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In this study we describe the technique of intraoperative ultrasound imaging of brain and spinal cord in trauma patients. The images are shown and their interpretation is discussed. This intraoperative imaging allows for localization of hematomas, bone fragments and indriven foreign bodies (j.e., pieces of plastic, glass, metal, etc.). DISC matenal and bone fragments deep to the spinal cord can be localized with this technique. Real-time ultrasound can be used to guide instruments within the brain and, thereby, provide dynamic guidance for removal of bone fragments and foreign bodies dynamically. In summary, Intraoperative real-time ultrasonic Imaging is of use to the neurosurgeon in the treatment of the neurotrauma patient. [Neural Res 1997; 19: 317–322]

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Cats were injected with 2-deoxy-[14C]glucose (2-DG) while walking on a moving treadmill (experimental group), or sitting down on a stationary one (controls). After a 45-min equilibration period they were anesthetized, and their central nervous system (CNS) was removed rapidly and frozen. The tissue blocks were sectioned serially, and X-ray film exposed to the sections was used for quantitative densitometric analysis by Sokoloff's method. The utilization of glucose in a CNS region (LCMRg) was regarded as a measure of that region's energy metabolic activity and — indirectly — of its functional status. The walking cats exhibited significantly higher LCMRg in many but not all places of the neuraxis, compared to the control group. Also, LCMRg was symmetrical (side to side) in the control group but significantly asymmetrical in certain regions of the CNS in the experimental group. In all but one of these cats the LCMRg was greater in the right side of the gray matter of the cervical spinal cord and in the left visual and motor cortices and caudate nucleus. The finding that the motor cortex and other supraspinal regions become more active during walking suggests they may contribute to the control of locomotion and/or processing of related sensory data. The side to side assymetry in the spinal cord and hemispheres during walking may be related to the phenomenon of lateral dominance.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is an immediate early growth-responsive gene but its distribution and significance in the central nervous system (CNS) are unknown. We investigated the distribution of CTGF-like immunoreactivity (CTGF-IR) in the rat CNS using a specific antiserum against CTGF oligopeptide. The majority of CTGF-IR was observed in astrocytes. Ependymal cells lining the wall of the cerebral ventricle and tanycytes lining the central canal of the spinal cord showed the strongest CTGF-IR, while there was a diffuse but weak signal in the gray matter of the spinal cord. CTGF-IR was also detected in the cytoplasm of a subpopulation of pyramidal neurons in the cerebral cortex. Our results showed that CTGF-IR is widely distributed in the CNS at both regional and cellular levels, suggesting a complex functional role in the CNS.  相似文献   

F D'Amelio  L F Eng  M A Gibbs 《Glia》1990,3(5):335-341
Glutamine synthetase immunoreactive oligodendrocytes were identified in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, brain stem, and spinal cord. They were mostly confined to the gray matter, particularly close to neurons and processes. The white matter showed few immunoreactive oligodendroglia. It was suggested that some type of oligodendrocytes, specially those in perineuronal location, might fulfill a functional role more akin to astrocytes than to the normally myelinating oligodendroglia.  相似文献   

Patients and methods The clinical, radiological, surgical, and pathological findings of 16 children with a primary central nervous system (CNS) sarcoma are reported. There were 8 (50%) girls and 8 (50%) boys ranging in age from 4 months to 14 years (mean age 4.8 years). Four patients (23%) were in their 1st year of life. Fourteen children (87%) had an intracranial sarcoma, and 2 (13%) had intraspinal tumors. Nine intracranial tumors (60%) were supratentorial. The parietal and temporal regions were the most frequently involved sites.Results Characteristic imaging findings included tumor cysts in 7 patients and marked tumoral enhancement in 9 (69%) with intratumoral calcification and hemorrhage. All patients underwent at least one operation to surgically remove the tumor with the aim of maximal resection and 3 patients underwent a second resection due to a recurrent tumor. Resection was total in 9 (53%) patients and subtotal in another 7 (41%). Dural attachment by tumor was confirmed in 7 (44%) patients and parenchymal invasion was present in 9 (56%). In one-third of the patients there was a well-defined plane of dissection around the tumor. Postoperative radiation was used in 10 patients. Postoperative chemotherapy was used in all but 2 patients. Immunohistochemical studies were available in 13 patients with the most consistent finding being strong vimentin positivity. Five out of the 6 patients in whom the proliferation markers were obtained demonstrated a high proliferation index (Ki-67 labeling index, 20–50%). The mean length of survival in the group was 4.6 years (range 1 month to 16 years). Children who presented in the 1st year of life had shorter survival than those who presented at an older age. Six patients (40%) had cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dissemination of the tumor. CSF dissemination was associated with a shorter mean survival of 1.9 years.Conclusions Our review of this series of patients indicates the requirement for adjuvant therapy and for continued efforts to classify tumor subtypes aimed at optimizing future treatments for patients with a primary CNS sarcoma.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The distribution of vasopressin and oxytocin binding sites in the central nervous system of the merione (Meriones shawi), a rodent adapted to desert life, was studied by means of conventional film radioautography at macroscopic scale and historadioautography at cellular level using radioiodinated ligands highly selective for either oxytocin or type V1 a vasopressin receptors. Both types of binding sites exhibited the same selectivity for endogenous peptides as in the rat. Distribution of oxytocin binding sites was similar in some structures (limbic system, spinal cord) to that described in the rat and in other rodents. Vasopressin binding sites were much more widely distributed in the merione than in the rat brain. In addition to locations common to most rodents (lateral septum and suprachiasmatic nucleus), in merione vasopressin binding sites occurred in several areas known to express oxytocin binding sites in the rat (olfactory system, hypothalamus). Colocalisation of vasopressin and oxytocin binding sites, which occurred in the CA1 and CA2 fields of Ammon's horns of the hippocampus, the caudate-putamen and the fundus striati of the merione, has so far not been reported in any other rodent.  相似文献   

Capillary hemangiomas have rarely been reported to develop in the brain or spinal cord. Here we report the histological and immunohistochemical features of ten cases of central nervous system capillary hemangiomas (CNSCH) and compare these to those of lobular capillary hemangioma (LCH) of the skin. CNSCH showed a lobular architecture with lobules that were separated by fibrous tissue septa in six cases. The lobules were composed of numerous, tightly packed, capillary-sized vessels. A highly cellular area was seen in six cases. A blood-filled cavernous space and fibroendothelial papillae that mimicked papillary endothelial hyperplasia were seen in four cases. Stromal edema was observed in nine cases. These features were not statistically different from those of LCH of the skin, although the highly cellular area was more prominent and more frequent in cases of CNSCH. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated no positive staining of endothelial cells within either lesion for erythrocyte-type glucose transporter protein, which is a selective marker for capillary hemangioma of infancy. Vascular endothelial growth factor immunostaining demonstrated positive cells in the solid or immature-appearing areas without vessel lumen formation in both lesions. Some of the endothelial cells and stromal cells were positive for glucocorticoid receptor immunostaining. The MIB-1 index of CNSCH was variable (mean 5.6%) and the apoptotic index of CNSCH was significantly lower than that of LCH of the skin. CNSCH are benign lesions with histological and immunohistochemical features similar to those of LCH of the skin.  相似文献   

Summary A case of primary rhabdomyosarcoma in the brain stem is described in an 8 year old girl. The clinical data showed a right side hemiplegia then a total paralysis of the left sixth cranial nerve and a paraplegia which became lethal in 3 months. The necrospy revealed a tumoral nodule in the left medulla oblongata and pons with diffuse subarachnoidal extension from the cranial nerves to the cauda equine roots. Histologically the tumor appeared to be polymorph with numerous rhabdomyoblasts which had a clear cross striation and which were sometimes less differentiated without any neuronal or glial elements. Perivascular tumoral cells and blood vessels were closely linked, the Virchow-Robin spaces were clearly involved. The electron microscopic study confirmed that the less differentiated cells were of a rhabdomyoblastic nature. A review of the litterature indicates that these malignant neoplasias are highly exceptional, and can be classified within the group of primary tumors of the neuraxis with muscular elements. The histogenetic origin of these tumors appears to be the ectomesenchyme of neural creats.Our special thanks to Miss Chantal Mariotte who took care of the translation.Department of Neurology (Pr. Ag. J. Perret)  相似文献   

Rhabdoid tumors of the central nervous system are rare malignancies with a still almost uniformly fatal outcome. There is still no proven curative therapy available. We report our experience with nine patients with central nervous system rhabdoid tumors. Gross complete surgical removal of the tumor was achieved in six patients. Seven patients received intensive chemotherapy. Four of these were treated in addition with both neuroaxis radiotherapy and a local boost directed to the tumor region, while two patients received local radiotherapy only. The therapy was reasonably well tolerated in most cases. Despite the aggressive therapy, eight of the nine patients died from progressive tumor disease, and one patient died from hemorrhagic brain stem lesions of unknown etiology. The mean survival time was 10 months after diagnosis. Conventional treatment, although aggressive, cannot change the fatal prognosis of central nervous system rhabdoid tumors. As these neoplasms are so rare, a coordinated register would probably be a good idea, offering a means of learning more about the tumor’s biology and possible strategies of treatment. Received: 7 September 1999  相似文献   

Introduction Over the past 20 years, the spectrum of neonatal neurological malformations has changed due to the diffusion of ultrasound, performed either routinely or as required by maternal alpha-fetoprotein screening or history.Discussion We review and illustrate the potential of ultrasound for the prenatal diagnosis of abnormalities in size or shape of the skull (macrocephaly, microcephaly, craniostenosis), neural tube defects, ventriculomegaly, hydrocephalus, posterior fossa defects (abnormalities in the size of the cisterna magna, cerebellar abnormalities), midline abnormalities (holoprosencephaly, abnormalities of the corpus callosum), ischemic lesions and hemorrhage, tumours, and focalized hyperechogenic images. The limits of fetal ultrasound screening and of the various diagnostic strategies implemented when a fetal brain abnormality is suspected are discussed. Overall, gross lethal abnormalities such as anencephaly or major hydrocephaly are accessible to prenatal sonographic screening, and nearly always result in termination of the pregnancy. However, hydrocephaly may progress late in gestation and remain undiscovered unless a third trimester ultrasound is performed. A majority of cases with myelomeningocele are diagnosed prenatally, resulting either in termination of the pregnancy or in neonatal management. A growing number of more subtle abnormalities, including midline or posterior fossa abnormalities can be spotted by fetal ultrasound, but their postnatal outcome cannot always be predicted accurately, despite the use of fetal magnetic resonance imaging. In such cases, a trans-disciplinary approach involving perinatologists, pediatric radiologists, neuropathologists, neurosurgeons or neurologists familiar with neonates is crucial to counseling the parents. Some brain abnormalities are still extremely difficult or even impossible to diagnose in utero despite advances in sonographic imaging. This is due to the fact that severe neurological impairment may result from conditions that do not affect substantially affect the morphology of the brain, and that major structural abnormalities may develop late in gestation, and thus remain undetected at second trimester ultrasound.Conclusion Ultrasound screening identifies a growing number of central nervous system abnormalities, resulting in substantial changes in the neonatal presentation of neurological congenital abnormalities.  相似文献   

目的报告1例中枢神经系统原发性套细胞淋巴瘤患者的临床、病理以及影像学表现.以提高对该病的认识。方法回顾性分析患者临床表现、影像学特征、细胞学与组织病理学表现以及治疗情况,并对脑脊液细胞和异常脑组织进行免疫组织化学染色和基因重排检测。结果临床主要表现为阵发性头晕、渐进性加重的行走不稳伴恶心、呕吐。头部MRI检查脑实质呈多发异常信号.无强化和占位效应。脑脊液细胞学检查呈现小至中等大小的淋巴细胞,细胞核形态欠规则,可见核分裂象:组织病理学显示胶质纤维背景中散在分布有淋巴细胞,可见血管周聚集现象及软脑膜浸润,肿瘤细胞染色质深染,少部分细胞可见小核仁,核分裂象少见;肿瘤细胞表达CD20、CD5及细胞周期素D1等标志物。基因重排检测免疫球蛋白重链呈单克隆性。采用以大剂量甲氨蝶呤为主的化疗方案,同时神经鞘内注射利妥昔单抗注射液,治疗2d后患者出现昏迷,因家属拒绝抢救而出院。结论中枢神经系统原发性套细胞淋巴瘤为临床罕见淋巴瘤,其组织学表现与发生在颅外组织者不同,影像学表现亦有别于其他类型的中枢神经系统原发性淋巴瘤,临床治疗方案尚有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and NADPH-diaphorase activities were investigated in discrete areas of the central nervous system of goldfish and brown trout. Both species showed a similar distribution pattern of nNOS activity with regional differences in all examined areas. Telencephalon and hypothalamus showed the highest nNOS values, while in the goldfish cerebellum and its valvula nNOS was not detectable. In both species, NADPH-diaphorase activity showed a lower regional variability, compared to nNOS. The highest activity was measured in the olfactory bulbs where, conversely, low levels of nNOS activity were present. The non close correspondence between NOS and NADPH-diaphorase activities confirms the discrepancies indicated by morphological data. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of a nNOS isoform of about 150 kDa mol. wt. corresponding to that of mammals. The pattern of nNOS expression in the considered brain regions of the goldfish and trout was comparable to the levels of the nNOS activity.  相似文献   

Neurosteroids, steroid hormones synthesized locally in the nervous system, have important neuromodulatory and neuroprotective effects in the central nervous system. Progress in neurosteroid research has led to the successful translation of allopregnanolone into an approved therapy for postpartum depression. However, there is insufficient evidence to support the assumption that steroidogenesis is exactly the same between the nervous system and the periphery. This review focuses on CYP11A1, the only enzyme currently known to catalyze the first reaction in steroidogenesis to produce pregnenolone, the precursor to all other steroids. Although CYP11A1 mRNA has been found in brain of many mammals, the presence of CYP11A1 protein has been difficult to detect, particularly in humans. Here, we highlight the discrepancies in the current evidence for CYP11A1 in the central nervous system and propose new directions for understanding neurosteroidogenesis, which will be crucial for developing neurosteroid-based therapies for the future.  相似文献   

Hyperammonemia-induced toxicity for the developing central nervous system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In pediatric patients, hyperammonemia can be caused by various acquired or inherited disorders such as urea cycle deficiencies or organic acidemias. The brain is much more susceptible to the deleterious effects of ammonium during development than in adulthood. Hyperammonemia can provoke irreversible damages to the developing central nervous system that lead to cortical atrophy, ventricular enlargement and demyelination, responsible for cognitive impairment, seizures and cerebral palsy. Until recently, the mechanisms leading to these irreversible cerebral damages were poorly understood. Using experimental models allowing the analysis of the neurotoxic effects of ammonium on the developing brain, these last years have seen the emergence of new clues showing that ammonium exposure alters several amino acid pathways and neurotransmitter systems, as well as cerebral energy metabolism, nitric oxide synthesis, oxidative stress, mitochondrial permeability transition and signal transduction pathways. Those alterations may explain neuronal loss and impairment of axonal and dendritic growth observed in the different models of congenital hyperammonemia. Some neuroprotective strategies such as the potential use of NMDA receptor antagonists, nitric oxide inhibitors, creatine and acetyl-l-carnitine have been suggested to counteract these toxic effects. Unraveling the molecular mechanisms involved in the chain of events leading to neuronal dysfunction under hyperammonemia may be useful to develop new potential strategies for neuroprotection.  相似文献   

目的 分析中枢神经系统类鼻疽病的临床特点,以指导临床诊治。方法 回顾性分析2014年1月至2018年12月收治的12例中枢神经系统类鼻疽病的临床资料,总结临床特点。结果 12例中,10例为农民;8例有2型糖尿病病史。12例均有高热,静脉血中性粒细胞百分比、C反应蛋白、降钙素原升高。10例合并有肺部受累。12例中,脑脓肿4例,硬脑膜下脓肿2例,急性脑脊髓膜炎6例;12例在培养分离出类鼻疽伯克霍尔德菌前均未能确诊。手术清除颅内局限性病灶为有效治疗方法。碳青霉烯类为有效抗生素。确诊后6个月随访:死亡4例,其中急性脑脊髓膜炎3例,脑脓肿1例;6例遗留功能障碍;仅2例硬膜下脓肿完全康复。结论 中枢神经系统类鼻疽病病情凶险,极易误诊,预后差。早期诊断、及时有效缓解颅内压增高、尽早足量应用敏感抗生素,以及控制好基础疾病是治疗成功的关键  相似文献   

Primary involvement of the central nervous system by Hodgkin lymphoma is rare; most cases represent metastases. We report a primary Hodgkin lymphoma presenting in the cerebellum of a 77-year-old man and review the literature on primary Hodgkin lymphoma of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests thattrkB tyrosine kinase is a high affinity receptor for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF can act as a survival factor for several neuronal subgroups and its mRNA is distributed widely throughout the central nervous system. However, the functional targets of BDNF are poorly defined. We have used immunochemical and immunohistochemical techniques to determine·the regional distribution and cellular localization oftrkB tyrosine kinase-like immunoreactivity. The staining pattern indicates that thetrkB-like antigen is widely distributed and present within both glia and neurons. Astrocytes were the most intensively labelled but many neuronal populations were also stained. In some regions including brain stem, spinal cord, hippocampus and diagonal band of Broca, neurons were stained at varying intensities. In other areas such as the cortex of the forebrain and amydaloid nucleus, the stain was intense but diffuse, preventing positive identification of the cell types involved. Immunoblot results indicated two separate protein bands in all brain and spinal cord regions examined, of molecular weights 145 and 85 kDa, respectively. These findings aid the definition of neuronal and glial subpopulations of the central nervous system that may utilize BDNF.  相似文献   

Superficial siderosis of the central nervous system is a syndrome caused by deposition of hemosiderin in the subpial layers of the central nervous system, occurring as a result of recurrent asymptomatic or symptomatic bleeding into the subarachnoid space. We report a rare case of superficial siderosis in a 33-year-old man who presented with sensorineural hearing loss. The diagnosis of superficial siderosis on MRI brain studies led to further investigations with detection of a spinal ependymoma at L1–L2, compressing the cauda equina. Gross total resection of the tumor arrested the progression of the neurological deterioration. Our report underlies the importance of early diagnosis and surgical management, with imaging examination of the full neuroaxis to identify the source of bleeding, to halt disease progression and improve prognosis.  相似文献   

The development of curative strategies for infants and children with central nervous system tumours or acute lymphoblastic leukaemia involve similar clinical research principles. Both areas of paediatric oncology research focus on cancers with a broad range of sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, together with concerns about the neurodevelopmental, neuroendocrine and growth outcomes of survivors. These considerations have influenced the design of curative- intent treatments, strategies for successfully eradicating leptomeningeal disease, and the importance of anatomic and functional identification of residual disease. Unlike the situation with childhood leukaemia, the emotional barriers of pessimism or even nihilism previously evident towards infants with brain tumours have only begun to crumble during the past decade. The challenge to improve both the quality and overall survival of infants with CNS tumours described in this chapter is ours to meet as we move into the new millennium. This paper examines the development of ’infant’ approaches to the treatment of CNS tumours, including a discussion of epidemiology, the reasons for avoiding or delaying radiation therapy, and traces the chemotherapy hypotheses tested over the past two decades in the process of developing potentially curative therapy. The reasons for the disappointing rate of progress compared with that in childhood leukaemia, despite similar clinical research paradigms, are discussed, and potential opportunities are identified. Received: 12 April 1999  相似文献   

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