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研究小麦面粉作为啤酒辅料酿造工艺,在小麦面粉的最大添加量占原料的20%的条件下,中性蛋白酶添加量0.10 mL/kg,耐热α-淀粉酶添加量20 u/g,木聚糖酶的添加量1.8 mL/kg,解决小麦面粉作为啤酒辅料中出现黏度大,过滤困难等不利因素;同时采用上面发酵工艺,以其他辅料酿造啤酒的麦汁和发酵液的理化指标为参照,进一步评估工艺的合理性;研究利用蛋白疏水层析色谱法(HIC),对添加小麦面粉作为辅料生产的小麦啤酒的啤酒泡沫中分离疏水蛋白,其疏水蛋白含量显著增加,并显著提高啤酒的泡沫性能。同时酿造的啤酒具有典型的小麦啤酒的特征香味4-乙烯基愈创木酚味道。  相似文献   

概况小麦是世界上播种面积最广的谷物,我国是世界小麦的主要生产国。小麦用于啤酒酿造有两种形式:一是以未发芽的小麦作为辅料使用,如比利时的兰比克啤酒(Lambic Beer);二是小麦发芽后制成小麦芽用作主要原料或辅料,如德国的小麦啤酒。小麦作为辅料使用较少,而更多地用于制造小麦芽继而用于某些特种啤酒的酿造。小麦用于啤酒酿造在国内起步较晚,目前已有许多厂家推出自己的小麦啤酒,但是采用小麦作为啤酒辅助原料的厂家并不多。出现这一现象的原因,一方面与  相似文献   

小麦是世界性粮食品种,全世界大部分地区都以小麦作为主食。小麦中含有的一些重要氨基酸和维生素都是人类营养所必须的物质。啤酒酿造工业较少以小麦直接作为辅料,而是先将小麦制成小麦麦芽,继而酿造出含酵母的小麦啤酒、白啤酒。  相似文献   

将大麦作为辅料代替部分麦芽和大米酿制啤酒,可提高经济效益。国内啤酒酿造所用辅料主要是大米,为节约成本,我们选用不适宜制麦的大麦作辅料,蛋白质含量一般在10~15%之间。本文主要从大麦作为啤酒酿造辅料的角度进行探讨。  相似文献   

小麦芽啤酒酿造工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈永超 《啤酒科技》2008,(11):23-24
使用小麦芽和高辅料比淀粉酿造小麦芽啤酒,不仅啤酒口味优良,又可以降低成本。 1小麦芽的酿造特性 1)小麦芽的溶解度比大麦麦芽高,表现为小麦麦芽的糖化力高、库值高、粗细粉差高。  相似文献   

文章分析了啤酒酿造主要原料和辅料的嘌呤、几种常用大麦麦芽总嘌呤在107-131mg/L,小麦麦芽总嘌呤为大麦麦芽的50-60%;酿造用辅料玉米淀粉、糖浆和大米的总嘌呤7.5mg/L。发酵过程中酵母代谢与利用游离态嘌呤,发酵完毕后啤酒总嘌呤下降27%。采用低麦芽比,同时增加小麦麦芽用量,并采用高浓酿造后稀释的工艺,能显著降低啤酒总嘌呤。25%的麦芽比,采用全小麦麦芽酿造啤酒(稀释后折8度)总嘌呤18 mg/L。啤酒后处理工艺中,添加粉末活性炭对啤酒嘌呤吸附效果较好,总嘌呤去除率能达到65%。  相似文献   

啤酒酿造中辅料(大米)的使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在啤酒酿造中使用辅料比纯麦芽的酿造更为经济、有利。酿造工业中常用的辅料有谷类、大米、糖、糖浆、大麦、高梁及小麦。在美国、中国、日本以及其它国家,生产啤酒所使用主要的辅料之一就是大米。世界上80%的大米生产在亚洲,它对啤酒工业影响很大。本论文讨论了在添加其它酶以补充麦芽中酶的情况下,可以在糖化过程中使用较高比例的辅料以及它对糖化麦汁中各种成份的影响。  相似文献   

在啤酒生产过程中,辅料比达50%以上时,则属高辅料啤酒。日本的发泡酒,其辅料比例在75%以上,属于典型的高辅料酿造啤酒。近年来安徽华洋啤酒有限公司大胆吸收了国内外的先进酿造技术,进行高辅料酿造80p啤酒。采用40%的麦芽和60%的辅料(大米、淀粉和麦芽糖浆),  相似文献   

以大麦芽、小麦芽和未发芽的小麦为原料,添加酒花、橘皮和芫荽籽,使用上面发酵酵母No.303,酿造比利时风格和德国风格小麦啤酒。该研究介绍了两种风格小麦啤酒的酿造工艺,对两种风格的成品小麦啤酒进行风味物质检测分析以及感官品评,探讨了比利时风格小麦啤酒和德国风格小麦啤酒风味物质的差异。结果表明,比利时风格小麦啤酒乙醛含量更为适宜(约为2.6 mg/L),高级醇和乙酸含量较高(分别为113 mg/L和160 mg/L),酯类物质含量偏低(约为50 mg/L),成品啤酒橘香味突出,但酯香味不够充足;德国风格小麦啤酒乙醛和酯类物质含量略高(分别为3 mg/L和63 mg/L),高级醇含量稍低(约为104 mg/L),乙酸含量适宜(约为135 mg/L)。  相似文献   

高辅料发泡酒的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏洪仁  闫颖  毕忠辉  王峰 《酿酒》2006,33(2):64-65
介绍了研制高辅料发泡酒的意义、酿造高辅料啤酒存在的问题和解决方法及酿造高辅料啤酒的具体工艺及参数,并对生产高辅料啤酒的经济效益进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

The applicability of three selected triticale cultivars (Trinidad, Lamberto, Fidelio) for use as brewing adjuncts was investigated in comparison with wheat adjunct and barley malt. Fermentable substance, crude protein and arabinoxylan levels of starchy materials were determined as well as their native potencies (amylolytic, proteolytic, pentosolytic) to solubilise and degrade grain components during mashing. Laboratory‐scale experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of the adjuncts (composition, enzyme potency) on beer wort quality by mashing mixed (1:1) grists of malt and adjunct. Barley malt was rated as the superior raw material, possessing considerably higher enzyme activities and yielding the lowest wort viscosity. Among the triticale cultivars cv Trinidad was identified as the most suitable to serve as a brewing adjunct due to its improved starch solubilisation properties and its ability to generate low wort viscosities. Compared with the potent malt enzymes, the enzyme activities of unmalted triticale (such as amylases, pentosanases and proteases) had little affect on the composition of the sweet worts. In contrast, the contents of crude protein and fermentable substance of the triticale varieties greatly affected wort quality. Furthermore, the adjunct moiety determined the level of wort viscosity when mashing a combination of malt and triticale. In general, the brewing properties of triticale cv Trinidad were comparable with those of wheat. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

首次采用了小麦与黑麦属间异源多倍体杂交品种——小黑麦作为酿造啤酒原料。与传统啤酒大麦原料相比 ,小黑麦不仅淀粉酶活性及蛋白质含量高 ,八种必需氨基酸平衡 ,而且产量高 ,种植费用低 ,可降低原料价格。本试验对小黑麦糖化工艺进行了探讨 ,确定糖化主要技术参数 ,麦汁质量符合酿造啤酒标准。  相似文献   

国内外小黑麦酿造啤酒的工艺研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘慧  张秀玲  李铁晶 《食品科学》2002,23(2):158-160
本文针对国内外酿造啤酒原料的变化,综述了小黑麦啤酒的制麦、糖化与发酵工艺的研究现状及其进展。阐明了小黑麦在酿造啤酒原料方面,与大麦相比具有广泛优越性及其开发应用前景。  相似文献   

玉米淀粉在啤酒酿造中的使用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
玉米淀粉对于酿造师来说是一种最纯的淀粉原料 ,它没有得到广泛使用的原因主要是其价格比玉米粉或酿造大米昂贵 ,不过近几年来玉米淀粉的价格已接近大米的价格 ,为酿造师提供了良好的选择余地。玉米淀粉的蛋白质、脂肪、多酚含量很低 ,使用玉米淀粉作为辅料能延长啤酒的保质期、提高啤酒的风味稳定性、降低啤酒的色度。玉米淀粉可全部转化为可溶性物质 ,所以不会引起过滤问题。玉米淀粉应用的市场前景在很大程度上取决于其相对价格  相似文献   

自本世纪3O年代末期,首次把挤压机应用于方便谷物食品的生产中。随着技术的发展和对挤压加工技术的理论上的突破,挤压机结构的设计、工艺参数的选择、原料的处理和产品的质量都有了明显的改善。挤压加工技术作为一种经济实用的新型加工方法正广泛应用于食品工业中。食品挤压加工就是将食品物料置于挤压机内,借助螺杆的推动力将物料向前挤压,使物料受到混合。摩擦及高剪切力作用,并导致机腔内温度、压力升高(可达150-200℃,IMPa以上),然后突然释放至常温常压,其中的过热游离水急骤汽化(体积可增至约2000倍),同时谷物结构也发…  相似文献   

The impact of using different combinations of unmalted barley, Ondea Pro® and barley malt in conjunction with a 35% rice adjunct on mashing performance was examined in a series of small scale mashing trials. The objective was to identify the potential optimal levels and boundaries for the mashing combinations of barley, Ondea Pro®, malt and 35% rice (BOMR) that might apply in commercial brewing. Barley and malt samples used for the trials were selected from a range of Australian commercial barley and malt samples following evaluation by small‐scale mashing. This investigation builds on previous studies in order to adapt the technology to brewing styles common in Asia, where the use of high levels of rice adjunct is common. Mashing with the rice adjunct, combined with differing proportions of barley, Ondea Pro® and malt, resulted in higher extract levels than were observed for reference mashing, using either 100% malt reference or 100% barley reference and Ondea Pro® enzymes. Synergistic mashing effects between barley, Ondea Pro® and malt were observed for mash quality and efficiency parameters, particularly wort fermentability. The optimum levels of barley in the grist (with the relative level of Ondea Pro®) were assessed to be in the range 45–55% when paired with 10–20% malt and 35% rice. When the proportion of malt was reduced below 10% of the grist, substantial reductions in wort quality were observed for wort quality parameters including extract, lautering, fermentability, free amino nitrogen and haze. Extension of this new approach to brewing with rice adjuncts will benefit from further research into barley varietal selection in order to better meet brewer's quality requirements for the finished beer. Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

酱油酿造中鲜啤酒糟利用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军 《中国酿造》2005,(9):31-33
鲜啤酒糟作为辅料用于酱油制曲,不仅可以降低原材料成本,而且容易使曲料处于疏松状态,大大提高制曲过程的通风效率,改善发酵过程的传质和传热效果。各试验组孢子发芽率基本相同,辅料取代率为20%和40%时,其孢子数、成曲和酱油质量与传统配料相当,蛋白质利用率分别为78.04%和78.31%。  相似文献   

The starch in the grains of legumes, such as faba bean (Vicia faba L.), offers an environmentally sustainable raw material for the brewing industry as their entire nitrogen fertiliser requirement can be provided by the natural process of biological nitrogen fixation. Faba bean is, therefore, distinguished from species such as spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), which require large amounts of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser. Consumer analysis of beer produced with faba bean as an adjunct compared with barley malt beers has not previously been assessed. This study evaluated the potential of beers brewed using 30% (w/w) dehulled bean (kernel) flour as an adjunct to malted barley, using a series of quantitative sensory tests. The first, a blind acceptance test with inferred preference, found no statistically significant difference in the taste score of the bean kernel flour adjunct beer when compared with conventional beer. In the second acceptance test, the knowledge that the beer was produced using beans did not affect the overall consumer impression of the beer, regardless of how this information was presented. These results suggest that the use of faba beans in brewing does not impact negatively on the taste or acceptability of the resultant beer. © 2019 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

该研究以小米为原料,接种酒曲和醋酸菌,采用固态发酵工艺生产小米醋。通过单因素和正交试验确定了酿造工艺,结果表明,酒精发酵的最佳条件是选用米糠为辅料,酒曲接种比例(万家兴高产生料酒曲、安琪酿酒曲)为2∶1,总添加量1.5%,料醅水分含量为69%,入缸初始温度29 ℃;醋酸发酵的最佳条件是酿醋醋酸菌接种量为0.15%,料醅初始酒精度8.0%vol,入缸初始温度31 ℃。在此优化条件下,小米醋感官评分为87.6分,总酸含量为7.1 g/100 mL,小米香突出,酸味柔和,风味典型。  相似文献   

Sorghum beer samples were brewed in a pilot plant operation using either sorghum grain or maize grits as starchy adjunct in order that the nutritive content of the beers could be compared. Significantly higher ethanol, thiamin, nicotinic acid, ash, phytate, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus concentrations were found in beers brewed with sorghum adjunct. Sorghum adjunct beers can therefore make a greater contribution to the nutritional requirements of the Southern African beer drinker than beers brewed with maize grits. The results obtained suggest that the use of sorghum adjunct in the brewing of sorghum beer should be encouraged for economic and dietary reasons.  相似文献   

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