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This study seeks to evaluate whether interorganizational trust and interpersonal trust influence the nature of state control in Brazilian public/non-profit partnerships (PNPs) by considering the social organization model with a non-profit partner that did not evolve organically from civil society as an equal and interdependent partner but instead was engineered by the state. We conducted qualitative research on two PNPs and analysed their historical trajectories through participant observation, documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with the state and non-profit partners as well as other actors involved indirectly in the PNPs. Our findings call into question the assumption of current studies that trust tends to be built over time and reveal that PNPs embedded in state-dominant and low-social-capital contexts are more vulnerable to the effects of interpersonal trust. This vulnerability influences the volatile patterns of the PNPs’ trajectories and leads to strong informal state-partner control as reflected by PNP disruptions and lower levels of interorganizational trust.


This article discusses the importance of collaboration among professional organizations, governmental entities, and counselors in behalf of career development. Examples of possible international and national collaborative initiatives and policy emphases are described.  相似文献   

当前,中国发展进入了新阶段,改革进入攻坚期和深水区。必须重构政府和市场关系,发挥市场在资源配置上的决定性作用;全力保障民生,维护社会的公平和正义;创新社会治理,释放社会活力;用法律构建制度笼子,用制度管人管权管事;加大政府自身改革力度,以提高政府的公信力。  相似文献   

Advancing gender equality in the labour market continues to be a policy objective in many OECD countries. Wide national variations are evident in strategies and accomplishments towards improving gender equality at all levels of the labour market, including senior management and corporate governance roles. This article compares policy strategies in Norway and New Zealand directed towards achieving gender equality in the governance of corporate institutions. A principal feature of the New Zealand strategy has been a soft regulation approach in the form of advocacy and encouragement of equal employment opportunity policies, awareness‐raising and benchmarking. For Norway the use of legislation in the form of quotas and affirmative action programmes has been the predominant strategy. Using empirical data collected in 2004–2005 on women's perceptions and experiences of corporate governance participation, this article critically examines these different policy strategies.  相似文献   

Against the background of the limited “hard” law measures in place on external migration, the EU institutions are attempting to use a more differentiated approach to migration. This is evidenced by both the Stockholm Programme and the Global Approach to Migration (2005) which rely less on binding instruments and more on flexible, coordinated measures to meet their goals. This article discusses whether these measures can be understood as “new modes of governance” (NMG), which have only rarely been discussed insofar as the external sphere of EU governance is concerned. The article will also investigate the extent to which the initiatives are already in place, contextualising them in the broader debates on new governance and the conduct of the internal and external dimensions of the EU's system of governance. The article concludes that new modes of governance are indeed present in the external dimension of EU migration policy and that understanding them as such helps towards a better understanding of the contemporary state of policymaking at EU level.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Although various organizational forms are involved in the critically important role of providing rental housing, little is...  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

黄安心 《城市观察》2016,(3):115-128
新型社区一方面是城市化发展的产物,另一方面又是城市化发展的洼地。新型社区既有传统农村社区的特征,又不断生长着城市社区的特征,在这样的社区构建和创新社区治理模式,需要有独特的角度和方式。首先采用文献法、经验总结法和抽象法,对新型社区相关范畴及国内外治理模式类型、国内城市社区治理实现模式等进行了分析梳理。然后在调查研究的基础上,分析指出了新型社区存在的认识问题和征地拆迁、社区管理服务、物业管理及文化建设四个现实问题。最后指出了广州市新型社区治理模式创新发展对策。  相似文献   

麦兜族是对当前我国特大城市中平凡的80后奋斗群体的特殊称谓,他们具有与众不同的特征。这一群体在充分折射社会希望的同时,也引发城市公共政策改革创新的必要性。本文在分析和评价这一群体积极意义的基础上,借鉴西方公共政策经验,提出了有利于年轻人发展的城市公共政策创新策略。  相似文献   

青少年问题的实质是社会问题.究其产生的根本原因之一是社会公共政策的失衡。应该采用综合多元的社会公共治理新思路,完善和创新构建文明公共的传媒、促进青少年知识结构平衡的社会管理与社会救助、增加未成年人服务设施的城市规划等政策与措施。  相似文献   

Time Use, Gender, and Public Policy Regimes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

中东反恐斗争是国际反恐中最关键、最具影响的组成部分,也是国际社会面临的全球治理问题之一。它与当代的国际体系转型和政治经济秩序的重建分不开,又同中东伊斯兰国家在经济全球化深入推进的形势下,如何处理现代化进程中的改革与发展、实现制度变迁和社会转型直接相关。从中东恐怖主义产生的根源、发展和蔓延的轨迹看,中东恐怖主义既蕴含着错综复杂的历史、社会、宗教、民族等内部因素,也掺杂着外来侵略、占领、干涉以及地区国家之间领土、资源和利益等方面的矛盾和冲突等外部环境因素。中国的反恐政策既出于保护海外利益的需要,也折射了中国独特的全球治理理念和治理模式。  相似文献   

Almost everybody, almost everywhere, speaks and writes about innovation: highly qualified and esteemed people covering key offices. Basically, the matter is debated within the framework of conferences, meetings, symposiums, articles put out in specialized, niche newspapers as well as in mass-circulation ones. Apparently it sounds positive, as innovation seems to have become the main theme, towards which the best efforts are worth being directed. The issue of China and India is now in the limelight. The way out is easy: just more innovation. And what about global competitiveness of Italy, or brain drain? What of GDP increasing less than the average in Europe? Tourism dropping off? Industrial delocalization increasing? What of such an inefficient public administration? The answer is one and only: There is a need for more innovation! That makes a lot of sense somehow; the negative aspect is that, most of the times, the core meaning and the fundamentals of innovation are not really deepened and understood; poor attention is paid to the reasons why the situation of Italy is unsatisfactory as regards innovation or to the main problems to be figured out for such a stalemate to be overcome. This short essay is going to focus on these issues, with a view to foster debate leading to prompt and realistic decisions.  相似文献   

青少年群体是一个国家和民族不断发展、不断强大的希望和未来,为其提供足量、高效的公共服务,满足青少年群体的发展需求,是政府的重要责任之一。而如何提高政府为青少年服务的水平和能力,涉及到政府职能、组织结构、运行机制、政策设计等问题。当前西方国家政府体制改革的新理论和新动向可以为我们提供一些启示,设计一套有助于整合服务、提高跨界服务能力和水平的青少年服务新策略成为当务之急。  相似文献   

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