件,硫酸盐还原作用发生于沉积物/水界面及其以下沉积物中。纹层状页岩形成于缺氧的底部水体条件下,水体和沉积物中均可含H2S,为有机质保存以及对氧化还原条件敏感的痕量元素的富集提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

鸡西盆地作为我国东北地区重要的煤炭基地,已在多口钻井中发现油气显示。早白垩世城子河组为一套夹数个海相泥岩层的含煤岩系,形成于滨浅湖—沼泽的沉积环境,为该盆地主力烃源岩层。本次对该层位泥岩样品的常、微量元素全分析结果表明,水体盐度指标Sr/Ba在0.11~0.38之间,碱度指标(Ca+Mg)*20/(Si+Al)为0.2...  相似文献   

陈亮  刘春莲  庄畅  车晓光  吴洁 《沉积学报》2009,27(6):1155-1162
通过分析三水盆地古近系下部岩心的稀土元素丰度和分布模式,并结合其它地球化学指标(Fe/Mn, Mg/Ca),重建了古近纪早期的古气候条件。岩心中稀土元素总量(∑REE)变化于7.06~230.01 μg /g之间,平均值为142.32 μg/g。接近全球平均大陆上地壳成分(UCC),略低于北美页岩。沉积物显示轻稀土相对富集、右倾斜型、Eu中度亏损以及Ce异常不明显的稀土元素分布模式。岩心各深度处稀土元素分布模式非常相似,且与UCC的稀土元素分布模式基本一致。表明沉积物具有较为一致的物质来源和形成机理,而且源区具有大陆上地壳性质。岩心沉积时期古气候变化经历了较为干燥—温湿—温湿与干旱气候交替出现—以温湿气候条件为主的四个阶段。总体上显示明显的变湿趋势。  相似文献   

近年来的研究证明,中新生代未熟—低熟海相富有机质泥质烃源岩中有机质是通过溶解在水中的分子规模的碳有机质以化学吸附的形式被吸附到矿物表面上和蒙脱石结构层内。然而,对于高熟海相泥质烃源岩中有机质的赋存状态却少有报道。通过对塔里木盆地下寒统底部高熟海相泥质烃源岩的有机碳含量、矿物表面积、扫描电镜和透射电镜的综合分析,得到了其有机质以细小的颗粒状保存于沉积物颗粒之间的结论。同时,通过高熟海相烃源岩与现代未熟海相烃源岩有机质赋存状态的对比,提出了值得进一步研究的有关科学问题。  相似文献   

安徽宣城地区上二叠统龙潭组海陆过渡相页岩不仅是我国下扬子区重要的烃源岩,也是目前我国页岩气勘探的重要层位之一.为研究海陆过渡相页岩沉积环境与有机质富集的关系,以港地1井和两个露头剖面为研究对象,系统开展了有机地球化学测试、有机岩石学研究、氩离子抛光—扫面电镜观察、元素地球化学分析等工作.结果表明:下扬子宣城地区龙潭组页...  相似文献   

通过对研究区露头烃源岩样品进行Rock-Eval热解模拟实验、干酪根镜鉴、镜质体反射率、族组分分离、单体烃碳同位素等分析,对北羌塘盆地光明湖地区侏罗系白龙冰河组烃源岩有机质特征进行研究.结果表明,该区白龙冰河组烃源岩以碳酸盐岩为主,有机碳含量0.01%~1.21%,平均值为0.39%,有机质丰度较高;干酪根显微组分以腐泥组为主,含量70%~92%,平均值为80%,以Ⅱ1型为主,主峰碳、(nC21-/nC22+)轻/重比及Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18的相关图均表明有机质来自低等水生生物,有机质类型较好;镜质体反射率最小值1.409%,最大值2.423%,平均值为1.909%,有机质的热演化程度总体较高,达到高成熟-过成熟阶段.  相似文献   

根据大量钻井取心样品的测试分析结果,综合分析了沅江凹陷古近系沅江组下段烃源岩的分布、有机质类型、丰度、成熟度等。研究表明,沅江凹陷古近系沅江组下段烃源岩分布面积约1383km^2,累计厚度50~125m,平均80m左右,横向分布比较稳定。烃源岩有机质丰度的三项指标都比较低,分布范围局限,较好烃源岩标准的地区,主要位于东、西两个次凹的沉积中心部位;烃源岩有机质类型为腐殖一腐泥型。根据镜质体反射率、孢粉颜色指数、族组分以及正构烷烃色谱特征等分析,古近系沅江组下段的烃源岩属于成熟阶段。  相似文献   

The late Paleozoic Fengcheng Formation shale (LPF shale) in the Junggar Basin, NW China, is the oldest alkaline source rock discovered in the world, providing a unique perspective with which to explore organic matter (OM) enrichment in alkaline lake environments. Combined with the organic carbon isotope profile and paleoenvironmental proxies, this study reveals that the LPF shale was deposited in an arid climate with high salinity and a strong reducing environment, accompanied by frequent volcanic activity. High TOC values are concentrated in two intervals with frequent fluctuations in OM types. A negative excursion due to changes in sedimentary OM source is found in the δ13Corg profile. The excursion corresponds to the OM enrichment interval and is accompanied by abnormally high values of Sr/Ba and Sr/Cu. This implies that the extreme arid climate has led to high salinity, resulting in strong reducibility and changes in paleontological assemblages, which in turn controlled the differential enrichment of OM. The Fengcheng Fm. high-quality source rocks are the result of the combined action of climatic events, volcanism, high-salinity water environment and superior hydrocarbon-generating organisms. The results provide new insights into the formation conditions of terrestrial alkaline high-quality source rocks and the factors controlling alkaline OM enrichment.  相似文献   

中国南方奥陶纪-志留纪之交广泛沉积了以五峰组和龙马溪组为代表的笔石页岩。基于对重庆巫溪地区五峰组-龙马溪组底部页岩段中近400件页岩样品中笔石丰度的统计及100件页岩样品有机碳含量(TOC,%)的分析测试结果,选择其中23件不同笔石丰度与TOC的页岩样品开展页岩中笔石体与围岩(非笔石体部分)TOC的对比实验,并结合能谱分析测试结果,探讨笔石与有机质富集的关系。初步研究认为:①五峰组-龙马溪组页岩中笔石体的C、O等元素含量较高,其TOC明显高于围岩,是页岩有机质的贡献者之一;②五峰组-龙马溪组页岩全岩TOC与笔石丰度及笔石体TOC相关性均较差,而与围岩TOC相关性较好,这指示着页岩中笔石丰度对有机质富集影响较小。  相似文献   

刘思逸  高平  肖贤明  刘若冰  秦婧  袁桃  王旭 《现代地质》2022,36(5):1281-1291
目前五峰—龙马溪组黑色页岩中显微组分缺乏统一的分类方案,命名也较为混乱,给页岩气勘探与评价造成了困难。为此,采用全岩光片和有机地球化学(TOC、δ13Corg)分析等方法,对四川盆地五峰—龙马溪组黑色页岩中显微组分进行有效识别与特征总结,探讨其可能成因,并判断其有机质类型。研究结果表明:五峰—龙马溪组页岩中显微组分主要由海相镜质组、腐泥组、动物有机碎屑组和次生组组成。其中,海相镜质组由无结构镜质体组成,呈浑圆状或长条状,具有强的光反射能力,但分布并不广泛;腐泥组主要由无结构腐泥体组成,为藻类遭受热降解过程而形成的无结构且无固定形态的显微组分,在富有机质页岩中广泛分布;动物有机碎屑组主要包括笔石表皮体、几丁虫和放射虫有机碎屑体;次生组由次生沥青体组成,广泛分布在页岩基质孔隙中,呈无固定形状。五峰—龙马溪组页岩中主要发育腐泥组和次生组,其次为动物有机碎屑组和海相镜质组,其有机质类型以Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型干酪根为主,且腐泥组和次生组含量越高,有机质类型越好,其生烃潜力越大。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of extractable organic matter (EOM) on pore evolution of lacustrine shales, Soxhlet extraction, using dichloromethane, was performed on a series of Chang 7 shale samples (Ordos Basin, China) with vitrinite reflectance of 0.64% to 1.34%. Low‐pressure gas adsorption experiments were conducted on the samples before and after extraction. The pore structure parameters were calculated from the gas adsorption data. The results show complex changes to the pore volumes and surface areas after extraction. The pore development of both the initial and extracted samples is strongly controlled by total organic carbon (TOC) content. Micropores developed mainly in organic matter (OM), while mesopores and macropores predominantly developed in fractions other than OM. The influence of EOM on micropores is stronger than on mesopores and macropores. Organic solvents with a higher boiling point should be used to explore the effect of EOM on pore structure in the future.  相似文献   

The Jurassic Yanan Formation is one of the most important coal-producing formations and hydrocarbon source rocks in the Ordos Basin, North China. To evaluate the shale gas potential of the Yanan shale, a total of 48 samples from north Ordos Basin were sampled, and their geochemical, petrological, mineralogical and pore characteristics were investigated. It was found that the shale samples are a suite of early mature source rock. The total organic carbon (TOC) content ranges from 0.33% to 24.12% and the hydrogen index (HI) ranges from 43.31mg/g to 330.58 mg/g. The relationship between Tmax and HI indicates the organic matter is type Ⅱ-Ⅲ. This conclusion is also supported by the organic petrological examination results, which shows that the kerogen is mainly liptinite and vitrinite. Minerals in the samples are composed mainly of quartz, clay and feldspar, and the clay minerals are composed of prevailing kaolinite, illite/smectite, chlorite and a small amount of illite. Under scanning electron microscope, OM pores in the Yanan shale are scarce except pores come from the kerogen intrinsic texture or clay aggregates within the organic particles. As the weak compaction caused by shallow burial depth, interparticle pores and intraparticle pores are common, the hydrocarbon storage capacity of the Yanan shale was improved. According to evaluation, the Yanan shale is considered as a good shale gas reservoir, but its hydrocarbon potential is more dependent on biogenic and coal-derived gas as the thermogenic gas is limited by the lower thermal maturity.  相似文献   

Early Cambrian shale is an important petroleum source rock around the world. Because of little drilling data and poor seismic data, until recently, organic matter enrichment of the Lower Cambrian Yuertusi and Xishanbulake formations shale is still an enigma in the Tarim Basin, northwestern China. Total organic carbon (TOC), major and trace element data of Cambrian shale samples from five boreholes have been analyzed to decipher the mechanism of the organic matter enrichment. The results show that the shales deposited in the western restricted intraplatform have much higher TOC contents (3.2%–19.8%, on average 11.0%) than those from the eastern basin (2.2%–10.2%, on average 4.5%). The paleoproductivity proxies (Ba, Ba/Al, P/Al) in the western restricted platform are much higher than those in the eastern basin. The trace element indicators such as V/Cr, Ni/Co, Mo–TOC and MoEF–UEF suggest an anoxic environment across the basin, but a more restricted environment in the western intraplatform. The paleoproductivity rather than anoxic condition and hydrothermal activity are concluded to have resulted in the differentiation of the organic matter enrichment from the western intraplatform to eastern basin in the early Cambrian shales; the restricted environment was favorable for paleoproductivity and preservation of organic matter.  相似文献   

Micropores of shale are significant to the gas content and production potential of shale, which has been verified in the research of marine shale gas; while, few studies have been conducted on lacustrine shales. This study collected 42 samples from three wells in the Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation of the southern Songliao Basin, NE China, and investigated these samples by the focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB–SEM) and nitrogen adsorption analysis techniques. Four types of micropores were identified in the samples, i.e., intergranular pore, intracellular pore, organic matter pore and microfracture. The pore structure type is characterized by open slit pores and “ink type” pores which are mainly 1.5–5 nm in diameter with mesopores as the main pores. The mesopores account for 74.01% of the pore volume and 54.68% of the pore surface area. Compared with the lacustrine shales from the Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin and Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin, the intergranular clay mineral interlayer pores are considered to be the main reservoir space for shale gas storage in the study area, followed by intraparticle pores, organic matter pores and microfractures. Maturity and micropore are the key controlling factors which affect the shale gas content of the Qingshankou Formation in southern Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

苏北盆地高邮凹陷古近系戴南组滨浅湖沉积中的遗迹化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏北盆地高邮凹陷古近系戴南组滨浅湖沉积中动物遗迹化石共鉴定出6个遗迹属8个遗迹种,其中1个为未定种。包括Taenidium barretti、Taenidium satanassi、Beaconites coronus、Cystichnum curvativum、Palaeophycus isp.、Planolites montanus、Skolithos verticalis和Skolithos linearis等。这些遗迹化石主要是无脊椎动物的进食迹和居住迹,呈全浮痕或半浮痕保存。根据组合特征及沉积环境分析,可识别出两个遗迹化石组合:1)Taenidium—Beaconites遗迹组合,主要由具新月型回填纹构造的进食迹组成,反映了周期性干旱气候条件下的滨浅湖沉积环境;2)Skolithos linearis遗迹组合,主要由居住潜穴组成,代表了三角洲平原—前缘沉积环境。生物扰动根据扰动特点,可分为三种类型,即1)均一型,反映了湖平面缓慢上升之后较长时间保持稳定;2)增强型,反映了湖平面整体稳定条件下的小幅度快速上升,然后保持稳定和缓慢下降;3)复合型,反映了湖平面先缓慢上升,然后缓慢下降。三角洲平原-前缘分支河道沉积序列中遗迹化石的类型、丰度、分异度和扰动指数垂向上呈规律性的变化,结合其沉积学特征分析,可分为四个沉积单元,每个沉积单元的内部物理成因构造和生物成因构造明显不同。  相似文献   

三水盆地古近系莘庄组顶部至土布心组红岗段的全岩碳酸盐稳定同位素分析结果表明其形成期间经历了多次环境变迁。根据碳酸盐氧、碳同位素比值及其相互关系的变化,可识别三次海水入侵期。其时δ18O值大幅度向正值漂移。而由于受有机质降解的影响,相应时期的δ13 C均表现为低值。在不直接受海洋影响的湖相沉积阶段,δ18O与δ13 C的相关程度虽然未达到典型的封闭型湖泊水平,但仍呈现一定的正相关变化 (r =0.6 5 ),表明其湖水滞留时间较长。而频繁出现的石膏薄层沉积也指示湖盆的封闭性较好。这些均表明这一时期的三水盆地可能是一周期性封闭型湖泊。其稳定同位素组成主要受制于蒸发量/降雨量平衡的变化。而δ13 C比值往往还受有机质活动的控制,更多的是反映有机质生产力、埋藏与降解率。  相似文献   

黑龙江省依兰盆地古近系达连河组油页岩沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
达连河油页岩含矿区位于黑龙江省依兰地区,该区是一个半地堑式断陷盆地。古近系达连河组为一个完整的三级层序,油页岩形成于水进体系域和高水位体系域发育时期。油页岩沉积相类型为半深湖相沉积,与泥炭沼泽相煤层伴生,为煤层的顶板,含油率为3.75%~8.37%,有较高的开采价值。煤层顶部发育的巨厚湖相劣质油页岩,分布广,层位稳定,含油率<3.5%。研究区油页岩成因类型为混合型和腐殖型。根据油页岩工业划分标准,达连河油页岩属于中灰分、低含油率的油页岩。  相似文献   

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