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根据理论分析及实际加工水平,设计了一套摇摆器磁场测量系统,同时对影响磁测系统整体性能的主要参数进行了详尽分析。摇摆器磁测装置主要由气浮运动平台、测磁设备及控制系统组成,其主要功能是对霍尔探头的位置与磁场数据进行高精度测量及同步采集。主要参数如下: z向定位精度小于5 m,重复定位精度小于2 m;霍尔探头的测量精度为0.05%,重复测量精度为0.01%,响应频率为1 kHz;数据采集卡的采样率不小于1000。  相似文献   

摇摆器是自由电子激光研究中的重要组成部分,它的性能好坏将直接决定电子束与光场相互作用的效率。理论和实验表明,摇摆器的磁场强度、峰值误差和好场区宽度对束波作用效率有很大影响,据此对摇摆器做出如下修改:周期长度由30mm改为32mm,磁块与磁极宽度的比值由9:6改为11:5;永磁块、磁极的形状和固定方式改变。通过上述改变可以提高摇摆器磁场强度、提高增益,以提高整个摇摆器品质。  相似文献   

给出一种结构简单,具有自聚焦能力的短周期线极化静电摇摆器的场分析,并对相应的自由电子激光理论和自聚焦原理作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

双—双绕螺旋线极化摇摆器磁场   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文提出了一种用双-双绕螺旋线圈实现线极化摇摆器磁场的新途径,给出了磁场的理论分析结果。对双-双绕螺旋线圈的磁场进行的实验测量所得结果与理论分析结果基本相符合  相似文献   

通常的电磁铁摇摆器,由于相邻磁极间存在的边缘漏磁效应,很难在工作隙中提供足够高的磁感应强度,特别是在大间隙短周期的情况,其应用受到了严重的限制 。本文提出“磁屏蔽式脉冲电磁铁”的新概念,试图寻求一种既廉价又性能优良的摇摆器结构。目前的实验表明,这种磁屏蔽方法可使通常的脉冲电磁铁摇摆器的磁感应强度增大15%以上。  相似文献   

经过几年实验发现,摇摆器的磁场强度、峰值误差和好场区宽度对束波作用效率有很大影响。为了提高摇摆器性能对摇摆器如下改进:(1)提高磁场强度:永磁块材料采用北京钢研院的钕铁硼N39SH,其风达到11.6kOe(10e≈79.578A/m),B,达到12.3kGs(1Gs=10^-4T),(BH)max为36MGOe;摇摆器周期长度由30mm改为32mm,磁块与磁极宽度的比值由9:6改为11:5;(2)减小峰值误差和增加好场区宽度:改进永磁块、磁极的形状和固定方式,从机械上消除不规则磁块、磁极形状带来的负面影响。通过上述改进可以提高单电子小信号增益与理想增益的比率,即提高整个摇摆器品质。精密的磁场自动测量系统是摇摆器调试过程中所必须的装置,该系统经过改进,具有高精度、高稳定度、可同时监测x、y、z方向磁场值、操作方便等优点,为摇摆器的研制打下良好基础。  相似文献   

毫米波圆柱波导自由电子激光放大器的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以单粒子理论为基础,在不计空间电荷效应的近似条件下推导了带轴向引导磁场的三维圆柱波导非线性模拟方程组。用CAGFEL程序计算、分析了在带入口区、常数摇摆器条件下两组不同物理参数的自由电子激光放大器的物理模型。计算结果可靠,物理图象合理。对于其中的第二组参数还着重考查了光波频率、输入功率和摇摆器场振幅改变对输出功率和效率的影响。上述这些计算结果对0.7MeV 自由电子激光放大器的设计和实验具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

据自由电子激光原理,利用变参数摇摆器设计可以大幅度提高自由电子激光放大器的效率,在分析文献中所提出的“单电子共振”和“磁场指数下降法”基础上,提出了变参数摇摆器的“多电子自洽设计和最佳选择”的设计方法。经数值计算证明,所提出的方法明显优于其它方法。  相似文献   

中物院远红外自由电子激光实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国工程物理研究院基于射频直线加速器技术的远红外自由电子激光(FIR-FEL)实验取得阶段性进展,于2005年3月24晚8时30分首次出光, 并多次重复. 中心波长115μm, 谱宽1%.介绍了实验系统的主要组成部分和主要实验结果.  相似文献   

A three dimensional simulation software system developed to estimate a free electron laser (FEL) gain has been applied to FEL using a standard plane polarized wiggler and an alternately shifted magnet wiggler. It is seen for the latter wiggler that a large filling factor could be selected and each maximum gain corresponding to each orbit of electron beam concentrates at a certain frequency region of FEL radiation. It is, therefore, implied that a proper shift between the adjacent magnets in the wiggler produces the improvement of the FEL gain.  相似文献   

The theory for the two-stream free electron laser (FEL) consisting of a relativistic electron beam transported along the axis of a planar wiggler in the presence of an axial guiding magnetic field is proposed and investigated. The electron trajectories and the small signal gain are derived. The characteristic of the linear gain and the normalized maximum gain are studied numerically. The result shows that the normalized maximum gain is considerably enhanced in comparison with that of the single stream. The effect of the difference between the energies of the two beams in this configuration of FEL is also considered, and we find that the gain is affected by the energy differences between groups 1 and 2.  相似文献   

The nonlinear characteristics of a 280-GHz free electron laser (FEL) are simulated by numerical computation. The three-dimensional set of coupled nonlinear differential equations is solved for a set of TE and TM modes valid for the high gain Compton regime. The use of a nonlinear taper for efficiency enhancement, the sensitivity of gain to competing mode power levels, space-charge effects, and the effect of electron beam source distributions on gain and efficiency are examined for a 10-MeV, 3-kA beam. It is found that the nonlinear taper greatly enhances the gain and efficiency and makes the saturation power levels relatively insensitive to the competing mode power levels. The efficiency is increased to 48% by means of a nonlinear taper in which the 3-D and wiggler-averaged codes are compared and the effects of space charge are found to reduce the efficiency to a level of 32%. The effect of beam quality in terms of the four volume phase space is examined and found to have an observable effect at this wavelength  相似文献   

闫陇刚  邓德荣  张浩  张伟  张继东  杨兴繁  黎明 《强激光与粒子束》2018,30(11):113101-1-113101-6
波荡器电子轨迹中心偏移和磁场误差对CTFEL装置性能影响很大,通过前期设计和后期测量与优化将其限制在指标要求范围内。在前期设计中尽量避免引入全局性的系统误差:磁结构具有平面反对称结构,保证电子轨迹中心和波荡器磁轴重合;磁结构端部的特殊设计减弱了间隙对出口磁场二次积分的影响;机械系统的大梁和立柱具有良好的刚性,闭环控制系统保证了高的波荡器间隙控制精度,这些措施降低了间隙不一致引入的磁场误差。在后期测量与优化中削弱了磁场的残存全局系统误差和局部随机误差:利用磁场点测台测量了波荡器磁场的纵向和横向分布,通过调节标准单元组件位置对磁场进行了垫补和优化,优化后电子轨迹中心偏移、峰峰值误差、相位误差、好场区及其误差均满足指标要求。  相似文献   

The theory for a two-stream free electron laser (FEL) consisting of a relativistic electron beam transported along the axis of a planar wiggler in the presence of an axial guiding magnetic field is proposed and investigated. The electron trajectories and the small signal gain are derived. The characteristic of the linear gain and the normalized maximum gain are studied numerically. The result shows that the normalized maximum gain is considerably enhanced in comparison with that of the single stream. The effect of the difference between the energies of the two beams in this configuration of FEL is also considered, and we find that the gain is affected by the energy differences between groups 1 and 2.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that a slight modification of the relativistic quantum theory of a free electron in a uniform wiggler field enables the study of motion in a tapered wiggler field of the form kw1 = kw ? bz which merits attention. The lower limit of z is 800 cm. The exact relativistic quantum mechanical calculation shows an enhancement in the gain for single pass. The frequencies are up-shifted by amounts depending on the parameter b.  相似文献   

One important issue in waveguide free electron lasers (FELs) involves an interaction of the electron beam with one waveguide mode at two different resonant frequencies. Since the low-frequency mode often has a higher pain, the usually preferred high-frequency mode is suppressed as a result of mode competition. In this paper, possible control of this mode competition is considered using a nonstandard wiggler magnet consisting of two cascaded wiggler sections with different periods and field strengths. It is demonstrated that with an appropriate differentiation between the two wiggler sections the high-frequency mode may be amplified preferentially. This mode-selective amplification may be used to suppress the low-frequency mode. A small signal gain formulation is developed for a waveguide FEL with such a two-sectioned wiggler arrangement and numerical examples are used to demonstrate its applicability to mode control in waveguide FELs. Effects of wiggler field errors and electron energy spread are also considered. It is shown that the requirement for wiggler field errors and electron energy spread in the two-sectioned wiggler arrangement is similar to that in the usual straight wiggler configuration  相似文献   

The nonlinear electron orbit dynamics is presented for a combined electrostatic plasma wave wiggler and an axial guide magnetic field free electron laser near magnetoresonance. The perpendicular orbit equation is derived and simplified identical to the wave-driven nonlinear oscillator equation but with different expressions of parameters. The nonlinear effect induced by the inclusion of β2 in the relativistic factor γ is dominant in governing the perpendicular wiggling velocity and the orbit excursion even in the case of β2≪β2 , where γ=(1-β122)-1/2. The dependence of the maximum perpendicular wiggling velocity and the orbit excursion on the wiggler constant, the wiggler frequency, and the initial parameters of motion is given analytically  相似文献   

Saviz S  Lashani E  Ashkarran A 《中国物理 B》2014,23(2):24102-024102
The theory for the two-stream free electron laser (FEL) consisting of a relativistic electron beam transporting along the axis of a helical wiggler in the presence of an axial guiding magnetic field is proposed and investigated. In the analysis, the effects of self-fields are taken into account. The electron trajectories and the small signal gain are derived. The characteristics of the linear-gain and the normalized maximum gain are studied numerically. The results show that there are seven stable groups of orbits in the presence of self-fields instead of two groups reported in the absence of the self-fields. It is also shown that the normalized gains of three groups decrease while the rest increase with the increasing of normalized cyclotron frequency g20. Furthermore, it is found that the two-stream instability and the self-field lead to a decrease in the maximum gain except for group 3. The results show that the normalized maximum gain is enhanced in comparison with that of the single stream.  相似文献   

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