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This note studies the relationships between different aspects of agent’s preferences toward risk. We show that, under the assumptions of non-satiation and bounded marginal utility, prudence implies risk aversion (imprudence implies risk loving) and that temperance implies prudence (intemperance implies imprudence). The implications of these results for comparing risks in the cases of increase in risk, increase in downside risk and increase in outer risk are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of background risks as human capital, market risks and catastrophic events has been considered in the literature in different contexts. In this note, we consider financial insurance portfolios with insurable risks and one background risk (uninsurable financial asset), such that the random losses and the background risk depend on environmental parameters. We study how dependencies between the risks influence the expected utility of the portfolio’s wealth distribution under risk aversion, when the environmental parameters are random. Stochastic bounds for the expected wealth are given from modeling the dependence between the parameters by different notions. Similar results are given for multivariate portfolios with n groups and multivariate risk aversion, besides an expected utility comparison result for the minimum and the total portfolio’s wealth.  相似文献   

Mean-risk models have been widely used in portfolio optimization. However, such models may produce portfolios that are dominated with respect to second order stochastic dominance and therefore not optimal for rational and risk-averse investors. This paper considers the problem of constructing a portfolio which is non-dominated with respect to second order stochastic dominance and whose return distribution has specified desirable properties. The problem is multi-objective and is transformed into a single objective problem by using the reference point method, in which target levels, known as aspiration points, are specified for the objective functions. A model is proposed in which the aspiration points relate to ordered outcomes for the portfolio return. This concept is extended by additionally specifying reservation points, which act pre-emptively in the optimization model. The theoretical properties of the models are studied. The performance of the models on real data drawn from the Hang Seng index is also investigated.  相似文献   

Linear stochastic programming problems with first order stochastic dominance (FSD) constraints are non-convex. For their mixed 0-1 linear programming formulation we present two convex relaxations based on second order stochastic dominance (SSD). We develop necessary and sufficient conditions for FSD, used to obtain a disjunctive programming formulation and to strengthen one of the SSD-based relaxations.  相似文献   

We derive a cutting plane decomposition method for stochastic programs with first-order dominance constraints induced by linear recourse models with continuous variables in the second stage.  相似文献   

Stochastic dominance rules can be applied to the selection of statistical estimators. This paper applies the procedure to estimators of location parameters of stable distributions: the mean and the median. It was found that the preference of one estimator over another depends on the characteristic exponent and on the sample size. Furthermore for some combinations of characteristic exponents and sample size we found that the stochastic dominance rule yields no preference implying that depending on one's utility function one may prefer the mean over the median or vise versa. This result differs from the common mean squared error criterion.  相似文献   

Is it possible to obtain an objective and quantifiable measure of risk backed up by choices made by some specific groups of rational investors? To answer this question, in this paper we establish some behavior foundations for various types of VaR models, including VaR and conditional-VaR, as measures of downside risk. In this paper, we will establish some logical connections among VaRs, conditional-VaR, stochastic dominance, and utility maximization. Though supported to some extents with unanimous choices by some specific groups of expected or non-expected-utility investors, VaRs as profiles of risk measures at various levels of risk tolerance are not quantifiable – they can only provide partial and incomplete risk assessments for risky prospects.  相似文献   

Standard finance portfolio theory draws graphs and writes equations usually with no constraints and frequently in the univariate case. However, in reality, there are multivariate random variables and multivariate asset weights to determine with constraints. Also there are the effects of transaction costs on asset prices in the theory and calculation of optimal portfolios in the static and dynamic cases. There we use various stochastic programming, linear complementary, quadratic programming and nonlinear programming problems. This paper begins with the simplest problems and builds the theory to the more complex cases and then applies it to real financial asset allocation problems, hedge funds and professional racetrack betting. This paper is based on a keynote lecture at the APMOD conference in Madrid in June 2006. It was also presented at the London Business School. Many thanks are due to APMOD organizers Antonio Alonso-Ayuso, Laureano Escudero, and Andres Ramos for inviting me and for excellent hospitality in Madrid. Thanks are also due to my teachers at Berkeley who got me on the right track on stochastic and mathematical programming, especially Olvi Mangasarian, Roger Wets and Willard Zangwill, and my colleagues and co-authors on portfolio theory in finance and horseracing, especially Chanaka Edirishinge, Donald Hausch, Jarl Kallberg, Victor Lo, Leonard MacLean, Raymond Vickson and Yonggan Zhao.  相似文献   

The problem of comparing random vectors arises in many applications. We propose three new concepts of stochastically weighted dominance for comparing random vectors X and Y. The main idea is to use a random vector V to scalarize X and Y   as VTXVTX and VTYVTY, and subsequently use available concepts from stochastic dominance and stochastic optimization for comparison. For the case where the distributions of X, Y and V have finite support, we give (mixed-integer) linear inequalities that can be used for random vector comparison as well as for modeling of optimization problems where one of the random vectors depends on decisions to be optimized. Some advantages of the proposed new concepts are illustrated with the help of a capital budgeting example.  相似文献   

Le p(n) be the fewest number of support points for probability distributions p and q for which p stochastically dominates q of degree n but not of any degrees less than n. Then ?(n) = n + 1 for n = 1,2,3, and ?(n) = 4 for all larger n.  相似文献   

In recent years, a range of measures of “partial” stochastic dominance have been introduced. These measures attempt to determine the extent to which one distribution is dominated by another. We assess these measures from intuitive, axiomatic, computational and statistical perspectives. Our investigation leads us to recommend a measure related to optimal transport as a natural default.  相似文献   

In this paper a general method for developing necessary conditions for all degrees of stochastic dominance is derived. The method, a minimization of the expected value of certain functions of the random variable, is used to rederive known necessary conditions for dominance and is then used to derive new necessary conditions. Some of the old and new conditions are then compared empirically using a data set of security returns.  相似文献   

Second order Stochastic Dominance (SSD) has a well recognised importance in portfolio selection, since it provides a natural interpretation of the theory of risk-averse investor behaviour. Recently, SSD-based models of portfolio choice have been proposed; these assume that a reference distribution is available and a portfolio is constructed, whose return distribution dominates the reference distribution with respect to SSD. We present an empirical study which analyses the effectiveness of such strategies in the context of enhanced indexation. Several datasets, drawn from FTSE 100, SP 500 and Nikkei 225 are investigated through portfolio rebalancing and backtesting. Three main conclusions are drawn. First, the portfolios chosen by the SSD based models consistently outperformed the indices and the traditional index trackers. Secondly, the SSD based models do not require imposition of cardinality constraints since naturally a small number of stocks are selected. Thus, they do not present the computational difficulty normally associated with index tracking models. Finally, the SSD based models are robust with respect to small changes in the scenario set and little or no rebalancing is necessary.  相似文献   

Stochastic dominance relations are well studied in statistics, decision theory and economics. Recently, there has been significant interest in introducing dominance relations into stochastic optimization problems as constraints. In the discrete case, stochastic optimization models involving second order stochastic dominance constraints can be solved by linear programming. However, problems involving first order stochastic dominance constraints are potentially hard due to the non-convexity of the associated feasible regions. In this paper we consider a mixed 0–1 linear programming formulation of a discrete first order constrained optimization model and present a relaxation based on second order constraints. We derive some valid inequalities and restrictions by employing the probabilistic structure of the problem. We also generate cuts that are valid inequalities for the disjunctive relaxations arising from the underlying combinatorial structure of the problem by applying the lift-and-project procedure. We describe three heuristic algorithms to construct feasible solutions, based on conditional second order constraints, variable fixing, and conditional value at risk. Finally, we present numerical results for several instances of a real world portfolio optimization problem. This research was supported by the NSF awards DMS-0603728 and DMI-0354678.  相似文献   

We study a mean-risk model derived from a behavioral theory of Disappointment with multiple reference points. One distinguishing feature of the risk measure is that it is based on mutual deviations of outcomes, not deviations from a specific target. We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for strict first and second order stochastic dominance, and show that the model is, in addition, a Convex Risk Measure. The model allows for richer, and behaviorally more plausible, risk preference patterns than competing models with equal degrees of freedom, including Expected Utility (EU), Mean–Variance (M-V), Mean-Gini (M-G), and models based on non-additive probability weighting, such as Dual Theory (DT). In asset allocation, the model allows a decision-maker to abstain from diversifying in a positive expected value risky asset if its performance does not meet a certain threshold, and gradually invest beyond this threshold, which appears more acceptable than the extreme solutions provided by either EU and M-V (always diversify) or DT and M-G (always plunge). In asset trading, the model provides no-trade intervals, like DT and M-G, in some, but not all, situations. An illustrative application to portfolio selection is presented. The model can provide an improved criterion for mean-risk analysis by injecting a new level of behavioral realism and flexibility, while maintaining key normative properties.  相似文献   

Although data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been extensively used to assess the performance of mutual funds (MF), most of the approaches overestimate the risk associated to the endogenous benchmark portfolio. This is because in the conventional DEA technology the risk of the target portfolio is computed as a linear combination of the risk of the assessed MF. This neglects the important effects of portfolio diversification. Other approaches based on mean–variance or mean–variance–skewness are non-linear. We propose to combine DEA with stochastic dominance criteria. Thus, in this paper, six distinct DEA-like linear programming (LP) models are proposed for computing relative efficiency scores consistent (in the sense of necessity) with second-order stochastic dominance (SSD). The aim is that, being SSD efficient, the obtained target portfolio should be an optimal benchmark for any rational risk-averse investor. The proposed models are compared with several related approaches from the literature.  相似文献   

Inspired by the successful applications of the stochastic optimization with second order stochastic dominance (SSD) model in portfolio optimization, we study new numerical methods for a general SSD model where the underlying functions are not necessarily linear. Specifically, we penalize the SSD constraints to the objective under Slater’s constraint qualification and then apply the well known stochastic approximation (SA) method and the level function method to solve the penalized problem. Both methods are iterative: the former requires to calculate an approximate subgradient of the objective function of the penalized problem at each iterate while the latter requires to calculate a subgradient. Under some moderate conditions, we show that w.p.1 the sequence of approximated solutions generated by the SA method converges to an optimal solution of the true problem. As for the level function method, the convergence is deterministic and in some cases we are able to estimate the number of iterations for a given precision. Both methods are applied to portfolio optimization problem where the return functions are not necessarily linear and some numerical test results are reported.  相似文献   

By incorporating both majorization theory and stochastic dominance theory, this paper presents a general theory and a unifying framework for determining the diversification preferences of risk-averse investors and conditions under which they would unanimously judge a particular asset to be superior. In particular, we develop a theory for comparing the preferences of different convex combinations of assets that characterize a portfolio to give higher expected utility by second-order stochastic dominance. Our findings also provide an additional methodology for determining the second-order stochastic dominance efficient set.  相似文献   

Due to the definition of second-order stochastic dominance (SSD) in terms of utility theory, portfolio optimization with SSD constraints is of major practical interest. We contribute to the field in two ways: first, we present a self-contained theory with some new results and new proofs of known results; second, we perform a set of tests for computational efficiency. We provide new and simple arguments for the formulation of SSD constraints in a mathematical programming framework. For many individuals, an SSD constraint may seem too severe wherefore various relaxations (ASSD), have been proposed. We introduce yet another relaxation, directional SSD, where a candidate portfolio is admissible if a step from the benchmark in the direction of the candidate yields a dominating portfolio. Optimal step size depends on individual preferences reflected by the objective function. We compare computational efficiency of seven approaches for SD constrained portfolio problems, including SSD and ASSD constrained cases.  相似文献   

The rate of return of a zero-coupon bond with maturity T is determined by our expectations about the mean (+), variance (-) and skewness (+) of the growth of aggregate consumption between 0 and T. The shape of the yield curve is thus determined by how these moments vary with T. We first examine growth processes in which a higher past economic growth yields a first-degree dominant shift in the distribution of the future economic growth, as assumed for example by Vasicek (J. Financ. Econ. 5, 177–188, 1977). We show that when the growth process exhibits such a positive serial dependence, then the yield curve is decreasing if the representative agent is prudent (), because of the increased risk that it yields for the distant future. A similar definition is proposed for the concept of second-degree stochastic dependence, as observed for example in the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model, with the opposite comparative static property holding under temperance (), because the change in downside risk (or skweness) that it generates. Finally, using these theoretical results, we propose two arguments in favor of using a smaller rate to discount cash-flows with very large maturities, as those associated to global warming or nuclear waste management. An earlier version of this paper was entitled “Transitory shocks to GNP and the consumption-based term structure of interest rates”. I am indebted to John Campbell, Martin Weitzman and to two referees for helpful comments.  相似文献   

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