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This paper puts forward a new scheme of Embedded Numerical Control System based on ARM and DSP,which is at the base of research on traditional numerical control system and embedded technology.And the paper also describes the develop- ment of hardware and software platform.All the development and realization are based on the idea of module design.The embed- ded numerical control system,using ARM and DSP to construct the main control platform,realizes the real-time operation of sys- tem and improves the stability and reliability with the modular designing ideas of hardware and software and with the support of embedded real-time operating system(uc/os-Ⅱ).And the system could realize the multi-network supporting,which is also accord with the development of modularization,flexibility and latticing of numerical control system.  相似文献   

基于网络的嵌入式运动控制平台的研究和设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了通用运动控制技术体系结构及发展趋势,考虑到PID、插补和其他运动控制算法多种多样而且愈来愈复杂,针对网络协同制造和高速高精的要求,设计了一种高性能通用运动控制平台。文中首先提出了系统设计原则和目标,然后给出了系统硬件和软件的设计,最后总结了该运动控制平台的特点。  相似文献   

本文作者以WinCE嵌入式操作系统和微处理器ARM为核心,设计了一种嵌入式监控系统.利用RS485总线与测量仪表进行数据通信,实现对生产过程的监控.通过运行,证明了基于ARM微处理器和WinCE操作系统的小型测控系统是适合下一代互连工业自动化设备的理想小体积嵌入平台之一.  相似文献   

描述了一种应用于嵌入式系统的实时操作系统Nucleus PLUS,剖析了其内核及其运行机制  相似文献   

从改进服装功能的角度出发,针对一些功能服装在实用性方面的不足,提出了一种智能服装的设计方案与实施方法,并将嵌入式系统及自动控制技术应用于服装制作中.穿着测试表明:此款服装实现了自动保暖、调温和去湿功能,为有效提升服装功能的电子智能化水平提供了新途径.  相似文献   

嵌入软件使能控制是一类重要的实时软件技术,实时软件建模技术和控制算法相结合是解决嵌入软件使能控制的关键.讨论了控制算法和实现平台——软件和硬件的交互作用和统一.函数性和非函数性功能的模型设计关系,控制算法和实时代码的一致性.  相似文献   

嵌入式实时动态内存管理机制研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对长时间持续运行的通信设备必须满足实时性、可靠性和高效性需求的特点,提出并实现了一种新方案.该方案可对嵌入式系统有限的内存资源进行统一再分配,为频繁申请和释放内存块的应用分配独立的内存空间,不仅可提高动态内存管理的实时性,减少内存碎片,保证系统的健壮性,而且提供了内存越界和内存泄漏检测手段.  相似文献   

嵌入式控制系统在CPT系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对非接触式电能传输系统(简称CPT系统)的总体设计、功能设计和决策控制层硬件架构设计进行了介绍.提出了一种在CPT系统中应用ARM作为决策层,利用DSP实现实时控制的体系架构.在此基础上建立起硬件架构,并给出了系统的程序流程.  相似文献   

An embedded protective device for 35kV power line is worked out based on Philips' LPC2292 ARM MCU. Several aspects such as embedded design technique adopted in the system framework, application of adaptive theory in data acquisition, Board Support Packet (BSP) developing and task dispatching related to operating system are discussed. Both hardware and software framework of the system are given. Advanced hardware platform and software development environment is applied in design of the system, with the advanced co-design technology.  相似文献   

嵌入式系统实验与教学应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合嵌入式系统的特点,在教学过程中,对嵌入式系统涉及的硬件和软件部分进行详细阐述,确立以教学实验板为基础,基于μC/OS-II的实验系统设计开发为主的指导思想,设计出基于ARM的串行口实验等多个综合实验题目;最后对教学方法和经验进行了总结。  相似文献   

基于当前企业信息化集成的需求,提出了一种在分布式环境下,基于W eb的数控系统远程监测体系结构。利用基于DSP芯片的数据采集器开发了原型系统,并实现了与ERP系统的集成。实例应用表明,该系统直接从PLC获取信息,脱离了原有数控系统,数据处理能力强,实时性高,具有普遍应用价值。  相似文献   

简述了一种基于ARM的嵌入式产品硬件设计方案,给出uC/OS-II在S3C44B0X嵌入式微处理器上的移植过程,较为详细地介绍了TCP/IP协议在嵌入式产品中的实现。  相似文献   

基于VxWorks嵌入式系统的浏览器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨嵌入式系统用户接口软件的设计方法,依据VxWorks嵌入式系统的网络机制以及ARM处理器的内核原理,采用Socket及多线程通信技术,开发了一个基于VxWorks嵌入式系统的浏览器,在此基础上探讨了嵌入式系统软件的特性.此软件在PC机上基于VxSim模拟器运行的结果表明,该浏览器对简单图形界面的显示效果达到了实用浏览器的水平,且代码为2100行,所需容量仅为2.9M字节,满足嵌入式软件独特的微代码及高效实时性要求.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于ARMLinux嵌入式S3C2410X微处理器的嵌入式Web技术视频监控系统设计方案,阐述了该监控系统的总体设计思路和系统体系架构方法。管理人员可以不受时间、空间限制,利用WEB服务器与客户端通信的机理,实现Web浏览器对远程设备的采集、压缩、控制和维护等操作,实现了异构设备之间的跨平台互访。经测试,该系统不但能满足车间管理员的监控任务需要,而且能有效降低监控运行维护成本、提高运行维护效率,能够很好地应用到更为广泛的工业监控领域。  相似文献   

嵌入式系统的专用和资源约束等特性要求嵌入式操作系统必须是可定制的。以软件模块化复用设计为基础的操作系统剪裁配置技术为应用开发者定制系统提供了有力的支持。为了降低配置方式与工具的多样性所导致的定制操作系统的难度,该文基于模块的抽象关系提出了一种统一的定制过程模型,并在此基础上实现了一个嵌入式Linux的配置剪裁器。  相似文献   

Computer numerical control(CNC)system is the base of modern digital and intelligent manufacturing technolo- gy.And opened its architecture and constituted based on PC and Windows operating system(OS)is the main trend of CNC sys- tem.However,even if the highest system priority is used in user mode,real-time capability of Windows(2000,NT,XP)for applications is not guaranteed.By using a device driver,which is running in kernel mode,the real time performance of Windows can be enhanced greatly.The acknowledgment performance of Windows to peripheral interrupts was evaluated.Harmonized with an intelligent real-time serial communication bus(RTSB),strict real-time performance can be achieved in Windows platform. An opened architecture software CNC system which is hardware independence is proposed based on PC and RTSB.A numerical control real time kernel(NCRTK),which is implemented as a device driver on Windows,is used to perform the NC tasks.Tasks are divided into real-time and non real-time.Real-time task is running in kernel mode and non real-time task is running in user mode.Data are exchanged between kernel and user mode by DMA and Windows Messages.  相似文献   

Computer numerical control (CNC) system is the base of modern digital and intelligent manufacturing technology. And opened its architecture and constituted based on PC and Windows operating system (OS) is the main trend of CNC system. However, even if the highest system priority is used in user mode, real-time capability of Windows (2000, NT, XP) for applications is not guaranteed. By using a device driver, which is running in kernel mode, the real time performance of Windows can be enhanced greatly. The acknowledgment performance of Windows to peripheral interrupts was evaluated. Harmonized with an intelligent real-time serial communication bus (RTSB), strict real-time performance can be achieved in Windows platform. An opened architecture software CNC system which is hardware independence is proposed based on PC and RTSB. A numerical control real time kernel (NCRTK), which is implemented as a device driver on Windows, is used to perform the NC tasks. Tasks are divided into real-time and non real-time. Real-time task is running in kernel mode and non real-time task is running in user mode. Data are exchanged between kernel and user mode by DMA and Windows Messages.  相似文献   

介绍了基于三星公司嵌入式ARM9 S3C2410X的远程参数智能检测及控制系统,包括电压电流、温度、光敏度等,并通过软件实现自动报警和反馈控制.叙述了系统的软硬件开发及参数测量方法.  相似文献   

在分析当前的GPS导航定位系统发展状况的基础上,提出了以ARM微处理器S3C2410A为核心的硬件系统设计方法,并以Windows CE嵌入式操作系统平台为总体构想,从硬件设计和软件设计两个方面详细讨论了系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

Uclinux是近年发展起来的一种专用于微控制领域的嵌入式操作系统。介绍了一种基于Uclinux的嵌入式系统在电力设备状态监测方面的应用,构建了一种以MCF5272型CPU为控制核心的嵌入式监测系统。该系统具有可以很好地取代传统单片机系统实现数据的采集、预处理和通信等功能,并能依靠互联网将数据处理结果和上位机的控制信息进行远距离传送,同时支持远端客户通过通用浏览器的访问和监测,从而方便地实现分布式远程控制。  相似文献   

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