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采用真空热压技术将自悬浮定向流法制得的纳米Al粉压制成平均晶粒尺寸约为120nm的块体,并对其进行了注量为1.9×1012~7.2×1014 cm-2的快中子(E1 MeV)辐照。通过X射线衍射(XRD)分析、扫描电子显微镜与能谱(SEM-EDS)分析和显微硬度测试研究了快中子辐照对纳米晶Al的微观结构和显微硬度的影响。研究结果表明:快中子辐照同时造成了纳米晶Al的平均晶粒尺寸增大和显微硬度提高。随快中子辐照注量的增大,纳米晶Al的平均晶粒尺寸和显微硬度分别增大了2.09%~9.09%和3.54%~4.37%。纳米晶Al的平均晶粒尺寸的增长率随快中子注量的增加而增大。  相似文献   

本文叙述了快中子辐照弗氏链霉菌、灰色链霉菌、埃维链霉菌和黑曲霉在不同的辐照剂量条件下,对菌种的死亡率、产酸率、遗传性状和变异类型等进行了测定和分析,获得了较满意的结果。灰色链霉菌产生的五种不同的变株、很有深入研究意义。  相似文献   

中子瞬发γ活化分析(Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis,PGNAA)是工业物料成分检测的最主要方法之一,该方法通过大体积NaI闪烁体探测器测量物料被中子活化后的瞬发γ能谱来分析物料成分。测量过程中,NaI晶体处于较强的快中子场中,该快中子场对晶体的辐照损伤是影响NaI探测器性能的最主要因素,而NaI探测器的稳定性直接决定了PGNAA整体设备的性能。本文基于中国工程物理研究院CFBR-Ⅱ(China Fast Burst Reactor Ⅱ)型反应堆,精确地测量了NaI闪烁体在裂变中子场的10~8 cm~(-2)、10~9 cm~(-2)、10~(10) cm~(-2)、10~(11)cm~(-2)、10~(12) cm~(-2)、10~(13) cm~(-2)、10~(14)cm~(-2)共7个中子注量照射后,NaI闪烁体组装的闪烁体探测器的性能变化。测量结果表明,NaI探测器除有较强的中子活化效应外,能量分辨率未发生显著变化,这为PGNAA设备中探测器的中子屏蔽设计和寿命估计提供了重要参数。  相似文献   

采用252Cf裂变中子源辐照郑单958(ZD958)和武9086(W9086)干种子至吸收剂量为0.98、1.26、1.51、1.97、2.48、3.37 Gy。考察吸收剂量对玉米种子的发芽势、发芽率、芽长、根长、根数等性能表征参数的影响。结果表明,M1代植株的发芽势、发芽率、芽长、根长、根数均随吸收剂量的增加而降低。当吸收剂量为3.37 Gy时,W9086的发芽势为42.4%,ZD958的发芽势为61.6%;W9086的发芽率为61.6%,ZD958的发芽率为73.7%;W9086的芽长为2.7 cm,ZD958的芽长为4.0 cm;W9086的根长为4.9 cm,ZD958的根长为4.9 cm;W9086的根数目为3.0,ZD958的根数目为3.7,均比对照组低。结果提示,快中子辐照对玉米种子萌发和幼苗生长均具有抑制作用,并且对W9086的抑制作用比对ZD958的明显,表明不同玉米种子对快中子辐照的敏感性不同。  相似文献   

利用兰州重离子加速器提供的12C6+和36Ar18+离子束对玉米自交系郑58、鲁9801、金象4C-1、CSR24001、308和478进行辐照诱变育种试验,探讨了重离子辐照对玉米的诱变效应。结果显示,重离子辐照后种子出苗率和成苗率根据材料不同表现不一,浸泡后种子对辐照敏感性增加。辐照后M1代叶型变异较大;M2代植株经济性状发生变异较多,产生了许多有益的突变性状;M3代部分突变性状能够稳定遗传。由此可见,重离子束辐照育种有利于品种改良和种质创新,是玉米遗传改良的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

【民德《同位素实践》1990年第1期第37页报道】为了考虑因不同类型中子相互作用而在介质中引起的次级辐射效应,对快中子通过某些介质的迁移进行研究是必要的。最重要的相互作用是产生γ辐射的相互作用:(n,γ),(n,n,γ),(n,p,γ),(n,α,γ)……。必须准确地确定次级γ辐射的产额和  相似文献   

快中子辐照对枯草芽孢杆菌的灭菌效果研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用快中子脉冲堆(Chinese Fast Burst ReactorⅡ,CFBR-Ⅱ)产生的快中子,采用枯草芽孢杆菌黑色变种为材料,考查了中子辐射灭菌效果及剂量、剂量率、辐照温度、照射状态等辐射灭菌影响因素.结果表明,在剂量率为7.4 Gy/min时的D10值为384.6Gy,中子剂量与存活芽孢对数满足y=-0.0026x 10.462的函数关系;在剂量为800Gy时,剂量率与存活芽孢对数满足y=7.7414X-0.0834的函数关系;升高温度有利于中子辐射灭菌;中子辐照不同状态芽孢,其存活率为:菌片>粉末>液体.  相似文献   

微型堆辐照座内快中子通量谱的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯小琳  王珂 《核技术》1997,20(7):385-390
用Al,Fe,In和Ni作探测片,用阈探测片活化法测定了中国原子能科学研究院微型堆内,外辐照孔道的快中子能量。用平均截面法求得内外辐照孔道的快中子与热中子能量比分别为0.198和0.077,用有效阈能法计算了不同能量区间的快中子通量,同时也对四个内辐照等之间及内、外辐照管内径向和轴向快中子通量的不均匀度进行了测定。  相似文献   

快中子积分通量值的准确计算是材料辐照的重要工作之一。本文根据 HFETR 运行工况,详细地推导了快中子积分通量的计算公式,并用第十五炉的具体参数进行了验证,结果满意.  相似文献   

一、引言众所周知,钢材受快中子辐照后要变脆,材料脆化程度的标志之一是延性-跪性转变温度。快中子辐照后,转变温度要升高,其增值(△T)与积分快中子通量(Φ)之间存在某种函数关系。国外通过大量实验证实△T~Φ~(1/2)或Φ~(1/3)关系,有些理论工作者从理论上也可  相似文献   

The isochronal recovery of Al, Ni, Cu, Ag. Au, Pt, Fe, Mo and Co, irradiated at 4.5K with fast neutrons has been studied resistometrically. For the face-centered cubic elements, Al, Ni, Cu, Ag, and Au, the magnitude of stage I recovery is inversely proportional to the atomic mass of these elements, which is in excellent agreement with recent calculations on the spatial distribution of lattice defects in fast neutron irradiated metals. The total irradiation-induced resistivity and hardness of neutron spectra have more of an influence on the details of the recovery stages than does the initial residual resistivity and the initial resistivity ratio. Stage II recovery, at least in Cu, can be explained best by the rearrangement and/or annihilation of defects that are released from the stress fields of the vacancy clusters that exist in fast neutron irradiated metals.  相似文献   


BackSide-Illuminated (BSI) CMOS Image Sensors (CISs), with developed performance on quantum efficiency and sensitivity, have been applied for aerospace missions and gradually replaced FrontSide-Illuminated (FSI) CISs. Two types of BSI CISs with different epitaxial layer thicknesses were irradiated by 14-MeV neutron up to 3.40 × 1011 n/cm2 to analyze the degradation induced by neutron irradiation. Dark current, dark current distribution, full well capacity, and spectral response were tested before and after the neutron irradiation and at different annealing time points with various temperatures. The results were analyzed to characterize the degradation introduced by the unique backside passivation layer, and the converse illuminated direction. The interface states induced by displacement damage effects at the backside passivation layer were considered as a novel origin of dark current which was not involved in FSI CISs.  相似文献   

铀氢锆堆中子源辐照含硼C6胶质瘤细胞的生物学效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江新标  赵英  曹锐锋  肖艳  陈伟  屠荆  章翔 《核技术》2005,28(6):458-462
利用蒙卡程序MCNP/4B(Monte Carlo N-particle transportcode/4B)设计了C6细胞辐照实验的铀氢锆堆中子源。建立了细胞培养、孵育、L-BPA(L-boron phenylalanine)给药、细胞内宏观硼浓度测定及辐照实验方法,观察了BNCT(Boron neutron capture therapy)辐照实验对体外C6胶质瘤细胞的放射生物学效应,研究了C6细胞BNCT辐照效应与照射剂量之间的关系。试验结果表明,在同等吸收剂量下,BNCT对C6细胞的杀伤作用远远大于γ射线。  相似文献   

Residual stress measurements were made on solution-annealed (SA) AISI 304L stainless steel (SS) irradiated in EBR-II over a temperature range from 402 to 524°C by axially slitting short sections of tubing. The data were analyzed by using SA AISI 304 SS physical properties and SA AISI 304L SS swelling and irradiation creep empirical equations to calculate the slit width change (δ) versus fluence (φt) curve. At temperatures equal to and above 445°C, δ versus φt calculations indicate that the stress effect on swelling is sufficiently large to reduce the swelling rate temperature gradient, and consequently the on-power stress gradient, to zero. This behavior is confirmed by void volume gradient measurements. At lower temperatures, δ versus φt calculations indicate that stress affected swelling is smaller and does not relax the swelling rate temperature gradient. Void volume gradient measurements confirm the presence of a swelling gradient. Calculations of the δ versus φt curve were made with four different empirical swelling equation fluence dependencies, and the best agreement with the δ versus φt data was obtained with a power form type swelling equation. The equations fit the immersion density data (ΔVV0versus φt) within experimental scatter, but predict significantly different δ versus φt behavior. These results show that the slit tube results are very sensitive to the empirical swelling equation form.  相似文献   

郁伟中  徐文耀 《核技术》1994,17(10):608-612
用正电子湮没寿命谱研究中子辐照前后半绝缘GaAs在等时退火过程中的缺陷行为.发现辐照后的样品大约从70℃起空位-填隙子对和空位-反格点缺陷开始复合.500℃前空位和空位团可消除.740℃后可能会重新产生缺陷。VAs是一种浅势阱,对正电子的束缚能大约为0.031-0.032eV。  相似文献   

Samples of Ge nanocrystals (Ge-ncs) embedded in amorphous SiO2 film were prepared by Ge ion implantation and subsequent primary thermal annealing. These samples were irradiated by neutron flux in a nuclear reactor followed by the second annealing. Irradiation with thermal neutrons leads to doping of nanocrystals with Ga, As and Se impurities due to nuclear transmutation of isotope 70Ge into 71Ga, isotope 74Ge into 75As, isotope 76Ge into 77Se, respectively (neutron transmutation doping, NTD). Irradiation with fast neutrons leads to appearance of radiation damages, which are expected to be removed after the second annealing. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements show that PL is quenched after neutron irradiation, and restored after annealing higher than 500 °C. The PL spectra of doped Ge-ncs samples show more intense exciton radiative luminescence than of undoped Ge-ncs sample, which is related to that the donor and acceptor impurities recombine the nonradiative centers in the interface of Ge-ncs and SiO2 matrix, and enhance the probability of exciton recombination.  相似文献   

常宏钧 《核技术》1992,15(10):635-638

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