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生物质在流化床中的空气-水蒸气气化研究   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
以流化床为反应器,对生物质的空气-水蒸气气化特性进行了研究。考察了一些主要参变量,如温度 (700 ℃~900 ℃)、水蒸气/生物质比(0~4.04)、空气当量比(0.19~0.27)以及生物质粒度(0.2 mm~0.9 mm)等对气化结果的影响。在实验研究的条件范围内,生物质产气率在1.43 m3/kg~2.57 m3/kg范围内变化,产气的低热值在6 741 kJ/m3~9 143 kJ/m3范围内变化。实验结果表明:较高的气化温度有利于氢的产生;但气化温度过高会使气体热值下降;与常规的空气气化相比,水蒸气的加入使生物质气化产气率显著提高,但水蒸气加入量过多使气化温度下降,产气率和产气热值降低;生物质颗粒粒度的大小对产气组分的分布和产气率均有影响,较小颗粒的生物质会产生较多的CH4、CO和较少的CO2。  相似文献   

生物质流化床氧气-水蒸气气化实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在小型流化床气化装置上进行了氧气-水蒸气气化实验,考察了原料、当量比、水蒸气配比、温度、二次风和床料对气化特性的影响。结果表明,原料中C和H含量越高,气化气中H2和CO含量越高,焦油含量越低;当量比为0.27和水蒸气配比为0.6时,H2含量达到最大值;温度的升高可提高H2含量,在840 ℃以上,可提高CO含量;二次风从进料口偏上且二次风比率为15%通入,气体组分变化较明显,二次风通入点位置越高,焦油含量降低幅度越大;白云石和石灰石裂解焦油和提高H2含量的活性高于橄榄石,但同时明显提高了气体中的灰分含量。  相似文献   

王政  冯太  王涛 《化学通报》2024,87(5):514-527
生物质能是一种可再生能源,它来源于生物体(如植物、动物、微生物等)通过光合作用将太阳能转化为化学能,并以有机物的形式储存。生物质能可以在适当的条件下被转化为热能、电能、生物燃料等,是一种重要的替代传统化石能源的可持续能源。生物质气化作为生物质的开发路径之一,是利用生物质生产合成气的有效方式。本文综述了生物质气化技术的研究,包括传统气化技术、共气化技术、化学链气化技术以及超临界气化技术等。介绍了每个气化技术的实验研究,阐述了各个气化技术的特点;详细介绍了化学链气化中载氧体与共气化中掺杂剂的使用。本文旨在探索使生物质气化效率达到最优的方案,并列举了目前存在的局限性,为进一步发展生物质气化技术以及生物质气化研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   

气流床粉煤气化的Gibbs自由能最小化模拟   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
用Gibbs自由能最小化方法对粉煤气化过程进行了热力学平衡分析。对一混合煤种,在3.0 MPa和气化温度限制在1 200 ℃~1 450 ℃时,研究了氧-煤比、蒸气-煤比对气化炉出口气体组成、温度和有效气产率的影响,并由此确定了可行的操作域是氧-煤比545m3/t~605 m3/t、蒸气-煤比为152.64 kg/t~313.92 kg/t及其对应的工艺指标。从操作域中选择有代表性的工艺条件为氧-煤比578 m3/t、蒸气-煤比为187 kg/t,对应的气化炉出口温度1 358 ℃,CO+H2干基体积分数为91.5%,有效气产率为2.123(CO+H2)m3/kg。同时,研究了碳转化率和热损失对气化工艺指标的影响,其影响是显著的。  相似文献   

在一个小型鼓泡流化床反应器上以Ar气为流化介质,对以天然铁矿石为氧载体的生物质化学链气化制合成气过程进行了研究。考察了反应温度对合成气组分、气体产率、碳转化率以及气化效率的影响,反应时间对合成气组分的影响;探讨了氧载体存在对生物质气化过程的影响。结果表明,天然铁矿石可以作为生物质化学链气化制合成气反应过程的氧载体,代替富氧空气或高温水蒸气作为生物质气化的气化剂;随着温度的升高,产物气体中CO、H2的浓度逐渐增加,CO2、CH4浓度缓慢降低;随着反应时间的延长,合成气中H2、CO、CH4的相对浓度缓慢增加,而CO2相对浓度逐渐降低;氧载体的存在能显著提高气体产率和碳的转化率及气化效率。扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDS)分析表明,当超过850 ℃时,铁矿石氧载体颗粒表面烧结现象明显,但反应前后,颗粒表面的成分及含量基本保持不变。  相似文献   

甲烷自热重整制氢热力学分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
为了优化甲烷自热重整制氢过程的反应条件,运用吉布斯自由能最小化方法对过程进行了热力学计算,研究了重整过程的反应温度、空碳比、水碳比对平衡组成的影响。模拟结果表明,适宜的水碳比为2.5~3.5,空碳比2.0~3.5,重整温度700℃~850℃,每摩尔甲烷生成2.17mol~2.23mol氢;以水碳比1.5为例,对不同空碳比下的组分的产生和转化的机理进行了分析。  相似文献   

生物质气化技术发展分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物质气化技术在世界范围内得到了广泛应用.研究综述了生物质气化技术的发展现状和应用情况,阐明了生物质气化技术目前存在的主要问题;对中国生物质气化生活供气和工业供气典型项目的经济性进行了分析,在此基础上对中国生物质气化技术应用前景进行了展望;结合中国生物质气化产业发展面临的新形势,为生物质气化产业的发展提出建议.  相似文献   

不同类型化学平衡的热力学本质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
探讨了定温定容下气相化学平衡、复相化学平衡和纯凝相化学平衡的热力学本质。指出,对于不同类型的反应,建立化学平衡的根本原因其实是不相同的,不能简单地都归因于混合过程对系统Gibbs自由能的影响。  相似文献   

利用固定床反应器对生物油的水蒸气非催化气化性能进行了实验研究,考察了温度和水蒸气的加入量对气化过程的影响,对气化所得粗合成气的组成分布进行了分析。结果表明,升高温度有利于生物油向合成气转化,1 200 ℃时,生物油的碳转化率可达97.8%,合成气有效成分(H2+CO)的产率可达77%,其中H2/CO摩尔比为1.19;水蒸气的加入可以提高合成气中的H2/CO摩尔比,当S/C(水碳比)=4时,合成气中的H2/CO摩尔比可达3.69,与此同时,水蒸气的加入不利于合成气有效成分产率的提高;生物油气化所得气体为中热值气体。  相似文献   

In this work,experimental studies of biomass gasification under different operating conditions were carried out in an updraft gasifier combined with a copper slag reformer.The influence of gasification temperature,equivalence ratio(ER) and copper slag catalyst addition on gas production and tar yield were investigated.The experimental results showed that the content of H2 and CO,gas yield and LHV increased,while the tar yield and the content of CO2,CH4 and C2Hx in the gas product decreased with the temperature.At 800C,with the increase of ER,the LHV,the tar yield and the content of H2,CO,CH4 and C2Hx in gas products decreased,while the gas yield and the content of CO2 increased.Copper slag was introduced into the secondary reformer for tar decomposition.The Fe3O4 phase in the fresh copper slag was reduced to FeO(Fe2+) and metallic Fe by the gas product.Fe species(FeO and metallic Fe) acted as the active sites for tar catalytic decomposition.The catalytic temperature had a significant influence on tar conversion and the composition of the gas product.Typically,the tar conversion of about 17%-54% could be achieved when the catalytic temperature was varied from 750 to 950 C.Also,the content of H2 and CO increased with the catalytic temperature,while that of CO2,CH4 and C2Hx in the gas product decreased.It was demonstrated that copper slag was a good catalyst for upgrading the gas product from biomass gasification.  相似文献   

对基于CoFe2O4载氧体的生物质化学链气化反应进行了热力学分析,研究了载氧体添加量、温度及水蒸气含量对气化反应特性的影响。同时应用热重分析仪对CoFe2O4和生物质的气化反应特性进行了实验研究,并利用XRD对反应前后载氧体的物相组成进行分析。热力学研究表明,CoFe2O4在气化反应中能够提供晶格氧,有效促进生物质气化,提高碳转化率。随着反应温度升高,合成气中H2和CO的含量增加,CO2的含量减少。随着水蒸气含量增加,H2和CO2含量会增加,CO含量减少。添加水蒸气能够提高合成气中H2和CO的比值,改善合成气的品质。热重实验及XRD结果表明,钴优先于铁被还原,钴与铁存在协同作用,钴能够促进铁的进一步还原。随着载氧体添加量的增加,载氧体被还原的程度会降低,载氧体与生物质的最佳质量比为0.8。  相似文献   

Insertion electrochemical electrodes exhibit simultaneous electron and ion transfer, with the two transfers proceeding across different interfaces. Herein the thermodynamics of the overall electrochemical electrode reaction is discussed with respect to the thermodynamics of these two charge‐transfer equilibria. This Minireview includes insertion electrochemical systems where the redox centers are in a solid phase and the ions are transferred between that phase and a solution, and also systems where the redox centers are in a liquid phase that is immiscible with another liquid phase and ions are transferred between the two liquid phases. The Minireview is intended to spark similar studies on battery materials to improve their performance.  相似文献   

The role played by the metal ion in thermodynamics of azurin folding was addressed by studying the thermal denaturation of the apo-form by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and by comparing the results with data concerning the holo protein. The thermal unfolding experiments showed that at 25°C the presence of metal ion increases the thermodynamic stability of azurin by 24 kJ mol−1. A comparison between the unfolding and the copper binding free energies allow us to assert that the unfolded polypeptide chain binds copper and subsequently folds into native holo azurin, being this the thermodynamically most favourable process in driving azurin folding.  相似文献   

在 973- 1 473K温度范围内 ,测定了铌与Ca CaO和与Mg MgO共存时铌金属中氧的平衡浓度 .得出并讨论了铌中的氧溶解反应的Gibbs自由能表达式和氧分压 温度 成分 (p t x)关系表达式 .  相似文献   

本文在系统地研究了国内外水的离子积计算公式基础上,根据化学热力学理论,提出临界区和超临界区水的离子积pK_W=f(T.P)计算公式。与Sweeton实验值比较,0°~300℃pK_W平均偏差0.008;0°~300℃,1—1000bar pK_W计算值接近Marshall公式的计算值,但比它实用。同时,可以导出pK_W=f(T)pK_W=f(T.ρ)类型的计算公式。  相似文献   

Using semi-adiabatic calorimetry, we measured the enthalpies of solution for various low-polar compounds including alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons and their halogenated derivatives in formamide at temperature of 298 K. For the same compounds, the values of limiting activity coefficients in formamide were determined using GC headspace analysis at 298 K, and Gibbs free energies of solution and solvation were calculated. Based on these data and the available literature values of the Gibbs free energy of solvation in formamide for a number of other low-polar solutes, a study of the solvophobic effect in this solvent is performed, and its resemblance to the hydrophobic effect in aqueous solutions is demonstrated. It is shown that the contribution of the solvophobic effect into the solvation Gibbs free energy in formamide is much higher than that in aliphatic alcohols, but lower than that in water. Like in water, the magnitude of this contribution for different solutes linearly increases with the solute molecular volume. Solvophobic effect also significantly affects the enthalpies of dissolution in formamide, causing them to be more negative in the case of alkanes and more positive in the case of arenes.  相似文献   

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