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海洋平台阴极保护监测系统的研制及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了自行研制的海洋平台阴极保护监测系统,它由双电极电位测量探头,牺牲阳极输出电流测量探头,信号传输电缆系统和微机数据采集系统组成,并结合近10a其在南海北部近海石油开发区的应用和运行状况,对阴极保护监测系统的性能,作用及意义进行了系统论述,以期为进一步的工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

海洋防腐工程中受阴极保护金属构筑物表面的电位电流分布常常是不均匀的,而金属表面的电位电流只有在一定范围内才能使构筑物受到有效和适当的保护.尤其是复杂而庞大的海洋钢结构物(如滨海电厂钛管凝汽器)阴极保护系统的设计和监测较复杂,此阴极保护下电化学场的计算,对评价阴极保护效果,优化阴极保护设计有重要意义.采用电化学场中的拉普拉斯(Laplace)方程,使用四节点四面体和合适的形状函数对水室表层和复杂结构体系周围场域进行离散.用有限元计算法,通过对各单元的分布和整个求解区域的总和,建立了两种不同金属组成复杂结构体系的三维有限元数学模型.  相似文献   

海洋平台T型相贯节点抗火性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用有限元软件ABAQUS计算海洋平台T型相贯节点在火灾作用下的极限承载力,并对T型相贯节点进行火灾作用下的抗火性能及节点在降温段的力学性能分析,得出在不同火灾温度下节点的极限承载力.同时对计算结果进行了分析比较,通过参数分析,得到了T型相贯节点在火灾作用下节点极限承载力的变化规律.  相似文献   

南海A平台导管架阴极保护监测结果讨论与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对南海A平台导管架阴极保护监测结果的分析,研究了该平台下水一年后导管架的阴极保护状态。结果表明,该平台下水后,导管架各节点电位及牺牲阳极电位均达到保护,阴极保护状态良好。阴极保护监测系统运行稳定,双电极探头未发现损坏,所得监测结果翔实可靠,对该海域新建平台导管架监测系统有着重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

具有裂纹损伤桩腿的海洋石油平台有限元分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用有限元分析方法和断裂力学方法,将含裂纹构件的裂纹以线弹簧处理,建立了带有裂纹损伤桩腿的等效梁和管单元的单元刚度矩阵的计算方法。对检验方法的正确性,使用该方法对几种损伤构件进行了强度计算,并与有限元细化网格计算结果和实验结果进行比较,最后将等效单元计算程序接入大型有限元程序SuperSAP,对受损后的平台整体结构进行了应力计算和强度分析。  相似文献   

海洋用A3钢阴极保护电场的三维有限元建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解介质中的LAPLACE方程,根据有限元法能够预测复杂体系中阴极保护电化学场的分布原理。使用8节点立方体和合适的形状函数对构筑物表层和周围场域进行了离散。通过对各单元的分析和整个求解区域的综合,建立了三维的有限元数学模型,根据此模型编写了相应的C语言程序。通过对模型的计算得出了电位电流密度分布图,发现规律与经典电场原理相符合。  相似文献   

根据相似论和因次分析,用钢丝来模拟实际海底管道.通过实验,研究了牺牲阳极及被保护钢丝的极化性能,从而得到了在阴极保护中进行数值计算的边界条件;对于从实验基础上建立的数学模型进行有限元计算,计算结果与实测结果吻合较好,证明确定的边界条件是合理的,可以将建立的数学模型用于实际海底管道的阴极保护设计.  相似文献   

侯强  张衍涛 《海岸工程》2000,19(1):20-26
迄今为至胜利浅海油田已相继建成大小平台几十座,平台结构型式是导管架式,志管架平台的结构计算理论已基本成熟,现场应力测试是对平台结构设计的验证、补充和发展,但是有关平台的现场应力测试在海洋工程界则是一个空白。本文主要介绍埕北25A井组平台现场应力测试的方法、结果以及与理论计算的对比。  相似文献   

从有限元的基本理论出发,对新型海洋平台裙装套筒结构进行有限元强度分析及计算。通过实例计算可知其强度、安全性、稳性等都满足规范要求,并能详细体现出结构应力和载荷特征,对模型模拟情况良好。  相似文献   

可燃气体泄漏爆炸下海洋平台数值仿真计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用等效TNT方法计算了海洋平台复杂结构在油气爆炸冲击波作用下的动态响应,采用MSC.DYTRAN中的多欧拉-拉格朗日耦合方法进行数值模拟研究。用多欧拉域模拟结构内外空气中爆炸冲击波传播情况,用快速耦合方法计算结构和流体的耦合作用。模拟结果显示:在油气爆炸冲击波的作用下,平台舱室变形、失效后破裂,冲击波通过破口传入平台其它舱室;研究了平台各层甲板、舱壁等构件的吸能情况,为平台的结构设计和结构加强打下基础。  相似文献   

The environmental conditions around the first offshore HZ 21- 1 steel wellhead platform in the South China Sea are characterized by deep water, frequent typhoons, rough waves, high water temperature, severely corrosive seawater, and thick fouling organism attachments. The design and effectiveness of galvanic anode protection system are presented, and several methods are described, which are the calculation method of the protective current density considering the variation of water depth, the method of determining protection parameters considering various factors, the arrangement of anodes based on potential distribution and current requirements at different water depths, and the method of anode installation. Finally the effect of the accuracy of selected cathodic protection parameters on the economic benefits of offshore projects is also discussed..  相似文献   

LIU  Chuntu 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(3):311-320
The element stiffness matrix of the equivalent beam or pipe element of the deformed leg of the platform is derived by the finite element method. The stresses and displacements of some damaged components are calculated, and the numeri-cal solutions agree well with those obtained by the fine mesh finite element method. Finally, as an application of this method, the stresses of some platform structures are calculated and analyzed.  相似文献   

A design method of reinforced concrete (R. C.) offshore platforms with nonlinear finite element analysis is proposed. According to the method, a computer program is developed. In this program nonlinear constitutive relationships and strength criteria of concrete and steel bars are included, and the progressive cracking and crushing of the concrete are taken into account. Based on the stress distribution obtained by the nonlinear finite element analysis, the amount of reinforcement in the control sections can be computed and adjusted automatically by the program to satisfy the requirement of the design. The amount of reinforcement required in the control sections, which are obtained with the nonlinear finite element analysis, is agreeable to that obtained in the experiment. This shows that the design method of R. C. offshore platform with the nonlinear finite element method proposed by the authors is reliable for practical use.  相似文献   

- This paper describes coating protection of production facilities of offshore oil fields based on the practice of development of Bohai Offshore Oil Field, with focus laid on the selection of coating systems, surface preparation, coating application, as well as coating inspection for four types of major production facilities.  相似文献   

以我国第一座桶形基础采油平台工程实例为原型,采用三维有限元计算方法对桶形基础稳定性分析。平台在波浪、风等荷载作用下,其稳定性不仅与平台的整体结构有关,而且与桶形基础及其周围土体相互作用相关。在计算中,利用薄层摩擦单元模拟土与结构间的相互作用,取得了很好的效果。分析结果表明桶形基础采油平台在设计条件下运行是较为稳定的。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionOffshoreplatformsarelargescalesteelorconcretestructures.Theyexperiencevariouskindsofdamagessuchasdents ,corrosionpits ,cracks ,deformation ,etc .,afteryearsofenvironmentalimpactofwinds ,waves ,currents ,soilreactions ,earthquakesandice (DuanandLiu ,1 995) .Thesafetyofthestructureshasalwaysbeenthemostimportantissueconcerned ,anditdependsontheassessmentoftheintegrityofthestructures,orspecificallyontheassessmentofthedamagesinthestructures .Riclesetal.( 1 994)experimentallyinvestig…  相似文献   

针对管节点疲劳试验的小样本特点,探讨了建立PSN 曲线的贝叶斯方法。在贝叶斯方法中,PSN曲线的统计参数作为随机变量处理,首先根据贝叶斯定理求出参数向量的后验概率密度,然后建立PSN曲线的贝叶斯方程,最后再编程计算。算例表明,与传统的PSN 曲线相比,贝叶斯PSN 曲线更加安全可靠  相似文献   

The sacrificial anode protection system for the steel pipe piles of the 3rd berth of Dandongwharf at Dandong port has operated for eight years.In this paper,the program design and the protectioneffect of the sacrificial anode protection system are presented.The results of various,inspections show thatthe piles are protected very satisfactorily.  相似文献   

海洋石油平台TMD振动控制及参数优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了随机波浪载荷作用下调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)对桩基钢结构海洋平台的减振效果,采用谱分析法对TMD参数进行优化,优化TMD 使平台的位移响应标准偏差比无TMD下降12.4% 。并研究了TMD参数在优化域内的失调对响应的影响,TMD刚度失调比阻尼失调要敏感,欠阻尼失调比过阻尼失调要敏感。从振害累积概念出发,对谐激励下SDOF- TMD的Randall参数优化方法提出了改进。  相似文献   

Ice load is the dominative load in the design of offshore platforms in the ice zone, and the extreme ice load is the key factor that affects the safety of platforms. The present paper studies the statistical properties of the global resistance and the extreme responses of the jacket platforms in Bahai Bay, considering the randomness of ice load, dead load, steel elastic modulus, yield strength and structural member dimensions. Then, based on the above results, an efficient approximate method of the global reliability analysis for the offshore platforms is proposed, which converts the implicit nonlinear performance function in the conventional reliability analysis to linear explicit one. Finally, numerical examples of JZ20-2 MSW, JZ20-2NW and JZ20-2 MUQ offshore jacket platforms in the Bahai Bay demonstrate the satisfying efficiency, accuracy and applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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