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为提高光纤光栅温度传感器的灵敏度,文中采取纤芯弹光系数大于包层弹光系数的长周期光纤光栅且在其包层外面涂覆一层随温度的升高折射率减小的薄膜材料,同时采用热膨胀系数大的金属封装光栅三种增敏措施。计算表明,增敏后的温度传感器其灵敏度系数为0.2375nm/℃,温度测量分辨力小于0.1℃。  相似文献   

The combination of fiber-loop ring-down spectroscopy and a long-period fiber grating were employed in an intensity-interrogated refractive index sensing method using a broad band light source and the specifically designed long-period fiber grating. Compared with the traditional long-period-fiber-grating based refractive index sensors, this approach monitored the decay of the optical signal passing through the loop of the long fiber grating. The decay time changed regularly when the grating was immersed in surrounding media with varying refractive indices. This instrumentation offered reduced cost and eliminated the influence of source fluctuation. The sensitivity and resolution were 2421 ns/RIU and 3 × 10?4 for refractive index values from 1.3330–1.3737.  相似文献   

A long-period fiber grating sensor induced by electric-arc discharge has been fabricated and demonstrated for the simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain. The proposed sensor was fabricated by inscribing a sing-mode fiber with periodic electric-arc discharge technology that was produced from a commercial fusion splicer. The resonance dips formed by the coupling between cladding modes and core mode have different sensitivity responses, so the simultaneous measurement for multiple parameters was realized by monitoring the wavelength shifts of the resonance dips. Because of the easy fabrication and low cost, the sensor is promising for applications for which simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain is required.  相似文献   

A high sensitivity method is reported for the measurement of the internal refractive index using a photonic crystal fiber long period grating. Long period gratings of different lengths were inscribed in photonic crystal fibers, and the air holes of the fiber had varying refractive indices. A side lobe appeared near the resonant dip through the analysis of the characteristics of transmission spectra showing variation in the refractive index. The resonant dip and its side lobe provided varying sensitivities to the internal refractive index values. The sensitivity of the side lobe was as high as 2343?nm/refractive index unit (RIU), which exceeded the value for the resonant dip (2047?nm/RIU) for refractive indices from 1.3333–1.3792. Due to the high resolution of 8.5?×?10?6 RIU, this method offers promising applications for biological and chemical analysis in which high-precision refractive index measurements are required.  相似文献   

A novel fiber sensor composed by two single mode fibers and long period fiber grating based on a photonic crystal fiber prepared by periodic discharge heating has been experimentally investigated to measure refractive index and temperature. A Mach-Zehnder interferometer was formed due to the presence of two fusion spliced collapsed regions in the photonic crystal fiber. The resonance dip and interference pattern were differently influenced by the ambient disturbance, so the dual-parameters were simultaneously measured by analyzing the characteristics of transmission spectrum. After the experimental measurements, refractive index and temperature sensitivities of 117.28?nm/RIU and ?86.29?pm/°C were realized. Therefore, the reported sensor with advantages of easy fabrication, simple structure, and small size has the potential for simultaneous refractive index and temperature measurements involving biochemical sensing applications.  相似文献   

The U-shaped multimode fiber structure is proposed to measure the refractive index of liquid. In the previous work, the U-shaped structure by single-mode fiber has been widely investigated. However, the large bending loss restricted its practical applications, especially for the reflection-type fiber probe. To reduce the bending losses, the multimode fiber is used as the bending section of the fiber sensor in this study. The structures with different bending radiuses are fabricated to verify this design. Moreover, to simplify the interrogation method, the differential intensity interrogation method is used by cascading two fiber Bragg gratings after the U-shaped fiber structure. The low bending loss of the proposed structure is helpful to measure the reflected light power by fiber Bragg gratings. The influence of incident light power fluctuation was largely suppressed by this differential method. In addition, the sensitivity is also increased by a factor of 2 compared with the intensity interrogation method using one-cascaded fiber Bragg grating. The experimental results show that the refractive index sensitivities are ?115.09?dB/RIU in the refractive index range of 1.3405–1.3874 and ?260.24?dB/RIU in the refractive index range of 1.3874–1.4223, respectively.  相似文献   

蔡露  李尚文  王敏  赵勇 《仪器仪表学报》2022,43(10):118-127
本文设计并制备了一种单模-D型-多模光纤结构,利用光纤传导模式间的干涉以及D型光纤的非对称结构,获得对外界变化响应极其灵敏的光斑图,并基于纹理特征算法解调出光斑的特征值,由特征值与折射率之间的一一对应关系实现折射率传感。对传感特性的研究中,从仿真与实验的角度讨论了不同抛磨长度、抛磨深度对传感特性的影响,仿真与实验结果均表明,抛磨长度2 mm和抛磨深度18μm参数的D型光纤结构折射率传感特性最佳,仿真与实验结果一致,证明了研究方法的正确性以及D型光纤光斑传感器进行折射率传感的可行性。实验中,能量值(EN)折射率测量灵敏度最高可达-1.86/RIU,拟合度达到0.964,相关性值(COR)折射率检测灵敏度最高可达-0.23/RIU,拟合度达到0.979。由于光斑检测的分辨力极高,因此,该方法为高分辨力折射率测量提供了很好的思路。  相似文献   

A novel fiber optic sensor for the simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature is reported. The sensor consists of a high-birefringence fiber loop mirror and a section of single mode-coreless-single mode fiber structure. The single mode-coreless-single mode fiber structure served as a refractometer while the high-birefringence fiber loop mirror was used to measure temperature. The multimode interference valley of the single mode-coreless-single mode fiber structure was sensitive to the surrounding refractive index of liquids (96.42 nm/refractive index unit) and had almost no response to temperature fluctuations. The high-birefringence fiber loop mirror was highly sensitive to temperature (1.98 nm/°C) but was insensitive to changes in refractive index. The theoretical and experimental results demonstrated simultaneous measurement of temperature and refractive index. The optimum resolution was 2.07 × 10?4 refractive index units and 0.01°C.  相似文献   

用于温度测试的光纤SPR传感器特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表面等离子体波共振效应(SPR)对液体折射率变化非常敏感,而温度变化又会导致液体折射率和金膜复介电常数的改变。利用这一原理,可以考察温度变化对SPR共振效果的影响。采用相对光谱检测技术,获得相应的SPR反射光谱,并详细分析了共振波长和共振强度等参数随温度变化的特性曲线。定义耦合系数η,还可实现对不同液体温度下共振效应强度的评估。通过这些研究,进一步扩展了此类传感器的应用领域。  相似文献   

基于Mach-Zehnder干涉仪原理,利用光纤错位熔接技术设计并制作了一种单模光纤-多模光纤-单模光纤-错位熔接点-单模光纤结构的液体折射率传感器。传感器中的多模光纤和错位连接部分充当光耦合器;多模光纤在后面的单模光纤的纤芯和包层中激发出纤芯模和包层模,不同的模式有不同的模式折射率,经中间单模光纤传输到错位熔接点处时,不同模式光之间将产生光程差,经错位熔接点耦合成为导出光纤的纤芯模从而产生干涉。对该传感器输出的干涉光谱中干涉谷功率随外界溶液折射率变化的规律进行了理论分析和实验研究。结果表明:溶液折射率变化为1.358 9~1.392 2时,干涉谱中1 530 nm附近的干涉谷光功率与溶液折射率呈单调递增关系,可用于折射率的测量;折射率变化为1.372 0~1.392 2时,传感器响应曲线具有很好的线性度,线性拟合系数为0.998,对应的灵敏度为252.06 dB/RIU。该传感器制作简单、结构紧凑、成本低、灵敏度高,可用于生物医学领域液体折射率的实时测量。  相似文献   

Bragg光纤传感技术应用研究   总被引:19,自引:11,他引:19  
分析了光纤光栅传感器的工作原理,介绍了成栅技术及应用前景,提出了在应用光纤光栅传感技术时解决温度、应力交叉敏感等问题的新方法.研究结果对Bragg 光纤传感器在工程技术领域具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

根据菲涅耳公式,推导出了溶液折射率和线偏振光反射率的关系,分别测定不同待测溶液折射率下线偏振光p分量和s分量的反射率,并与理论结果进行比较。实验用阿贝折射仪测定不同浓度下Na_2CO_3溶液的折射率;立足于光纤传感系统,以棱镜为敏感元器件、光为测量媒介,在敏感角入射的情况下,采用光电探测器对偏振光信号进行探测,经光电变换后利用信号调理电路实现信号采集,模数转换后运用单片机实现信息的处理,测定不同浓度溶液的反射率,与理论结果进行比较。结果表明,该方法在实时测量液体折射率的灵敏度、精度方面有较大改善。  相似文献   

田赫  陈天庭  白岩  王涛  陈子印 《光学精密工程》2017,25(12):3105-3110
针对体内测温、特别是肿瘤热疗体内温度实时监测对温度传感探头的体积、韧性和抗电磁干扰能力的要求,对医用小型光纤光栅温度传感探头进行了研究。提出了利用玻璃管封装短光纤布拉格光栅来有效避免应力引起的误差以及金属封装对电磁场分布的影响,同时提出用医用聚氨酯套管包裹探头及光纤来有效地保护探头及光纤并使其具备很好的韧性。封装后,探头截面直径为1mm、长度约为4mm。实验测量了稳定温度源在不同温度下探头的反射波长响应和温度变化时探头的响应时间,并测量了医用热疗机加热猪肉时肉内部的温度变化过程。结果表明,体温范围内探头反射波长与温度的线性相关系数可达0.999 95,温度传感精度为0.2℃,探头最大响应时间约为4s,并能实时监测医用热疗机加热猪肉时其内部的温度变化。  相似文献   

为了高精度的检测液体折射率,本文研究了基于模间干涉的马赫泽德光纤折射率传感器.传感器由普通的单模光纤和多模光纤组成,按照单模,多模,单模依次熔接在一起,并将熔接后的光纤进行拉锥处理,最终得到直径为10μm左右的传感头.实验结果表明,液体折射率在1.33到1.35范围内增大时,其透射谱的损耗峰将向长波方向移动.  相似文献   

提出了一种纤芯与介质柱为负折射率材料、衬底为正折射率材料的新型四边形周期结构光子晶体光纤(PCF)。介绍了它的结构设计,研究了光子带隙效应导光特性。与传统四边形周期结构光子晶体光纤相比,该种光纤可以实现带隙效应导光传输,取填充比f=0.7时可获得光子带隙传输范围为880~4140nm,可应用于远红外光通信中。  相似文献   

为了设计用于光频域反射仪(optical frequency domain reflectometer, OFDR)温度传感的涂层光纤,提升OFDR的温度灵敏度,增加其适用场景,从理论上分析了1层和2层涂层对单模光纤中瑞利频移温度灵敏度的影响并进行了仿真。考虑到外涂层的几何、热和机械性能,首先,用Lame解理论分析涂层对OFDR瑞利频移温度灵敏度的影响;其次,基于温度带来的光纤轴向应变关系以及光纤与1层涂层之间的力平衡,提出了仅含1层涂层的简化解;最后,针对建立的理论模型,对1层以及2层外涂层光纤的瑞利频移温度灵敏度进行了仿真。结果表明,瑞利频移温度灵敏度随着外涂层的杨氏模量、半径和热膨胀系数的增加而增加,而与涂层泊松比几乎无关。本研究结果将有助于提高OFDR在高温度灵敏度和低温场景中的应用。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于少模光纤倾斜布拉格光栅的反射型扭转传感器,小角度倾斜光栅中的纤芯基模与二阶模在光栅处发生互耦,通过测量该过程形成的反射峰强度变化实现扭转测量。分析了光栅倾斜角度对模式耦合效率的影响,采用相位掩模板法在线刻写光栅技术,在少模光纤上刻写了不同的小角度倾斜光栅;在此基础上选择倾斜角度为1°的光栅进行了单点、双点扭转传感实验,实验表明其反射光谱中基模与二阶模的互耦合峰(LP01-LP11)对光纤扭转敏感,可以实现对扭转角度大小的测量。在-50°~-150°逆时针扭转过程中,扭转灵敏度为0.52 dB/(rad·m-1),而在40°~190°顺时针扭转的角度范围内,扭转灵敏度为0.34 dB/(rad·m-1)。这种传感器具有在单根光纤上实现多点扭转传感的潜力,在多点扭转监测方面具有应用前景。  相似文献   

利用单模光纤(SMF)中的包层模与纤芯导模之间的干涉,提出了一种基于多模-单模-多模(MSM)结构与布拉格光栅(FBG)级联可同时测量温度和折射率的传感器.基于MSM结构的干涉谱和FBG的透射峰对温度和折射率具有不同响应灵敏度的特点,利用敏感矩阵实现了对温度和折射率的同时测量.实验测得MSM结构和FBG的温度灵敏度分别为0.055 2 nm/℃和0.015 8 nm/℃,MSM结构的折射率灵敏度为109.702 nm/RIU,而FBG对折射率变化不敏感.温度和折射率的测量精度分别为士0.32℃和士0.002 3.实验显示提出的MSM结构的温度灵敏度比单模-多模-单模(SMS)结构传感器提高了5倍,同时由于SMF中的包层模对外界环境的变化较敏感,该MSM结构也可应用于其他传感领域.  相似文献   

长周期光纤光栅的折射率梯度响应特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过模式耦合理论,建立了基于长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)的二层圆光波导模型;结合传输矩阵法,仿真得到了外部介质折射率呈线性分布情况下LPFG的透射谱。仿真结果表明:该结构下的LPFG透射谱特性强烈依赖于外部介质折射率梯度,当外部介质折射率梯度升高,透射谱的损耗峰深度逐渐降低,损耗峰3dB带宽逐渐增加,且增加量与折射率梯度的增加量呈较好的线性关系;当外部折射率梯度由1.111 1×10-7 riu/mm增加到1.111 1×10-5 riu/mm时,其梯度灵敏度可达到2.2×107 nm·mm/riu。这一结果使折射率梯度的高灵敏度测量成为可能,为设计和制作基于LPFG的折射率梯度传感器提供了一定的理论依据,并有望用于生化反应中微小尺度下折射率呈梯度分布的液相介质的测量。  相似文献   


The influence of core radius on refractive index sensitivity of long period fiber grating (LPFG) sensor has been studied theoretically for the first time, and a new method to fabricate LPFG sensor with high sensitivity is proposed. The structure and parameters of the optical fiber, the period of the gratings, and the coupling order of the cladding modes are all held consistent in the process of studying the change of the core radius. The resonant wavelength of LPFG sensor shifts with changes in the external environment, which is simulated by the transfer matrix method. The sensitivity of LPFG sensor is enhanced by more than 200 times when the core radius increases from 3.1 to 5.1?μm. The results show that LPFG sensors with larger core radii have higher sensitivity. Selecting a fiber with a large core radius to fabricate LPFG sensors is proposed as a method to improve the sensitivity of these devices. This new simple and effective method is expected to be widely used in the manufacture of high sensitivity LPFG sensors in the future.  相似文献   

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