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George Hein, museum education theorist, asserts that there are five qualities a “constructivist exhibition” must have (1998, 35). The authors, assembling observations of visitor engagement and qualitative data from the 2013 Smithsonian Folklife Festival, compare the event to Hein's constructivist exhibition criteria, to assess whether the Festival allowed visitors to “make meaning,” and to see whether visitor meaning‐making meshed with the goals of the curators. The answers have the potential to help improve visitor experiences and learning outcomes at museums and other curated cultural events.  相似文献   

本研究以史密森尼国家自然历史博物馆“动手活动”线上教学资源为例,从真实有意义的情境、对接《科学教育标准》、结构化的课程内容、丰富的学习支架四个角度进行分析,探讨如何通过线上教学资源的设计促进学生学得愉快有效。同时,从提升学习体验、拓展课堂教学、设计综合学习和打造学习中心等四方面为我国博物馆线上资源的开发提供经验与启示。  相似文献   

第九届 (2001年度)中国广播文艺奖评选会于2002年9月2日至8日在北京举行。评委会从180个参评节目中评出90个获奖节目,其中特别奖1个,一等奖18个,二等奖30个,三等奖41个。 纵观本届获奖作品,既有昂扬的时代精神,又带有浓郁的怀旧色彩,作品透射着强烈的文化内蕴,又不失源于生活、源于实际的平民视角,体现出广播体制改革转型时期文艺节目  相似文献   

Artistic patination is a traditional colouring technique for metal sculpture, employed by artists in ancient and modern times for aesthetic purposes. Today, knowledge of the artistic value and the chemistry of this superficial chromatic layer, called ‘artistic patina’, can be successfully acquired through a close collaboration between living artists, foundry artisans, and scientists. Starting from several interviews with the Italian artist Nado Canuti and foundry artisans, specific information was gathered about patination methods and the artist’s attitude towards materials restoration. Afterwards, the patinas most used by Canuti were reproduced to study their nature before any ageing or degradation. Their chromatic values, morphologies, and compositions were studied employing a range of techniques such as colour measurements, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. The collected data revealed the formation of main compounds (cuprite, cassiterite, rouaite, chalcocite, isocubanite, and ferroxyhite) and additional compounds (atacamite and CN-containing compound). The scientific results, as well as the artist’s statements concerning the patinas’ significance, maintenance, and conservation, will contribute towards the future care and preservation of Canuti’s sculptures.  相似文献   

本文以话语方法对《人民日报》玉树地震报道的国家认同和国家话语进行分析,认为国家话语通过话语在场、话语共存和话语记忆等分别以报道对象、评论、报道语词等强调了党/国、家/国的同构特征;以媒介仪式强化了国家认同的历史记忆。  相似文献   

Diamond Jenness (1886–1969), New Zealand born and Oxford educated, is best known in anthropology for his detailed studies of Canadian Inuit and Indian societies and cultures. He published numerous reports and papers and the ground-breaking The Indians of Canada (1932), a classic of North American ethnology. Less well known is his service (1926–1930, 1937–1947) as chief of the Anthropological Division of the National Museum of Canada (NMC), where he made important contributions to furthering Canadian anthropology before the discipline had gained public acceptance or a secure niche in either academia or government. Two facts help to explain why little attention has been paid to Jenness's administrative work and the Division's accomplishments during his tenure. First, his career was overshadowed by that of Edward Sapir, among the century's brightest anthropological lights and Jenness's predecessor as chief (1910–1925). Sapir has been the subject of considerable attention in disciplinary history, including assessments of his formative influence on professional anthropology in Canada during his sojourn at NMC (Cowan et al., 1986; Koerner, 1984). Second, Jenness and his colleagues struggled to maintain the Division's viability at a time when economic depression, government bureaucracy, and world war threatened to reduce professional anthropology to insignificance. Though we are not without tangible proofs of the Division's scientific endeavors during the period, perhaps its more notable accomplishment was surviving the onslaught at all.  相似文献   

The media have focused a great deal of attention on the Internet in the United States, but what is the status of connectivity outside the United States? The Human Development Index (HDI) created by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ranks 174 countries by human development status, e.g., average life expectancy, GDP per capita, and adult literacy. Since 1991, Larry Landweber, a member of the Internet Society (ISO), has tracked the growth of Internet connectivity worldwide and made this information available via the Internet. Landweber's list is converted into high, medium, and low HDI rankings in order to note the growth of Internet connectivity for 174 countries during the past five years. Additionally, international media reports translated by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) are examined to track discussion of telecommunications or Internet expansion. FBIS citations show substantial coverage of telecommunications development and satellite projects in Asia and the Pacific, and Oceania. It is only within the last two years that the Internet has surfaced in international news reports. FBIS reports also reveal that foreign government officials are confronted with their inability to regulate the Internet. One example involves dissident groups circumventing traditional information channels to broadcast opposing views.  相似文献   


Using both quantitative and interpretive approaches, this article provides an in-depth analysis of the changing representations of the border region in the newspapers of San Diego and Tijuana over the last decade. The major daily newspapers, the San Diego Union-Tribune, and El Mexicano, have been sampled over a 10-year period. For the Union-Tribune, photo-journalistic coverage evolves in relationship to changing political realities, though the images may tend toward a more polarized reading than the text. Initially the photographs in the Union-Tribune depict the border as boundary. By 1998 increased emphasis on regional trade is reflected in the photojournalistic coverage. Until 2000, coverage in El Mexicano is much more static, always representing the border as bridge from the perspective of Mexican official culture. Comparative analysis of the representational strategies used in both cities suggests alternatives that cross borders rather than reinforce them.  相似文献   


This article examines the phenomenon of resistance to popular culture criticism in U.S. discourse by analyzing the controversy surrounding two popular culture artifacts: a series of Taco Bell advertisements featuring a Spanish- speaking Chihuahua, and a Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area radio program that mocked a young Hmong rape victim who committed infanticide. Dismissal of popular culture criticism in reaction to these controversies reflects the genre of therapeutic rhetoric, or discourse that surrounds the U.S. propensity to understand and discuss social problems through the terministic screen of individualism.  相似文献   

本文将国家形象界定为国家客观现实经过文化价值观、国家利益观、大众媒介三重偏曲后投射在国内和国际公众意识中的主观映像。以此为基础,作者认为对国家形象的准确分析需要将其还原到由空间和时间构成的四维认知情景中去,并逐一分析了认知对象国、认知环境、认知者(目标国家受众)和时间这四个构成要素的内涵及相互关系。此外,对国家实力形象和国家意图形象的划分也为解析国家形象提供了新的维度。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the experience of studying for an National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) by past and present candidates in the library and information science sector, their reasons for choosing this qualification and its impact on completion. METHODOLOGY: Following a review of the literature, a number of NVQ candidates were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Candidates were contacted via e-mail through NVQ Centres and the LondonLinks e-mail list. There is a focus on health libraries as the flexibility and work-based nature of NVQs enable more staff to access training and education in this sector, despite the not uncommon low levels of staffing. RESULTS: NVQ Centres have gained experience since NVQs were launched 10 years ago. More support is offered to candidates and a number of issues such as isolation, are no longer a problem. An interesting result was the high number of candidates who had gone on to higher education following the completion of an NVQ. CONCLUSIONS: The NVQ is a useful method of providing staff with an opportunity to gain a recognized qualification. A significant number of candidates reported that the NVQ was ultimately a positive experience that improved their working practices. It can be an important first step for non-professional staff, but the future remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Abstract In the early 1990s, Colombia developed a highly sophisticated constitutional and judicial framework. The Constitution of 1991 offers two sets of principles: First, the rights granted to minority groups so they might guide their lives according to their traditions and the recognition of the multicultural character of the nation. Second, the values of unity and sovereignty and universal human dignity, the minimum denominator that unites the Colombian people. In the context of a multicultural nation, what is the role of museums in supporting demands of minorities and disenfranchised groups? This paper looks at the issue of differentiated rights for Afro‐descendents through analysis of Wakes and Live Saints among Black, Afro‐Colombian, Maroon and Islander Communities at the National Museum of Colombia (2008). This exhibition was chosen because Afro‐Colombian activists and scholars have strongly demanded that the National Museum respond to claims of historical reparation.  相似文献   

This case study examines the curatorial challenges of producing a very large exhibition at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History from 1999 to 2003. This is an insider's look at how a cross‐functional exhibition team worked to produce a compelling new exhibition. Among the issues addressed are: development of a theme; choice and use of artifacts; presentation organization and techniques; issues of truth, authenticity and accuracy in history exhibitions; and practical issues of exhibition team organization and contract management.  相似文献   

李楠  张超  路璐  邹沐宏 《图书情报工作》2020,64(15):151-156
[目的/意义] 以中国科学院文献情报中心"中国科讯"为例,分析专业图书馆应急科学传播服务的举措及成效,为应急事件下专业图书馆科学传播服务提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 梳理新冠肺炎疫情期间"中国科讯"微信公众号推送的服务内容,从日均用户增长和阅读量分析用户对不同类型内容的关注程度,提出应急科学传播服务的思考。[结果/结论] 疫情期间,"中国科讯"日均用户增长明显,电子资源保障类内容阅读量最高,其次为新冠病毒科技攻关进展相关内容、科普类直播和信息素养教育直播观看人数达到数万人。应急事件下,专业图书馆应加强特色服务的宣传、加强信息甄选和审核机制,重大公共卫生事件下应急科学传播工作预案缺失也需引起重视。  相似文献   

The motivation for this article arose from the wish to share our outside perspectives on how national museums in the U.S. mediate ideas of national identity. We are four students out of a larger group of 15 German students in Cultural Studies at Leuphana University of Lueneburg. We conducted empirical research on various national museums within the Smithsonian Institution and also on the soon‐to‐be‐opened National September 11 Memorial Museum in New York City. The objective of our research was to explore the role that American national museums play in a globalized world by investigating how such museums address changing national identities over time.  相似文献   

通过对馆藏资源本体相关定义和特点进行分析,在传统语义相似度计算方法的基础之上,提出了一种综合的基于馆藏资源本体模型的语义相似度算法。并构建了竞争情报资源本体,对该算法进行了实例分析。该算法为馆藏资源本体的语义相似度计算提供了一种有效的量化途径。  相似文献   

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