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血管通路影响着维持性血透患者的透析质量、生活质量及医疗费用等 ,定期测量血管通路血流量可以早期发现血管通路问题而予以相应处理 ,可减少血管通路失功的危险。为探讨血管通路再循环的测量方法 ,本组资料尝试应用血透再循环及稀释原理对 13例维持性血透患者进行血流量的测量。临床资料1.对象与方法 :维持性血透患者 13例 ,男性 8例 ,女性 5例 ,平均年龄 5 1.3岁 (2 7~ 72岁 ) ,透析年龄 3个月~ 10年 ,平均 5 .6年。透析剂量为 10~ 12h/周 ,血管通路均为自体内瘘 ,为前臂头静脉、桡动脉端端吻合 ,除 1例为钛轮钉吻合外均为缝合吻合术…  相似文献   

血液透析患者血管通路的评估和监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立和维护血管通路对于维持性血液透析患者十分重要,理想的血管通路应当能够为血液透析(HD)提供足够的血流量,使用时间长,而且并发症少。选择合适的时机、理想的部位、最佳的方法建立血管通路,定期评估血管通路功能,及时解决血管通路并发症,是更好维护血管通路功能的重要条件。本文拟对血管通路功能评估的最新进展作一综述。  相似文献   

据世界卫生组织估计,全世界已有1.6亿成年人患糖尿病,到2025年将达到3亿;目前,20~79岁糖尿病患者每年的医疗费用超过1530亿美元,而到2025年全世界直接用于治疗糖尿病的总费用将高达2130亿~3960亿美元。届时发展中国家  相似文献   

血液透析中的血管通路问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
血管通路问题是当今血液净化疗法所面临的严重问题之一,血透患者因血管通路的并发症而住院者占整个透析患者总住院率的1/4。随着老年透析患者,合并其它严重病情(如糖尿病等)的增加,可供建立血管通路的条件将越来越困难,而患者维持性透析的长期生存完全依赖于良好的血管通路。本文就近几年来血管通路方面的进展综述如下。  相似文献   

卒中预防的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卒中是导致西方社会老年人残障、生活依赖和丧失社交能力的首要原因。其中大部分是缺血性卒中,绝大多数源自动脉血栓形成。据报道,加拿大每年新发卒中 50 000例,每年卒中幸存者约 30 000人,其中 30%为永久性残障,加拿大卫生保健支出的 2. 1%被用于卒中患者 [1, 2]。30年来,中国心脑血管病的发病率明显上升,从 20世纪 60年代中期的 80 /10万人上升到 90年代后期的 238 /10万人。据初步估计,每年新发卒中超过 200万人,死亡超过150万人,患病人数达 600万 ~700万。WHO按现在的卒中死亡率预测,到 2030年卒中年死亡人数将增加 4~5倍。卫生…  相似文献   

血液透析血管通路的选择和并发症的诊治   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
血液透析血管通路的选择和并发症的诊治汤兵关键词血液透析;血管通路选择;并发症血管通路对透析效果和患者长期存活率有着重要影响。随着血液净化疗法的迅速发展,老年透析患者的逐年增加,以及原发疾病的变迁,血液透析血管通路日趋复杂。现就血管通路的建立和选择,以...  相似文献   

脑卒中是发病率和病死率高的疾病,在美国,脑卒中是位于心脏病和癌症之后的第3位致死原因疾病。据估计,美国每年有73万人发生脑卒中,其中约16万人因此而死亡,其致死率高达20%。在我国,脑血管病也已成为危害中老年人身体健康和生命的主要疾病。全国每年新发脑卒中约200万人,每年死于脑血管病约150万人,75%以上留有不同程度的残疾,估计每年用于脑卒中治疗的费用约120亿元人民币,已日益成为沉重的财政负担。  相似文献   

卒中已成为严重危害人类健康的灾难性疾病,尤其是在发展中国家.我国目前每年有近300万例新发或复发性卒中患者,在25岁以上人群中,估计有超过900万例卒中存活者[1].卒中已成为我国第2位致残或致死性疾病,而且其发病率和患病率仍在逐年升高,是造成我国疾病负担和医疗费用持续上升的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

随着社会经济水平发展,高龄透析患者数量日益增多。血管通路是透析患者的生命线,但高龄患者血管通路的选择和建立都较困难,围术期及术后并发症多,远期通畅率较低,长期维护过程中存在诸多挑战。本文通过分析1例我院维持性血液透析患者的诊治过程,探讨高龄患者血管通路的特点以及有效的干预措施,为后续血管通路的建立和维护提供经验。  相似文献   

自1966年Brescia和Cimino等首次创建上肢动静脉内瘘以来,自体动静脉内瘘是临床上最为常用的永久性透析血管通路,也被K/DOQI等指南推荐为首选的血管通路,据估算在我国透析患者的永久性血管通路中,自体动静脉内瘘比例达85% ~90%.内瘘血栓形成是导致自体动静脉内瘘功能障碍的首要原因,维持性血液透析患者多存在高龄、糖尿病、高凝状态等血栓形成的危险因素,加之透析相关低血压、穿刺部位压迫不当及反复穿刺造成内瘘狭窄等原因,易导致内瘘血栓形成.随着血液透析患者生存期的延长,糖尿病肾病和肥胖患者逐年增加,如何保护自体血管及平衡患者疗效、费用和治疗风险的问题日益突出.因此,自体动静脉内瘘的功能维护和内瘘血栓的处理显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

M T Hays  L Hsu 《Endocrine research》1987,13(3):215-228
An enzymatic method for synthesis of labelled thyroxine glucuronide (T4G) and triiodothyronine glucuronide (T3G) from labelled thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) is presented. The synthetic glucuronides are completely digested by beta-glucuronidase, with recovery of the parent T4 or T3. They have distinctive elution patterns on HPLC and on Sephadex G25 chromatography, and can be clearly separated from T4 and T3 as well as from synthetic T4 sulfate (T4S) and T3 sulfate (T3S). On LH 20 chromatography, elution of T4G and T3G is intermediate between that of T4 and T3 and that of T4S and T3S. T3G can be well separated from other thyronines by HPLC alone, but T4G coelutes with rT3 on HPLC; these are then separated by adding a Sephadex G25 chromatography step. Biosynthetic 131I-T3G and 125I-T4G from the bile of a cat given 131I-T3 and 125I-T4 had similar HPLC chromatographic patterns to those of synthetic T3G and T4G. That the identified peaks from analysis of the bile were indeed T3G and T4G was confirmed by recovery of the parent T3 and T4 after beta-glucuronidase digestion.  相似文献   

骨关节结核是危害人们健康的严重感染性疾病,近95%由他处结核病继发而来.罹患骨关节结核疾病后几乎均将致残,严重影响人们的健康、工作和生活.建国以来在党和国家的关心和支持下,骨关节结核的诊治水平取得了长足进步.时至今日,由于多种原因,学科发展和被重视程度受到一定的制约,同整个医疗行业的发展不相适应.回顾过去,展望未来,我们需要重新审视骨关节结核的诊治方法,努力推进骨关节结核诊疗技术的科学发展.  相似文献   

目的 分析肺结核史患者妊娠时间和肺结核复发间相关性.方法 选取我院收治的有肺结核史的妊娠妇女576例作为研究对象,对其妊娠前肺结核治疗、治愈后妊娠时间、妊娠后复发肺结核等进行分析,总结有肺结核史育龄女性的妊娠时间和肺结核复发之间的关系.结果 肺结核治愈后不同时间段妊娠者的结核复发率比较,差异具有显著性(P<0.05),停药后间隔时间越久妊娠,肺结核复发的几率越小.结论 加强孕期痰菌检查,及早发现复发肺结核,提高母婴安全.  相似文献   

0引言吞咽是维持人体生存的重要功能活动.每人每天均必须进行无数次吞咽.对吞咽障碍(deglutitiondisoders,DD)进行有效的预防、诊断和治疗必须了解咽部有关的解剖和功能.1吞咽的生理解剖学“吞咽”不仅指口腔内食团(包括液、固体食物、药物和唾液等)在咽部的通过,而应将之定义为是在构成吞咽通道的唇、舌、腭、咽、喉、食管等各器官肌肉、神经的密切协同下,将吞咽物顺利、安全地运送至胃的全过程[1].食物在口腔内经过咀嚼、搅拌,由唾液润湿,变成食团,然后被吞咽经咽和食管入胃.咀嚼的作用是把大块食物分成小块,并经舌肌、颊肌、颌肌等的搅…  相似文献   

Stress triggers crucial responses, including elevated blood pressure and heart rate (HR), to handle the emergency and restore homeostasis. However, continuation of these effects following cessation of the stress is implicated with many stress-related disorders. Here, we examine the kinetics and persistence of cardiovascular and locomotor responses to single and repeated immobilization stress (IMO), with and without prior treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Radiotelemetry probes were implanted into male Sprague-Dawley rats to continually monitor mean arterial pressure (MAP), HR and locomotor activity. Rats were subjected to IMO for 2 h daily (10 a.m. to noon, 6 consecutive days). The first IMO induced the greatest change in MAP (about 30 mm Hg) and HR (about 200 bpm). Following each IMO, MAP and HR were elevated during the remaining light phase and in the subsequent dark phase, HR was lower than prior to IMO. We further examined whether elevation of ACTH to a level similar to IMO will elicit similar effects, and if it will alter subsequent responses to IMO. Injection of ACTH (13 IU/kg, s.c.) triggered a short-lived rise in MAP, and decreased HR. After six daily injections of ACTH and recovery time (8 days), rats were immobilized as above. The cardiovascular responses were similar during the IMO, but the ACTH-pretreated group displayed differences following cessation of the IMO. In addition, IMO led to a large reduction of locomotor activity during the dark (normally active) phase to levels similar to the light phase. Following the IMOs, locomotor activity recovered more slowly in the ACTH-pretreated group. The study revealed that IMO-triggered cardiovascular and locomotor responses are evident after termination of the stress. In addition, prior exposure to ACTH delayed recovery in cardiovascular and locomotor functions following cessation of stress.  相似文献   

Fungi are common inhabitants of the oral and nasal mucosa, and therefore the differentiation between colonization and pathogenicity in the setting of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms can be difficult. Fungal head and neck infections occur in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised persons, and patients with neutropenia, diabetes mellitus, corticosteroid use, and HIV infection are particularly susceptible to serious and potentially life-threatening infections. Invasive fungal head and neck infections generally require extensive surgical debridement and prolonged systemic antifungal therapy, and frequently carry a poor prognosis when the underlying immunosuppression cannot be corrected. In contrast, noninvasive fungal head and neck infections often respond to short courses of systemic or topical antifungal therapy, or require limited surgical debridement alone.  相似文献   

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