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利用TanDEM-X生成DEM的精度评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,许多学者对TanDEM-X生成DEM开展了一些研究,其研究成果也显示了TanDEM-X生成高精度DEM的可行性。为了验证TanDEM-X/TerraSAR-X干涉生成的DEM能否满足测图要求,需要对其进行精度评价和分析。相对于C波段的ERS、ASAR和L波段的ALOS,X波段的高分辨率TerraSAR影像干涉条纹更密集,解缠更加困难。针对这一问题,本文设计了一种低分辨率SRTM辅助高分辨率的X波段的TerraSAR干涉相位解缠方案,提高了解缠的效率和精度。同时,本文提出了一种基于协方差函数的方法对TDX/TSX DEM进行精度分析和评价。该方法通过对各个距离上的协方差值进行拟合,消除了高程误差异常对InSAR DEM精度评价的影响,可以更加客观真实地反映DEM的精度。实例分析结果表明:采用协方差函数方法来评价DEM的精度是可行的,对于试验研究区域,TDX/TSX干涉生成的DEM总体精度为1.42 m,能够满足1:10 000测图要求,为我国空白地区的测图提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the potential of the TanDEM-X mission for the generation of urban Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The high resolution of the sensors and the absence of temporal decorrelation are exploited. The interferometric chain and the problems encountered for correct mapping of urban areas are analyzed first. The operational Integrated TanDEM-X Processor (ITP) algorithms are taken as reference. The ITP main product is called the raw DEM. Whereas the ITP coregistration stage is demonstrated to be robust enough, large improvements in the raw DEM such as fewer percentages of phase unwrapping errors, can be obtained by using adaptive fringe filters instead of the conventional ones in the interferogram generation stage. The shape of the raw DEM in the layover area is also shown and determined to be regular for buildings with vertical walls. Generally, in the presence of layover, the raw DEM exhibits a height ramp, resulting in a height underestimation for the affected structure. Examples provided confirm the theoretical background. The focus is centered on high resolution DEMs produced using spotlight acquisitions. In particular, a raw DEM over Berlin (Germany) with a 2.5 m raster is generated and validated. For this purpose, ITP is modified in its interferogram generation stage by adopting the Intensity Driven Adaptive Neighbourhood (IDAN) algorithm. The height Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the raw DEM and a reference is about 8 m for the two classes defining the urban DEM: structures and non-structures. The result can be further improved for the structure class using a DEM generated with Persistent Scatterer Interferometry. A DEM fusion is thus proposed and a drop of about 20% in the RMSE is reported.  相似文献   

较全面、系统地介绍了Tan DEM-X/Terra SAR-X双站SAR科学计划,重点涉及其科学目标、Tan DEM-X卫星参数、轨道结构以及干涉数据获取模式等相关内容,并讨论了双站SAR成像、极化In SAR和数字波束成形等干涉测量新技术及其研究进展。这些双站SAR新技术的实现将大大地推动SAR干涉测量在全球地形测绘、冰川学、海洋学及地质学等领域中的应用。  相似文献   

首先,将去平干涉相位和外部DEM模拟的地形相位作差分,以降低干涉图的条纹率。然后,采用模拟的地形相位对差分干涉图的解缠相位进行补偿得到去平干涉图的解缠相位,并用此相位进行基线精化和高程提取。实验结果表明,该算法可得到高程精度更高的山区DEM。与常规干涉算法相比,它不仅可改善解缠精度,还可得到更加真实且相干性明显改善的相干图,减少因相干性低于解缠时设定的相干性阈值而产生的高程空洞区。相比于“高程补偿”算法,其可更有效地削弱残余系统相位以及解缠和外部DEM引入的随机相位误差的影响。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increased utilization of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (POLSAR) data to study glaciated terrain features for glaciological and climate change modelling. This article is concerned with more accurate results and appropriate analysis of POLSAR data over a highly rugged glaciated area in Himalayan region. For this purpose, the modified Yamaguchi four-component scattering power decomposition (4-CSPD) method with a rotation concept of 3 × 3 coherency matrix [T] about line of sight is evaluated. It has been found that the modified Yamaguchi 4-CSPD method significantly improved the decomposition results as compared with the original 4-CSPD by minimizing the cross-polarized Horizontal-Vertical (HV) components. This modified 4-CSPD leads to enhancement in the double bounce scattering and surface scattering components and also avoids the overestimation problem in the volume scattering component as compared with the original 4-CSPD from the sloped terrain. The significant reductions of the negative power occurrence in the surface scattering (3.9%) and the double bounce scattering (19.7%) components have also been noticed as compared with the original 4-CSPD method over the glaciated area in this part of the Indian Himalaya.  相似文献   

在介绍TanDEM-X/TerraSAR-X SAR数据获取模式和零秒时间基线等双站干涉测量优势的基础上,提出了一种基于TanDEM-X双站SAR数据的高精度地形提取方法,并利用ICEsat激光测高数据进行了精度评估。该方法采用引入外部DEM进行相位差分的策略,减少相位残差,提高相位解缠精度与效率。另外,在双站模拟相位和地理编码过程中考虑到双站几何结构和零时间多谱勒时间参数,采用ICESat高程数据进行绝对相位偏移校正。以复杂地形环境下的普若岗日冰原为例,获取了空间分辨率10 m、高程精度0.8 m的DEM结果,精度可满足国家1:10 000地形制图的要求。  相似文献   

通过 1:5 0 0 0 0数字高程模型生产实践 ,对生产过程中容易出现问题的环节提出了相应的质量控制方法  相似文献   

Based on the estimating rule of the normal vector angles between two adjacent terrain units, we use the concept of terrain complexity factor to quantify the terrain complexity of DEM, and then the formula of terrain complexity factor in Raster DEM and TIN DEM is deduced theoretically. In order to make clear how the terrain complexity factor E CF and the average elevation h affect the accuracy of DEM terrain representation RMSE Et , the formula of Gauss synthetical surface is applied to simulate several real terrain surfaces, each of which has different terrain complexity. Through the statistical analysis of linear regression in simulation data, the linear equation between accuracy of DEM terrain representation RMSE Et , terrain complexity factor E CF and the average elevation h is achieved. A new method is provided to estimate the accuracy of DEM terrain representation RMSE Et with a certain terrain complexity and it gives convincing theoretical evidence for DEM production and the corresponding error research in the future.  相似文献   

董妍  董杰 《测绘科学》2014,39(12):8-10,32
文章研究了基于地基合成孔径雷达技术的两种DEM测高模型——近似测高模型和改进测高模型,根据星载雷达测高原理推导了这两种模型,并分析模型的精度.通过对近似测高模型中的平行射线近似处理方法进行量化分析,指出近似处理方法引入的高程误差不能被忽略.本文对改进测高模型中各参数的误差传播系数进行了仿真分析,结果表明改进测高模型提高了理论测高精度,并可采用增加基线长度和缩短斜距的方法提高测高精度.  相似文献   

针对当前丰富多样的DEM地形综合模型,分类阐述其综合原理、关键技术及优缺点,以黄土丘陵1:1万DEM为基础,对其地形综合效果进行对比分析。研究结果表明:现有的DEM地形综合模型各有优缺点;不同综合模型综合后的地形,高程数值随着综合尺度的增加,存在显著差异,而且不同综合模型对流域边界的综合处理也存在显著差异,没有形成客观有效的流域边界描述;当前困扰DEM地形综合的关键问题,是缺乏不同尺度下地形综合质量的客观评价标准,致使现有综合模型地形综合结果和DEM格网分辨率之间没有建立本应存在的内在联系,有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

TanDEM-X系统相对测高性能分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对TanDEM-X卫星计划,重点分析其在一个轨道周期内的测高性能的变化情况.首先从建立双星HELIX构形的HILL.方程出发,分析了一个轨道周期内直接影响干涉测高的有效基线,包括顺轨和交轨基线的影响,然后讨论了系统相关系数及其对干涉相位误差的影响,通过建立相对高程误差模型,进一步分析了系统相对高程精度.最后计算机仿真结果验证了分析的正确性.  相似文献   

基于DEM的USLE土壤侵蚀方程地形因子获取与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隋欣  王维芳 《测绘工程》2010,19(5):20-23
坡长和坡度是研究水土流失问题中必须要考虑的重要地形因子,坡长的空间分布特征和规律、地貌发育对坡长的影响,以及坡长与坡度之间的关系,是研究水土流失、侵蚀规律的重要条件之一。利用GIS以及相关软件为平台,在黑龙江省通河地区建立USLE水土流失方程模型,研究LS因子在水土流失中的影响以及作用,并探讨DEM数据分辨率变化对LS值的影响。  相似文献   

以黄土丘陵1:1万DEM为基础数据,通过稀疏抽点法获取不同格网点布设位置下的DEM,进而分析不同分辨率DEM中单个地面点和区域地形单元的Et概率分布特征。实验结果表明:对于任意格网分辨率DEM,无论是不同布设方案下的单个地面点,还是区域地形单元,其Et的概率密度均呈现正态分布特征。对于单个地面点,如果以其为中心的3×3DEM格网单元区域以凸地形为主,其Et概率密度呈现出右偏正态分布特征;如果以凹地形为主,则呈现左偏正态分布特征,其他区域则呈现标准正态分布特征。  相似文献   

ENVISAT/ASAR多角度干涉雷达数据山区DEM生成及精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李新武  郭华东  李震 《遥感学报》2009,13(2):276-281
在地形起伏较大的山区用干涉SAR生成DEM时,合适的入射角是获取高精度DEM的重要参数之一.本文基于ENVISAT/ASAR多角度干涉雷达数据,SRTM 90米分辨率的DEM以及1:5万的数字化DEM数据,从定性和定量的角度比较和分析了干涉SAR在获取山区DEM时,入射角对DEM精度的具体影响.结果表明:对于ASAR的多入射角干涉雷达数据,在不同入射角条件下由于雷达叠掩和透视收缩的影响,获取的DEM精度差别很大,入射角带来的影响相当显著,比如IS2和IS4角度得到的DEM的精度差超过了6米.因此,在山区干涉SAR地形成图时,必须对入射角的大小进行严格的选择.  相似文献   

选取3种波长的干涉SAR数据对提取沼泽湿地区域的DEM,并随机从1:10 000地形图中选取111个点数据进行精度验证,最后对比分析了沼泽湿地植被对于不同SAR波长的干涉相干性差异。结果表明:L-band ALOS-1 PALSAR精细模式的HH单视复数数据与1:10 000地形图数据吻合度较好,76.58%的高程值差异在3 m以内,其相干系数比C-band Sentinel-1A IW模式的VV单视复数数据和X-band TerraSAR HH单视复数数据要高;更适合利用雷达干涉测量技术提取沼泽湿地的DEM;不同湿地植被类型的相干系数有较大差异,岛状林和灌草结合的湿地植被分布区相干系数值较大,而浅水沼泽植被区和深水沼泽植被区相对较低。  相似文献   

Generalization of DEM for terrain analysis using a compound method   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper reports an investigation into the generalization of a grid-based digital elevation model (DEM) for the purpose of terrain analysis. The focus is on the method of restructuring the grid-based surface elevation data to form a triangulated irregular network (TIN) that is optimized to keep the important terrain features and slope morphology with the minimum number of sample points. The critical points of the terrain surface are extracted from the DEM based on their significance, measured not only by their local relief, but also by their importance in identifying inherent geomorphological and drainage features in the DEM. A compound method is proposed by integrating the traditional point-additive and feature-point methods to construct a drainage-constrained TIN. The outcome is then compared with those derived from other selected methods including filtering, point-additive or feature-point algorithms. The results show that the compound approach is capable of taking advantage of both point-additive and feature-point algorithms to maximally keep the terrain features and to maintain RMSE at an acceptable level, while reducing the elevation data points by over 99%. The analytical result also shows that the proposed method outperforms the compared methods with better control in retaining drainage features at the same level of RMSE.  相似文献   

介绍了DEM的NSDTF-DEM格式及Arc GIS明码Grid格式,后者的DEM格式应用更广泛并支持更多的GIS软件对其进行读取及处理,故本文通过自编程序实现了前者到后者的转换。  相似文献   

ASTER立体像对提取玛尔挡坝区DEM及精度评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ASTER立体像对提取DEM已经成为近年来DEM提取研究的热点问题。本文基于ENVI软件,利用AS-TER立体像对提取青藏高原玛尔挡坝区DEM,并对其进行精度评价和误差来源分析。结果表明,利用ENVI软件提取ASTER-DEM方法可行,提取的DEM效果较好,能与地形图重叠,高程精度可达30m,而且地形较平坦地区精度高于地形陡峭地区;控制点的多少及精度、成像时的环境和气象条件、波段特性、影像空间分辨率等都影响着DEM的精度。  相似文献   

冰川物质平衡是反映冰川消融与积累关系的重要指标,也是联系冰川与气候变化的纽带,对于评估冰川动态变化具有十分重要的意义。马兰山冰川位于青藏高原北部,作为东昆仑山系中消融最为剧烈的冰川之一,为了评估其在全球气候变暖背景下的物质平衡变化,利用TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X合成孔径雷达数据、ICESat-2激光雷达高度计数据、SRTM DEM数据,基于合成孔径雷达干涉测量和激光雷达测高技术对其2000年—2020年高程变化进行了研究,并估算了物质平衡。结果表明:近20年来,该区域41条冰川平均表面高程变化-5.64±0.96 m,物质平衡为-0.24±0.06 m·w·e/a,呈明显负平衡状态。其中,2000年—2012年冰川的消融速度(-0.30±0.04 m·w·e/a)要略快于2012年—2020年消融速度(-0.22±0.11 m·w·e/a)。结合GPCC (Global Precipitation Climatology Centre)降水与GHCN_CAMS (Global Historical Climatology Network)气温再分析数据集可知:自2000年以...  相似文献   

规则格网DEM地形描述形态精度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于DEM质量概念内涵的论述,分析了国内外在DEM精度评定方面的研究进展,讨论了DEM高程数值精度与地形形态精度的区别与联系,提出DEM地形描述形态精度的基本概念,阐述了顾及地形特征及其属性的高保真DEM建设亟待解决的关键问题:DEM数据模型的优化、DEM生产技术与数字地形描述的基础理论问题的完善,此研究对新一代高保真DEM的建设具有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   

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