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规模奶牛场粪污处理系统CDM项目开发案例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过具体的案例.对规模奶牛场粪污处理系统实施CDM项目的额外性论证和减排量估算进行了详细的分析.结果表明:项目具有很好的额外性,在北方地区存栏6 000头左右的规模奶牛场,粪污处理系统实施CDM项目后可实现年减排约1万tCO2当量;通过出售这些减排量可以带给项目额外的经济收益,对项目内部经济性有很大改善.如不计减排收入,项目的收益率为7.7%,计人后,收益率提高到12.0%;通过实施CDM项目可以对我国规模奶牛场沼气工程的发展起到良好的促进作用.  相似文献   

以曲寨水泥厂9000 kW低温余热发电项目做为清洁发展机制(C D M)项目案例,基于基准线,应用方法学ACM0004,计算了低温余热发电项目的CO,减排量.结果表明,曲寨水泥厂9000 kW低温余热发电项目可实现CO,年减排量52878t.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)与我国生物质能的规模化发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
清洁发展机制允许发达国家通过与发展中国家进行项目级的合作,获得由项目产生的“经核证的温室气体减排量”,同时实现发达国家向发展中国家资金和技术转移。简要介绍了CDM的基本概念和我国清洁发展机制的进展,并通过介绍国外生物质能CDM项目和我国生物质气化发电项目CDM案例分析,探讨了CDM对推动我国生物质能的规模化发展可能发挥的促进作用。  相似文献   

沼气技术的减排效果与CDM项目合格性探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》确定的三个灵活履约机制之一,如何充分了解和有效利用该机制促进我国可持续发展是一个需要深入研究的问题。介绍了大中型沼气工程与农村户用沼气池对温室气体减排的效果,对两者作为CDM项目的合格性问题进行了分析,重点探讨了其额外性问题,最后对CDM项目可能带来的经济效益、先进技术转移机遇进行了展望,并给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

国内外CDM项目开展现状对比分析及建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《京都议定书》已经生效,各国都在积极推进清洁发展机制(CDM)进程,对国内外几个典型国家的CDM开展现状进行了详细阐述和分析,并对中国更好的利用CDM这一灵活履约机制提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

我国CDM项目的现状与思考   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘兰翠  吴刚 《中国能源》2007,29(3):34-40
本文回顾了截止到2006年12月中国CDM项目合作在全球碳市场的现状,对比分析了中国、印度、巴西、墨西哥的CDM项目开展情况。分析表明:我国目前已注册成功的CDM项目产生CERs的93.86%来自非二氧化碳、非甲烷气体减排项目,而来自提高能源效率、发展新能源和可再生能源及回收利用甲烷和煤层气项目的CERs仅占6.14%。实施非二氧化碳、非甲烷气体减排项目只能带来减排量上的收益,很难带来先进的技术,对促进本国的经济、社会、环境实现可持续发展的作用不明显,所以我国未来CDM项目合作还需政策的进一步引导,以提高CDM项目对促进可持续发展的作用。本文最后提出了进一步开发我国CDM项目合作的一些建议。  相似文献   

中国节能建筑CDM项目基准线方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清洁发展机制(CDM)的实施可有效地促进中国建筑部门节能和温室气体(GHGs)减排。结合建筑CDM项目的特殊性,探讨了不同类型的节能建筑CDM项目的基准线(Baseline)的设定方法,并以一办公建筑CDM项目为例尝试了基准线的选择。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)给江西省养猪业沼气利用带来新的契机.阐述了江西省养猪业沼气利用现状以及甲烷回收利用CDM项目发展状况,对江西省养猪业大中型沼气工程和户用沼气池的减排温室气体的潜力作了定量的分析,研究结果显示:江西省养猪业产沼气潜力约3.65亿m3/a,可减少温室气体排放108万t CO2当量.  相似文献   

对黑龙江省发展清洁发展机制CDM(Clean Development Mechanism)项目的宏观环境与CDM发展状况进行分析,提出我省推进CDM项目发展的对策,并对CDM项目的开发如何选择项目类型和买家等提出具体建议,通过加速我省CDM项目发展,对提高能源利用效率,缓解石油和电力供应紧张状况,促进经济社会可持续发展有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

农村户用沼气池CDM项目方法学探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周捷  段茂盛  周胜 《太阳能》2006,(5):23-26
前言清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》规定的三种灵活机制之一,其主要内容是指发达国家通过提供资金和/或技术的方式,与发展中国家合作,在发展中国家实施温室气体减排项目,并获得项目所产生的减排量,用于履行其在《京都议定书》下的温室气体减排义务。  相似文献   

用简化方法学AMS.Ⅲ.D对浙江省规模化养殖场沼气工程进行温室气体减排分析。结果表明,项目每年可减排温室气体1387tCO2当量,可有效缩短投资回收期。  相似文献   

Surplus bagasse in Indonesian sugar mills is potential for grid-connected electricity-generating projects under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) scheme. In addition, it is further perceived to considerably support the efforts to address prevailing crises in domestic sugar industry and power generation sector. This paper aims at analyzing the economic potential of bagasse cogeneration as CDM projects in Indonesia with the main deliverables of total emission reductions per year and Certified Emission Reduction (CER) earnings. The analysis was made by following the applicable methodologies and based on publicly available data from official and other sources on the websites. The results show that with the electricity displacement potential at 260,253 MWh, Indonesia could generate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reductions as much as 240,774 (large scale) or 198,177 tCO2 (small scale) per annum from the recently-employed low efficiency cogeneration leading to the earnings of about US$1.36 or 1.12 million, respectively. Out of 6 regional grids where the electricity from the project activities can be grid-connected, the primary emission reductions potentials are encountered in Java-Bali and Southern Sumatera grids. Additionally, various barriers in technical, institutional, financial, and other aspects have been identified as the justifications to pass the additionality test.  相似文献   

A process was developed to evaluate the economic benefits from constructing and operating a wind energy project. The process uses an economic input/output analysis in conjunction with Monte Carlo simulation. Process results estimate the number of jobs and amount of spending that will occur in the analysis region because of the construction and operation of a wind energy project. Results from the proposed process may be used to garner community and governmental support for projects. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory jobs, Economic Development and Impacts (JEDI) model, developed specifically for wind energy projects, is used. As there is uncertainty in some of the required input parameters, the Monte Carlo simulation allows the input parameters to be entered as a range. The results of the JEDI model with the Monte Carlo simulation analysis produce a distribution for jobs, salaries and wages, and economic output during construction and operations. The results of the Monte Carlo simulation also provide a sensitivity analysis for each of the JEDI outputs. Two northern Arizona counties, Coconino County and Navajo County, were analysed to demonstrate the process. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国的能源利用效率不高,万元GDP能耗水平是发达国家的3到11倍.同时中国是发展中国家,完成"十一五"的节能减排目标面临巨大的资金和技术压力.清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》规定的发达国家和发展中国家的一种国际合作方式,充分利用清洁发展机制,有助于节能减排目标的实现.  相似文献   

介绍了目前国内外对乏风的治理和利用现状,并简要阐述了胜动集团煤矿乏风CH4氧化技术。  相似文献   

煤泥用于坑口发电的经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤泥发电技术已经较为成熟,经济效益明显,分析了东庞矸石热电厂烧煤泥的经济性,得出了坑口热电厂利用煤泥发电既能降低发电成本又能减少环境污染结论。  相似文献   

Matthias Krey   《Energy Policy》2005,33(18):2385-2397
Recently, transaction costs in the context of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) gained considerable attention as they were generally perceived to be significantly higher than for the other Kyoto Mechanisms. However, empirical evidence on the amount of transaction costs of CDM projects is very scarce. This paper presents the results from an empirical survey designed to quantify transaction costs of potential non-sink CDM projects in India. The definition of transaction costs of CDM projects was derived from recent literature and observations made in the current market for Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). During the survey, parts of transaction costs of 15 projects were quantified. An assessment of the results showed that specific transaction costs depend, to a large extent, on economies of scale in terms of total amount of CERs generated over the crediting period. Total transaction costs were quantified for seven projects. The costs range from 0.07 to 0.47 $US/t CO2. As the projects have an emission reduction between 0.24 Mt CO2 and 5.00 Mt CO2 over the crediting period, the results support the assumption of Michaelowa et al. (Climate Policy 3 (2003) 273) that projects with emission reductions smaller than 0.20 Mt CO2 are not economically viable at current CER prices.  相似文献   

Corporate motives and strategies of both investing and hosting country affect the outcomes of a clean development mechanism (CDM) project—who introduces what technology to whom—and result in large differences in economic viability and the CO2 emission reductions. This is particularly true for steel industry in which steel making consists of many detailed and complex processes, a given strategy could produce cumulative effects of the individual technologies used, leading to large energy savings overall. The objective of this study is to demonstrate some analytical methods that can be used to quantitatively evaluate the impacts of technology selection on the profit performance of CDM projects. Specifically, in this study we analyze a CDM project to introduce energy saving technology from Japan to a small steel manufacturer in China's Shandong Province, and conduct a simulation of the quantitative relationships between various technology options and profitability. Based on these results, we examine the environmental and economic significance of technology selection for CDM projects. To take this further, we then reconsider the profitability of a project as typical FDI activity (i.e., without the CDM), and by comparing this outcome with the CDM case, we clarify the significance and potential of the CDM.  相似文献   

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