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采用传统熔融法研究了以湖南衡山钠长石为主要原料,能在1300℃以下得到合格玻璃,烧结法制备β-CS为主晶相的建筑微晶玻璃的配方:钠长石与石英的最佳比例是100∶26,由以上原料引入的玻璃成分为75%,其它原料引入的玻璃成分为25%;玻璃热处理优化条件:核化温度/时间是820℃/1h,晶化温度/时间是1020℃/1.5h;热处理后样品的理化性能达到或超过市场产品的性能,估算的综合能耗可比目前工业产品降低11%。  相似文献   

海泡石在杀虫建筑涂料研制中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以初步预处理的海泡石为载体 ,以灭蝇胺、氯菊酯、避蚊胺为杀虫剂 ,制备了具有杀虫功能的建筑涂料 ,实验表明 ,海泡石是一种优良的杀虫剂吸附载体 ,对提高杀虫效果的耐久性具有很大的意义  相似文献   

以磷酸盐为基料,加入相应的缓蚀剂和反应性颜料,并以铝粉为耐热颜料,制备了耐热温度可达600℃的磷酸盐系无机水性耐热涂料,并对其应用效果和经济效益进行了分析.  相似文献   

介绍了一种水基薄涂型防火涂料,从原材料的选择,配方,工艺及膨胀防火性能,膨胀阻燃机理等方面讨论了该涂料的研制过程。  相似文献   

膨润土在建筑涂料中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
膨润土在工农业生产中有着极为广泛的用途。近年来,由于化学建材工业的发展,膨润土又在该领域获得了新的应用,尤其是在建筑涂料生产中使用膨润土,已经取得了较为显著的技术经济效益。1膨润土的性能膨润土又名斑脱岩,是一种以蒙脱石为主要组分的粘土类矿物。其外观杂色土状,密度2.4-2.8g/cm3,熔点约1330-1430C,具有较好的吸水性、膨胀性、胶结性、阳离子交换性、分散性及润滑性等性能。有些膨润土在吸附水时,体积同时增大,并形成凝胶物质;有些膨润土能吸附5倍于本身重量的水,而其体积能膨胀至吸水前的1…  相似文献   

水基环氧纳米涂料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超声场条件下,试验研究水基环氧涂料固化以及纳米颗粒在水基环氧树脂中的悬浮分散,研制出系列水基涂料。通过室内、室外腐蚀实验,结果表明所研制的涂料有良好的抗腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

粉煤灰是燃煤过程中产生的一种粉状固体废物。目前,我国粉煤灰年排放量达1.5亿t,冲灰用水量达到10多亿m^3,贮灰场占地达250万hm^2。煤矸石是目前排放量最大的工业废弃物之一,占煤炭产量的10%~15%。目前,我国共有煤矸石山1500多座,煤矸石积存总量约50亿t,占地160万hm^2以上,而且每年约以2.0亿t的速度递增,煤炭行业每年投入煤矸石处置费15亿元左右。随着能源需求量的增加,煤炭固体废物的产生量也与日俱增,对于我们这个水资源缺乏,可耕地人均占有率很低的国家来说,如何做好粉煤灰和煤矸石的利用和处置确实是一个十分重要的问题。因此,它们的有效利用是节能、保护环境的有效途径,是可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

建筑用沸石杀菌涂料研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李酽 《非金属矿》1999,22(2):18-19
介绍了以沸石为填料的建筑物用杀菌除臭涂料的物质组成、成份特征及其加工方法,初步分析了沸石作为杀菌剂载体的特殊功能,认为沸石能有效地固定杀菌活性成工使其化学状态多样化,能显著增强涂料杀菌除臭性能。  相似文献   

高层建筑节能设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐钟 《河北煤炭》2009,(3):46-47
文章叙述了高层建筑节能与气候、地理条件的关系.同时分析了建筑位置、朝向与接受太阳辐射热能的关系及高层围护结构墙体的保温、隔热存在的问题及今后发展方向.  相似文献   

发展节能建材是降低建筑能耗的前提.本文概述了各种节能建材,介绍了外墙保温材料、节能墙体材料、节能门窗玻璃和节能塑料材料的性能和用途,以期提供一个较为全面的节能建材信息.  相似文献   

浅析节能建筑与建筑节能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙晓慧 《矿业工程》2010,8(3):64-65
叙述了我国节能建筑和建筑节能的发展现况,分析了近年来出现的几个误区,探讨了节能建筑与建筑节能之间的辨证关系。建筑节能是一项长期的系统工程,需要各方持续的协调努力和实际落实。  相似文献   

环保节能建筑CL结构体系施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以实例介绍了CL结构体系施工技术以及该技术的优越性.  相似文献   

A procedure of Ni, Cr, Mn, Co, and Mo (Me) transfer onto iron substrate in ionic-electronic melts LiCl-Li, CaCl2-Ca, and BaCl2-Ba was elaborated and the transport processes were studied. The saturated vapor pressure of these ionic-electronic melts is as low as enabled working at atmosphere pressure in an inert media up to 1000 ℃.Armco iron was used as a substrate because it practically does not interact with lithium, calcium, and barium. The metals-diffusants were put into the melts in the form of a powder. The complete saturation of the melts with lithium, calcium, and barium was ensured by a preceding contact of a molten salt with an excess of Li, Ca, or Ba before loading of iron.The reactions take place despite the metals and iron were separated from each other by the molten salt. The quantity of the metals transfered was determined by the change in mass before and after experiments, by microprobe analysis, and x-raying of the iron surface layer. The experiments were carried out at 900, 950 and 1000℃ during 5, 10, 15 and 20 hours.At the first stage of the process the formation of the ionic-electronic melt occurs. For example, dissolution of calcium in the case of the system CaCl2-Ca is mainly proceeded in the form of one-valent cations: Ca + Ca2+()Ca+. As soon as the metal-diffusance is immersed into the melt, its dissolution in the form of negative ions takes place: Me + Ca+() Me-+ Ca2+. In the vicinity of the iron substrate the last equilibrium will shift to the left generating a solid solution or intermetallide. The thickness of the diffusion layer rises as the temperature and saturation time increase. The obtained coverings were 20-60 (m thick,and their surface layer contained 15,-80, (mass fraction) of the metal-diffusance.Both the composition of the melt and the procedure of the coverings preparation in ionic-electronic melts have been patented (Patent RU2058422, 1996, pr. 30.09.93).  相似文献   

A procedure of Ni, Cr, Mn, Co, and Mo (Me) transfer onto iron substrate in ionic-electronic melts LiCl-Li, CaCl2-Ca, and BaCl2-Ba was elaborated and the transport processes were studied. The saturated vapor pressure of these ionic-electronic melts is as low as enabled working at atmosphere pressure in an inert media up to 1000 ℃.Armco iron was used as a substrate because it practically does not interact with lithium, calcium, and barium. The metals-diffusants were put into the melts in the form of a powder. The complete saturation of the melts with lithium, calcium, and barium was ensured by a preceding contact of a molten salt with an excess of Li, Ca, or Ba before loading of iron.The reactions take place despite the metals and iron were separated from each other by the molten salt. The quantity of the metals transfered was determined by the change in mass before and after experiments, by microprobe analysis, and x-raying of the iron surface layer. The experiments were carried out at 900, 950 and 1000℃ during 5, 10, 15 and 20 hours.At the first stage of the process the formation of the ionic-electronic melt occurs. For example, dissolution of calcium in the case of the system CaCl2-Ca is mainly proceeded in the form of one-valent cations: Ca + Ca2+()Ca+. As soon as the metal-diffusance is immersed into the melt, its dissolution in the form of negative ions takes place: Me + Ca+() Me-+ Ca2+. In the vicinity of the iron substrate the last equilibrium will shift to the left generating a solid solution or intermetallide. The thickness of the diffusion layer rises as the temperature and saturation time increase. The obtained coverings were 20-60 (m thick,and their surface layer contained 15%-80% (mass fraction) of the metal-diffusance.Both the composition of the melt and the procedure of the coverings preparation in ionic-electronic melts have been patented (Patent RU2058422, 1996, pr. 30.09.93).  相似文献   

谢虎 《中州煤炭》2022,(5):125-130
建筑需满足室内温度舒适的同时,最大程度降低能源能耗,为此,提出一种多目标因子约束下建筑节能环保改造设计方案。从外部与内部2个方面分析影响建筑节能环保要素,包括温度、风向、建筑朝向与形态等;划分设计过程,从4个不同设计阶段探究建筑参与者与改造设计内容;通过仿真软件,利用相似性分析方法提取相似特征元素,构建建筑虚拟简化结构模型,便于获得更加合理的改造方案;设定窗户尺寸、传热系数、人员密度等决策变量,建立多目标约束模型作为目标函数;在传统粒子群算法中添加自适应调节机制,将多目标问题变换为单一目标求解,在决策空间内不断迭代,当达到最大迭代次数时,输出最佳设计方案。仿真实验证明,所提改造方案在满足用户舒适性同时传热系数符合节能环保标准,节能效果显著,有效减少了增量成本。  相似文献   

Oxide ceramic was sprayed via high-energy plasma spray using MCrAlY manufactured with special technique as bond coating and oxide ceramic as top coating in this article. Investigation showed that the dense and highly adhesive coating could be obtained with optimized technique. After grinding and polishing, coating roughness was lower than 0. 2μm, which could meet the requirements of lift roller. After one year serv ice, molten Tin could not adhere to the ceramic coating,well it greatly alleviated its corrosion to the roller , kept the surface of oxide ceramic coating smooth and the improve the quality of glass due to the strengthened lift roll.  相似文献   

Oxide ceramic was sprayed via high-energy plasma spray using MCrAlY manufactured with special technique as bond coating and oxide ceramic as top coating in this article. Investigation showed that the dense and highly adhesive coating could be obtained with optimized technique. After grinding and polishing, coating roughness was lower than 0. 2μm, which could meet the requirements of lift roller. After one year serv ice, molten Tin could not adhere to the ceramic coating,well it greatly alleviated its corrosion to the roller , kept the surface of oxide ceramic coating smooth and the improve the quality of glass due to the strengthened lift roll.  相似文献   

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