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This work reports a feasible synthesis of highly-dispersed Pt and Pt-Fe nanoparticles supported on multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) without Fe and multiwall carbon nanotubes with iron (MWCNTs-Fe) which applied as electrocatalysts for methanol electrooxidation. A Pt coordination complex salt was synthesized in an aqueous solution and it was used as precursor to prepare Pt/MWCNTs, Pt/MWCNTs-Fe, and Pt-Fe/MWCNTs using FeC12.4H20 as iron source which were named S 1, S2 and S3, respectively. The coordination complex of platinum (TOA)2PtC16 was obtained by the chemical reaction between (NH4)2PtC16 with tetraoctylammonium bromide (TOAB) and it was characterized by FT-IR and TGA. The materials were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, SEM, EDS, XRD, TEM and TGA. The electrocatalytic activity of Pt-based supported on MWCNTs in the methanol oxidation was investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA). Pt-Fe/MWCNTs electrocatalysts showed the highest electrocatalytic activity and stability among the tested electrocatalysts due to that the addition of "Fe" promotes the OH species adsorption on the electrocatalyst surface at low potentials, thus, enhancing the activity toward the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR).  相似文献   

Zhang  Bo  Pan  Zhanchang  Yu  Ke  Feng  Guangwen  Xiao  Jun  Wu  Shoukun  Li  Jinghong  Chen  Chun  Lin  Yingsheng  Hu  Guanghui  Wei  Zhigang 《Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry》2017,21(10):3065-3070
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry - In the present study, Pt nanoparticles (20 wt%) were successfully anchored on vanadium (V)-doped titanium nitride hybrid support, which...  相似文献   

Pt催化剂是电催化领域用途最为广泛的贵金属催化剂.Pt资源稀缺,价格昂贵,同时它的物理化学特性又决定了其在多种催化反应中难以被替代.在质子交换膜燃料电池的小分子醇类电氧化过程中,难免存在Pt的毒化现象,其催化性能有待进一步提升.因此,围绕着Pt催化剂纳米结构的设计、抗毒性及反应机理的探索一直是电催化研究面临的重要课题.目前,已被广泛认可的提高Pt催化性能的方法之一是引入第二种金属,通过金属间协同效应(双功能机理)、张力效应或电子效应等对Pt的催化行为进行改性.对于由双/多金属组成的纳米结构催化剂,无论是协同效应还是电子效应,催化活性的提高都需要金属间有丰富的接触界面和恰当的邻近状态.通过调变两组元的种类、原子比和接触状态等可以实现对金属-金属界面的调控,进而调变催化剂性能.除金属助剂外,金属氧化物对Pt催化剂的助催化作用也引起广泛关注.由于金属氧化物与Pt之间的密切接触作用,氧化物的形貌特点对Pt的催化性能可产生重要影响.到目前为止,有关催化剂形貌效应的研究主要集中于贵金属纳米颗粒上(Pt,Au,Pd等),但关于金属氧化物载体/助剂的形貌对贵金属催化性能影响的研究尚不多.具有明确形貌的金属氧化物载体/助剂,暴露的晶面不同,表面原子的配位状态也不同,从而造成与之密切接触的Pt的性质发生改变.因此,金属氧化物的表面性质以及Pt-金属氧化物的界面性质将对电催化性能产生重要影响,深入阐释贵金属-金属氧化物的表/界面性质以及建立有效的构效关系,对设计和制备高效电催化剂具有一定的指导意义.为了提高Pt基催化剂活性、抗CO中毒能力以及稳定性,本文采用共沉淀法和水热法分别制备了纳米棒和六边形纳米片状的Fe2O3作为Pt催化剂的助剂,考察了助剂形貌对Pt催化剂在碱性介质中催化氧化甲醇的促进作用.通过X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜、X射线光电子能谱以及电化学技术对催化剂进行了表征.结果显示,Fe2O3的存在能显著提高Pt催化剂在碱性介质中对甲醇氧化的电催化性能,而且以Fe2O3纳米棒为助剂制备的Pt-Fe2O3/C-R催化剂催化活性以及稳定性比Fe2O3纳米片为助剂制备的Pt-Fe2O3/C-P催化剂更高.这种促进效应可能与助剂Fe2O3的形态有关.Pt-Fe2O3/C-R催化剂中Pt的质量比活性为5.32 A/mgPt,本征活性为162.7 A/m2Pt,分别是Pt-Fe2O3/C-P催化剂的1.67和2.04倍,是商业PtRu/C样品的4.19和6.16倍.协同效应和电子效应是Pt催化性能提升的主要原因.此外,Pt-Fe2O3/C-R样品中高价态Pt的含量较高,可能也是加速甲醇氧化反应动力学的原因之一.高价态的Pt可能会增强甲醇分子在Pt表面的吸附强度,促进Pt上甲醇氧化反应初始步.这些发现不仅可对甲醇电催化氧化机理有了更深的理解,而且对设计和制备高性能甲醇氧化电催化剂也具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry - A hybrid titanium chromium nitride nanotube (Ti0.95Cr0.05N NT) support was prepared by a facile synthesis procedure and further used as support for Pt...  相似文献   

Based on dual path reaction mechanism, a nonlinear dynamics model reflecting the potential oscilla- tion in electrooxidation of methanol on Pt surface was established. The model involves three variables, the electrode potential (e), the surface coverage of carbon monoxide (x), and adsorbed water (y). The chemical reactions and electrode potential were coupled together through the rate constant ki = exp(ai(e ? ei)). The analysis to the established model discloses the following: there are different kinetics be- haviors in different ranges of current densities. The chemical oscillation in methanol electrooxidation is assigned to two aspects, one from poison mediate CO of methanol electrooxidation, which is the in- duced factor of the chemical oscillation, and the other from the oxygen-containing species, such as H2Oa. The formation and disappearance of H2Oa deeply depend on the electrode potential, and directly cause the chemical oscillation. The established model makes clear that the potential oscillation in methanol electrooxidation is the result of the feedback of electrode potential e on the reactions in- volving poison mediates CO and oxygen-containing species H2Oa. The numerical analysis of the estab- lished model successfully explains why the potential oscillation in methanol galvanostatic oxidation on a Pt electrode only happens in a certain range of current densities but not at any current density.  相似文献   

A CO3O4 nanorod supported Pd electro-catalyst for the methanol electro-oxidation (MEO) has been fabricated by the combination of hydrother- mal synthesis and microwave-assisted polyol reduction processes. The crystallographic property and microstructure have been characterized using XRD, SEM and TEM. The results demonstrate that Pd nanoparticles (PdNPs) with a narrow particle size distribution (3-5 nm) are uni- formly deposited onto the surface of Co304 nanorods. Electrochemical measurements show that this catalyst having a larger electrochemically active surface area and a more negative onset-potential exhibits enhanced catalytic activity of 504 mA/mg Pd for MEO comparing with the Pd/C catalyst (448 mA/mg Pd). The dependency of log/against logv reveals that MEO on Pd-CO304 electrode is under a diffusion control. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement agrees well with the CV results. The minimum charge transfer resistance of MEO on Pd-CO304 is observed at -0.05 V, which coincides with the potential of MEO peak.  相似文献   

A simple one-step preparation of gold–platinum electrocatalysts supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with high utilization is reported. A low Pt loading series of bimetallic AuPt/MWCNTs catalysts were prepared by the improved ethylene glycol reduction method, and then they were compared in terms of the electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry in alkaline solutions. The structure of AuPt/MWCNTs was characterized by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed high Pt utilization, uniform AuPt nanoparticles size and good electrocatalytic activity for methanol electro-oxidation. The effect of Au/Pt mass ratio on electrocatalytic activity was also investigated by CV and chronoamperometry. The highest peak current density, lowest onset potential and best anti-poisoning effect for methanol electro-oxidation appeared at the Au/Pt/MWCNTs mass ratio of 2:4:32.  相似文献   

离子液体中水热合成Pt-Pd/MWCNTs和Pd/MWCNTs催化剂   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用水热合成法, 以离子液体1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐(C6H11BF4N2, EMIBF4)为溶剂制备了Pt-Pd/MWCNTs(Multi-walled carbon nanotubes)和Pd/MWCNTs催化剂. X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线能量散射谱(EDS)测试证明了Pt-Pd合金和Pd纳米颗粒在MWCNTs的表面生成. 透射电子显微镜(TEM)照片不仅证明了在MWCNTs表面Pt-Pd, Pd纳米颗粒的生成, 而且还表明样品颗粒的平均粒径约为4 nm. 循环伏安(CV)和交流阻抗(EIS)测试表明, 在碱性环境下, 乙醇在Pt-Pd/MWCNTs和Pd/MWCNTs修饰的玻碳(GC)电极上均能发生氧化反应, 与Pd/MWCNTs修饰的电极相比, 在Pt-Pd/MWCNTs上乙醇的起峰电位负移了大约200 mV, 且具有更高的氧化峰电流值.  相似文献   

A Co3 O4 nanorod supported Pd electro-catalyst for the methanol electro-oxidation (MEO) has been fabricated by the combination of hydrother-mal synthesis and microwave-assisted polyol reduction process...  相似文献   

Pt纳米粒子由于其本身独特的物理、化学性质以及能够同时促进氧化和还原反应,在工业生产和商业设备中(尤其在直接甲醇燃料电池中)广泛用作重要的电催化剂.然而,Pt作为贵金属在自然界中的含量极其稀少,价格昂贵;另外,甲醇氧化反应中产生的中间产物CO很容易市Pt纳米粒子中毒而失活.因此,迫切需要一种Pt用量少,催化性能高的材料.一制备高活性比表面积的Pt纳米颗粒,可以有效提高Pt利用率.另外,调控纳米粒子使其裸露特定的晶面、边、角以及缺陷也能有效提升催化性能.还可以采用Pt纳米粒子结合其它金属元素形成双金属合金,如,Pt-M (M = Pd,Au,Ag,Ru,Fe,Co,Ni,等)催化剂,可以在减少Pt元素用量的同时有效提升催化活性.在众多可供选择的元素中,Pd相对于Pt价格低廉,但两者具有相近的物理、化学性质以及较高的电催化性能,使Pt-Pd纳米合金呈现十分优异的电催化性能.研究表明,Pt-Pd纳米合金在酸性和CO环境中能有效催化有机小分子电氧化过程.另外,在酸性环境中,用Pd替代Cu,Ag,Co或Ni,可以有效减少催化剂的腐蚀.本文在乙二醇溶液中同时还原K2PtCl4和Na2PdCl4,在110 ℃C反应5 h制备出超细的Pt-Pd纳米合金.通过X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、高分辨透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)以及能谱仪(EDS)对合金进行表征,从而确定产物为尺寸4 nm左右的Pt-Pd纳米合金,且通过改变金属前驱体的投料比可以有效调控Pt-Pd合金组分(按元素比例分别表示为Pt1Pd3,Pt1Pd1,Pt3Pd1).采用循环伏安法、线性扫描伏安法以及计时安培法等多种手段测试样品在0.5 mol/L H2SO4和0.5 mol/L CH3OH的酸性环境中(50 mV/s)电化学性能,并与商业Pt/C进行比较.结果表明,合金的催化性能和组分密切相关,当Pt元素的含量为75%左右时,Pt-Pd纳米合金表现出最佳的催化活性和稳定性,其中Pt3Pd1的电催化质量活性可达商业Pt/C的7倍之多.我们把Pt-Pd纳米合金的催化性能对其组分的依赖性归结为甲醇氧化反应中的双官能团机制,反应中,Pt可有效催化甲醇脱氢产生Pt-CO,Pd则催化水脱氢形成Pd-OH.当Pd含量减少时,Pt表面的水脱氢反应只有在高电位才能发生,从而降低催化效率;而Pd含量过多,则会抑制Pt催化甲醇的脱氢反应,使催化效率大大降低.因此,只有适宜Pt/Pd比例,才能有效提升催化效率.  相似文献   

In this study, the usage of ClCH2CCCH2Cl alkyne as a reagent for the oxidative addition reaction with organoplatinum?(II) complex [PtMe2(bipy)] ( 1 ), in which bipy = 2,2′‐bipyridine to give a mixture including of trans‐[PtClMe2(CH2CCCH2Cl)(bipy)] ( 2a ) and a cis‐[PtClMe2(CH2CCCH2Cl)(bipy)] ( 2b ) complexes is reported. Kinetic study was investigated by monitoring the disappearance of the metal‐to‐ligand charge transfer (MLCT) band in the UV–Vis spectra. 1H NMR experimental results confirmed that trans isomer ( 2a ) is more stable than its corresponding cis isomer. A liquid–liquid planar interface has been employed as a template for self‐assembly of platinum nanoparticles. The as prepared complex was applied for the synthesis of platinum thin film that characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive analysis of X‐rays (EDAX), field emission‐scanning electron micrographs (FE‐SEM) and elemental mapping. The electrocatalytical activity of Pt thin film was investigated in methanol oxidation reaction.  相似文献   

通过电沉积的方式在多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)修饰玻碳电极表面上沉积铂(pt)纳米粒子,并运用循环伏安法(CV)、示差脉冲伏安法(DPV)探讨了芦丁在铂纳米/碳纳米管/玻碳电极上的电化学行为.实验结果表明,芦丁在该修饰电极上呈现一对良好氧化还原峰,其氧化峰电流与浓度在3.2×10(-8)~1.2×10(-5)mol/L...  相似文献   

This report successfully demonstrates the synthesis and application of palladium stearates. It was found that the branching of the carboxylate anion of metal precursors could influence the size and shape of palladium nanoparticles (PdNPs). Worm‐like nanowires were formed when using the branched isomer palladium isostearate (PdISt2), while triangular nanoparticles were produced in a majority when using the normal form: palladium stearate (PdSt2). Furthermore, when applying CO2 to the system, both types of PdNPs transformed into more spherical shapes with smaller sizes. The formation of carbamates from the amine stabilizer with CO2 could prevent the further growth and aggregation of PdNPs. The PdNPs were tested as catalysts for the hydrogenation of styrene, and higher catalytic activities were achieved with PdNPs that were prepared with the assistance of CO2. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A systematic study on the electrocatalytic properties of Pt nanoparticles supported on nitrobenzene-modified graphene (Pt-NB/G) as catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in alkaline solution was performed. Graphene nanosheets were spontaneously grafted with nitrophenyl groups using 4-nitrobenzenediazonium salt. The electrocatalytic activity towards the ORR and stability of the prepared catalysts in 0.1 M KOH solution have been studied and compared with that of the commercial Pt/C catalyst. The results obtained show that the NB-modified graphene nanosheets can be good Pt catalyst support with high stability and excellent electrocatalytic properties. The specific activity of Pt-NB/G for O2 reduction was 0.184 mA cm−2, which is very close to that obtained for commercial 20 wt% Pt/C catalyst (0.214 mA cm−2) at 0.9 V vs. RHE. The Pt-NB/G hybrid material promotes a four-electron reduction of oxygen and can be used as a promising cathode catalyst in alkaline fuel cells.  相似文献   

The contribution of carbon functional groups (CFG) to methanol oxidation at carbon-supported Pt catalysts is studied in this work. Platinum black, attached in a form of a thin layer to electrochemically treated glassy carbon (GC), is investigated as a model system. Impedance measurements reveal significant changes in capacitive response of GC anodically polarized in H2SO4 solution in comparison to unoxidized state. XPS analyses show the increased fraction of oxygen-containing CFGs upon electrochemical treatment of GC. The activity of Pt black attached to oxidized GC for methanol oxidation is more than two times larger in comparison to the catalyst attached to unoxidized GC. Increased activity is most likely due to the promotion of COads removal by increased content of CFGs.  相似文献   

Deposition of platinum(Pt)monolayers(PtML)on Au substrate represents a robust strategy to maximally utilize the Pt atoms and meanwhile achieve high catalytic activity towards methanol oxidation reaction for direct methanol fuel cells owing to a substrate-induced tensile strain effect.However,recent studies showed that Pt(ML)on Au substrate are far from perfect smooth monoatomic layer,but actually exhibited three-dimensional nanoclusters.Moreover,the Pt(ML)suffered from severe structural instability and thus activity degradation during long-term electrocatalysis.To regulate the growth of Pt(ML)Au surface and also to improve its structural stability,we exploit dealloyed AuCu core-shell nanoparticles as a new substrate for depositing Pt(ML).By using high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray elemental mapping combined with electrochemical characte rizations,we reveal that the dealloyed AuCu core-shell nanoparticles can effectively promote the deposition of Pt(ML)closer to a smooth monolayer structure,thus leading to a higher utilization efficiency of Pt and higher intrinsic activity towards methanol oxidation compared to those on pure Au nanoparticles.Moreover,the Pt(ML)deposited on the AuCu core-shell NPs showed substa ntially enhanced stability compared to those on pure Au NPs during long-term electrocatalysis over several hours,during which segregation of Cu to the Au/Pt interface was revealed and suggested to play an important role in stabilizing the Pt(ML)catalysts.  相似文献   

《Mendeleev Communications》2020,30(5):663-665
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采用一种无需使用任何有机表面活性剂或溶剂的方法,在熔融盐体系中制备了铂银纳米合金颗粒,考察了合金中元素银对碱性电解质中甲醇电氧化反应(MOR)的催化作用。透射电子显微镜表征结果显示,当前躯体铂银物质的量比为1时,可以得到组成为Pt52Ag48的合金纳米管。甲醇电氧化反应测试结果表明,具有干净表面的Pt52Ag48纳米管比常规的Pt黑具有更好的催化性能。Pt52Ag48合金纳米管的催化活性与其最大正扫电位密切相关,正扫电位从-1.0到0.5 V(vs.SCE),MOR峰值电流达到1.61 mA/μgPt,是从-1.0到0.1 V(vs.SCE)正扫电位的1.92倍。铂银合金表面层中的Ag元素主要通过在电化学循环中发生氧化还原反应来促进合金的MOR活性。研究结果可以为铂银合金在直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)中的应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

甲醇选择氧化制备甲酸甲酯(MF)是延伸甲醇产业链、开发高附加值下游产品的有效途径之一,负载型Au及Pd催化剂在这一反应中表现出优异的低温催化性能。为探索实用、高效和易再生的甲醇选择氧化催化剂,同时揭示双金属颗粒中Au和Pd的协同效应及甲醇氧化反应机理,本研究制备了一系列二氧化硅负载的Au-Pd催化剂(Au-Pd/SiO2),详细研究了其对甲醇选择氧化制甲酸甲酯的催化性能。结果表明,Au和Pd总负载量为0.6%、且Au/Pd质量比为2时,所制备的Au2-Pd1/SiO2催化剂表现出优异的甲醇氧化催化性能;在130℃下,甲醇转化率达到57.0%,MF选择性为72.7%。多种表征结果显示,Au-Pd双金属纳米颗粒粒径为2-4 nm,高度分散于SiO2载体表面,倾向于生成孪晶结构并暴露(111)晶面,这些因素是Au-Pd/SiO2具有优异催化性能的主要原因。通过DRIFTS表征研究,提出了一个可能的MF生成机理:即甲醇首先与处于Au-Pd纳米粒子界面的表面氧作用,生成化学吸附的甲氧基;随后,甲氧基经去质子作用生成吸附的甲醛物种,后者与相邻的甲氧基物种亲核反应,并经β-H消除后得到目标产物MF。  相似文献   

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