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Using numerical simulation data of the forward differential propagation shift (ΦDP) of polarimetric radar,the principle and performing steps of noise reduction by wavelet analysis are introduced in detail.Profiting from the multiscale analysis,various types of noises can be identified according to their characteristics in different scales,and suppressed in different resolutions by a penalty threshold strategy through which a fixed threshold value is applied,a default threshold strategy through which the threshold value is determined by the noise intensity,or a ΦDP penalty threshold strategy through which a special value is designed for ΦDP de-noising.Then,a hard-or soft-threshold function,depending on the de-noising purpose,is selected to reconstruct the signal.Combining the three noise suppression strategies and the two signal reconstruction functions,and without loss of generality,two schemes are presented to verify the de-noising effect by dbN wavelets:(1) the penalty threshold strategy with the soft threshold function scheme (PSS); (2) the ΦDP penalty threshold strategy with the soft threshold function scheme (PPSS).Furthermore,the wavelet de-noising is compared with the mean,median,Kalman,and finite impulse response (FIR) methods with simulation data and two actual cases.The results suggest that both of the two schemes perform well,especially when ΦDP data are simultaneously polluted by various scales and types of noises.A slight difference is that the PSS method can retain more detail,and the PPSS can smooth the signal more successfully.  相似文献   

激光测斜视能见度的初步试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
斜视能见度,特别是空对地斜视能见度的测量,是飞机安全着陆的重要气象保证工作之一。然而斜视能见度目前还只能根据水平能见度及目视垂直方向天空的混浊程度作粗略估计。这种估计的准确性差,带有较多的主观因素。因而研究一种能客观测定斜视能见度的探测方案及相应的仪器是十分必要的。 近十年来,国内外对激光探测斜视能见度问题作了不少工作,但都还处于原理试验阶段。我们在本所72—75年有关工作的基础上,提出了在水平均一假定下探测大气光学厚度及平均消光系数的简化方案,并于1977年初在机场上进行了原理试验,与飞行员  相似文献   


为了优化地面人工增雨作业技术,提出了区域多参量动态对比法(以下简称K值法),并使用该方法对2015—2017年选取的26次地面增雨作业,从不同参量、不同作业工具、不同作业剂量和不同作业方式等方面进行效果统计检验。结果表明:地面催化作业有较好的增雨效果,作业后3 h内的增雨率为14.4%,2 h时增雨效果最好;不同作业工具比较,火箭增雨速度快且增雨率大,增雨效果比高炮好;不同作业剂量比较,单次高炮作业剂量N≤35发、单次火箭作业剂量2 < N≤5枚为充分播撒;不同作业方式比较,连续多次作业(两次作业时间间隔1 h之内,作业点距离5~7 km)比单次作业增雨率高11.2%,连续作业增雨效果更好;在2018—2020年13次地面增雨作业中应用了上述优化技术,与2015—2017年选取的26次作业相比,平均K值提高了30.6%,增雨率提高了6%,与同期7次未应用优化技术的作业相比,平均雨量K值高0.85,K>1的时效延长1 h,技术优化效果明显。


根据中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室的车载C波段双线偏振多普勒雷达外场观测资料,利用Daubechies小波对雷达观测的差分传播相移ΦDP进行滤波处理,并与滑动平均和中值滤波这两种常规处理方法的滤波效果进行对比分析。结果表明,Daubechies小波方法不仅同两种常规处理方法一样能有效剔除差分传播相移ΦDP存在的各种脉动与毛刺,使ΦDP数据具有更好的连续性和平滑度,还能有效地保留非气象回波信息,方便对其进行地物识别等后续处理; 此外,其对弱信号的滤波效果也有显著提高,滤波后的ΦDP及其估算的差分传播相移率KDP与反射率因子ZH均有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - A gridded 0.25° reconstruction of rainfall kinetic energy (RKE) over the UK, on the basis of pluviometric observations and reanalysis back to 1765, shows...  相似文献   

Microwave links are ideally suited to the urban environment, since there are many suitable vandal-free locations to which the receiver and transmitter can be attached. A signal sent along a link is received with reduced power as a consequence of scattering and absorption by intervening water droplets. Thus a measurement of the power loss can be transformed into a measure of total path rainfall. This paper discusses the requirements for the estimation process to be accurate. The paper presents results using a single frequency, together with the improved results from a dual-frequency link. Potential future applications of microwave links are presented.  相似文献   

对X波段双线偏振多普勒天气雷达而言,差分传播相移(φDP)数据质量是影响雷达应用的关键因素,需要开展其数据的质量控制。首先利用相关系数(ρHV),差分反射率(ZDR)纹理和差分传播相移纹理特征信息剔除非气象回波,然后采用一种新的方法——线性规划来开展差分传播相移的数据质量控制。比较分析了雷达原始差分传播相移数据经过3、5、7点不同平滑点数对线性规划结果的影响,分析数据表明不同平滑点数对线性规划结果几乎无影响。将线性规划方法应用到北京组网的X波段双线偏振多普勒天气雷达差分传播相移数据质量控制上,结果表明,差分传播相移经过线性规划后,可以有效提升其数据质量,表现在:(1)差分传播相移具有累积递增属性和差分传播相移率(KDP)的非负属性,与差分传播相移和差分传播相移率应该具备的物理属性一致;(2)可以有效剔除因冰雹等大粒子产生的后向差分传播相移(δ)对差分传播相移的影响,提升其计算差分传播相移率的准确度。   相似文献   

国内民航机场主要使用的雨量观测设备为芬兰维萨拉公司生产的RG13型雨量传感器,为保证雨量测量数据的真实可靠,对其测量结果的不确定度分析很有必要。根据自动气象站现场校准方法,分别进行大雨强和小雨强的重复测试,并依据JJF1059.1-2012测量不确定度的评定与表示要求,进行A类不确定度评定。分析测量过程中的B类不确定度来源,进行B类评定,最终给出扩展不确定度。结果表明:在小雨强下,测量不确定度为U95=0.17mm,包含因子k=2。在大雨强下,测量不确定度为U95=0.16mm,包含因子k=2。该研究完善了雨量传感器的现场校准工作流程,对雨量传感器测量结果的可信度评定具有参考价值。  相似文献   

利用WRF模式及WRFDA同化系统,引入业务探空资料和西南涡加密探空资料,对一次四川盆地奇异路径低涡耦合大暴雨过程进行了数值试验,对比检验不同同化试验对本次过程降水和低涡移动路径的模拟能力,分析了加密探空资料同化对西南涡结构及其降水演变的影响。结果表明:在同化业务探空资料的基础上,引入西南涡加密探空资料能改善模式对本次降水和低涡移动路径的模拟,而仅同化业务探空资料对模拟结果的改善作用有限;引入西南涡加密探空资料,一方面能在初始风场上产生气旋式扰动,增加初始高原涡和西南涡的强度,另一方面通过调整初始四川盆地上空大气温、湿度结构,使模式在积分初期就能产生出实况量级的降水;西南涡加密探空资料的同化试验揭示了仅靠高层的高位涡不足以激发和维持700 hPa的西南涡,需要通过低层水平辐合引起正涡度增加并向上输送来增强700 hPa的气旋式环流,进而促进西南涡的移动和发展,而模拟初期降水的潜热释放也起重要作用,加深了对西南涡及其降水成因的认识。   相似文献   

多普勒雷达资料对暴雨定量预报的同化对比试验   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
基于NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和连云港雷达探测资料,利用WRF模式及其三维变分同化V2.1系统,对发生在2008年4月19日连云港地区一次区域性暴雨过程进行了三维变分同化数值模拟对比研究.结果表明,同化了雷达资料后,模式预报效果比单独使用NCEP做初始场效果明显改善,暴雨落区和量值更接近实况.同化了雷达资料后,模式预报的垂直运动区、最大上升区、水汽输送通道和高空涡度分布等更接近强降水区,结构也更精细,说明初始场增加雷达资料后,对初始风场的结构、强度和初始云水分布有实质性的改进,从而提高了对暴雨定量预报的效果.  相似文献   

Inverse modelling was applied to computer simulated time series of trace gas concentrations as a means to design real experiments and to explore the potential of their real counterparts to deduce rate constants of a simplified reaction mechanism of tropospheric chemistry. Two cases were examined: As a first case, the model to be fitted was complete, but its rate constants were modified within the constraints from prior knowledge. For this case, we got a good fit and significantly improved the modified parameters. As a second case, an incomplete model, where an important reaction was omitted from the model, was fitted to the simulated experiment. For the incomplete model, we also got an apparently good fit, showing the flexibility of the mechanism. However, the hypothesis “mechanism is correct” had to be rejected because it is not consistent with the prior knowledge. The rejection was further confirmed by a simulated control experiment with different experimental constraints.  相似文献   

肖天贵  孙照渤  葛非 《气象科学》2010,30(2):185-192
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过波包传播的诊断方法,对2008年9月22—27日我国川西地区持续性暴雨过程期间波包传播和积累进行了分析与研究,分析表明,波包分布及传播能明显反映出降水过程的发生、维持和结束特征。波包的大值区域与强降水区域基本一致,强降水过程基本上产生于波包扰动能量积累的高值时段或处于高位相阶段。波包值的经向和纬向传播特征表明9月22—27日川西地区持续性暴雨过程主要受西太平洋副热带高压、偏北地区和高原地区的弱冷空气、孟湾和南海向盆地输送水汽的两条水汽通道以及台风"黑格比"的共同作用。  相似文献   

利用自主构建的基于风暴尺度的WRF—EnSRF(weather research and forecasting ensemble square root filter)系统同化实际多普勒雷达资料,检验该同化系统在包括飑线、超级单体风暴和多单体风暴3个不同结构类型的强对流天气过程的同化效果,并考察了初始场扰动时不同强度的位温和水汽扰动对集合离散度以及同化效果的影响。结果表明,在3个个例中该同化系统均表现出有效的同化能力,各分析结果均比较合理,径向速度和反射率因子分析的增量均方差在经过24min同化后分别下降到3~5m/s和10dBz,并维持至60min同化结束。预报场集合离散度和同化效果对热力场的扰动强度比较敏感,适当增加初始扰动时位温和水汽的扰动强度有利于提高集合离散度和改善径向速度的分析效果。  相似文献   

黄嘉佑  王绍武 《大气科学》1984,8(3):252-259
本文利用近30年我国气温和降水场试作东半球夏季大气环流场的恢复.从恢复的效果和稳定性来看,结果是令人满意的.对不在样本内的独立资料年代的环流恢复试验,也取得较好效果.本文工作表明,通过适当的方法(经验正交函数分析与逐步回归的结合)恢复历史时期的大气环流是可能的.  相似文献   

Meso-Strato-Troposphere and weather radars are used to show the effect of saturated air near the ground on mountain waves in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, at 52.4°N, 4.0°W. Mountain waves are observed above scattered precipitation; however, long-term observations confirm here that wave amplitude is reduced above extensive precipitation, as predicted from numerical models. Ceilometer measurements of average cloud base near the mountain tops suggest that saturated air could be reducing the generation of mountain waves, in addition to trapping or absorbing waves.  相似文献   

多部多普勒雷达同步探测三维风场反演系统   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
周海光  王玉彬 《气象》2002,28(9):7-11
“我国重大气候和天气灾害的形成机理与预测理论研究”项目首次启用双多普勒雷达组网同步观测,如何从同步观测的暴雨资料中反演三维场,具有重要的理论和现实意义,根据项目需要,建立了国内首套多部多普勒天气雷达同步探测三维风场反演软件系统,并反演出2001年7月13日由双多普勒雷达同步观测到的一个中β尺度暴雨系统的三维风场,结果显示,该三维风场结构合理,系统能满足外场试验的要求。  相似文献   

The Tropical easterly Jet and Sudan rainfall: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Recent work on Sahelian rainfall anomalies has concentrated on modelling of both ocean heat anomaly forcing of regional low-mid troposphere circulation and land surface forcing of precipitation processes. This paper, however, assesses the role of an upper troposphere synoptic feature of importance in modulating surface rainfall over Sudan in the eastern Sahel: the Tropical easterly Jet (TEJ). The TEJ provides an example of an inter-regional circulation feature linking the Sahelian and southeast Asian monsoons and ultimately, perhaps, forced by ENSO-related anomalies. Using the literature, intra-and inter-year variations in TEJ intensity, latitude and extent over northeast Africa are discussed and related to the lower tropospheric ITD and precipitation anomalies. The paper outlines ideas to be pursued in relating TEJ behaviour to surface rainfall, upper air windflow, and mid-troposphere water vapour (WV) as derived from METEOSAT data.
Zusammenfassung Die neueren Arbeiten über die Niederschlagsanomalien im Sahel haben sich auf die Modellierung der ozeanischen Wärmeanomalien, hervorgerufen von der regionalen Zirkulation der unteren und mittleren Troposphäre, sowie der Niederschlagsentstehung durch Landoberflächenprozesse konzentriert. Dagegen wird in der vorliegenden Studie die Rolle eines wichtigen synoptischen Phänomens der oberen Troposphäre abgeschätzt, das den Niederschlag im Sudan und somit der östlichen Sahelzone beeinflußt: der tropische Ost-Strahlstrom (TEJ). Der TEJ liefert ein Beispiel für ein überregionales Zirkulationssystem, das mit dem Monsun im Sahel und in Südostasien in Zusammenhang steht und möglicherweise letztlich von ENSO-Anomalien gesteuert wird. Auf Grund der Literatur werden die intra- und interannuären Variationen der TEJ-Intensität, einschließlich seiner Breitenlage und Ausdehnung, im nordöstlichen Afrika diskutiert und zur niedertroposphärischen IT sowie zu Niederschlagsanomalien in Beziehung gesetzt. Der vorliegende Beitrag umreißt die Vorstellungen, die zu verfolgen sind, um das TEJ-Verhalten mit dem Niederschlag, der hochatmosphärischen Strömung sowie dem Wasserdampfgehalt der mittleren Troposphäre, bestimmt aus METEOSAT-Daten, zu verknüpfen.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

差分反射率ZDR和反射率Ze测雨精度的对比分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据大量不同类型降雨的雨滴谱资料,分析了两种雷达测雨与滴尺度分布的关系,模拟计算了双线偏振雷达可测到的(R/ZH)-ZDR和常规天气雷达可测到的Z-R经验关系和它们在测量降雨率精度的对比分析。表明差分反射率ZDR对改进雷达测雨的精度有着明显的优势。  相似文献   

谢涛  田昊  刘彬贤  赵立 《气象科学》2021,41(6):791-803
针对FY-4A卫星降水反演产品GPM-SCaMPR中的误差,提出台风区域降水云团移动速度的计算方法并用于误差改进,以全球降水观测计划(Global Precipitation Mission,GPM)的IMERG(the Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM)降水产...  相似文献   

A case study of excessive rainfall forecasting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Flash floods have been recognized as one of the most significant natural disaster problems in the world. Within the United States, the annual average flood death toll exceeds one hundred and property damage is on the order of a billion dollars. There has been an increased effort of the meteorological community to improve short term quantitative precipitation forecasting, principally by improving mesoscale numerical weather prediction for heavy rain events. Nevertheless, to date, numerical weather prediction has had rather limited impact on the prediction of the most damaging convective rainstorms.This study examines numerical experiments, including both coarse-mesh and fine-mesh model simulations, of the Enid, Oklahoma flood of 10–11 October 1973. Besides the great concentration of rainfall, the Enid flood was rather unique in comparison with other flash flood cases in that it was part of a much larger area of heavy rainfall which soaked the central Plains over the 24h period ending at 1200 UTC 11 October. The objective is to assess the overall usefulness and limitation of numerical weather prediction models in quantitative precipitation forecasting for this flash flood event.The model experiments reveal that the broad-scale precipitation patterns associated with the front and cyclone are well predicted, but the maximum rainfall amounts around Enid are underpredicted. The fine-mesh model is superior to the coarse-mesh model because of the former's ability to generate many significant mesoscale features in the vicinity of the front. In the fine-mesh model, many convection-related parameters (e.g., moisture flux convergence) are correlated very well temporally and spatially with the observed heavy precipitation scenario.  相似文献   

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