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Here, we studied the isotope characteristics and source contributions of soil water in the permafrost active layer by collecting soil samples in July 2018 in Yangtze River basin. Soil moisture and temperature showed decreasing trends from 0–80 cm, and an increasing trend from 80–100 cm. The value of δ18O and δD first increased and then decreased in the soil profile of 0–100 cm; however, d-excess increased from 0–100 cm. δ18O values became gradually positive from the southwest to northeast of the study area, while d-excess gradually increased from southeast to northwest. The evaporation water line (EL) was δD = 7.56 δ18O + 1.50 (R2 = 0.90, p < 0.01, n = 96). Due to intense solar radiation and evaporation on the Tibetan Plateau, the elevation did not impact the surface soil. The altitude effect of the soil depths of 0–20 cm was not obvious, but the other soil layers had a significant altitude effect. Soil moisture and temperature were closely related to the stable isotopic composition of soil water. The contribution of precipitation to soil water on the sunny slope was 86%, while the contribution of the shady slope was 84%. However, the contribution of ground ice to soil water on sunny slope was 14% and the shady slope was 16%. The contribution of ground ice to soil water increased with increasing altitude on the sunny slope, but the contribution of ground ice to soil water had no obvious trend on the shady slope.  相似文献   

We attempted to clarify the runoff characteristics of a permafrost watershed in the southern mountainous region of eastern Siberia using hydrological and meteorological data obtained by the State Hydrological Institute in Russia from 1976 to 1985. We analysed seasonal changes in the direct runoff ratio and recession gradient during the permafrost thawing period. Thawing depth began to increase from the beginning of May and continued to increase until the end of September, exceeding 150 cm. Annual precipitation and discharge were in the range 525–649 mm and 205–391 mm respectively. The sum of the annual evapotranspiration and changes in water storage ranged from 235 to 365 mm. The mean daily evapotranspiration in June, July, August and September was 1·5 mm day?1, 1·7 mm day?1, 1·5 mm day?1, and 0·5 mm day?1 respectively. The direct runoff ratio was highest in June, decreasing from 0·8 in June to 0·2 in September. The recession gradient also decreased from June to September. Since the frozen soil functioned as an impermeable layer, the soil water storage capacity in the thawing part of the soil, the depth of which changed over time, controlled the runoff characteristics. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the last two decades the major focus of study in forest water and carbon balances in eastern Siberia has been on the effect of rain during the growing season. Little attention has been paid to the contribution of snowmelt water. The results of the present study indicate that weather conditions during the snowmelt period as well as the soil moisture conditions carried from the previous year's growing season strongly determined the water availability for the forest ecosystem at the beginning of the next growing season. In the forest–grassland intermingled ecosystem of lowland Central Yakutia, gradual snowmelt water flow from the forest into the adjacent grassland depressions increased when soil moisture was high and air temperature was low, whereas low soil moisture and high air temperatures accelerated soil thawing and consequently snowmelt water infiltration into the forest soil. We found that snow depth did not determine the volume of snowmelt water moving to the grassland depression since the thermokarst lake water level in the adjacent grassland was about 25 cm lower in 2005 than in May 2006, even though maximum snow depth reached 57 cm and 43 cm in the winter of 2004–05 and 2005–06, respectively. The contribution of snowmelt water to forest growth as well as the flow of water from the forest to the grasslands showed a strong annual variability. We conclude that warmer springs and high variability in precipitation regimes as a result of climate change will result in more snowmelt water infiltration into the forest soil when the previous year's precipitation is low while more snowmelt water will flow into the thermokarst lake when the previous year's precipitation is high. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

天津地区咸水层观测井的改造与优化问题讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文系统清理、分析了天津地区的咸水井观测资料,通过实际观测资料分析认为,天津地区的咸水体具有封闭性好,不开采的优势,具备了作为地震观测井的基本条件;在观测资料的动态方面,一般具有两种动态变化特征,但仅个别井能够记录到微弱固体潮信息,同时也不能记录到水震波;在映震方面,取得了一批震例资料,其异常幅度往往较大,映震特征明显;在观测层的选取上,一般应选择50 m以下的咸水层,并且在观测段中最好应包括海相层;在观测点的位置方面,应选择较大断裂的交汇点、拐点以及端点部位或活动性较强的断裂上。  相似文献   

Dhananjay  Regmi  Teiji  Watanabe 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):400-409
Abstract   The rates of the accumulated and continuous displacement of solifluction lobes in the Kangchenjunga area, eastern Nepal Himalaya, were determined using glass fiber tubes and a strain probe. Ground temperature, precipitation and soil moisture were monitored at two sites, whose altitude differed by approximately 100 m, to understand the solifluction process. The average movement rate of the glass fiber tubes on a 31° slope at altitudes of 5412–5414 m a.s.l. was approximately 11 mm/year, being almost threefold greater than that observed on a 22° slope at 5322–5325 ma.s.l. There was no significant difference in the depth of displacement at these sites. The continuous displacement measurement near the ground surface at 5414 m showed permanent downslope movement from early July. Such movement may be attributed to additional moisture supply during the monsoon season. The amplitude of the displacement cycle was highest at the ground surface, and decreased to virtually zero at and below 20 cm in depth. Probable factors leading to the relatively slow rates of downslope displacement at the surface and depth at the studied altitudes are the lack of concurrence of the freeze–thaw cycles and the high moisture condition in the soil, and the low moisture retention capacity of the soil because of steep slopes and superficial desiccation. The rate of displacement may be more pronounced at altitudes above 5600 m because of the freeze–thaw cycles during the summer season.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the poly-phase salt tectonics and its relation to the hydrocarbon accumulation of the Tarim superimposed basin. Several salt sequences are developed in the Tarim basin, they are: (1) the Mid-Early Cambrian salt sequence, mainly distributed in the west part of the north Tarim uplift and Keping uplift; (2) the Early Carboniferous salt sequence, mainly distributed in the south slope of the north Tarim uplift; (3) the Paleogene salt sequence, mainly distributed in the mid-west part of the Kuqa foreland fold belt and north Tarim uplift; and (4) the Miocene salt sequence, mainly distributed in the east part of the Kuqa foreland fold belt. The salt sequences deposited in the tectonically calm scenario, while the salt layers deformed during the period of intense tectonism. Although the salt sequences are characteristic of plastic flow, the differences of salt deformation styles exist in the different salt sequences because of the different deformation mechanism. It is attractive that the distribution of the large oil-gas fields or pools has a bearing upon the salt sequences and salt structures, such as the Tahe oilfield related to the Lower Carboniferous salt sequence and laterally facies changed mudstone, the Kela No.2 gas field to the Paleogene salt structures, and the Dina gas field to the Miocene salt structures. It is indicated that the large-scale hydrocarbon accumulation is controlled by the poly-phase salt sequences and structures. The deep analysis of the poly-phase salt tectonics is helpful to understanding the characteristics of the structural deformation and oil-gas accumulation of the Tarim basin.  相似文献   

This paper examines the weathering processes that have combined to produce the distribution of soil‐regolith (SR) thickness across the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group outcrop (750 km2) in Nottinghamshire, UK. Archive borehole logs (n = 282) taken across the outcrop showed that SR thickness had mean and median depths of ~1·8 and 1·5 m, respectively. Cores were taken from a forested site to depths ~3 m for geochemical analysis. At this site the SR thickness was ~1·7 m. Analysis of the loss of elements, compared to bedrock using mass balance calculations (τ) showed that all the calcite and gypsum cement had been removed to depths of >3 m. Thus the major difference between the SR and the underlying saprolite was that the former exists as loose sand as opposed to a semi‐durable rock. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of core samples suggested that the non‐durable rock or saprolite had greater cementation of clay particles. We propose that the mechanism through which the clay cement (and other interlocking grain bonds) was eased apart was through freeze–thaw processes associated with the summer ‘active layer development (ALD)’ during the last glacial activity in the UK. We tested this theory by developing a Monte Carlo simulation based on a simplified version of the Stefan equation. Current Arctic datasets of air and ground temperatures were obtained to provide reasonable starting conditions for input variables. These were combined with known data for thermal conductivity, bulk density and moisture content of the Sherwood Sandstone regolith. Model predictions (n = 1000) of the distribution of SR thickness accurately reflect the observed distribution thickness from the borehole logs. This is strong evidence that freeze–thaw and ‘ALD’ processes are major factors in determining the thickness of SR across this outcrop. British Geological Survey © NERC 2012  相似文献   


本文从民航气象报告(AMDAR)数据库中提取了2008—2019年期间我国中东部18个机场飞机起飞和降落期间的大气边界层(ABL)廓线数据,并利用常规探空数据评估了不同季节和高度范围的AMDAR数据准确性及其随探空站与机场距离和飞行状态的变化.与常规探空数据相比,低层(P>850 hPa)的AMDAR温度和风分量的均方根误差(RMSE)均比较高层(850~500 hPa)小,且各高度层上的温度和风分量的RMSE都随间隔距离的增加而增大.相对而言,飞行状态对AMDAR数据准确性的影响很小.在间隔距离小于50 km且P>850 hPa高度层范围内,温度、纬向风和经向风的平均RMSE分别为0.68~0.83 K、1.48~1.62 m·s-1和1.73~1.81 m·s-1.相比于RMSE,对应的平均偏差都显著更小,且随间隔距离无明显变化.数据应用示例表明,AMDAR廓线数据由于其较高的时间分辨率,不仅可以反映ABL结构的日变化特征,还可用于研究ABL局地环流特征.基于18个机场AMDAR廓线数据分析发现,我国远内陆、干燥地区大气边界层高度(ABLH)具有较强的日变化,尤其是在春夏两季,而沿海和近内陆地区ABLH的日变化强度和季节差异都较小.


Soil moisture and its isotopic composition were observed at Spasskaya Pad experimental forest near Yakutsk, Russia, during summer in 1998, 1999, and 2000. The amount of soil water (plus ice) was estimated from volumetric soil water content obtained with time domain reflectometry. Soil moisture and its δ18O showed large interannual variation depending on the amount of summer rainfall. The soil water δ18O decreased with soil moisture during a dry summer (1998), indicating that ice meltwater from a deeper soil layer was transported upward. On the other hand, during a wet summer (1999), the δ18O of soil water increased due to percolation of summer rain with high δ18O values. Infiltration after spring snowmelt can be traced down to 15 cm by the increase in the amount of soil water and decrease in the δ18O because of the low δ18O of deposited snow. About half of the snow water equivalent (about 50 mm) recharged the surface soil. The pulse of the snow meltwater was, however, less important than the amount of summer rainfall for intra‐annual variation of soil moisture. Excess water at the time just before soil freezing, which is controlled by the amount of summer rainfall, was stored as ice during winter. This water storage stabilizes the rate of evapotranspiration. Soil water stored in the upper part of the active layer (surface to about 120 cm) can be a water source for transpiration in the following summer. On the other hand, once water was stored in the lower part of the active layer (deeper than about 120 cm), it would not be used by plants in the following summer, because the lower part of the active layer thaws in late summer after the plant growing season is over. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) is well known and widely used in land data assimilation for its high precision and simple operation. The land surface models used as the forecast operator in a land data assimilation system are usually designed to consider the model subgrid-heterogeneity and soil water thawing and freezing. To neglect their effects could lead to some errors in soil moisture assimilation. The dual EnKF method is employed in soil moisture data assimilation to build a soil moisture data as- similation framework based on the NCAR Community Land Model version 2.0 (CLM 2.0) in considera- tion of the effects of the model subgrid-heterogeneity and soil water thawing and freezing: Liquid volumetric soil moisture content in a given fraction is assimilated through the state filter process, while solid volumetric soil moisture content in the same fraction and solid/liquid volumetric soil moisture in the other fractions are optimized by the parameter filter. Preliminary experiments show that this dual EnKF-based assimilation framework can assimilate soil moisture more effectively and precisely than the usual EnKF-based assimilation framework without considering the model subgrid-scale heteroge- neity and soil water thawing and freezing. With the improvement of soil moisture simulation, the soil temperature-simulated precision can be also improved to some extent.  相似文献   

Climate change and thawing permafrost in the Arctic will significantly alter landscape hydro‐geomorphology and the distribution of soil moisture, which will have cascading effects on climate feedbacks (CO2 and CH4) and plant and microbial communities. Fundamental processes critical to predicting active layer hydrology are not well understood. This study applied water stable isotope techniques (δ2H and δ18O) to infer sources and mixing of active layer waters in a polygonal tundra landscape in Barrow, Alaska (USA), in August and September of 2012. Results suggested that winter precipitation did not contribute substantially to surface waters or subsurface active layer pore waters measured in August and September. Summer rain was the main source of water to the active layer, with seasonal ice melt contributing to deeper pore waters later in the season. Surface water evaporation was evident in August from a characteristic isotopic fractionation slope (δ2H vs δ18O). Freeze‐out isotopic fractionation effects in frozen active layer samples and textural permafrost were indistinguishable from evaporation fractionation, emphasizing the importance of considering the most likely processes in water isotope studies, in systems where both evaporation and freeze‐out occur in close proximity. The fractionation observed in frozen active layer ice was not observed in liquid active layer pore waters. Such a discrepancy between frozen and liquid active layer samples suggests mixing of meltwater, likely due to slow melting of seasonal ice. This research provides insight into fundamental processes relating to sources and mixing of active layer waters, which should be considered in process‐based fine‐scale and intermediate‐scale hydrologic models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rate of energy transfer through soils is an important factor governing the active layer (seasonal thaw layer) in polar regions. Energy is transferred through conductive and convective means, which are primarily influenced by the bulk density and water content of soils. With global temperatures changing, it becomes important to understand how soil properties influence heat transfer and active layer depths in climatically sensitive regions, such as the Antarctic Peninsula. In this study we analyzed conductive energy transfer through several soil types on Amsler Island and Cierva Point in the central region of the western Antarctic Peninsula. Active layer temperatures on Amsler Island were monitored every three hours using iButton thermistors installed at regular depth intervals down to 2 m. Soil textures were loamy to sandy with water contents between 5 and 27%. Freezing and thawing transmission rates for all soils ranged from 1.4 to 6.9 cm/day. Thermal transmission rates were fastest in sandy soils with low water contents, indicating that the large, interconnected pores of the sandy soils facilitated the quick movement of heat with water flow through the soil profile. Snow accumulation differences also played a significant role on winter thermal propagation by providing a thermal barrier between the ground surface and atmosphere. Although there was a wide range in thermal transmission among the soils, active layer depths had little variation (7.8–9.7 m). This consistency derives from the greater dependence of very thick active layers on long‐term climatic conditions rather than on soil properties. The presence of thick moss significantly slowed thermal transmission and decreased active layer thicknesses. These effects primarily are due to the high heat capacity of water and air retained within the moss, slowing thermal transmission rates, acting as a thermal buffer between atmospheric conditions and the underlying soils. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The long‐term and large‐scale soil moisture (SM) record is important for understanding land atmosphere interactions and their impacts on the weather, climate, and regional ecosystem. SM products are one of the parameters used in some Earth system models, but these records require evaluation before use. The water resources on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) are important to the water security of billions of people in Asia. Therefore, it is necessary to know the SM conditions on the QTP. In this study, the evaluation metrics of multilayer (0–10, 10–40, and 40–100 cm) SM in different reanalysis datasets of the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts interim reanalysis (ERA‐Interim [ERA]), National Centers for Environmental Prediction Climate Forecast System and the Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2), and China Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System (CLDAS) are compared with in situ observations at 5 observation sites, which represent alpine meadow, alpine swamp meadow, alpine grassy meadow, alpine desert steppe, and alpine steppe environments during the thawing season from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2013, on the QTP. The ERA SM remains constant at approximately 0.2 m3?m?3 at all observation sites during the entire thawing season. The CLDAS and CFSv2 SM products show similar patterns with those of the in situ SM observations during the thawing season. The CLDAS SM product performs better than the CFSv2 and ERA for all vegetation types except the alpine swamp meadow. The results indicate that the soil texture and land cover types play a more important role than the precipitation to increase the biases of the CLDAS SM product on the QTP.  相似文献   

Salt precipitation on the surface of porous media significantly affects water transport processes. Most studies on salt precipitation mainly focused on single salts, but in nature, salt precipitation usually occurs as mixtures. Consequently, information on the crystallization of salt mixtures and its effect on water transport remains scarce. This study investigated the precipitation of mixtures (the mass ratios of NaCl:Na2SO4 were 3:7, 5:5, and 7:3, respectively) of NaCl (typical efflorescence) and Na2SO4 (typical subflorescence) in the initially saturated sandy soil columns and its effect on evaporation and compared it with the cases of the two salts individually. The results showed that salt mixtures exhibited a mixed pattern of crystals including both efflorescence and subflorescence, and the efflorescence showed granular aggregation, unlike the mono-salts. The crystallization coverage of the salt mixtures was smaller than that of NaCl mono-salt; high (7:3) and low (5:5 and 3:7) proportions of NaCl led to larger and smaller crystallization coverage than that of Na2SO4 mono-salt, respectively. While the salt mixtures had less crystallization coverage than the mono-salts, they showed lower evaporation because the salt mixtures formed a denser crystallization structure of efflorescence-subflorescence-soil layer, this crystallization structure exhibited greater inhibition of water vapour diffusion, thus reducing evaporation. In addition, the crystallization of the salt mixtures with higher NaCl proportion afforded greater resistance of evaporation. The mixed crystallization pattern formed by the salt mixtures significantly enhances the crystallization resistance to evaporation.  相似文献   

内陆盐沼湿地土壤碳氮磷剖面分布的季节动态特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文以向海湿地为例探讨了内陆盐沼湿地土壤剖面中碳氮磷等生源要素的季节动态变化特征及其影响因素.结果表明,内陆盐沼湿地土壤中有机碳、全氮和全磷含量与土壤深度之间存在显著负相关,在剖面中均表现为由表层向下层其含量不断减少的趋势,且具有明显的季节波动特征,除表层土壤碳氮含量随季节变化呈持续增加外,生源要素剖面分布的季节变化基本表现为先减少后增加的趋势.有机碳、全氮和全磷含量之间关系密切,且三者受土壤粒度的影响都非常显著.土壤pH值仅与土壤有机碳之间存在显著的相关关系,而对全氮和全磷含量的影响则不显著.  相似文献   

Several methods were employed in the Ardennian rivers (Belgium) to determine the depth of the active layer mobilized during floods and to evaluate the bedload discharge associated with these events. The use of scour chains has shown that the depth of the active layer is systematically less than the b‐axis of the average particle size (D50) of the elements which compose the surface layer of the riffles. This indicates that only a partial transport exists during low magnitude floods. The bedload discharge has been evaluated by combining data obtained using the scour chains technique and the distance covered by tracers. Quantities of sediment transported during frequent floods are relatively low (0·02 t km–2) due to the armour layer which protects the subsurface material. These low values are also related to the fact that the distance calculated for mobilized bedload only applies to tracers fitted with PIT (passive integrated transponder)‐tags (diameter > 20 mm), whereas part of the bedload discharge is composed of sand and fine gravel transported over greater distances than the pebbles. The break‐up of the armour layer was observed only once, for a decennial discharge. During this event, the bedload discharge increased considerably (2 t km–2). The use of sediment traps, data from dredging and a Helley–Smith sampler confirm the low bedload transport in Ardennian rivers in comparison to the bedload transport in other geomorphological contexts. This difference is explained by the presence of an armoured layer but also by the imbricated structures of flat bed elements which increase the resistance to the flow. Finally, the use of the old iron industry wastes allowed to quantify the thickness of the bed reworked over the past centuries. In the Lembrée River, the river‐bed contains slag elements up to a depth of about 50 cm, indicating that exceptional floods may rework the bed to a considerable depth. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Low-permeability layer (LPL), formed by natural deposit or artificial reclamation and commonly found below the intertidal zone of coastal groundwater system, can retard the ingress of seawater and contaminants, and shorten the travel time of the land-sourced contaminant to the marine environment compared with a homogenous sandy coastal aquifer. However, there is limited understanding on how an intertidal LPL, a condition occurred in a coastal aquifer at Moreton Bay, Australia, influences the groundwater and contaminant transport across the shallow beach aquifer system. We characterized the aquifer hydrological parameters, monitored the in situ groundwater heads, and constructed a 2-D numerical model to analyses the cross-shore hydrological processes in this stratified system. The calibrated model suggests that in the lower aquifer, the inland-source fresh groundwater flowed horizontally towards the sea, upwelled along the freshwater–saltwater interface, and exited the aquifer at the shore below the LPL. Whereas in the upper aquifer, the tidally driven seawater circulation formed a barrier that prevented fresh groundwater from horizontal transport and discharge to the beach above the LPL, thereby directing its leakage to the lower aquifer. A contaminant represented by a conservative tracer was ‘released’ the upper aquifer in the model and results showed that the spreading extent of the contaminant plume, the maximum rate of contaminant discharge to the ocean, and its plume length decreased compared with a simulation case in a homogenous sandy aquifer. Sensitivity analysis was also conducted to investigate the characteristics of the LPL, including its continuity and hydraulic conductivity, which were found to vary along the beach at Moreton Bay. The result shows that with a lower hydraulic conductivity and continuous layer of LPL reduced the groundwater exchange and contaminant transport between upper and lower aquifer. The findings from the combined field and modelling investigations on the impact of an intertidal LPL on coastal aquifer systems highlight its significant implications to alter the groundwater and mass transport across the land–ocean interface.  相似文献   

Precipitation plays an important role in permafrost hydrology; it can alter the hydrothermal condition of the active layer and even influence the permafrost aggradation or degradation. Moisture recycling from evaporation and transpiration can greatly contribute to local precipitation in some regions. This study selected four monitoring sites and used an isotope mixing model to investigate local moisture recycling in permafrost regions of the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). The results showed that the local water vapour flux in the summer and autumn were dominantly influenced by westerlies and the Indian monsoon. Moistures for precipitation in Wudaoliang (WDL) and Fenghuoshan (FHS) mainly came from the western QTP, eastern Tianshan Mountains, western Qilian Mountains, and the surrounding regions. In comparsion, more than half of precipitation at Tanggula (TGL) was mostly sourced from the Indian monsoon. Local moisture recycling ratios at the four sites ranged from 14% ± 3.8% to 31.6% ± 4.8%, and depended on the soil moisture and relative humidity. In particular, the higher soil moisture and relative humidity promoted local moisture recycling, but frozen ground might be a potential influencing factor as well. The moisture recycling ratios of the study area were consistent with the results from both the Qinghai Lake Basin and the Nam Co Basin, but differed from those of the northwestern QTP. This difference may indirectly confirm the great spatial variability in precipitation on the QTP. Moreover, the rising air temperature and ground temperature, increasing precipitation, higher soil moisture, higher vegetation cover, and expanding lakes in the study area may be conductive to enhancing future local moisture recycling by altering ground surface conditions and facilitating the land surface evaporation and plant transpiration.  相似文献   

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