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不久前华东师大光谱学与波谱学实验室陈扬骏教授领导的分子光谱课题组自主研发的光外差磁旋转速度/浓度调制三结合技术获得国际同行的高度评价。  相似文献   

利用差分速度调制分子离子激光光谱技术,首次测量了CO+彗尾带系(A2Π-X2Σ+)(2,3)弱带转动吸收光谱,通过对测量谱线的标识,获得了两态的分子常数,其中下态v"=3的常数未见有文献报导。在锁相放大器1s积分时间下,实验系统的吸收测量灵敏度实测为1.56×10-6。  相似文献   

Steric effect in the energy transfer reaction of N(2)(A(3)Σ(u)(+)) + NO(X(2)Π) → NO(A(2)Σ(+)) + N(2)(X(1)Σ(g)(+)) has been studied under crossed beam conditions at a collision energy of ~0.07 eV by using an aligned N(2)(A(3)Σ(u)(+)) beam prepared by a magnetic hexapole. The emission intensity of NO(A(2)Σ(+)) has been measured as a function of the magnetic orientation field direction (i.e., alignment of N(2)(A(3)Σ(u)(+))) in the collision frame. A significant alignment effect on the energy transfer probability is observed. The shape of the steric opacity function turns out to be most reactive at the oblique configuration of N(2)(A(3)Σ(u)(+)) with an orientation angle of γ(v(R)) ~ 45° with respect to the relative velocity vector (v(R)), which has a good correlation with the spatial distribution of the 2pπ(g)* molecular orbital of N(2)(A(3)Σ(u)(+)). We propose the electron exchange mechanism in which the energy transfer probability is dominantly controlled by the orbital overlap between N(2)(2pπ(g)*) and NO(6σ).  相似文献   

用一束波长为360.55 nm的激光直接作用于超声射流的N2O分子束, 通过(3+1)共振增强多光子电离(REMPI)过程制备纯净的N2O+(X2П(0,0,0))母体离子, 再用另一束波长在243-278 nm范围的激光将母体离子激发至B2П态后解离. 扫描解离激光波长, 监测NO+离子碎片的强度, 从而获得N2O+离子B2П态的光致碎片激发(PHOFEX)谱. 通过拟合转动分辨光谱, 得到了相应的转动常数和自旋分裂常数, 从而区分了A2Σ+态高振动能级和B2П态带源的贡献, 明确了N2O+离子B2П态的光谱"带头"位置(37154 cm-1), 并将获得的振动光谱初步归属为B2П(v1,v2,v3)←X2П的振动跃迁序列. 通过对NO+碎片离子的飞行时间质谱峰形的分析, 还获得了解离过程中释放的平均平动能, 并结合电子激发态势能面, 讨论了N2O+离子B2П态的解离机理.  相似文献   

在超声分子束条件下,由423、420、412.2和408.4 nm的电离激光使OCS分子通过[3+1]共振增强多光子电离(REMPI)制备出OCs+ (X2Π)离子后,在260-325 nm范围内扫描解离激光获得了OCS+离子经由A2Π3/2←X2Π3/2 (000)和A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2 (000,001)跃迁的分质量光解离谱(母体离子OCS+的凹陷谱和碎片离子S+的增强谱).其中A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2 (001)跃迁的光解离谱是首次观察到.A2Π3/2←X2Π3/2(000)光解离谱得到了A2Π3/2电子态的光谱常数T0=31411.3 cm-1,v1=814.3 cm-1;由A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2 (000)光解离谱得到了A2Π1/2电子态的光谱常数v1=816 cm-1,v2=(380.4±2.8) cm-1,v3=(2052.7±5.1) cm-1,而从A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2 (001)光解离谱拟合出的A2Π1/2电子态的V1 (786.4 cm-1)稍有不同,表明在A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(001)跃迁中A2Π1/2电子态的C-O键振动(V3)激发影响了A2Π1/2电子态C-S键的振动(V1).实验结果表明:在A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(000,001)跃迁的光解离谱中能够显著观察到属于A2Π电子态的V2弯曲振动模激发的谱峰,例如A2Π1/2(020,120,021,…),而在A2Π1/2(v1v2v3)←A2Π3/2(000)跃迁的光解离谱中几乎没有观察到属于V2弯曲振动模激发的谱峰.这种弯曲振动激发和A2Π电子态的旋轨分裂分量(Ω)的相关性可以通过A2Π电子态的Fermi共振和Renner-Teller效应来解释.  相似文献   

BH分子X 1Σ+、A 1Π和B 1Σ+ 态的势能函数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SAC/SAC-CI方法,使用D95++、6-311++g及cc-PVTZ等基组,对BH分子的基态(X 1Σ+)、第一简并激发态(A 1Π)及第二激发态(B 1Σ+)的平衡结构和谐振频率进行了优化计算. 通过对三个基组计算结果的比较,得出了cc-PVTZ基组为三个基组中的最优基组的结论;使用cc-PVTZ基组,利用SAC的GSUM(group sum of operators)方法对基态(X 1Σ+), SAC-CI的GSUM方法对激发态(A 1ΠB 1Σ+)进行单点能扫描计算, 用正规方程组拟合Murrell-Sorbie函数,得到了相应电子态的完整势能函数;从得到的势能函数计算了与基态(X 1Σ+)、第一简并的激发态(A 1Π)和第二激发态(X 1Σ+)相对应的光谱常数(Be、αe、ωe 和ωeχe),结果与实验数据较为一致. 其中基态、第一激发态与实验数据吻合得较好.  相似文献   

The energies, equilibrium geometries and harmonic frequencies of the three electronic states (the ground state X 1Σ+, the first excitation state A 1Σ+ and the second excitation degenerate state B 1Π) of LiH molecule have been calculated by using the GSUM (Group Sum of Operators) method of SAC/ SAC-CI with the basis sets D95(d), 6-311G**, and cc-PVTZ. Comparing with the above-mentioned three basis sets, the conclusion is gained that the basis set D95(d) is the most suitable for the energy calculation of LiH molecule. The whole potential curves for these three electronic states are further scanned, using SAC/D95(d) method for the ground state and SAC-CI/D95(d) methods for the excited states. Murrell-Sorbie function were fitted using a least square and then the spectroscopy constants are calculated, which are in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

采用SAC/SAC-CI方法在CC-PV5Z基组下, 计算研究了He2+、He2++的基态及低激发态的分子特性, 给出了其基态和一些激发态的势能函数和光谱数据(Be、αe、ωe和ωeχe). 从群论出发推导了相应状态的离解极限;与已有实验结果的He2+(X2Σu+)相比, 计算结果令人满意. 还计算了激发态2Πu、4Σu+和4Πg的结构与光谱数据. 对于He2++, 计算的九个电子态中只有三个态(X1Σg+、1Σg+和1Σu+)属束缚态, 并得到了其光谱常数. 用价键理论模型的不相交规则对He2++基态的势能曲线极大点产生的原因做了较好的分析.  相似文献   

《Chemical physics》1987,115(1):23-32
Using double-zeta plus polarization (DZP) basis sets systematically augmented with a variety of bond functions, the term dissociation energies are calculated for the A3Σ+u, B3Πg and W3Δu states of N2. It is found that the best agreement with literature values is generally with a basis set composition of DZP augmented by a set of s, p and d orbitals at the bond midpoint. The excited state potential energy curves and spectroscopic constants for the B3Πg state are calculated from this basis and compared with experimental values. Good agreement was obtained, considering the small basis set size, with the spectroscopic constants ωe, ωeχe, ωeye, Be and αe and the dissociation energy De (e.g., De = 3.38 (3.681, exp.), 4.75 (4.897) and 4.77(4.873) eV for the A, B and W stages, respectively). Poorer agreement was obtained for the term energy T0 (7.92 versus 7.35 eV, exp., for the B state). The error in term energy arises largely from an error in the calculated 4S → 2D splitting (2.705 versus 2.383 eV, exp.), and shifting the potential curve for the B state by a constant amount leads to much improved agreement relative to the ground state. The counterpoise correction applied to the potential curve of the B state causes a drastic deterioration of the results and shows qualitatively incorrect behaviour, and is therefore not recommended for calculations of this type.  相似文献   

将线性三原子分子离子CS2+的对称伸缩振动简化为SC和S之间的简谐振动, 用谐振子的势能曲线和波函数对CS2+分子离子 C2Σg+和 B2Σu+电子态(对称伸缩)振动能级间跃迁的Franck-Condon因子进行了计算, 得到的结果与 C2Σg+←B2Σu+跃迁的光解离谱实验强度进行了比较, 对前人给出的分子数据(转动常数、分子平衡核间距)进行了验证和分析, 讨论了经由 C2Σg+←B2Σu+电子态振动能级间跃迁的光解离机理.  相似文献   

用一束波长为210.27 nm的激光将CS2分子激发至预离解态1 B2(1 Σ+u),用另一束激光通过激光诱导荧光(LIF)方法检测碎片CS,在250.5~286.5 nm获得了CS碎片A1 Π←X1 Σ+振转分辨的激发谱.通过对光谱强度的分析,获得了CS碎片v″=0~8的振动布居和v″=1,4~8振动态的转动布居.结果发现,碎片CS的振动布居呈双模结构,分别对应于CS2分子1 B2(1 Σ+u)态的两个解离通道,即CS(X1 Σ+,v″=0~9)+S(3PJ)和CS(X1 Σ+, v″=0~1)+S(1 B2).由此得到两个解离通道的分支比S(3PJ): S(1 B2)为5.6±1.2.与前人193 nm处的研究结果相比, 210.27 nm激发更有利于S(3PJ)通道的生成.此外,实验还发现CS的转动布居不满足热平衡分布,为两个Boltzmann分布的合成.  相似文献   

过渡金属;超氧离子;白血病;肺癌;2-乙酰吡啶吖嗪及其与Co2+、Ni2+、Fe3+、Zn2+配合物的合成和生物活性  相似文献   

The reaction dynamics of methylene radical CH2(X3B1) with N2O was investigated by Time-Resolved Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy(TR-FTIRS). Pure CH2(X3B1) radicalwas produced via laser photolysis of ketene at 351 nm. Nascent viabrationally excited products CO, NO and HCN were observed. Some reaction pathways which may lead to these products were proposed and a possible reaction mechanism was outlined.  相似文献   

利用ab initio 量子化学方法研究了自旋禁阻的传能反应O(1D)+CO2(1Σ+g)→O(3P)+CO2(1Σ+g)的反应机制, 通过中间化合物CO3的单、三重态的势能面交叉点的确认, 证明了中间物传能机理的可行性. 同时计算了交叉点处的自旋-轨道偶合和面间跃迁几率, 进一步证明了中间化合物CO3的形成在传能过程中的重要作用.  相似文献   

Steric effect for the NO (A (2)Σ(+)) formation in the aligned N(2) (A (3)Σ(u) (+)) + oriented NO (X (2)Π, Ω = 1∕2) reaction has been observed as a function of the mutual orientational configurations between the two molecular reactants in the collision frame. Multidimensional molecular steric opacity function has been determined. A significant NO (X (2)Π) alignment dependence is recognized in contrast with little dependence on NO (X (2)Π) orientation. The NO alignment selectivity turns out to depend on the N(2) (A (3)Σ(u) (+)) alignment: The axial configuration of NO (X (2)Π) is favorable for the axial and sideways configurations of N(2) (A (3)Σ(u) (+)), while the sideways configuration of NO (X (2)Π) is favorable for the oblique configuration of N(2) (A (3)Σ(u) (+)) at an orientation angle of θ(v(R) ) ~ 45°. with respect to the relative velocity (v(R)).  相似文献   

用密度泛函理论DFT-UB3LYP方法,对2Sr+,2Ba+采用相对论校正赝势基组SDD,对C,N,O采用6-311+G(2d)基组,计算研究了气相中碱土金属离子2Sr+,2Ba+催化N2O(X1∑+)+CI(X1∑+)→N2(X1∑+g)+CO2(X1∑+g)反应的微观机理.优化了二重态势能面上各反应物、中间体和过渡...  相似文献   

采用燃烧法合成了CeO2∶Er纳米荧光粉, 研究了不同粒径大小的CeO2∶Er的晶型和晶貌.TEM结果表明无定形CeO2∶Er包围着纳米晶CeO2∶Er, 可起到表面修饰的作用.光声光谱在保持纳米材料表面状态不改变的前提下, 分析了不同粒径的CeO2∶Er的光谱性质, 解释了随纳米粒径减小CeO2光谱峰吸收峰有蓝移而Er3+没有明显谱峰位移的原因.在荧光光谱中, 发现小粒径的CeO2∶Er有较大的红绿发射比, 并对该现象进行了解释.  相似文献   

Cu-ZSM-5分子筛上[Cu-O-Cu]2+物种的原位红外光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过原位监测Cu-ZSM-5分子筛的振动动红外光谱随温度及不同处理条件的变化情况,观察到[Cu-O-Cu]^2+物种的形成过程,即两个Cu(OH)^+在脱水过程中经二聚形成[Cu-O-Cu]^2+,低交换度样品开始产生[Cu-O-Cu]^2+物种所需脱水温度较高,通过观察不同处理条件对[Cu-O-Cu]^2+的影响,说明Cu^2+是通过脱出[Cu-O-Cu]^2+中的超各氧而被还原为Cu^+,较高  相似文献   

在合成2-(3-羟基-2-吡啶基)-苯并咪唑的基础上, 利用NMR (1H, 13C, COSY, HSQC 和HMBC), MS, IR 和UV 进
行了详细表征; 通过X-ray 单晶衍射测定该化合物的晶体结构, 实验结果表明该晶体属于单斜晶系{空间群为P21/c,
a=14.289(3) Å, b=10.618(2) Å, c=12.783(3) Å, β=93.51(3)°, V=1935.8(7) Å3, Z=8}, 很好支持了波谱表征的结果.
2-(3-羟基-2-吡啶基)-苯并咪唑的荧光光谱表明, 该化合物在激发态下存在双质子转移现象, 密度泛函计算结果合理解
释了实验现象.  相似文献   

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