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孢粉学分析是古生态与古气候定量重建的重要指标之一,建立现代表土孢粉与植被之间的定量关系是利用地层孢粉准确解释古生态与古气候变化的前提条件。基于华南亚热带中部山地垂直植被带采集的113个现代表土和苔藓孢粉样品,采用典型对应分析方法(Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA),探讨研究区不同海拔表土孢粉种类散布规律与气候因子之间的关系。主要得出以下结论:1)华南亚热带中部地区现代表土孢粉组合中乔木类以壳斗科栲属、常绿栎属、松属、杉木属和大戟科等种类占绝对优势,草本植物花粉以禾本科、蒿属、菊科和莎草科为主,蕨类孢子以三缝孢子、芒萁属、水龙骨科和单缝孢子为主。2)研究区低海拔至高海拔的孢粉组合呈现以下变化规律:低海拔地区(0~702 m)孢粉组合以栲属、常绿栎属、松属、野桐属、枫香属、茜草科以及禾本科花粉为主;中海拔(703~1 299 m)山坡的优势孢粉为栲属、杉木属、松属和常绿栎属;高海拔地区(1 300~1 600 m)以栲属、常绿栎属、水青冈属、杜鹃花科以及松属花粉最为丰富,表土孢粉组合变化过程与现代植被群落优势种类有较好的一致性。3)CCA分析结果显示,控制研究区域主要表土孢粉分布的气候因子为年均降雨量(MAP)、最热月降水(Mpwa)和最热月温度(Mtwa);松属、杉木属、栲属、常绿栎属、山茶科、水青冈属和落叶栎属等高百分比含量的花粉所对应的气候特征较为明显。4)低海拔地区的优势种属栲属、常绿栎属等以及相对高海拔的松属、杉木属和水青冈属等能较好地反映气候因子对植被空间分布的影响。因此,文章揭示了华南亚热带中部地区表土孢粉在垂直植被带上具有明显差异,孢粉散布规律可能与研究区植被组成、生境、花粉形态与传播媒介等因素有关,能为利用化石孢粉数据进行古生态与古气候定量重建提供参考资料。  相似文献   

选取华南沿海丘陵山地3个南亚热带不同地点及海拔的钻孔岩芯进行了微炭屑统计分析,结合孢粉分析结果,揭示全新世以来的植被变化与火灾历史,并探讨火灾事件与季风变化和人类活动的关系。结果表明:从8 000―3 500 cal. a B.P.,3个钻孔的微炭屑浓度均极低,证明该时段森林火灾频率很低,同时高木本含量的孢粉分析结果反映了亚热带阔叶林的繁盛,并指示全新世大暖期湿润和降雨丰沛的气候特征。加上早中全新世南方人口稀少,无“刀耕火种”等大面积农业活动。从3 500 cal. a B.P.开始,多个钻孔显示出微炭屑含量的迅速增加并持续高值,这与华南地区夏季风减弱导致降雨减少、气候变干,以及华南地区人类历史从新石器晚期进入商周时代的转折期密切相关。同时,孢粉指示的阔叶类木本植物含量显著减少,表明火灾对森林破坏逐渐严重。2 000 cal. a B.P.以后,人口出现第一次增长高峰,考古出土的器物证明牛耕和铁器农具开始广泛使用,农业快速发展。这一时期低海拔的GY1和中海拔的LTY钻孔微碳屑含量维持高值,禾本科以及芒萁属等次生植物孢粉含量快速增加。这反映了秦或南越国以后在华南地区较低海拔山地和平原农业活动得到迅速发展。此外,位于海拔1 600 m以上的钻孔GT-2的微碳屑记录显示:高海拔山区在800 cal. a B.P.以后才开始出现频繁的森林火灾,反映人类农业活动和人口增加扩张到高海拔山区。  相似文献   

Qianyanzhou is located in the heart of Jitai Basin in Guanxi town, the county seat of Taihe county in Jiangxi province. Qianyanzhou has a subtropical humid climate and exemplifies the geographic and geomorphologic characteristics of red soil hilly regions in southern China. In the early 1980s, to control soil and water loss and problems with grain yields, Qianyanzhou’s researchers proposed an innovative, comprehensive stereoscopic agriculture development mode known as the “Qianyanzhou mode”. This mode included a forest-livestock-food ecosystem, a forest-fruit-economy ecosystem, and a land-water compound stereoscopic system, all located within a watershed. In the Qianyanzhou mode, soil and water loss were completely controlled, thereby promoting environmental conservation and economic development. The state and the society as a whole supported this mode thanks to its far-reaching social impact. In the 21st century, given new societal concerns and continuing economic development, Qianyanzhou mode has been restructured as two ecosystems of forest-fowl and planting-raising circular economies at landscape level, based on an increase in vegetation coverage from 4.3% to more than 80%. These improved modes can significantly enhance the ecosystem, reduce poverty, and to promote the construction of local ecological civilization. This study introduces the Qianyanzhou mode and summarizes its characteristics in different phases. We hope that the information in this study supports improvements to and promotion of the Qianyanzhou mode. We believe the Qianyanzhou mode can play an important role in efforts to modify the agriculture industrial structure, alleviate poverty, and construct ecological civilization.  相似文献   

利用西藏高原地区1987-2016年的逐月夏季降水资料和印度洋偶极子指数资料分析了两者的关系,结果表明:高原地区盛夏降水与表征西印度洋异常海温的西极子指数表现出良好的相关关系,在西极子指数正异常年时高原降水偏多10%~30%,其中高原中部偏多最为显著,而在负异常年时与之相反。分析其机理研究发现,在正西极子异常年,南海和西太暖池区域的深对流加强、西太副高偏西偏南和印度热低压的减弱使得来自热带的水汽更容易深入高原腹地,其次,南亚高压东体异常增强,配合低空异常辐合,都使得高原降水偏多。同时,高原上空局地纬圈环流在高原中部(90°E附近)上空(400 hPa以上)有异常辐合上升区,使得高原中部更容易发展暖湿切变线、高原低涡等中尺度涡旋低值系统,造成更多的降水。本研究从高原气候变化响应海洋年际变化的角度分析了区域降水的季节差异,可以为高原气候预测提供新的思路。  相似文献   

刘喜迎 《极地研究》2006,17(1):37-47
Based on the reanalysis dataset ERA40 of European Center of Medium Range Weather Forcast (ECMWF), winter climate change and characteristics of sea ice-atmosphere interaction at high northern latitudes for recent several tens of years are analyzed. Superposed upon the background of global warming, the amplitude of temperature increase in winter at high northern latitudes is bigger and it exhibits different features in different regions. From the end of 1970 s, the Greenland Sea, the Barents Sea and most part of Euro-Asian continent and North American continent are getting warmer, whereas the Labrador Sea, the Greenland and the area around the Bering Strait are getting colder. Meanwhile, the sea level pressure in the central part of the northern polar region and the place where the climatic Icelandic low exist decreases, but in places farther southward it increases. Since the 1970 s, the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux sent to the atmosphere from the Greenland Sea and the Barents Sea has increased, this is mainly due to the reduction of sea ice concentration and the weakening of insulator and shield effect of the solid ice accordingly caused by the increase of air temperature. In sea ice free area of the Norwegian Sea, the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux sent to the atmosphere has reduced due to decrease of temperature and humidity differences between the air and the sea surface caused by increase of air temperature and humidity. In the Labrador Sea, due to decrease of air temperature and humidity and increase of temperature and humidity differences between the air and the sea surface accordingly, the sea gives more sensible heat flux and latent heat flux to the air. This will lead to the growth of sea ice extent there. The features of linear regression of sea level pressure, sea ice concentration and sum of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux toward time series of the leading mode of EOF expansion of surface air temperature are close to those of their own EOF expansion for the leading mode, respectively. This shows that these variables share similar features of variation with time linearly.  相似文献   


It has repeatedly been reported that snow cover is a dominating factor in determining the presence or absence of permafrost in the discontinuous and sporadic permafrost regions. The temperature at the snow-soil interface by the end of winter, known as the bottom temperature of winter snow (BTS) method, has been used to detect the existence of permafrost in European alpine regions when the maximum snow depth is about 1.0 m or greater. A critical snow thickness of about 50 cm or greater can prevent the development of permafrost in eastern Hudson Bay, Canada. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of snow cover on the presence or absence of permafrost in cold regions through numerical simulations. A one-dimensional heat transfer model with phase change and a snow cover regime is used to simulate energy exchange between deep soils and the atmosphere. The model has been validated against the in situ data in the Arctic. The simulation results indicate that both snow depth and the onset date of snow cover establishment are important parameters in relation to the presence or absence of permafrost. Early establishment of snow cover can make permafrost disappear, even with a relatively thin snow cover. Permafrost may survive when snow cover starts after the middle of December even with a snow thickness >1.0 m. This effect of snow cover on the ground thermal regime can be explained with reference to the pattern of seasonal temperature variation. Early establishment of snow cover enhances the insulating impact over the entire cold season, thus warming and eventually thawing the permafrost. The insulating effect is substantially reduced when snow cover starts relatively late and snowmelt in the spring creates a huge heat sink, resulting in a favorable combination for permafrost existence.  相似文献   

Recent improvements in understanding glacial extents and chronologies in the Wasatch and Uinta Mountains and other mountain ranges in the western U.S. call for a more detailed approach to using glacier reconstructions to infer paleoclimates than commonly applied AAR-ELA-ÄT methods. A coupled 2-D mass balance and ice-flow numerical modeling approach developed by [Plummer, M.A., Phillips, F.M., 2003. A 2-D numerical model of snow/ice energy balance and ice flow for paleoclimatic interpretation of glacial geomorphic features. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 1389–1406] allows exploration of the combined effects of temperature, precipitation, shortwave radiation and many secondary parameters on past ice extents in alpine settings. We apply this approach to the Little Cottonwood Canyon in the Wasatch Mountains and the Lake Fork and Yellowstone Canyons in the south-central Uinta Mountains. Results of modeling experiments indicate that the Little Cottonwood glacier required more precipitation during the local Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) than glaciers in the Uinta Mountains, assuming lapse rates were similar to modern. Model results suggest that if temperatures in the Wasatch Mountains and Uinta Mountains were  6 °C to 7 °C colder than modern, corresponding precipitation changes were  3 to 2× modern in Little Cottonwood Canyon and  2 to 1× modern in Lake Fork and Yellowstone Canyons. Greater amounts of precipitation in the Little Cottonwood Canyon likely reflect moisture derived from the surface of Lake Bonneville, and the lake may have also affected the mass balance of glaciers in the Uinta Mountains.  相似文献   

The structure and tectonic evolution of an evaporite basin are investigated in this case study, which combines the interpretation of magnetic data with the more commonly applied seismic reflection and gravity methods. The Maritimes Basin contains up to 18 km of Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks resting on the basement of the Acadian orogeny. Carboniferous rocks are intensely deformed to the southeast of the Magdalen Islands as a result of deformation of evaporites of the Viséan Windsor Group. Short‐wavelength (<5 km) magnetic lineations define NNE‐ and ENE‐trending linear belts, coincident with the mapped pattern of salt structures. Magnetic models show that these lineations can be explained by the infill of subsidence troughs by high‐susceptibility sediment and/or the presence of basaltic rocks, similar to those uplifted and exposed on the Magdalen Islands. Additional shallow, magnetic sources are interpreted to result from alteration mineralization in salt‐impregnated, iron‐rich sedimentary rocks, brecciated during salt mobilization. Magnetic susceptibility measurements of samples from the Pugwash mine confirm the presence of higher susceptibility carnallite‐rich veins within salt units. Salt tectonism and basin development were influenced by the structure of the base group, the deepest regionally continuous seismic reflections (ca. 5–11 km), associated with an unconformity at the base of the Windsor Group, sampled at the Cap Rouge well. Salt structural evolution, formation of the magnetic lineations and geometry of the base group are associated with regional dextral transpression during basin development (late Carboniferous) and/or Alleghanian Orogeny (late Carboniferous to Permian). In this and similar studies, the effective use of magnetics is dependent upon the presence of rocks of high magnetic susceptibility in contrast to the low‐susceptibility salt bodies. In the absence of high‐susceptibility rocks, magnetic lows over the salt structures may be modelled, similar to commonly applied gravity techniques, to derive the internal structure and geometry.  相似文献   

Based on monthly mean, maximum, and minimum air temperature and monthly mean precipitation data from 10 meteorological stations on the southern slope of the Mt. Qomolangma region in Nepal between 1971 and 2009, the spatial and temporal characteristics of climatic change in this region were analyzed using climatic linear trend, Sen's Slope Estimates and Mann-Kendall Test analysis methods. This paper focuses only on the southern slope and attempts to compare the results with those from the northern slope to clarify the characteristics and trends of climatic change in the Mt. Qomolangma region. The results showed that: (1) between 1971 and 2009, the annual mean temperature in the study area was 20.0℃, the rising rate of annual mean temperature was 0.25℃/10a, and the temperature increases were highly influenced by the maximum temperature in this region. On the other hand, the temperature increases on the northern slope of Mt. Qomolangma region were highly influenced by the minimum temperature. In 1974 and 1992, the temperature rose noticeably in February and September in the southern region when the increment passed 0.9℃. (2) Precipitation had an asymmetric distribution; between 1971 and 2009, the annual precipitation was 1729.01 mm. In this region, precipitation showed an increasing trend of 4.27 mm/a, but this was not statistically significant. In addition, the increase in rainfall was mainly concentrated in the period from April to October, including the entire monsoon period (from June to September) when precipitation accounts for about 78.9% of the annual total. (3) The influence of altitude on climate warming was not clear in the southern region, whereas the trend of climate warming was obvious on the northern slope of Mt. Qomolangma. The annual mean precipitation in the southern region was much higher than that of the northern slope of the Mt. Qomolangma region. This shows the barrier effect of the Himalayas as a whole and Mt. Qomolangma in particular.  相似文献   

AsurveyofSO2,NO2andNH3concentrationsinatmosphereathighlatitudesandinArcticChenLetian(陈乐恬)andTongYuqin(佟玉芹)ResearchCenterforEc...  相似文献   

1971-2009 年珠穆朗玛峰地区尼泊尔境内气候变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用珠穆朗玛峰南坡尼泊尔境内(科西河流域) 的10 个气象站1971-2009 年月平均气温、月平均最高、最低气温和逐月降水资料, 采用线性趋势、Sen 斜率估计、Mann-Kendall 等方法分析区域气候变化状况及其时空特征, 并与珠穆朗玛峰北坡地区气候进行比较, 分析了珠穆朗玛峰地区气候变化的特征与趋势。结果表明:(1) 1971-2009 年间, 珠穆朗玛峰南坡年平均气温为20.0℃, 线性升温率为0.25℃/10a, 与北坡主要受年平均最低气温影响相反, 增幅主要受年平均最高气温升高的影响, 并且在1974 年及1992 年间出现两次显著增温, 增温特别明显的月份为2 月和9 月;(2) 该地区降水变化的局地性较强, 近40 年间年平均降水量为1729.01 mm, 年平均降水量以每年约4.27 mm的线性增幅有所增加, 但并不显著, 且降水月变化和季变化特征均不明显;(3) 由于珠穆朗玛峰南坡受到季风带来暖湿气流和喜马拉雅山阻挡的双重影响, 珠峰南坡的年平均降水量远高于北坡;(4) 珠穆朗玛峰南坡气温变暖的海拔依赖性并不明显, 且南坡地区的变暖趋势并没有北坡变暖趋势明显。  相似文献   

Two induction magnetometers have been installed at Zhongshan Station and Davis Station, Antarctica respectively. We adopt with cross-spectral analysis technique to analyze the data of the two induction magnetometers, in June, September,December 1996 and March 1997. to investigate the Pc3 frequency range pulsation occurrence and propagation characteristics in the cusp latitudes. The results are summarized as following:At Zhongshan-Davis Stations, the Pc3 frequency range pulsations occur mainly around the local noon/ local magnetic noon and local magnetic midnight respectively. In daytime, the pulsations have a seasonal variation in amplitude, occurrence and temporal range, all of them are sma1lest in winter. But in nighttime, the pulsations have no such a variation. The pu1sation amplitude in nighttime is much larger than the one in daytime all oveI the year. The pulsation propagating direction is mainly western in daytime and irregularly in nighttime. It can be thought that the different sources of the pulsation and the ionospheric electric conductivity are mainly responsible for these characteristics.  相似文献   

采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,对深圳大鹏半岛亚热带常绿季雨林和亚热带常绿阔叶林的植物群落物种多样性进行研究.结果表明:常绿季雨林和常绿阔叶林共有6个主要群落类型;常绿季雨林群落内各层多样性指数和均匀度指数顺序为灌木层>乔木层>草本层,常绿阔叶林群落内各层多样性指数和均匀度指数顺序为乔木层>灌木层>草本层;常绿季雨林和常绿阔叶林乔、灌层物种多样性比较中,常绿季雨林<常绿阔叶林,草本层比较中,常绿季雨林>常绿阔叶林;常绿季雨林和常绿阔叶林都具有亚热带向热带过渡的明显特征.过度的人类干扰将导致植物物种多样性降低.  相似文献   

Summary. Two localized regions of velocity heterogeneity in the lower mantle with scale lengths of 1000–2000 km and 2 per cent velocity contrasts are detected and isolated through comparison of S, ScS, P and PcP travel times and amplitudes from deep earthquakes in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and the Sea of Okhotsk. Comparison of the relative patterns of ScS-S differential travel times and S travel-time residuals across North American WWSSN and CSN stations for the different source regions provides baselines for interpreting which phases have anomalous times. A region of low S and P velocities is located beneath Northern Brazil and Venezuela at depths of 1700–2700 km. This region produces S -wave delays of up to 4 s for signals from deep Argentine events recorded at eastern North American stations. The localized nature of the anomaly is indicated by the narrow bounds in azimuth (15°) and take-off angle (13°) of the arrivals affected by it. The long period S -waves encountering this anomaly generally show 30–100 per cent amplitude enhancement, while the short-period amplitudes show no obvious effect. The second anomaly is a high-velocity region beneath the Caribbean originally detected by Jordan and Lynn, who used travel times from deep Peruvian events. The data from Argentine and Bolivian events presented here constrain the location of the anomaly quite well, and indicate a possible short- and long-period S -wave amplitude diminution associated with it. When the travel-time data are corrected for the estimated effects of these two anomalies, a systematic regional variation in ScS-S station residuals is apparent between stations east of and west of the Rocky Mountains. One possible explanation of this is a long wavelength lateral variation in the shear velocity structure of the lower mantle at depths greater than 2000 km beneath North America.  相似文献   

Conductivity anomalies in the Baltic Shield in Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1981–84 six arrays of 30 or 31 magnetometers were operated on the Baitic Shield in central and southern Finland to deduce information about the electrical conductivity within the Earth's crust. The magnetometer sites cover the area with 20–60 km spacing allowing the identification of large-scale electrical structures within the crust. Each array recorded the three orthogonal magnetic field components on analogue film for about two months simultaneously at all the stations. Altogether 17 magnetic variation events of 2–6hr length have been digitized and analysed.
This paper includes results of the last array in south-western Finland, a comparison of two methods of induction vector estimation and combination of results from all the arrays. Four zones of anomalously high electrical conductivity have been observed. They are all interpreted as lying at depths greater than 5 km. The 'Oulu Anomaly' is wider than the others and rather short, about 100 km. The 'Southern Finland Anomaly' is probably a 500 km-long narrow zone. This and the 'Ostrobothnian Anomaly' surround three sides of the large Central Finland Granite area. The 'Outokumpu Anomaly' is probably deeper lying than the others. Blocks separated by these anomalies are presented. The blocks have different average resistivities.  相似文献   

The southeastern United States is routinely hit by tropical cyclones (TC). As TC track inland and dissipate their inland impacts can be substantial. This study examined the spatial patterns of societal impacts associated with tornadoes and high winds with 31 inland-moving TC that made landfall from 1985 to 2008. Hourly weather information was collected from all available first-order weather stations affected by each storm, as well as tropical cyclone preliminary reports issued from the National Hurricane Center. Societal impacts were identified through selected newspapers across the region and the National Climatic Data Center’s Storm Data. Geographic Information System (GIS) software was employed to make geometric measurements of the distance and direction of the impacts relative to storm center. From these measurements, the spatial distribution of the societal and meteorological impacts was plotted relative to the track (e.g., left vs. right) and location (forward vs. rear sector) of the cyclone center. Various tropical cyclone attributes, including size, strength, and forward speed of movement were then related to the occurrence of different impacts and their location relative to the cyclone track. The majority of tropical cyclone tornado and high wind impacts occur in the right-forward sector of the tropical cyclone. However, many TC produce impacts that occur in other sectors far from the center of circulation. These abnormalities are associated in many cases with interactions between the tropical cyclone circulation, topography, peripheral dry air, and extratropical synoptic weather features.  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠南缘地处中国西北沙漠与黄土交错带,也是东亚冬季风与夏季风交替控制的过渡地带,其对全球气候变化十分敏感,是研究古气候与古生态的理想地点。选择该区域一典型剖面即"土门剖面"(TMS)为代表,通过野外考察、采样和室内采用X-射线荧光光谱仪进行主量元素测试,探讨了以该剖面主元素氧化物为气候代用指标指示的腾格里沙漠沙漠南缘末次间冰期5e(MIS5e)的古气候变化。年代相当于MIS5e的土门剖面末次间冰期5e层段(TMS5e)由16层风成砂、11层湖积黄土和5层湖相构成,记录了14.5个风成砂与湖相或和湖积黄土构成的沉积旋回与元素旋回。分析结果显示,该层段8种主量元素的含量高低依次为:SiO2 >Al2O3 >CaO >TOFE(FeO+Fe2O3) >K2O >MgO >Na2O >TiO2,平均值依次为64.11%、11.31%、5.15%、4.08%、2.37%、2.26%、2.01%、0.41%。这些主量元素在TMS5e层段的垂直方向上呈两组镜像对称变化:一组为SiO2,其含量在风成砂层位显峰态,而在湖相和湖积黄土层位显谷态;另一组为Al2O3、TOFE、CaO、MgO、Na2O、K2O、TiO2,它们在风成砂层位呈谷态,在湖相和湖积黄土层位显谷态。土门剖面TMS5e层段的主元素氧化物指示的MIS5e腾格里沙漠南缘的气候是不稳定的,经历了14.5次暖湿与冷干交替的气候波动,且可划分为TMS5e5(139~129.30 ka BP)、TMS5e4(129.30~124 ka BP)、TMS5e3(124~119.50 ka BP)、TMS5e2(119.5~116.5 ka BP)和TMS5e1(116.5~113.70 ka BP)等5个亚段,其在时代上与末次间冰期5eGRIP冰芯δ18O记录的5个阶段具有遥相关关系。该研究深化了对我国西北季风边缘区MIS5e古气候状况的了解,也为国际上仍有争议的"MIS5e气候是不稳定"的理论观点提供了有力的地质证据。  相似文献   

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