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Cystic fibrosis is the most common life-threatening autosomal recessive genetic disorder in Caucasian populations. It is a disease primarily of epithelial tissues, including the airway, pancreatic duct, intestine, genital tract and sweat glands. The affected gene was cloned and characterized in 1989. In the absence of an identified natural animal model of the disease, a major effort has been made to develop transgenic cystic fibrosis mice, by disrupting the gene in these laboratory animals. Such mice show many, but not all, of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. In this article, the major past and present contributions of other animal systems to our understanding of cystic fibrosis are examined and their potential for future studies of this disease are discussed. It is intended to give the reader a broad overview of the field, exploring the usefulness of animal studies, rather than dealing more fully with specific aspects of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

A total of 165 sera and 142 eluates from filtration papers impreggnated with whole blood were examined in reaction of complement fixation against A/Hong Kong 1/68 (H3N2) and B/Johannesburg 3/56 virus. To perform HIT 152 sera and 155 eluates were used. The results obtained were elaborated statistically. The method of filtration papers does not seem to be suitable for HIT, whereas the CFT was in several cases practicable.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF)--an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and characterized by abnormal chloride conduction across epithelial membranes, leading to chronic lung and exocrine pancreatic disease--is less common in African-Americans than in Caucasians. No large-scale studies of mutation identification and screening in African-American CF patients have been reported, to date. In this study, the entire coding and flanking intronic sequence of the CFTR gene was analyzed by denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis and sequencing in an index group of 82 African-American CF chromosomes to identify mutations. One novel mutation, 3120+1G-->A, occurred with a frequency of 12.3% and was also detected in a native African patient. To establish frequencies, an additional group of 66 African-American CF chromosomes were screened for mutations identified in two or more African-American patients. Screening for 16 "common Caucasian" mutations identified 52% of CF alleles in African-Americans, while screening for 8 "common African" mutations accounted for an additional 23%. The combined detection rate of 75% was comparable to the sensitivity of mutation analysis in Caucasian CF patients. These results indicate that African-Americans have their own set of "common" CF mutations that originate from the native African population. Inclusion of these "common" mutations substantially improves CF mutation detection rates in African-Americans.  相似文献   

We have employed isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy to characterize the binding of soluble fragments of IgE (IgE-Fc and Fc epsilon 3-4) to a soluble fragment of the high-affinity receptor Fc epsilon RI alpha-chain (sFc epsilon RI alpha). The thermodynamic parameters for the interaction of IgE-Fc and Fc epsilon 3-4 with sFc epsilon RI alpha, determined using ITC, confirm the earlier conclusion that the C epsilon 2 domain is not involved in the interaction and that the stoichiometry of both complexes is 1:1. For both IgE-Fc and Fc epsilon 3-4, the value of Delta H degrees is -36.9 +/- 4.6 kcal mol-1 at 37.3 degreesC and Delta Cp degrees is -820 +/- 120 cal mol-1 K-1. The temperature at which DeltaS degrees is zero is 284 +/- 1 K, indicating that the entropy contribution to the thermodynamics of association is unfavorable at physiological temperature. Of particular interest is the large value of Delta Cp degrees. The large surface area of IgE and Fc epsilon RI alpha that is implicated in complex formation from previous mutagenesis studies on the two proteins may account in part for the magnitude of Delta Cp degrees. Additional contributions may arise from hydration within the binding site and changes in tertiary structure of the individual components of the complex. However, the CD spectra of IgE, IgE-Fc, and Fc epsilon 3-4 complexes with sFc epsilon RI alpha are merely the sum of the spectra of their individual components, indicating that the secondary structure of the immunoglobulin domain folds are preserved on complex formation. Thus, any change in tertiary structure must be limited to the relative disposition of the immunoglobulin domains C epsilon 3 and C epsilon 4 in IgE and the two immunoglobulin-like domains in the alpha-chain of Fc epsilon RI.  相似文献   

The responses to heat shock in Tritrichomonas mobilensis, a squirrel monkey parasite and Tritrichomonas augusta, an amphibian trichomonad, were evaluated by means of metabolic labeling with [35S]methionine. Electrophoretically separated trichomonad proteins synthesized at different temperatures were visualized by autoradiography and the label incorporation quantitated by a trichloroacetic acid precipitation procedure. A considerable difference in thermotolerance between the two species was found as the protein synthesis reached a maximum at 41 C in T. mobilensis and 37 C in T. augusta. The latter tolerated temperature increases 13 C above normal cultivation temperatures as compared to only 4 C thermotolerance range above normal in T. mobilensis. Major heat shock proteins (Hsps) were expressed in both T. mobilensis (with apparent Mr 94, 72, and 58 kDa) and T. augusta (Mr 94, 70, and 56 kDa) as revealed by autoradiography. Western blot analysis with polyclonal antibody against DnaK of Escherichia coli showed the presence of antigenic Hsp70 homologs in both trichomonads. Similarly, a polyclonal antibody against Hsp60 with broad interspecies cross-reactivity detected Hsp60 homologs in both T. mobilensis and T. augusta. The anti-DnaK antibody cross-reacted with a T. mobilensis protein localized in Golgi apparatus as demonstrated by immunoelectron microscopy. Immunocytochemistry on trichomonad frozen sections revealed the presence of the Hsp60 homolog in light-microscopic granules corresponding to hydrogenosomes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cystic fibrosis is an inherited condition with a high mortality and morbidity. The aims of this study were to assess quality of life in a population of adults with cystic fibrosis, to compare quality of life with published scores from a healthy population and other patient groups, and to examine the relation between quality of life and other measured clinical variables. METHODS: Patients over 16 years of age attending an adult cystic fibrosis outpatient clinic were surveyed at a time when they were clinically stable. A self-complete questionnaire was administered which comprised the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) together with six additional questions related to cystic fibrosis. RESULTS: Completed questionnaires were obtained from 240 subjects (100 women) of median age 26 years (range 16-56). Mean (SD) forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) was 49 (26)% predicted, forced vital capacity (FVC) was 68 (26)% predicted, and the FEV1:FVC ratio was 59 (16)%. In this cross sectional study different patterns of perceived quality of life were seen in men and women. In part 1 of the NHP there was an age related trend compared with norms in men, with more distress/disability in the dimensions of emotion, sleep, and social isolation in the older age groups. In women there was no age related trend in the degree of distress/disability compared with norms. The mean score was different from norms in the dimensions of pain, emotion and sleep. For the patients with cystic fibrosis as a whole the scores in part 1 were comparable with published scores of patients with minor non-acute conditions. Scores in part 2 of the NHP for men were different from norms in six of the seven areas of daily living (all except home life). For women the scores were different from norms in the areas of looking after the home, social life, hobbies, and holidays. There were correlations between several of the quality of life dimensions and other measured variables such as FEV1, breathlessness score, and the time spent on home treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Men and women with cystic fibrosis have different patterns of perceived quality of life, and there is an age related trend of perceived quality of life in men in some dimensions. Quality of life scores in this group, as assessed by the NHP, are similar to those reported in subjects with minor non-acute conditions.  相似文献   

Famotidine pharmacokinetics were studied in 13 patients with severe cystic fibrosis (CF) ranging from 10 to 47 years of age and 25 to 72 kg in weight. Patients were randomized to first receive famotidine either 20 mg intravenously or 40 mg orally. Twelve patients were crossed over to the alternate treatment. Repeated blood samples were obtained over 12 hours after intravenous and oral administration and urine was collected over 24 hours for quantitation of famotidine by means of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A compartment model-dependent approach was used to characterize the disposition of famotidine. From the intravenous data, the mean +/- standard deviation elimination half-life (t1/2) was 2.11 +/- 0.75 hours, the total clearance (Cl) was 0.79 +/- 0.41 L/kg/hr, the renal clearance was 0.57 +/- 0.26 L/kg/hr, the fraction eliminated unchanged in the urine was 83% +/- 16%, and the apparent volume of distribution (Vdss) was 1.33 +/- 0.53 L/kg. The bioavailability determined from comparison of intravenous and oral area under the curve data was 71% +/- 27%. Results of this study support an initial famotidine dose of 20 mg intravenously or 40 mg orally every 12 hours in patients with CF who are older than 9 years of age.  相似文献   

Health care expenditures on the elderly tend to grow about 4 percent per year more rapidly than the gross domestic product (GDP). This could plunge the nation into a severe economic and social crisis within two decades. This paper describes recent growth in age/sex-specific health care utilization by the elderly and discusses the important role of technology in that growth. It also explores the potential for the elderly to pay for additional care through increases in work and savings. Efforts to "save Medicare" will prove to be "too little, too late" unless they are embedded in broader policy initiatives that slow the rate of growth of health care spending and/or increase the income of the elderly.  相似文献   

Improved survival for cystic fibrosis has rapidly increased over the past four decades, with patients now living well into adult life. With changes in the structure of the National Health Service and the formation of provider units and general practitioner (GP) fund-holding practices, it is important to strengthen links between the hospital and community teams to ensure that the CF patient receives adequate care. Increasingly, treatment is being carried out at home, and this emphasis on home-based therapy demands that parents/carers and patients must acquire the skills and knowledge of complex therapies in order to optimize health. It is the role of the CF nurse specialist (NS) to educate those who will deliver the care, co-ordinate the provision of services at home, liaise with the CF team and community health-care professionals and to support the patient and their carers.  相似文献   

Exercise has much to offer to cystic fibrosis patients. Overcoming the limits of decreased pulmonary function by increasing fitness has a considerable potential to improve patients' quality of life; decreased breathlessness allows greater mobility and participation with peers in social and sporting activities, improves confidence and self-esteem and creates a greater pleasure in life for the individual patient. There are also immediate therapeutic gains and potentially long-term gains with improved survival. Above all, cystic fibrosis patients enjoy and prefer exercise as a therapeutic option to most other forms of therapy.  相似文献   

1. Centrifugation in density gradients was used to study the fragments produced during intraluminal and intracellular digestion, after the injection of 125I-labelled immunoglobulin G (IgG) into different regions of the small intestine of 14 to 15-day-old (pre-closure) and 24-day-old (post-closure/ rats. 2. After injection into the proximal small intestine and into the ileum of pre-closure animals, the bulk of the radioactivity recorded for gut washes and gut homogenates was located at 4S-7S. The serum from animals which had received injections into the proximal small intestine had high radioactivity and one peak at 7S; the serum from animals which had received injections into the ileum had low radioactivity and no activity in the 7S region. 3. After injection into the proximal small intestine of post-closure animals, the bulk of the radioactivity recorded for gut wash samples was located at 3-5S--5S. Gut homogenates had peak activity at 2-5S--4S. Thus large molecular weight products can be absorbed by the proximal enterocytes of post-closure rats and degraded. The sera of these animals had low radioactivity. 4. After injection into the distal small intestine of post-closure animals, the bulk of the radioactivity recorded for gut wash and gut homogenate samples was located at 4S-7S and in this respect the radioactivity plots resembled those for (2) above. Serum radioactivity was low. 5. The effect of precipitation with trichloroacetic acid and incubation with specific antiserum upon the radioactivity of gut washes, gut homogenates and serum samples was recorded. 6. The relevance of these findings to studies on the transmission of protein by the rat small intestine is discussed.  相似文献   

Examined the role of family interaction factors in dietary compliance problems reported by parents of children with cystic fibrosis (CF). The family mealtime interactions of children with CF, children with feeding problems and nonclinic controls were observed, and parents monitored children's eating behavior at home. Parents of children with CF reported more concern about feeding problems and recorded more disruptive mealtime behavior than parents of nonclinic children. Observational data showed children with CF to display overall rates of disruptive mealtime behavior not significantly different from either comparison group. Mothers of children with CF were observed to engage in higher rates of aversive interaction with their child than did mothers of nonclinic controls. Fathers of children with CF reported lower marital satisfaction than fathers of controls. Both mothers and fathers of children with CF reported lower parenting self-efficacy than non-CF families. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pancreatic lesions of cystic fibrosis develop in utero and closely resemble those of chronic pancreatitis. Therefore, we hypothesized that mutations of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene may be more common than expected among patients with chronic pancreatitis. METHODS: We studied 134 consecutive patients with chronic pancreatitis (alcohol-related disease in 71, hyperparathyroidism in 2, hypertriglyceridemia in 1, and idiopathic disease in 60). We examined DNA for 22 mutations of the CFTR gene that together account for 95 percent of all mutations in patients with cystic fibrosis in the northwest of England. We also determined the length of the noncoding sequence of thymidines in intron 8, since the shorter the sequence, the lower the proportion of normal CFTR messenger RNA. RESULTS: The 94 male and 40 female patients ranged in age from 16 to 86 years. None had a mutation on both copies of the CFTR gene. Eighteen patients (13.4 percent), including 12 without alcoholism, had a CFTR mutation on one chromosome, as compared with a frequency of 5.3 percent among 600 local unrelated partners of persons with a family history of cystic fibrosis (P<0.001). A total of 10.4 percent of the patients had the 5T allele in intron 8 (14 of 134), which is twice the expected frequency (P=0.008). Four patients were heterozygous for both a CFTR mutation and the 5T allele. Patients with a CFTR mutation were younger than those with no mutations (P=0.03). None had the combination of sinopulmonary disease, high sweat electrolyte concentrations, and low nasal potential-difference values that are diagnostic of cystic fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Mutations of the CFTR gene and the 5T genotype are associated with chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Abnormal folding of mutant cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and subsequent degradation in the endoplasmic reticulum is the basis for most cases of cystic fibrosis. Structural differences between wild-type (WT) and mutant proteins, however, remain unknown. Here we examine the intracellular trafficking, degradation, and transmembrane topology of two mutant CFTR proteins, G85E and G91R, each of which contains an additional charged residue within the first putative transmembrane helix (TM1). In microinjected Xenopus laevis oocytes, these mutations markedly disrupted CFTR plasma membrane chloride channel activity. G85E and G91R mutants (but not a conservative mutant, G91A) failed to acquire complex N-linked carbohydrates, and were rapidly degraded before reaching the Golgi complex thus exhibiting a trafficking phenotype similar to DeltaF508 CFTR. Topologic analysis revealed that neither G85E nor G91R mutations disrupted CFTR NH2 terminus transmembrane topology. Instead, WT as well as mutant TM1 spanned the membrane in the predicted C-trans (type II) orientation, and residues 85E and 91R were localized within or adjacent to the plane of the lipid bilayer. To understand how these charged residues might provide structural cues for ER degradation, we examined the stability of WT, G85E, and G91R CFTR proteins truncated at codons 188, 393, 589, or 836 (after TM2, TM6, the first nucleotide binding domain, or the R domain, respectively). These results indicated that G85E and G91R mutations affected CFTR folding, not by gross disruption of transmembrane assembly, but rather through insertion of a charged residue within the plane of the bilayer, which in turn influenced higher order tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a complex systemic disease that has pathological alterations in the upper airways, including the recurrent formation of nasal polyps. Although the fibroblast is the predominant cell type in nasal stroma and nasal polyps, little is known about the electrophysiological properties of nasal fibroblasts. We investigated whether fibroblasts possess a cAMP-regulated chloride conductance which is impaired in patients with CF. Thus far the few studies concerning conductance in fibroblasts have been performed on skin fibroblasts using indirect methods and have yielded conflicting results. Therefore we studied chloride conductance in fused nasal fibroblasts by employing conventional microelectrodes. We have demonstrated that a cAMP-regulated chloride conductance is present in fibroblasts. However, this chloride conductance cannot be activated in fibroblasts from CF-patients. Thus, we present direct evidence that the impairment of the cAMP-regulated chloride conductance in CF is not confined to epithelial cells but also affects the fibroblast. We discuss how this conductance might modulate fibroblast proliferation to produce polyp formation.  相似文献   

Quantitative examination of nasal secretion in patients with cystic fibrosis revealed a significantly greater than normal concentration of calcium, a finding in keeping with the hypothesized importance of this ion in the pathophysiology of the disease.  相似文献   

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