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We present a novel progressive painting‐based mesh cut out tool, called Paint Mesh Cutting, for interactive mesh segmentation. Different from the previous user interfaces, the user only needs to draw a single stroke on the foreground region and then obtains the desired cutting part at an interactive rate. Moreover, the user progressively paints the region of interest using a brush and has the instant feedback on cutting results as he/she drags the mouse. This is achieved by efficient local graph‐cut based optimizations based on the Gaussian mixture models (GMM) on the shape diameter function (SDF) metric of the shape. We demonstrate a number of various examples to illustrate the flexibility and applicability of our system and present a user study that supports the advantages of our user interface.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of interactively finding the cutting contour to extract components from a given mesh. Some existing methods support cuts of arbitrary shape but require careful and tedious input from the user. Others need little user input however they are sensitive to user input and need a postprocessing step to smooth the generated jaggy cutting contours. The popular geometric snake can be used to optimize the cutting contour, but it cannot deal with the topology change. In this paper, we propose a geodesic curvature flow based framework to overcome all these problems. Since in many cases the meaningful cutting contour on a 3D mesh is locally shortest in the sense of some weighted curve length, the geodesic curvature flow is an ideal tool for our problem. It evolves the cutting contour to the nearby local minimum. We should mention that the previous numerical scheme, discretized geodesic curvature flow (dGCF) is too slow and has not been applied to mesh segmentation. With a careful observation to dGCF, we devise here a fast computation scheme called fast geodesic curvature flow (FGCF), which only needs to solve a smaller and easier problem. The initial cutting contour is generated by a variant of random walks algorithm, which is very fast and gives reasonable cutting result with little user input. Experiment results on the benchmark mesh segmentation data set show that our proposed framework is robust to user input and capable of producing good results reflecting geometric features and human shape perception.  相似文献   

基于割角的保特征网格简化算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前存在的网格简化算法大多数在低分辨率下会丢失物体的细节特征.为了改善这点,以割角的方式,以局部体积为简化代价,提出了一种基于半边折叠的新的网格简化算法.与以往算法相比,不仅运行速度快,存储量小,而且非常好地保留了网格的细节特征.除了用于简化网格,也可以对模型构建LOD模型.  相似文献   

网格切割在图形处理领域有着广泛的应用,为了更加有效和简单地得到同胚于圆盘的开网格,提出一种基于泊松标量场的三角网格切割算法.对于给定的任意网格,通过求解泊松方程构造标量场来选取临界点,并采用最速下降法给出临界点到边界或者初始点的切割路径;对于亏格不为零的网格,基于Morse理论,通过构造一个调和标量场来得到鞍点,并将它们连接到边界.该方法把任意亏格网格切割成与圆盘同胚的单边界网格,减小了在网格展开过程中产生的扭曲.实验结果表明,在给定临界点的情况下,采用文中算法得到的切割路径能很好地逼近最短路径,而且不受网格限制,适用于任意亏格的开或闭网格.  相似文献   

针对由三角面片构成的医学表面网格数据,提出了一种简单可靠的网格切割算法。在移动切割工具的过程中采用OBB包围盒树进行碰撞检测。为了简化切割过程中OBB树的更新仅在首次发生碰撞时对由OBB计算得到的碰撞面计算碰撞点,在后续过程中通过切割工具的移动方向和网格的AIF数据结构计算碰撞面和碰撞点。网格切割算法采用顶点移动的方法,该法可以避免畸形三角面片的产生。实验结果表明,提出的算法能够很好的仿真医学导航系统中的切割过程。  相似文献   

产品功能的过多堆砌,对于一些用户来说,不仅仅是成本负担,同时在日常应用中也会有些干扰,大多数用户想要的使用体验并不多,是要简单、不要复杂。  相似文献   

招贴设计是平面视觉传达领域应用最为广泛的一种表现形式,而图形作为招贴设计的基本要素,起着核心作用。本文针对招贴设计中的图形表达从表现形式、表现属性、表现原则三个方面进行归纳并加以阐述。  相似文献   

Easy concurrency     
Advances in technology raise expectations. As far as software engineering is concerned, the common expectation is that coding and deploying applications is going to be simple. It seems, though, that software engineering is not getting easier, and the complexity moves to an application domain. One of the sources of complexity is an application concurrency. It is not an uncommon development practice that concurrency and transaction management in multi-user, multi-threaded, event-driven applications are postponed until after most of the required functionality is implemented. This situation has various explanations. On the one hand, business logic may require access and modification of large sets of inter-connected application objects. On the other, testing and stress-testing of this logic becomes possible only at advanced stages of product development. At these stages, increasing lock granularities may appear to be less "expensive" than debugging race conditions and deadlocks. Coarse-grained locking has, of course, an adverse effect on application scalability. Declaring rules of concurrency outside of the application may solve part of the problem. This paper presents an approach allowing developers to define concurrency in application-specific terms, design it in the early stages of development, and implement it using a documented API of the concurrency engine (CE). Simple notation makes it possible to record concurrency specifications in terms of application operations, relationships between application resources, and synchronization conflicts between operations. These concepts are demonstrated on examples. The final sections include the CE UML diagram, notes on API usage, and performance benchmarks. Published online: 25 July 2001  相似文献   

We illustrate the use of intersection types as a semantic tool for proving easiness result on λ-terms. We single out the notion of simple easiness for λ-terms as a useful semantic property for building filter models with special purpose features. Relying on the notion of easy intersection type theory, given λ-terms M and E, with E simple easy, we successfully build a filter model which equates interpretation of M and E, hence proving that simple easiness implies easiness. We finally prove that a class of λ-terms generated by ω2ω2 are simple easy, so providing alternative proof of easiness for them.  相似文献   

林剑,上海世界音乐周总监,最痛恨写稿的自由撰稿人,在编辑们的威逼利诱下,一不小心成了多家时尚媒体的专栏作家。  相似文献   

The Publications Committee of IEEE Computer Society and the Publication Board of ACM have agreed that Computing Reviews should expand its coverage to provide reviews of considerably more material (books, technical papers, symposia proceedings and the like) of prime interest to members of IEEE, particularly of its Computer Society. These will be critical evaluations as characteristic of Computing Reviews, and not abstracts. It is hoped this step will enhance the usefulness of Computing Reviews to a wider range of computer professionals. Much of the additional material will fall in the Computing Reviews category for Hardware, but the sections on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, on computer systems, real-time, telecommunications, and related categories will also grow.  相似文献   

Previous mesh compression techniques provide decent properties such as high compression ratio, progressive decoding, and out-of-core processing. However, only a few of them supports the random accessibility in decoding, which enables the details of any specific part to be available without decoding other parts. This paper proposes an effective framework for the random accessibility of mesh compression. The key component of the framework is a wire-net mesh constructed from a chartification of the given mesh. Charts are compressed separately for random access to mesh parts and a wire-net mesh provides an indexing and stitching structure for the compressed charts. Experimental results show that random accessibility can be achieved with competent compression ratio, which is only a little worse than single-rate and comparable to progressive encoding. To demonstrate the merits of the framework, we apply it to process huge meshes in an out-of-core manner, such as out-of-core rendering and out-of-core editing.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in geometric modelling, 3D mesh modelling still involves a considerable amount of manual labour by experts. In this paper, we introduce Mesh Draping: a neural method for transferring existing mesh structure from one shape to another. The method drapes the source mesh over the target geometry and at the same time seeks to preserve the carefully designed characteristics of the source mesh. At its core, our method deforms the source mesh using progressive positional encoding (PE). We show that by leveraging gradually increasing frequencies to guide the neural optimization, we are able to achieve stable and high-quality mesh transfer. Our approach is simple and requires little user guidance, compared to contemporary surface mapping techniques which rely on parametrization or careful manual tuning. Most importantly, Mesh Draping is a parameterization-free method, and thus applicable to a variety of target shape representations, including point clouds, polygon soups and non-manifold meshes. We demonstrate that the transferred meshing remains faithful to the source mesh design characteristics, and at the same time fits the target geometry well.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm for finding a most "developable" smooth mesh surface to interpolate a given set of arbitrary points or space curves. Inspired by the recent progress in mesh editing that employs the concepts of preserving the Laplacian coordinates and handle-based shape editing, we formulate the interpolation problem as a mesh deformation process that transforms an initial developable mesh surface, such as a planar figure, to a final mesh surface that interpolates the given points and/or curves. During the deformation, the developability of the intermediate mesh is maintained by means of preserving the zero-valued Gaussian curvature on the mesh. To treat the high nonlinearity of the geometric constrains owing to the preservation of Gaussian curvature, we linearize those nonlinear constraints using Taylor expansion and eventually construct a sparse and over-determined linear system which is subsequently solved by a robust least-squares solution. By iteratively performing this procedure, the initial mesh is gradually and smoothly "dragged" to the given points and/or curves. The initial experimental data has shown some promising aspects of the proposed algorithm as a general quasi-developable surface interpolation tool.  相似文献   

Test Generation for large circuits may be extremely difficult.One of the approaches to alleviatingthis problem is to consider the difficulties during the design cycle.This paper proposes a design of EasyTest Generation Programmable Logic Arrays(ETG PLAs),for which test generation is basically notrequired,since a complete test set can be generated while the test is applied.This paper also presents aprocedure which makes a PLA an ETG PLA by following some design rules and providing reasonableextra hardware.  相似文献   

Mesh blending   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for smoothly connecting different patches on triangle meshes with arbitrary connectivity, called mesh blending, is presented. A major feature of mesh blending is to move vertices of the blending region to a virtual blending surface by choosing an appropriate parameterization of those vertices. Once blending is completed, the parameterization optimization is performed to perfect the final meshes. Combining mesh blending with multiresolution techniques, an effective blending technique for meshes is obtained. Our method has several advantages: (1) the user can intuitively control the blending result using different blending radii, (2) the shape of cross-section curves can be adjusted to flexibly design complex models, and (3) the resulting mesh has the same connectivity as the original mesh. In this paper, some examples about smoothing, sharpening, and mesh editing show the efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

Mesh massage     
We present a general framework for post-processing and optimizing surface meshes with respect to various target criteria. On the one hand, the framework allows us to control the shapes of the mesh triangles by applying simple averaging operations; on the other hand we can control the Hausdorff distance to some reference geometry by minimizing a quadratic energy. Due to the simplicity of this setup, the framework is efficient and easy to implement, yet it also constitutes an effective and versatile tool with a variety of possible applications. In particular, we use it to reduce the texture distortion in animated mesh sequences, to improve the results of cross-parameterizations, and to minimize the distance between meshes and their remeshes.  相似文献   

Mesh Simplification   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mesh simplification is an important stage after surface reconstruction since the models produced can contain a large number of polygons making them difficult to manipulate. In this paper we present a mesh simplification algorithm to reduce the number of vertices in a dense mesh of triangles. The algorithm is based on edge operations that are performed in the inside of independent clusters distributed over the entire mesh. The clusters are well-characterized regions that can successfully accept simplification operations. The simplification operations produce only local transformations on the mesh. This region-based, distributed approach permits to easily track and control the changes in the triangulation and avoids the appearance of particular cases that would require a special handling. The algorithm uses two user-specified parameters to guide the operations. These parameters allow various simplification strategies that are illustrated on several dense triangulations.  相似文献   

Recent progress in entertainment and gaming systems has brought more natural and intuitive human–computer interfaces to our lives. Innovative technologies, such as Xbox Kinect, enable the recognition of body gestures, which are a direct and expressive way of human communication. Although current development toolkits provide support to identify the position of several joints of the human body and to process the movements of the body parts, they actually lack a flexible and robust mechanism to perform high-level gesture recognition. In consequence, developers are still left with the time-consuming and tedious task of recognizing gestures by explicitly defining a set of conditions on the joint positions and movements of the body parts. This paper presents EasyGR (Easy Gesture Recognition), a tool based on machine learning algorithms that help to reduce the effort involved in gesture recognition. We evaluated EasyGR in the development of 7 gestures, involving 10 developers. We compared time consumed, code size, and the achieved quality of the developed gesture recognizers, with and without the support of EasyGR. The results have shown that our approach is practical and reduces the effort involved in implementing gesture recognizers with Kinect.  相似文献   

The Probabilistic Satisfiability problem (PSAT) can be considered as a probabilistic counterpart of the classical SAT problem. In a PSAT instance, each clause in a CNF formula is assigned a probability of being true; the problem consists in checking the consistency of the assigned probabilities. Actually, PSAT turns out to be computationally much harder than SAT, e.g., it remains difficult for some classes of formulas where SAT can be solved in polynomial time. A column generation approach has been proposed in the literature, where the pricing sub-problem reduces to a Weighted Max-SAT problem on the original formula. Here we consider some easy cases of PSAT, where it is possible to give a compact representation of the set of consistent probability assignments. We follow two different approaches, based on two different representations of CNF formulas. First we consider a representation based on directed hypergraphs. By extending a well-known integer programming formulation of SAT and Max-SAT, we solve the case in which the hypergraph does not contain cycles; a linear time algorithm is provided for this case. Then we consider the co-occurrence graph associated with a formula. We provide a solution method for the case in which the co-occurrence graph is a partial 2-tree, and we show how to extend this result to partial k-trees with k>2.  相似文献   

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