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利用HadCM2模式的模拟结果,比较了温室气体排放综合效果相当于CO2浓度逐年递增1%和0.5%两种不同情景下,中国区域21世纪地面气温和降水量的变化趋势.结果表明,随着温室气体浓度的持续增加,中国地面气温也持续升高.到21世纪末期,地面气温在上述两种排放情景下可分别升高约5℃和3℃.两种排放情景的增温趋势对比表明:即使从1990年开始温室气体等效排放逐年递增率减少一半,增温仍然很明显;直到21世纪中期,才能显示出减少温室气体排放量对减缓增温趋势的效果.降水量的年际变化较大,但随着温室气体浓度的持续增加,降水量总的趋势也是增加的.减排温室气体对降水量变化趋势的影响与地面气温相似.此外,地面气温增量和降水量变化百分率均显示出明显的季节变化,地面气温增量在秋、冬季较大而在春、夏季较小,降水变化百分率在夏、秋季较小而在冬、春季较大.  相似文献   

 利用参与IPCC第四次评估报告(AR4)的多个全球气候系统模式的输出结果,着重分析了2101-2198年温室气体浓度稳定在720 mL/m3和550 mL/m3水平时(S 720和S 550情景),中国地区地表温度与降水的时空变化特征。结果表明:1) 当温室气体浓度稳定不变时,22世纪中国地表温度仍将呈上升趋势,增温幅度为0.4℃/100a,但升温趋势平缓,幅度明显小于SRES A1B(中等排放)和B1(低排放)情景,冬、春季增温显著且高纬地区增温明显大于低纬地区,夏、秋季次之,因此季节间的温差将会变小;2) S 720(S 550)情景下年平均降水增加幅度基本稳定在11%(8%)左右,冬季降水增加显著,且增幅从南向北逐渐增大,春季次之,夏、秋季大部分地区降水将减少10%~30%。  相似文献   

根据IPCC报告,在过去140年间,全球平均升温0.6℃,13个最暖年份出现在1983年以后。在IPCC关于全球气候变化第三次评估报告指出,如果不采取措施,未来100年内全球平均气温可能上升1.4~5.8℃。具预测黑龙江省2030年和2050年在现在基础上还将上升1.9℃和2.4℃。从图中可见CO2呈线性快速增长的趋势。全球气候变暖,对生态环境产生严重影响,正引起政府间普遍关注。黑龙江省是我国重要老工业基地,又是能源大省和农业大省,能源资源、煤、石油、木材、秸秆、柴草都相当丰富。由于环保意识淡薄,一些有害气体温室气体CO2、NO2、SO2、CH4不经处理…  相似文献   

新一代温室气体排放情景   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
温室气体排放情景,是对未来气候变化预估的基础.过去应用的情景设计是在2000年完成的,早就需要更新与补充了,IPCC第4次评估报告已经提出了这个要求[1].对于这种必要性Moss等[2]在2010年就进行了深入的讨论.通过2-3年的工作,新一代排放情景已经形成,这里综合评估模式协作(IAMC)计划发挥了关键的作用.2011年Climatic Change出版了专号[3-4],介绍了新一代情景的设计,并对4种情景分别作了详细的分析[5-8].  相似文献   

基于不同共享社会经济路径(Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, SSPs)形成的8组最新的未来可能情景(SSPx-y情景),被用于第六次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6),以据此来预估未来气候变化的可能幅度和趋势。本文主要对比分析了8组SSPx-y新情景中主要温室气体和气溶胶排放数据的基准年排放强度分布、未来排放强度的时空变化、以及在6个典型区域排放强度的逐年变化等特征。结果表明:二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)、黑碳(BC)、二氧化硫(SO2)在基准年的排放强度高值区都位于东亚和南亚。相比于基准年,2100年CO2和CH4在高和低辐射强迫情景下表现出的排放强度变化有显著差异。此外,所有情景下2100年的BC和SO2全球平均排放强度都弱于基准年的排放强度。在时间变化上,随着生物质能碳捕获与封存技术的不断进步,所有地区在4组不超过3.4 W/m2的低辐射强迫情景下,CO2排放强度到2100年都呈现负值。其中,南美洲的负排放最强,2100年在SSP5-3.4情景下该地区的排放强度为-0.3 kg m-2 a-1。最后,对比东亚和南亚排放强度的逐年变化可以发现,在各情景所描述的未来发展过程中,东亚的减排行动的成效都要好于南亚。  相似文献   

陕西省温室气体排放清单研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用IPCC指南推荐的碳排放计算方法,将省级温室气体排放源分为能源活动、工业生产、农业、林业、废弃物等5个单元,全面测算了2005—2013年陕西省温室气体排放清单。结果表明:2005—2013年,陕西省温室气体排放总量和人均碳排放量逐年增长且有加速趋势,而温室气体吸收总量却增长缓慢,净温室气体排放量增长趋势显著,单位GDP碳排放量呈波动下降趋势;能源部门的温室气体排放量占总排放比例最大,为78.42%~83.36%;工业过程、农业、废弃物处理排放所占比例分别为9.57%~14.78%、3.11%~9.02%、1.25%~1.98%;林业部门表现为碳汇,约9%的CO2排放被森林吸收。  相似文献   

度量不同参与者已使用的温室气体排放空间是温室气体排放核算的重要问题。从人际公平视角,基于人年均温室气体排放,本文提出了温室气体排放空间使用比率及其计算公式,利用142 个国家1950-2013 年温室气体排放和人口数据进行了具体计算,并根据计算结果对这些国家进行了排序和分类。计算结果表明,美国温室气体排放空间使用比率在3.33以上,占用的排放空间远高于142 个国家的平均水平;中国处于0.50~0.70,明显低于平均水平;印度在0.30 以下,远低于平均水平。本研究表明,温室气体排放空间使用比率可支持决策者和社会各方了解参与者使用温室气体排放空间的程度,也有助于提高排放信息的透明度。  相似文献   

电力行业温室气体排放核算方法体系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
调研了主要发达国家的温室气体清单编制方法和国内相关经验,结合我国电力行业特点和温室气体清单编制目标、尺度、方法等,提出以IPCC推荐的详细技术为基础的第二类(T2)方法为主,更精确的第三类(T3)方法为辅的我国电力行业温室气体清单编制方法的基本原则;借鉴国外温室气体排放核算的优良做法,结合我国电力行业实际情况,对我国电力行业温室气体清单编制进行实体分类和分析,根据清单编制的范围、定义和数据可得性等建立符合我国国情的电力行业温室气体清单编制方法体系框架。  相似文献   

利用第6次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)中的9个全球气候模式的模拟结果,通过CO2浓度达峰时间确定SSP1-1.9和SSP1-2.6两种情景下的全球碳中和时间,预估了全球碳中和下中国区域气候较历史参考期(1995—2014年)的未来变化,分析不同时间达到碳中和下气候响应差异,并与未实现碳中和的SSP2-4.5情景下的气候变化对比。结果表明,SSP1-1.9和SSP1-2.6情景下全球达到碳中和的时间分别为2041年和2063年,相较于历史参考期,SSP1-1.9/SSP1-2.6下中国区域平均年气温上升1.22/1.58℃,平均年降水量增加7.1%/9.9%。SSP1-2.6(晚碳中和)较SSP1-1.9(早碳中和)情景下年均温增高约0.36℃,最大升温区位于西南及高原地区。对降水而言,晚碳中和较早碳中和全国平均年降水量增加约2.7%。全年及夏季降水量显著增加区主要在西北,新疆地区出现降水增加超过8%的大值区,冬季则集中于黄河中下游,增幅也超过8%。未碳中和的SSP2-4.5情景下中国区域的升温显著强于SSP1-2.6(碳中和)情景,年平均气温高约0.61℃,西北...  相似文献   

为应对全球气候变化的挑战,发展低碳经济已成为国际共识。根据核能的特点,分析了核电燃料链的温室气体排放及其与其他能源链的比较,指出核能是各种能源中温室气体排放量最小的发电方式。介绍了世界主要核电国家发展核能减排温室气体状况,分析了我国发展核电的温室气体减排效益,提出积极发展核能是我国构建低碳型能源结构、应对气候变化的合理有效选择。  相似文献   

Projections of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are critical to enable a better understanding and anticipation of future climate change under different socio-economic conditions and mitigation strategies. The climate projections and scenarios assessed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, following the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP)-Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) framework, have provided a rich understanding of the constraints and opportunities for policy action. However, the current emissions scenarios lack an explicit treatment of urban emissions within the global context. Given the pace and scale of urbanization, with global urban populations expected to increase from about 4.4 billion today to about 7 billion by 2050, there is an urgent need to fill this knowledge gap. Here, we estimate the share of global GHG emissions driven by urban areas from 1990 to 2100 based on the SSP-RCP framework. The urban consumption-based GHG emissions are presented in five regional aggregates and based on a combination of the urban population share, 2015 urban per capita CO2eq carbon footprint, SSP-based national CO2eq emissions, and recent analysis of urban per capita CO2eq trends. We find that urban areas account for the majority of global GHG emissions in 2015 (61.8%). Moreover, the urban share of global GHG emissions progressively increases into the future, exceeding 80% in some scenarios by the end of the century. The combined urban areas in Asia and Developing Pacific, and Developed Countries account for 65.0% to 73.3% of cumulative urban consumption-based emissions between 2020 and 2100 across the scenarios. Given these dominant roles, we describe the implications for potential urban mitigation in each of the scenario narratives in order to meet the goal of climate neutrality within this century.  相似文献   


This article investigates future greenhouse gas emission scenarios for Russia's electricity sector, a topic of importance since Russia's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in November 2004. Eleven scenarios are constructed to the year 2020 considering economic and technological details in both the demand and supply sides of the sector. The scenarios are based upon a thorough review of the different factors controlling carbon dioxide emissions, including potential economic growth, changes in energy efficiency and technological development, and that Russia may export large amounts of natural gas to European and Asian markets. The most likely scenario is that Russia will double industrial output over the next 10 years, increase energy efficiency in the demand sector, will remain consistent to the goals of the Energy Strategy 2020 and will implement more efficient technology in the electricity supply sector. Consequently, carbon dioxide emissions will still be 102 million tonnes below 1990 levels in 2010, representing a significant source for emission reduction credits available to be sold on international markets or transferred to the next crediting period.  相似文献   

随着气候变化影响加剧,全球气候治理进程加速,实现碳达峰已经成为全球气候行动的核心,各国也相继制定碳中和目标并开展行动。中国在第75届联合国大会一般性辩论上提出了碳达峰碳中和目标,部分已实现碳达峰的发达经济体也提出了各自的碳中和承诺。文中从“整体-阶段”及“焦点-公平”视角分析了欧盟和美国等主要发达经济体碳达峰的历程和特点,以及其碳中和目标和规划。研究发现,发达经济体在碳达峰过程中普遍经历了较长的爬坡期(58~136年)和平台期(4~20年),在碳达峰时,发达经济体的能源结构以油气为主,油气占一次能源消费比重为57%~77%,其人均排放量、历史累计排放以及人均GDP也都处于较高水平,在碳达峰前后总体处于经济与碳排放脱钩状态。各发达经济体的碳中和路径均以能源转型为重点,采用了多元化的政策工具,并且注重低碳和负碳技术的革新。根据发达经济体的政策展望,在实现碳中和时,均难以将绝对排放量降为零,都需要通过碳移除手段进行抵消。通过对比分析,发现中国的碳达峰和碳中和目标是具有雄心的气候承诺,相较其他发达经济体需要付出更大努力。建议运用全面综合的政策工具支撑碳中和目标的有效落实,加快中国的气候立法,在兼顾公正转型的同时推动能源结构调整,注重可再生能源和能效方面的新技术开发应用。  相似文献   

温室气体排放信息披露是确保实现温室气体排放总量控制目标和顺利开展碳交易、推动企业碳减排的重要前提和根本保障。研究表明,通过明确法律制度保障、完善信息披露路径、加强监管等措施,可以有效建立温室气体排放信息披露制度。建议在综合考虑国内碳市场信息披露、省级重点企业温室气体排放信息披露、环境信息披露等工作基础上,推动我国温室气体排放信息披露在法律基础、制度框架、重点要素等方面的顶层设计,并加强监管。  相似文献   

The conditional probabilistic scenario analysis combines statistical methods of uncertainty analysis at parameter level with storylines which recognize the deep uncertainty that exists for several underlying trends. The model calculations indicate that cumulative 21st century emissions could range from 800 to 2500 GtC in the absence of climate policy. This range originates partly from the underlying storylines, and partly from the probabilistic analysis. Among the most important parameters contributing to the uncertainty range are uncertainty in income growth, population growth, parameters determining energy demand, oil resources and fuel preferences. The contribution of these factors is also scenario-dependent.  相似文献   

The transport sector is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The proposal of “dual-carbon” targets puts forward higher requirements for carbon emission reduction in the transport sector. The statistical data base for energy consumption statistics and greenhouse gas emission measurement in China’s transport sector is relatively weak. There is no precise data on greenhouse gas emission of transport sector. The boundary, scope, and methodology of greenhouse gas emission accounting need to be further clarified. At present, the accounting method for greenhouse gases has not been unified in the transport sector at the national level. Drawing on the experience and practice of domestic and overseas greenhouse gas emissions accounting boundaries and calculating methods for the transport sector, this paper puts forward the greenhouse gas emissions accounting methods applicable to different modes of transportation in China. Aiming at the existing problems in the transport greenhouse gas accounting, corresponding policy recommendations in establishing energy consumption and emissions accounting method system, setting up the transport energy consumption and carbon emissions data sharing mechanism, strengthening transportation energy consumption emissions accounting methods training, improving data quality management are proposed in this study, to provide a reference for the continuous development of greenhouse gas emissions accounting in China’s transport sector. © 2023 BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Dramatic increases in liquid biofuel production have led to concerns about associated impacts on food prices, with many modeling studies showing significant biofuel-related price inflation. In turn, by changing patterns of food demand, biofuel production may indirectly influence greenhouse gas emissions. We estimated changes to dietary energy (calorie) demand and greenhouse gas emissions embodied in average diets under different biofuel-related food-price scenarios for Brazil, China and the United States, using food-price projections and food-price elasticities. Average energy demand decreased in all countries, from about 40 kcal per person per day in Brazil under a moderate price inflation scenario – a reduction of 1% relative to the (2009) reference scenario – to nearly 300 per day in the United States with high price inflation – almost 8% of reference levels. However, emissions per calorie increased slightly in all three countries. In terms of total greenhouse gas emissions, the results are suggestive of overall reductions only in the United States, where average reductions ranged from about 40 to 110 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per person per year. In China, the direction of impact is unclear, but the net change is likely to be small. Brazilian results were sensitive to parameter values and the direction and magnitude of impact is therefore uncertain. Despite the uncertainty, even small changes (positive or negative) in individual dietary emissions can produce large changes at the population level, arguing for the inclusion of the dietary pathway in greenhouse gas accounting of liquid biofuels.  相似文献   

This research tests the casual link from political ideology to national greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing multinational panel data covering 98 countries during the period 1990–2016. Overall, the baseline results and robustness tests show a political divide on national greenhouse gas emissions, whereby compared to right-wing governments, left-wing governments are more likely to exhibit less carbon dioxide emissions. We further explore this topic from the perspectives of energy efficiency and education. Three-stage OLS regressions suggest that leftist parties increase energy efficiency and spend more on secondary education, which lead to less greenhouse gas emissions. We also introduce the interaction between political ideology and economic performance as well as globalization to test the moderating effects of economic performance and globalization. The study further looks into the interaction effects of political ideology and democracies on greenhouse gas emissions by dividing the whole sample into two sub-samples. The results indicate that the ideology effect on greenhouse gas emissions varies among countries with different economic performances or different degrees of political globalization, as well as between democracies and non-democracies.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of agricultural trade liberalisation and concomitant changes in agricultural areas and livestock production on greenhouse gas emissions using the coupled LEITAP–IMAGE modelling system. The results indicate that liberalisation leads to an increase in total greenhouse gas emissions by about 6% compared to the reference scenario value in 2015. The increase in CO2 emissions are caused by vegetation clearance due to a rapid expansion of agricultural area; mainly in South America and Southeast Asia. Increased methane emissions in the case of full liberalisation are caused by less intensive cattle farming in regions such as South America and Southeast Asia. This pattern is observed up to 2050. Total global production of milk, dairy and beef do not change with full liberalisation, but production shifts were observed from North America and Europe to South America and Southeast Asia. Results are less pronounced in variants where trade liberalisation is only implemented partially. Remarkably, our study shows in the trade barrier removal scenario larger numbers of dairy cows in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) then with full liberalisation scenario or a variant in which only milk quota are abolished. This illustrates that different types of liberalisation need to be analysed regionally and per commodity before general conclusions on the impact of trade liberalisation can be drawn. Our study contributes new information on greenhouse gas emissions to a vast number of trade liberalisation studies that focus on economic impacts. The combined economic-environmental impacts need to be assessed in detail before general conclusions on trade liberalisation can be given.  相似文献   

膜过滤在污水处理中的应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
膜滤是借助一定的外加压力使液体穿过膜后分离成浓缩液和渗透液的分离技术。常用于水处理的膜滤依据过滤膜孔径、被截留物质的尺寸和施加的过滤压力不同可分为微滤、超滤、纳滤和反渗透等。介绍了不同膜滤技术的渗透原理、膜的类型、过滤模型以及膜的污染与防治,概述了膜过滤在处理垃圾填埋场渗沥液和处理纺织印染工业废水以及中水回用等领域的应用,并探讨了膜滤技术今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

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