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家校通短信系统的研究与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文主要介绍了家校通短信系统的现实需求、系统功能和网络架构。讨论了如何利用当前先进的信息技术,在学校与家庭之间建立一条沟通渠道,让信息在家长、老师、学生之间相互交流,将学校的课堂教育延伸到家庭。最后,阐述了系统在有关单位的使用效果以及需要进一步改进的有关内容。  相似文献   

介绍了Web站点动态内容缓存的几种方法,包括smarty缓存、内存缓存、服务器缓存.使用并发压力测试对这几种方法做了使用缓存前后的性能提升的纵向比较,以及各项方法对性能提升程度的横向比较,性能的主要指标为请求时长和吞吐率.  相似文献   

针对现代大学生自我约束能力不足、晚归及旷寝等事件频繁发生、安全防范能力缺乏等现象,结合高校学生管理的需求,提出基于射频识别(RFID)技术的智能家校通门禁管理系统的设计方案.该系统运用C#开发平台,由门禁子系统(计算机端)、查询子系统(Web端)组成.系统具备实时采集数据、存储数据功能.用户可以在Web端访问数据,能在...  相似文献   

互联网是一个虚拟的世界,但并不是一个可以没有规则的世界。互联网需要有规则保证这个世界的安全。以数字身份认证技术为例,它实际上是通过数字证书技术确认互联网中各主体的身份。个人应用个人身份证进行数字签名,企业持有企业证书代表企业签名。而服务器证书实际上是为互联网上大大小小的服务器表明身份.同时建立客户端与服务器间安全可靠的加密通道(SSL通道).并且与个人证书、企业证书等证书一起组成一个信任网络,保证信息传递的安全可靠。  相似文献   

依托计算机、互联网、无线通讯等技术,搭建教育网络互动平台,实现学校、家长和教师之间的便捷沟通是互联网+教育的基本要求.通过分析家校互动平台中参与方的需求,搭建基于java、Mysql数据库、Tomcat服务器、Android移动开发技术的家校通软件,实现了学校与教师信息的发布、标记、置顶、已阅标注,家长信息阅读、评论、点赞、收藏以及关键要素的标记,孩子电子成长档案的合成,学生成长信息的关键字查询与统计等功能.本文对该家校通的需求、功能设计及关键技术点进行了阐述.  相似文献   

谢鹏  顾和明 《数字社区&智能家居》2014,(23):5504-5505,5507
随着移动网络技术的不断发展,智能设备消息推送机制不断完善。信息推送被运用到了很多领域,该文给出了信息推送在智能设备家校通系统中的运用,解决了基于台式机家校通系统的家校互动能力不足的问题。该文设计的系统采用B/S和C/S模式,服务器使用MySQL数据库,搭载Androidpn信息推送开源框架,完美的将信息推送技术运用到了家校通系统中,使家校通系统更加灵活,更有实用性。  相似文献   

范洁 《信息技术教育》2014,(19):124-126
随着移动互联网技术的发展和智能移动通信终端的普及,传统"家校通"系统面临新的发展机遇。本文设计并实现了基于Android的移动"家校通"系统,为家校合作建立了灵活、便捷、高效的服务平台,使家校双方能够及时方便地传递信息,更好地解决家校之间沟通难的问题。  相似文献   

高效的家校协作能够调动整个教育体系中的每一个角色,为学生营造一个良好的教育环境。文中设计并实现了基于JXTA的P2P模式家校通系统,改变一般“家校通”的家、校“两点”式交流为家长、学生、老师和学校的“多点”式交流,开拓家校协作的新途径,拓展“家校通”的内涵,既实现了家校高效合作,又挖掘出家长中间的教育资源,更好地促进学生学习的主动性,以及获取知识的多渠道。  相似文献   

万梅  顾和明 《数字社区&智能家居》2014,(18):4163-4165,4183
根据家校通系统的实际需求,该文给出了家校通系统的需求分析以及系统设计。利用MySQL设计后台数据库,采用的体系结构是B/S和C/S两种。设计并实现了登录管理,基本信息管理,成绩管理,留言管理,签到管理等功能模块。该系统的应用在一定程度上规范了对学生的在校信息和到校情况的管理,有效提高家校通系统的效率及服务质量。  相似文献   

二十一世纪,人类迈入了“信息爆炸时代”。在这个时代,信息依靠多种形态的媒体进行传递。Internet成为传播信息最方便的方式,每天都有大量新的网站诞生,每时每刻网上都传递着难以计数的信息。而随着工业自动化技术日新月异,新产品的不断出现,自动化行业也涌现出了大量或专业或综合的网站, 一时之间“百家争鸣”、“百花齐放”,但这些网站是否能够满足自动化网民的需求?还有哪些不足?自动化行业到底需要什么样的网站?此次,本刊采访了与自动化行业密切相关的专家、高级技术人员、普通网友,请他们畅谈对现有自动化网站的看法及期待,并特别采访了自动化行业内的知名网站-控制网的负责人,请他介绍了现今自动化网站的发展情况及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

该文主要探讨在PB开发的应用程序中如何利用注册表保存数据库连接参数,使之兼顾应用程序移植的方便性,又能使数据库连接参数具有一定的保密性,安全性。  相似文献   

Abbasi  A. Hsinchun Chen 《Computer》2009,42(10):78-86
As fake Website developers become more innovative, so too must the tools used to protect Internet users. A proposed system combines a support vector machine classifier and a rich feature set derived from Website text, linkage, and images to better detect fraudulent sites.  相似文献   

In this paper a reusable multi-agent architecture for intelligent Websites is presented and illustrated for an electronic department store. The architecture has been designed and implemented using the compositional design method for multi-agent systems DESIRE. The agents within this architecture are based on a generic information broker agent model. It is shown how the architecture can be exploited to design an intelligent Website for insurance, developed in co-operation with the software company Ordina Utopics and an insurance company.  相似文献   

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection migration has been previously proposed to allow for the mobility of servers. In this paper we revisit TCP connection migration for purposes of server survivability against malicious denial-of-service attacks. We present a protocol that allows an on-going TCP connection to be migrated from one server to another. This migration is performed in a secure manner such that the protocol itself cannot be exploited for malicious attacks. Further the migration can be performed even in the case where the original server is compromised. The protocol has been designed so as to allow interoperability with legacy TCP protocols. It is intended to be the transport layer foundations over which survivable applications can be built.  相似文献   

Departing from a broad conceptualization of culture and the need for a more adapted and sophisticated tool to disclose the internet as a rich cultural data source, this article provides the foundations of a multimodal framework for analyzing websites from both a medium specific and socio‐cultural perspective. The 6‐phased framework of website signifiers contains both a structured repository of potential cultural signifiers and a methodology for moving from salient aspects to more implicit meanings. While the framework may help researchers to make more and better use of the many layers of potential meaning that reside in the rich multimodal nature of websites it does not provide a shortcut to determine the cultural meaning of these signifiers and their interrelated effects.  相似文献   

电子商务网站可用性测试设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏晓玲 《电脑学习》2010,(3):159-160
本文从概念、测试方法、实施流程以及关键因素等方面,对电子商务网站可用性测试进行了详细说明,体现了用户中心设计理念。文章为网站设计者提供了可用性测试通用方法及流程,对新建网站和改进网站性能有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

EDA技术在信息产业中起着举足轻重的作用。阐述了EDA技术的含义及特点,介绍了EDA技术的主要内容及设计流程,并从可编程逻辑器件使用的角度,论述了开发自主知识产权的EDA软件设计思想。  相似文献   

BDDs and their algorithms implement a decision procedure for Quantified Propositional Logic. BDDs are a kind of acyclic automata. But unrestricted automata (recognizing unbounded strings of bit vectors) can be used to decide monadic second-order logics, which are more expressive. Prime examples are WS1S, a number-theoretic logic, or the string-based logical notation of introductory texts. One problem is that it is not clear which one is to be preferred in practice. For example, it is not known whether these two logics are computationally equivalent to within a linear factor, that is, whether a formula ϕ of one logic can be transformed to a formula %phis;′ of the other such that %phis;′ is true if and only if ϕ is and such that ϕ′ is decided in time linear in that of the time for ϕ.Another problem is that first-order variables in either version are given automata-theoretic semantics according to relativizations, which are syntactic means of restricting the domain of quantification of a variable. Such relativizations lead to technical arbitrations that may involve normalizing each subformula in an asymmetric manner or may introduce spurious state space explosions.In this paper, we investigate these problems through studies of congruences on strings. This algebraic framework is adapted to language-theoretic relativizations, where regular languages are intersected with restrictions. The restrictions are also regular languages. We introduce ternary and sexpartite characterizations of relativized regular languages. From properties of the resulting congruences, we are able to carry out detailed state space analyses that allow us to address the two problems.We report briefly on practical experiments that support our results. We conclude that WS1S with first-order variables can be robustly implemented in a way that efficiently subsumes string-based notations.Dedicated to the memory of Bob Paige and his contributions to automata algorithmsSome of the material in this paper appeared in Computer Aided Verification, CAV ‘99, LNCS 1633, 1999, under the title “A theory of restrictions for logics and automata.” This work was carried out while the author was with AT&T Labs–Research; itwas also supported in part by grant CCR-0341658 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The Internet-of-Things(IoT)is expected to swamp the world.In order to study and understand the emergent behaviour of connected things,effective support for their modelling is needed.At the heart of IoT are flexible and adaptive connection patterns between things,which can naturally be modelled by channel-based coordination primitives,and characteristics of connection failure probabilities,execution and waiting times,as well as resource consumption.The latter is especially important in light of severely limited power and computation budgets inside the things.In this paper,we tackle the IoT modelling challenge,based on a conservative extension of channel-based Reo circuits.We introduce a model called priced probabilistic timed constraint automaton,which combines models of probabilistic and timed aspects,and integrates pricing information.An expressive logic called priced probabilistic timed scheduled data stream logic is presented,so as to enable the specification and verification of properties,which characterize data-flow streams and prices.A small but illustrative IoT case demonstrates the principal benefits of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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