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ABSTRACT The high-grade rocks (metapelite, quartzite, metagabbro) of the Hisøy-Torungen area represent the south-westernmost exposures of granulites in the Proterozoic Bamble sector, south Norway. The area is isoclinally folded and a metamorphic P–T–t path through four successive stages (M1-M4) is recognized. Petrological evidence for a prograde metamorphic event (M1) is obtained from relict staurolite + chlorite + albite, staurolite + hercynite + ilmenite, cordierite + sillimanite, fine-grained felsic material + quartz and hercynite + biotite ± sillimanite within metapelitic garnet. The phase relations are consistent with a pressure of 3.6 ± 0.5 kbar and temperatures up to 750–850°C. M1 is connected to the thermal effect of the gabbroic intrusions prior to the main (M2) Sveconorwegian granulite facies metamorphism. The main M2 granulite facies mineral assemblages (quartz+ plagioclase + K-feldspar + garnet + biotite ± sillimanite) are best preserved in the several-metre-wide Al-rich metapelites, which represent conditions of 5.9–9.1 kbar and 790–884°C. These P–T conditions are consistent with a temperature increase of 80–100°C relative to the adjacent amphibolite facies terranes. No accompanying pressure variations are recorded. Up to 1-mm-wide fine-grained felsic veinlets appear in several units and represent remnants of a former melt formed by the reaction: Bt + Sil + Qtz→Grt + lq. This dehydration reaction, together with the absence of large-scale migmatites in the area, suggests a very reduced water activity in the rocks and XH2O = 0.25 in the C–O–H fluid system was calculated for a metapelitic unit. A low but variable water activity can best explain the presence or absence of fine-grained felsic material representing a former melt in the different granulitic metapelites. The strongly peraluminous composition of the felsic veinlets is due to the reaction: Grt +former melt ± Sil→Crd + Bt ± Qtz + H2O, which has given poorly crystalline cordierite aggregates intergrown with well-crystalline biotite. The cordierite- and biotite-producing reaction constrains a steep first-stage retrograde (relative to M2) uplift path. Decimetre- to metre-wide, strongly banded metapelites (quartz + plagioclase + biotite + garnet ± sillimanite) inter-layered with quartzites are retrograded to (M3) amphibolite facies assemblages. A P–T estimate of 1.7–5.6 kbar, 516–581°C is obtained from geothermobarometry based on rim-rim analyses of garnet–biotite–plagioclase–sillimanite–quartz assemblages, and can be related to the isoclinal folding of the rocks. M4 greenschist facies conditions are most extensively developed in millimetre-wide chlorite-rich, calcite-bearing veins cutting the foliation.  相似文献   

Small pods of silica-undersaturated Al-rich and Mg-rich granulite facies rocks containing sapphirine, pleonastic spinel, kornerupine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, corundum, sillimanite and gedrite are scattered throughout the NE Strangways Range, Central Australia. These are divided into four distinct rock types, namely orthopyroxene-rich aluminous granofels and metapelitic gneisses containing sapphirine, spinel or kornerupine. Two granulite facies metamorphic events are recognized, of which only the first (M1) is considered in this paper. Peak metamorphic mineral parageneses indicate that the M1 thermal maximum occurred at approximately 900–950 °C and 8–9 kbar. All samples are characterized by profuse and diverse coronitic and symplectic reaction textures. These are interpreted as evidence for the sequential crossing of the following reactions in the system FMAS: cordierite + spinel + corundum = sapphirine + sillimanite, cordierite + spinel = orthopyroxene + sapphirine + sillimanite, sapphirine + spinel + sillimanite = orthopyroxene + corundum, sapphirine + sillimanite = cordierite + orthopyroxene + corundum. Phase stability relationships in FMAS and MASH indicate an anticlockwise P–T path terminated by isobaric cooling. Such a path is exemplified by early low-P mineral parageneses containing spinel, corundum and gedrite and the occurrence of both prograde and retrograde corundum. Reaction textures preserve evidence for an increase in aH2O and aB2O3 with progressive isobaric cooling. This hydrous retrogression resulted from crystallization of intimately associated M1 partial melt segregations. There is no evidence for voluminous magmatic accretion giving rise to the high M1 thermal gradient. The M1 P–T path may be the result of either lithospheric thinning after both crustal thickening and burial of the supracrustal terrane, or concomitant crustal thickening and mantle lithosphere thinning.  相似文献   

An Al‐rich, SiO2‐deficient sapphirine–garnet‐bearing rock occurs as a metapelitic boudin within granulite facies Proterozoic charnockitic gneisses and migmatites on the island of Hisøy, Bamble Sector, SE Norway. The boudin is made up of peraluminous sapphirine, garnet, corundum, spinel, orthopyroxene, sillimanite, cordierite, staurolite and biotite in a variety of assemblages. Thermobarometric calculations based on coexisting sapphirine–spinel, garnet–corundum–spinel–sillimanite, sapphirine–orthopyroxene, and garnet–orthopyroxene indicate peak‐metamorphic conditions near to 930 °C at 10 kbar. Corundum occurs as single 200 to 3000 micron sized skeletal crystal intergrowths in cores of optically continuous pristine garnet porphyroblasts. Quartz occurs as 5–60 micron‐sized euhedral to lobate inclusions in the corundum where it is in direct contact with the corundum with no evidence of a reaction texture. Some crystal inclusions exhibit growth zoning, which indicates that textural equilibrium was achieved. Electron Back‐Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) studies reveal that the quartz inclusions share a common c‐axis with the host corundum crystal. The origin of the quartz inclusions in corundum is enigmatic as recent experimental studies have confirmed the instability of quartz–corundum over geologically realistic P–T ranges. The combined EBSD and textural observations suggest the presence of a former silica‐bearing proto‐corundum, which underwent exsolution during post‐peak‐metamorphic uplift and cooling. Exsolution of quartz in corundum is probably confined to fluid‐absent conditions where phase transitions by coupled dissolution–precipitation mechanisms are prevented.  相似文献   

南天山榆树沟高压麻粒岩地体多期变质定年研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
通过详细的矿物学及岩石学研究,特别是对角闪石的系统研究,确定榆树沟麻粒岩地体至少经历过高压麻粒岩相、中压麻粒岩相、角闪岩相和绿片岩相四期变质作用的改造。总结了各期变质作用的期次和特点。在此基础上,采用~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar同位素定年获得368.2±4.8Ma坪年龄和360±10Ma等时线年龄。采用Sm-Nd同位素矿物等时线定年获得Gra+Pl+Ⅰlm+全岩的等时线年龄为310±5Ma。结合已发表的定年结果综合分析认为,前者可代表榆树沟地体峰期变质-高压麻粒岩相变质作用年龄;后者为峰期后经受中压麻粒岩相变质变形的叠加改造年龄。讨论了多期变质作用中同位素的均一化和封闭温度问题。  相似文献   

Abstract Sapphirine-bearing rocks occur in three conformable, metre-size lenses in intrusive quartzo-feldspathic orthogneisses in the Curaçà valley of the Archaean Caraiba complex of Brazil. In the lenses there are six different sapphirine-bearing rock types, which have the following phases (each containing phlogopite in addition): A: Sapphirine, orthopyroxene; B: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, spinel; C: Sapphirine, cordierite; D: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, quartz; E: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, sillimanite, quartz; F: Sapphirine, cordierite, K-feldspar, quartz. Neither sapphirine and quartz nor orthopyroxene and sillimanite have been found in contact, however. During mylonitization, introduction of silica into the three quartz-free rocks (which represent relict protolith material) gave rise to the three cordierite and quartz-bearing rocks. Stable parageneses in the more magnesian rocks were sapphirine–orthopyroxene and sapphirine–cordierite. In more iron-rich rocks, sapphirine–cordierite, sapphirine-cordierite–sillimanite, cordierite–sillimanite, sapphirine–cordierite–spinel–magnetite and quartz–cordierite–orthopyroxene were stable. The iron oxide content in sapphirine of the six rocks increases from an average of 2.0 to 10.5 wt % (total Fe as FeO) in the order: C,F–A,D–B,E. With increase in Fe there is an increase in recalculated Fe2O3 in sapphirine. The four rock types associated with the sapphirine-bearing lenses are: I: Orthopyroxene, cordierite, biotite, quartz, feldspar tonalitic to grandioritic gneiss; II: Biotite, quartz, feldspar gneiss; III: Orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, plagioclase meta-norite; IV: Biotite, orthopyroxene, quartz, feldspar, garnet, cordierite, sillimanite granulite gneiss. The stable parageneses in type IV are orthopyroxene–cordierite–quartz, garnet–sillimanite–quartz and garnet–cordierite–sillimanite. Geothermobarometry suggests that the associated host rocks equilibrated at 720–750°C and 5.5–6.5 kbar. Petrogenetic grids for the FMASH and FMAFSH (FeO–MgO–Al2O3–Fe2O3–SiO2–H2O) model systems indicate that sapphirine-bearing assemblages without garnet were stabilized by a high Fe3+ content and a high XMg= (Mg/ (Mg+Fe2+)) under these P–T conditions.  相似文献   

The enderbites from Tromøy in the central, granulite facies part of the Proterozoic Bamble sector of southern Norway contain dominantly CO2 and N2 fluid inclusions. CO2 from fluid inclusions in quartz segregations in enderbites was extracted by mechanical (crushing) and thermal decrepitation and the δ13C measured. Measurement was also made on samples washed in 10% HCl, oxidized with CuO at high temperatures, and step-wise extracted with progressive heating. Results between the different techniques are systematic. The main results show δ13C of -4.5±1.5% for crushing and -7±2% for thermal decrepitation. δ13C is about constant for CO2 extracted at different temperatures and points to a homogeneous isotopic composition. Due to the presence of carbonate particles and/or induced contaminations for the extraction by thermal decrepitation, the results for the crushing experiments are assumed the most reliable for fluid-inclusion CO2. Very low values of δ13C have not been found in enderbite samples and δ13C combined with δ18O of the host quartzes (8-11%) indicates juvenile values. In addition, the fluid inclusions were examined by microthermometry and Raman analysis and host quartz by acoustic emission and cathodoluminescence. CO2 fluid inclusions have varying densities with a frequency maximum of 0.92 g cm-3 and generally do not concur with trapping densities at granulite conditions. Textures show that CO2 must have been trapped in fluid inclusions in one early event, but transformed to different extents during late isothermal uplift without important fractionation of isotope compositions. The present data support a model of intrusion and crystallization of a CO2-rich enderbitic magma at granuiite conditions.  相似文献   

An assemblage consisting of corundum, sapphirine, spinel, cordierite, garnet, biotite and bronzite is described from the Messina area of the Limpopo Mobile Belt, and consideration given to its petrogenesis. Various geothermometers and geobarometers have been applied in an attempt to determine the temperatures and pressures of metamorphism.
A former coexistence of garnet and corundum is suggested to have developed during the earliest high pressure phase of the metamorphism, where temperatures exceeded 800°C and pressures as high as 10kbar may have been experienced. Subsequently, continuous retrograding reactions from medium pressure granulite facies at about 800°C and 8kbar towards amphibolite facies generated spinel, cordierite, sapphirine and possibly also bronzite. The most notable reaction was probably of the form: garnet + corundum = cordierite + sapphirine + spinel.  相似文献   

Aluminous reaction textures in orthoamphibole-bearing rocks from the Froland area, Bamble, south Norway, record the prograde pressure–temperature path of the high-grade Kongsbergian Orogeny (c. 1600–1500 Ma) and the low–mid amphibolite facies overprint during the Sveconorwegian Orogeny (c. 1100–1000 Ma). The rocks contain anthophyllite/gedrite, garnet, cordierite, biotite, quartz, andalusite, kyanite, Cr-rich staurolite, tourmaline, ilmenite, rutile and corundum in a variety of parageneses. The P–T path is deduced from petrographic observations, mineral chemistry and zoning, geothermometry and (N)FMASH equilibria. The results indicate the sequence of metamorphic stages outlined below. (a) An M1 phase characterized by the presence of strongly deformed andalusite, gedrite and tourmaline. (b) An M2 phase with the development of kyanite after andalusite and the growth of staurolite associated with strong Na–Al–Mg zoning in orthoamphibole, indicating an increase in pressure (4 8 kbar) and temperature (500° 650°C). (c) Pressure decrease at high P (6–7 kbar) and high T (600–700 °C) during M3a with the production of cordierite ° Corundum between kyanite, staurolite and orthoamphibole and cordierite growth between corundum and orthoamphibole. (d) Temperature increase to 740 ± 60 °C and 7 kbar; static growth of garnet (M3b) at the metamorphic climax (peak T). The heat supply necessary to explain the temperature increase between the M3a and M3b phases is correlated with synkinematic enderbitic–charnockitic and basic intrusions in the Arendal granulite facies terrain. (e) M3b metamorphic conditions were followed by an initial isobaric cooling path (early M4) and late-stage pressure decrease (late M4). Early M4 conditions of 6–7 kbar and 550–600 °C, assuming PH2O < Ptotal are indicated by a retrograde talc–kyanite–quartz assemblage in late quartz–cordierite veins. Late M4 conditions of 3–4 kbar and 420–530 °C are inferred from a kyanite–andalusite–chlorite–quartz assemblage in vein-cordierite. The M1–M3 stages are interpreted as being the result of the same metamorphic P–T path, which was caused by both tectonic and magmatic thickening. A prolonged crustal residence time is proposed for the Bamble sector before uplift during the later stages of M4 occurred.  相似文献   

Ultrahigh-temperature quartz-sapphirine granulite xenoliths in the post-Karoo Lace kimberlite, South Africa, comprise mainly quartz, sapphirine, garnet and sillimanite, with rarer orthopyroxene, antiperthite, corundum and zinc-bearing spinel; constant accessories are rutile, graphite and sulphides. Comparison with assemblages in the experimentally determined FMAS and KFMASH grids indicates initial equilibration at >1040 °C and 9–11  kbar. Corona assemblages involving garnet, sillimanite and minor cordierite developed on a near-isobaric cooling P–T  path as both temperature and, to a lesser extent, pressures decreased. Garnet-orthopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange thermometers record temperatures of only 830–916 °C. These estimates do not indicate the peak metamorphic conditions but instead reflect the importance of post-peak Fe-Mg exchange during cooling. Correction of mineral Fe-Mg compositions for this exhange using a convergence approach of Fitzsimons & Harley (1994 ) leads to retrieved P–T  estimates from garnet-orthopyroxene thermobarometry ( c . 1000 °C and 10.5±0.7  kbar) that are consistent with the petrogenetic grid constraints. U-Pb dating of a single zircon grain gives an age of 2590±83  Ma, interpreted as the age of the metamorphic event. Protolith major and trace element chemistries of the xenoliths differ from sapphirine-quartzites typical of the Napier Complex (Antarctica) but are comparable to less siliceous, high Cr and Ni, sapphirine granulites reported from several ultrahigh temperature granulite terranes.  相似文献   

A suite of spinel–cordierite granulites from Viziangram, Eastern Ghats Belt, India preserve mineral assemblages and reaction textures indicative of peak metamorphic conditions of >1000 °C, >8<10 kbar, followed successively by near isobaric cooling (down to 750–800 °C), near isothermal decompression (to 4–5 kbar), and late hydration. P–T conditions of each stage are evaluated through a combination of petrogenetic grid approach and thermobarometry. Sapphirine is developed in sillimanite‐bearing acid pegmatite veins that intruded the spinel–cordierite granulite close to peak metamorphic conditions, and also in the host rock in immediate contact with the pegmatite. Both sillimanite and sapphirine in the pegmatite are considered to be magmatic phases. Field observations and textural characteristics suggest that Al‐metasomatism of the spinel–cordierite granulite due to the intrusion of pegmatite was responsible for sapphirine formation in the spinel granulite.  相似文献   

The Nordlandet peninsula (Akia terrane) and the Tasiusarsuaq terrane in southern West Greenland were metamorphosed to granulite facies at 3.0 and 2.8 Ga respectively. Temperatures of metamorphism are estimated using magnetite + ilmenite, garnet + orthopyroxene, garnet + clinopyroxene and garnet + biotite thermometers. Barometry has been carried out in the two terranes using eight different garnet barometers. A uniform set of activity models for all minerals, including the garnet activity model of Newton et al. (1986), is applied to each barometer in order to permit comparison. Pressure estimates using the different barometers are generally quite consistent (±1.5 kbar). Use of the Newton et al. (1986) garnet activity data results in pressures similar to those obtained using other garnet activity models.
Peak metamorphic conditions on the Nordlandet peninsula are estimated to have been 800 ± 50°C, 7.9 ± 1.0 kbar. Values of log f O2 are estimated to have been 1.1 to 2.0 above the quartz + magnetite + fayalite buffer from assemblages of magnetite + ilmenite and quartz + magnetite + ferrosilite. Peak metamorphic conditions in the Tasiusarsuaq terrane are estimated to have been 780 ± 50°C, 8.9 ± 1.0 kbar. Estimates of f H2O and f CO2 using biotite, amphibile, grossular + anorthite and grossular + scapolite equilibria are low in both terranes. These results suggest that granulite metamorphism was fluid absent in both terranes, and that the metamorphism in the Akia terrane and possibly also in the Tasiusarsuaq terrane was initiated by the injection of large volumes of magma into the lower crust.  相似文献   

Quartz Al–Mg granulites exposed at In Hihaou, In Ouzzal (NW Hoggar), preserve an unusual high-grade mineral association stable at temperatures up to 1050°C, involving the parageneses orthopyroxene–sillimanite–garnet–quartz, sapphirine–quartz and spinel–quartz. The phase relationships within the FMAS system show that a continuum exists between the earlier prograde reaction textures and those of the later decompressive event. The following mineral reactions involving sillimanite are deduced: (1) Grt+Qtz→Opx+Sil, (2) Opx+Sil→Grt+Spr+Qtz, (3) Grt+Sil+Qtz→Crd, (4) Grt+Sil→Crd+Spr, (5) Grt+Sil+Spr→Crd+Spl, (6) Grt+Sil→Crd+Spl, (7) Grt+Crd+Sil→Spl+Qtz and (8) Grt+Sil→Spl+Qtz. Minerals in quartz Al–Mg granulites display compositional variations consistent with the observed reactions. The Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) range of the main minerals is as follows: cordierite (0.81–0.97), sapphirine (0.77–0.88), orthopyroxene (0.65–0.81), garnet (0.33–0.64) and spinel (0.23–0.56). The reaction textures and the evolution of the mineral assemblages in the quartz Al–Mg granulites indicate a clockwise P–T trajectory characterized by peak conditions of at least 10 kbar and 1050°C, followed by decompression from 10 to 6 kbar at a temperature of at least 900°C.  相似文献   

Sapphirine granulites from a new locality in the Palni Hill Ranges, southern India, occur in a small enclave of migmatitic, highly magnesian metapelites (mg=85–72) within massive enderbitic orthogneiss. They show a variety of multiphase reaction textures that partially overprint a coarse-grained high-pressure assemblage of Bt+Opx+Ky+Grt+Pl+Qtz. The sequence of reactions as deduced from the corona and symplectite assemblages, together with petrogenetic grid considerations, records a clockwise P–T evolution with four distinct stages. (1) Equilibration of the initial high-P assemblage in deep overthickened crust (12 kbar/800–900 °C) was followed by a stage of near-isobaric heating, presumably as a consequence of input of extra heat provided by the voluminous enderbitic intrusives. During heating, kyanite was converted to sillimanite, and biotite was involved in a series of vapour-phase-absent melting reactions, which resulted in the ultra-high-temperature assemblage Opx+Crd+Kfs+Spr±Sil, Grt, Qtz, Bt, coexisting with melt (equilibration at c. 950–1000° C/11–10 kbar). (2) Subsequently, as a result of decompression of the order of 4 kbar at ultra-high temperature, a sequence of symplectite assemblages (Opx+Sil+Spr/Spr+Crd→Opx+Spr+Crd→Opx+Crd→Opx+Crd+Spl/Crd+Spl) developed at the expense of garnet, orthopyroxene and sillimanite. This stage of near-isothermal decompression implies rapid ascent of the granulites into mid-crustal levels, possibly due to extensional collapse and erosion of the overthickened crust. (3) Development of late biotite through back-reaction of melt with residual garnet indicates a stage of near-isobaric cooling to c. 875 °C at 7–8 kbar, i.e. relaxation of the rapidly ascended crust to the stable geotherm. (4) A second period of near-isothermal exhumation up to c. 6–5 kbar/850 °C is indicated by the partial breakdown of late biotite through volatile phase-absent melting reactions. Available isotope data suggest that the early part of the evolutionary history (stages 1–3) is presumably coeval with the early Proterozoic metamorphism in the extended granulite terrane of the Nilgiri, Biligirirangan and Shevaroy Hills to the north, while the exhumation of the granulites from mid-crustal levels (stage 4) occurred only during the Pan-African thermotectonic event, which led to the accretion of the Kerala Khondalite Belt to the south.  相似文献   

Abstract The orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene, garnet-orthopyroxene and garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometers, and the garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase, garnet-clinopyroxene-plagioclase and anorthite-ferrosilite-grossular-almandine-quartz geobarometers are applied to metabasites and the garnetplagioclase-sillimanite-quartz geobarometer is applied to a metapelite from the Proterozoic Arendal granulite terrain, Bamble sector, Norway. P–T conditions of metamorphism were 7.3 ± 0.5 kbar and 800 ± 60°C.
This terrain shows a regional gradation from the amphibolite facies, into normal LILE content granulite facies rocks and finally strongly LILE deficient granulite facies gneisses. Neither P nor T vary significantly across the entire transition zone. The change in 'grade'parallels the increasing dominance of CO2 over H2O in the fluid phase.
LILE-depletion is not a pre-condition of granulite facies metamorphism: granulites may have either 'depleted'or 'normal'chemistries. The results presented herein show that LILE-deficiency in granulite facies orthogneisses is not necessarily related to variations in either P or T . The important mechanisms in the Arendal terrain were (a) direct synmetamorphic crystallization from magma, with primary LILE-poor mineralogies imposed by the prevailing fluid regime, and (b) metamorphic depletion, involving scavenging of LILEs during flushing by mantle-derived CO2-rich fluids. The latter process is constrained by U–Pb and Rb–Sr isotopic work to have occurred no later than 50 Ma after intrusion of the acid-intermediate gneisses, and was probably associated with contemporary basic magmatism in a tectonic environment similar to a present day cordilleran continental margin.  相似文献   

Granulite facies magnesian metapelites commonly preserve a wide array of mineral assemblages and reaction textures that are useful for deciphering the metamorphic evolution of a terrane. Quantitative pressure, temperature and bulk composition constraints on the development and preservation of characteristic peak granulite facies mineral assemblages such as orthopyroxene + sillimanite + quartz are assessed with reference to calculated phase diagrams. In NCKFMASH and its chemical subsystems, peak assemblages form mainly in high‐variance fields, and most mineral assemblage changes reflect multivariant equilibria. The rarity of orthopyroxene–sillimanite–quartz‐bearing assemblages in granulite facies rocks reflects the need for bulk rock XMg of greater than approximately 0.60–0.65, with pressures and temperatures exceeding c. 8 kbar and 850 °C, respectively. Cordierite coronas mantling peak minerals such as orthopyroxene, sillimanite and quartz have historically been used to infer isothermal decompression P–T paths in ultrahigh‐temperature granulite facies terranes. However, a potentially wide range of P–T paths from a given peak metamorphic condition facilitate retrograde cordierite growth after orthopyroxene + sillimanite + quartz, indicating that an individual mineral reaction texture is unable to uniquely define a P–T vector. Therefore, the interpretation of P–T paths in high‐grade rocks as isothermal decompression or isobaric cooling may be overly simplistic. Integration of quantitative data from different mineral reaction textures in rocks with varying bulk composition will provide the strongest constraints on a P–T path, and in turn on tectonic models derived from these paths.  相似文献   

Migmatites comprise a minor volume of the high‐grade part of the Damara orogen of Namibia that is dominated by granite complexes and intercalated metasedimentary units. Migmatites of the Southern Central Zone of the Damara orogen consist of melanosomes with garnet+cordierite+biotite+K‐feldspar, and leucosomes, which are sometimes garnet‐ and cordierite‐bearing. Field evidence, petrographic observations, and pseudosection modelling suggest that, in contrast to other areas where intrusion of granitic magmas is more important, in situ partial melting of metasedimentary units was the main migmatite generation processes. Pseudosection modelling and thermobarometric calculations consistently indicate that the peak‐metamorphic grade throughout the area is in the granulite facies (~5 kbar at ~800°C). Cordierite coronas around garnet suggest some decompression from peak‐metamorphic conditions and rare andalusite records late, near‐isobaric cooling to <650°C at low pressures of ~3 kbar. The inferred clockwise P–T path is consistent with minor crustal thickening through continent–continent collision followed by limited post‐collisional exhumation and suggests that the granulite facies terrane of the Southern Central Zone of the Damara orogen formed initially in a metamorphic field gradient of ~35–40°C/km at medium pressures. New high‐precision Lu–Hf garnet‐whole rock dates are 530 ± 13 Ma, 522.0 ± 0.8 Ma, 520.8 ± 3.6 Ma, and 500.3 ± 4.3 Ma for the migmatites that record temperatures of ~800°C. This indicates that high‐grade metamorphism lasted for c. 20–30 Ma, which is compatible with previous estimates using Sm–Nd garnet‐whole rock systematics. In previous studies on Damara orogen migmatites where both Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf chronometers have been applied, the dates (c. 520–510 Ma) agree within their small uncertainties (0.6–0.8% for Sm–Nd and 0.1–0.2% for Lu–Hf). This implies rapid cooling after high‐grade conditions and, by implication, rapid exhumation at that time. The cause of the high geothermal gradient inferred from the metamorphic conditions is unknown but likely requires some extra heat that was probably added by intrusion of magmas from the lithospheric mantle, i.e., syenites that have been recently re‐dated at c. 545 Ma. Some granites derived from the lower crust at c. 545 Ma are the outcome rather than the cause of high‐T metamorphism. In addition, high contents of heat‐producing elements K, Th, and U may have raised peak temperatures by 150–200°C at the base of the crust, resulting in the widespread melting of fertile crustal rocks. The continuous gradation from centimetre‐scale leucosomes to decametre‐scale leucogranite sheets within the high‐grade metamorphic zone suggests that leucosome lenses coalesced to form larger bodies of anatectic leucogranites, thereby documenting a link between high‐grade regional metamorphism and Pan‐African magmatism. In view of the close association of the studied high‐T migmatites with hundreds of synmetamorphic high‐T granites that invaded the terrane as metre‐ to decametre‐wide sills and dykes, we postulate that crystallization of felsic lower crustal magma is, at least partly, responsible for heat supply. Late‐stage isobaric cooling of these granites may explain the occurrence of andalusite in some samples.  相似文献   

Corona and inclusion textures of a metatroctolite at the contact between felsic granulite and migmatites of the Gföhl Unit from the Moldanubian Zone provide evidence of the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the rocks. Numerous diopside inclusions (1–10 μm, maximum 20 μm in size) in plagioclase of anorthite composition represent primary magmatic textures. Triple junctions between the plagioclase grains in the matrix are occupied by amphibole, probably pseudomorphs after clinopyroxene. The coronae consist of a core of orthopyroxene, with two or three zones (layers); the innermost is characterized by calcic amphibole with minor spinel and relicts of clinopyroxene, the next zone consists of symplectite of amphibole with spinel, sapphirine and accessory corundum, and the outermost is formed by garnet and amphibole with relicts of spinel. The orthopyroxene forms a monomineralic aggregate that may contain a cluster of serpentine in the core, suggesting its formation after olivine. Based on mineral textures and thermobarometric calculations, the troctolite crystallized in the middle to lower crust and the coronae were formed during three different metamorphic stages. The first stage relates to a subsolidus reaction between olivine and anorthite to form orthopyroxene. The second stage involving amphibole formation suggests the presence of a fluid that resulted in the replacement of igneous orthopyroxene and governed the reaction orthopyroxene + anorthite = amphibole + spinel. The last stage of corona formation with amphibole + spinel + sapphirine indicates granulite facies conditions. Garnet enclosing spinel, and its occurrence along the rim of the coronae in contact with anorthite, suggests that its formation occurred either during cooling or both cooling and compression but still at granulite facies conditions. The zircon U–Pb data indicate Variscan ages for both the troctolite crystallization (c. 360 Ma) and corona formation during granulite facies metamorphism (c. 340 Ma) in the Gföhl Unit. The intrusion of troctolite and other Variscan mafic and ultramafic rocks is interpreted as a potential heat source for amphibolite–granulite facies metamorphism that led to partial re‐equilibration of earlier high‐ to ultrahigh‐P metamorphic rocks in the Moldanubian Zone. These petrological and geochronological data constrain the formation of HP–UHP rocks and arc‐related plutonic complex to westward subduction of the Moldanubian plate during the Variscan orogeny. After exhumation to lower and/or middle crust, the HP–UHP rocks underwent heating due to intrusion of mafic and ultramafic magma that was generated by slab breakoff and mantle upwelling.  相似文献   

Migmatitic granulites from the Indian Head Range (IHR) are dominated by granoblastic, Opx-bearing (quartz) dioritic gneiss with subordinate garnet+orthopyroxene+biotite+albite (±quartz±microcline±cordierite±sillimanite) gneiss and comparatively biotite-rich, sapphirine+cordierite+orthopyroxene+albite (±microcline±sillimanite±corundum) gneiss. The latter contains at least two generations of sapphirine and cordierite, one apparently predating migmatization, the other associated with or following this event. Mineral thermobarometers yield temperatures up to 800 °C at 8 kbar. The IHR granulites have very high δ18O values (+10.8 to +14.5) which most likely indicate a sedimentary precursor. Their REE and HFSE contents resemble the trace element signature of post-Archean Australian shale (PAAS). Lithological analogues from other Grenvillian inliers in western Newfoundland have similar oxygen isotopic and immobile-element signatures. They too are interpreted as metasedimentary rocks. The IHR rocks, however, have unusually sodic compositions (e.g., Na2O/CaO and Na2O/K2O=2.1–22.5 and 0.93–13.8, respectively) and contain albite or sodic oligoclase despite their high metamorphic grade. The geochemical data indicate that these rocks were albitized prior to high-grade metamorphism. No counterpart of this event is recorded in granulites from the other inliers, indicating that the IHR may be highly allochthonous with respect to these other Grenvillian terranes.  相似文献   

Abstract Granulites at Fyfe Hills in Enderby Land, Antarctica, crystallized at temperatures in excess of 850°C, and possibly as high as 1000°C, and at pressures of 8-10kbar during the mid to late Archaean. A number of features, including repeated retrograde metamorphism at 5.5-8kbar, retrograde reaction textures, and rimward zoning in pressure sensitive systems, suggest that following peak metamorphism the granulites stabilized at a depth of 18-26 km. After stabilization, the granulites cooled near-isobarically to temperatures of 600-700°C. Assuming a total crustal thickness of 35-40 km during this late Archaean interval of isobaric cooling, the peak metamorphic crustal thickness is estimated at 35-56 km. This estimate is significantly less than the 60-70 km obtained by summing the depths of the present levels of exposure (26-34 km) and the thickness of the crust presently beneath Fyfe Hills (approxi-mately 35km) and is, therefore, consistent with independent evidence for extensive post-Archaean thickening of the Enderby Land crust.  相似文献   

崔润泽  魏春景  段站站 《岩石学报》2023,39(8):2257-2278



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