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BACKGROUND: Methane (CH4) produced during ruminal fermentation represents a loss of 10–11% of gross energy intake. The use of browse species containing tannin as feed supplement for ruminants tends to increase in order to reduce CH4 production. The present study was conducted to evaluate some tropical plants containing tannin as feed supplement (200 g kg?1) on in vitro CH4 production and fermentation parameters. RESULTS: The crude protein (CP) content ranged from 87 to 390 g kg?1 dry matter (DM) and was highest in Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poiret. The neutral detergent fibre (NDF) concentration was highest in Pennisetum purpureum Schumach (725 g kg?1 DM) and lowest in S. grandiflora (330 g kg?1 DM). The ranking order of plants based on their total tannin content was Acacia mangium Willd. > Biophytum petersianum Klotzch > Jatropa curcas Linnaeus > Psidium guajava Linnaeus > Phaleria papuana > Persea americana Mill. > S. grandiflora. Methane gas production after 48 h of incubation was significantly (P < 0.05) lower with inclusion of A. mangium (PP + AM), B. petersianum (PP + BP), J. curcas (PP + JC) or P. guajava (PP + PG) as compared to control feed (PP). There was negative correlation between total tannin content and CH4 production at 48 h of incubation (r = ? 0.76). Concentration NH3‐N was significantly (P < 0.01) higher with inclusion of S. glandiflora. Inclusion of P. guajava significantly (P < 0.05) suppressed protozoa population by 49.7% relative to control feed (PP). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that A. mangium, B. petersianum, J. curcas and P. guajava have potential to be used as a feed supplement to reduce CH4 production in ruminants. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Administration of sodium salicylate (SS) to cows in early lactation has a positive effect on whole-lactation milk production but a negative effect on metabolism in some cases. The objective of this trial was to determine whether SS directly affects rumen fermentation. Experiment 1 was designed to investigate the effects of direct inclusion of SS in a 24-h batch culture, and experiment 2 was designed to test the fermentative ability of rumen fluid from heifers who had received SS. In experiment 1, we combined strained and pooled rumen fluid from 3 heifers in a 2:1 ratio with McDougall's buffer, and added 150 mL of the inoculum to each flask (n = 5/treatment) with 2.5 g of fermentation substrate similar to a lactating cow ration, ground to 1 mm. We then added premixed treatments (1-mL volume) to achieve the desired final amount of SS (CON1 = 0 mg, LOW = 125 mg, MED = 250 mg, HI = 375 mg). In experiment 2, 6 heifers (n = 3/treatment) were drenched daily for 3 d, either with 62.5 g of SS dissolved in water (SAL) or an equal volume of water (CON2). Rumen fluid was collected from each heifer and was not pooled. After the fluid was mixed 2:1 with McDougall's buffer, 150 mL of inoculum was added to the fermentation flasks (n = 4/heifer) with 2.5 g of fermentation substrate. This experiment was performed the day before SS treatment began and repeated 1, 13, and 35 d after the end of the treatment period. We also performed an in situ experiment at each of these time points. In the first experiment, inclusion of SS resulted in a decrease in dry matter disappearance (DMD) over 24 h, as well as an increase in final pH. We detected no difference between treatments for gas production asymptotic volume, rate, or lag. In the second experiment, we detected a significant treatment × day interaction for DMD: we observed no difference between groups during a 24-h batch culture on the day following treatment, but SAL resulted in lower DMD on d 13 and d 35. We detected no treatment effect on the final pH of the batch culture or on any gas-production parameters. We observed a tendency for SAL to decrease the DMD rate in situ on the day after treatment. These results indicate that SS administration has a negative effect on rumen microorganisms.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to investigate the effects of different concentrations (0, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, and 3.2 g/L) of sarsaponin on ruminal microbial methane production using the substrates soluble potato starch, cornstarch, or hay plus concentrate (1.5:1). Ruminal fluid was collected from a dairy cow, mixed with phosphate buffer (1:2) and incubated (30 ml) anaerobically at 38 degrees C for 6 and 24 h with or without sarsaponin. Excluding the lower level of sarsaponin, pH of the medium was slightly decreased. Ammonia-N concentration and numbers of protozoa were decreased in a dose-dependent manner. Total volatile fatty acids and total gas production were increased. Molar proportion of acetate was decreased and propionate was increased with a corresponding decrease in acetate:propionate ratio. Hydrogen production was decreased. As the concentration of sarsaponin increased from 1.2 to 3.2 g/L, fermentation of soluble potato starch, cornstarch, or hay plus concentrate decreased methane production from 20 to 60% (6 h) and 17 to 50% (24 h), 21 to 58% (6 h) and 18 to 52% (24 h), and 23 to 53% (6 h) and 15 to 44% (24 h), respectively. Excluding the lower dose concentration (1.2 g/L) of sarsaponin, in vitro disappearance of dry matter of hay plus concentrate was decreased after 24 h. In conclusion, these results show that sarsaponin stimulated the mixed ruminal microorganism fermentation as well as to inhibit methane production in vitro.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plant tannins as rumen modifiers are better than chemicals or antibiotic‐based modifiers since these compounds are natural products which are environmentally friendly and therefore have a better acceptance with regard to feed safety issues. Tropical plants containing phenols such as tannins were found to suppress or eliminate protozoa from the rumen and reduce methane and ammonia production. The screening of these plants is an important step in the identification of new compounds and feed additives which might contribute to mitigate rumen methanogenesis. The present study was carried out to determine the efficacy of tannins from tropical tree leaves for their methane reduction properties. RESULTS: Activity of tannins, as represented by the increase in gas volume with the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG)‐6000 as a tannin binder (tannin bioassay) was highest in Ficus bengalensis (555%), followed by Azardirachta indica (78.5%). PEG addition did not alter (P > 0.05) methane percentage in Ficus racemosa, Glyricidia maculata, Leucena leucocephala, Morus alba and Semaroba glauca, confirming that tannins in these samples did not affect methanogenesis. The increase (P < 0.05) in protozoa population with PEG was maximal in Ficus religiosa (50), followed by Moringa oleifera (31.2), Azardirachta indica (29.9) and Semaroba glauca (27.5). There was no change (P > 0.05) in the protozoa population in Autocarpus integrifolia, Ficus bengalensis, Jatropha curcus, Morus alba and Sesbania grandiflora, demonstrating that methane reduction observed in these samples per se was not due to defaunation effect of the tannin. The increase in total volatile fatty acid concentration in samples with PEG ranged from 0.6% to > 70%. The highest increase (%) in NH3‐N was recorded in Azardirachta indica (67.4), followed by Ficus mysoriensis (35.7) and Semaroba glauca (32.6) leaves, reflecting strong protein binding properties of tannin. CONCLUSION: The results of our study established that in vitro methanogenesis was not essentially related to the density of protozoa population. Tropical tree leaves containing tannins such as Autocarpus integrifolia, Jatropha curcus and Sesbania grandiflora have the potential to suppress methanogenesis. Therefore tannins contained in these plants could be of interest in the development of new additives in ruminant nutrition. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this trial was to evaluate the replacement of rumen fluid with faeces as inoculum in studying the in vitro fermentation characteristics of diets for ruminants using the in vitro gas production technique. Six iso‐protein diets with different forage/concentrate ratios were incubated with rumen fluid (RI) or faeces (FI) collected from sheep. RESULTS: Most of the fermentation parameters were influenced by diet and inoculum (P < 0.01). With both inocula, organic matter degradability (dOM), cumulative gas production (OMCV) and maximum fermentation rate (Rmax) increased as the amount of concentrate in the diet increased. Rmax was lower with FI vs RI (P < 0.01); dOM was higher with FI vs RI and the diet × inoculum interaction was significant. As expected, with both inocula, Rmax increased as the neutral detergent fibre content of the diet decreased. Significant correlations were obtained using both inocula between OMCV/dOM and gas/volatile fatty acid (VFA), while the correlation VFA/dOM was significant only with FI. The microbial biomass yield calculated by stoichiometric analysis for all diets was higher with FI vs RI. With FI the organic matter used for microbial growth showed an overall decreasing trend as the amount of concentrate in the diet increased. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that both faeces and rumen fluid from sheep have the potential to be used as inoculum for the in vitro gas production technique. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is a growing interest in the use of hops (Humulus lupulus) as an alternative to antibiotics to manipulate ruminal fermentation. However, the effects of different hop varieties on ruminal fermentation and bacterial populations have not been studied. Here the effects of three hop varieties, Cascade (CAS), Millennium (MIL) and Teamaker (TM), at a level of 800 µg mL?1 inoculum on ruminal fermentation and microbial populations in an artificial rumen system (rusitec) fed a barley silage‐based total mixed ration were investigated. Bacterial populations were assessed using real‐time polymerase chain reaction and expressed as a percentage of total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies. RESULTS: All hops reduced (P < 0.001) total gas, methane and the acetate:propionate ratio. Liquid‐associated Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus albus and Streptococcus bovis were reduced (P < 0.05) by MIL and TM. Feed particle‐associated S. bovis was reduced (P < 0.01) by MIL and TM, but TM and CAS increased (P < 0.01) Ruminobacter amylophilus and Prevotella bryantii respectively. Methanogens were decreased (P < 0.05) by MIL in both liquid and solid fractions and by CAS in the solid fraction. The total amount of α‐ and β‐acids in hops affected the ruminal fermentation. CONCLUSION: Hop‐induced changes in fermentation and microbial populations may improve energy efficiency use in the rumen. Further research is needed to determine the effects of hops on in vivo ruminal fermentation, microbial populations and animal performance. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Our study investigated the effects of, and interactions between, forage particle size, level of dietary ruminally fermentable carbohydrate (RFC), and level of dietary starch on performance, chewing activity, and ruminal pH for dairy cows fed one level of dietary NDF. Twelve cows (48 DIM) were assigned to six treatments in a replicated 6 x 6 Latin square. Treatments were arranged in an incomplete 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design. Factors were: dry cracked shelled corn (DC, low RFC) or ground high-moisture corn (HMC; high RFC), finely chopped or coarse silage, and alfalfa silage as the only forage or a 50:50 ratio (DM basis) of alfalfa and corn silage. Diets combining HMC with only alfalfa silage were not included in the experiment. Diets were fed for ad libitum intake as a TMR with a concentrate:forage ratio of 61:39. Diets based on only alfalfa silage and diets based on a mix of alfalfa and corn silage averaged 18.6 and 15.8% CP, 25.8 and 24.7% NDF, 17.7 and 14.8% ADF, and 29.1 and 37.3% starch, respectively. Mean particle sizes were 5.3, 2.7, 5.6, and 2.8 mm for coarse alfalfa, fine alfalfa, coarse corn silage, and fine corn silage, respectively. Decreasing forage particle size decreased DMI (23.3 vs. 21.6 kg) and organic matter intake (22.0 vs. 20.2 kg). Increasing RFC decreased DMI (22.8 vs. 21.0 kg) and organic matter intake (21.5 vs. 20.0 kg). Decreasing forage particle size increased energy-corrected milk for alfalfa based diets (34.9 vs. 37.4 kg). Percentage of milk fat decreased with decreasing forage particle size (3.07 vs. 2.90%) and increased level of RFC (3.04 vs. 2.57%). Percentage of protein increased when corn silage partially replaced alfalfa silage (2.84 vs. 2.90%) but decreased when HMC replaced DC (2.90 vs. 2.84%). Apparent total tract digestibility of DM (66.7 vs. 68.5%), OM (65.9 vs. 70.7%), and starch (88.9 vs. 93.4%) increased when level of RFC was increased. Increasing level of RFC decreased mean ruminal pH from 5.82 to 5.67 and decreased minimum pH. Hours per day at which pH was <5.8, and area <5.8, increased when corn silage partially replaced alfalfa silage (2.6 vs. 4.4 h and 8.9 h x pH vs. 11.4 h x pH) and decreased further when level of RFC was increased (4.4 vs. 6.4 h and 11.4 h x pH vs. 14.3 h x pH). Decreasing forage particle size in HMC diets increased hours and area <5.8, but for DC diets, the effect of forage particle size depended on forage source. Interactions were found between level of physically effective fiber, forage source, and level of RFC on production and pH, complicating the inclusion of these effects in dairy ration formulation and evaluation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plants growing on alpine meadows are reported to be rich in phenols. Such compounds may affect ruminal fermentation and reduce the plants' methanogenic potential, making alpine grazing advantageous in this respect. The objective of this study was to quantify nutrients and phenols in Alpine forage grasses, herbs and trees collected over 2 years and, in a 24 h in vitro incubation, their effects on ruminal fermentation parameters. RESULTS: The highest in vitro gas production, resulting in metabolisable energy values around 10 MJ kg?1, were found with Alchemilla xanthochlora and Crepis aurea (herbaceous species) and with Sambucus nigra leaves and flowers (tree species). Related to the amount of total gas production, methane formation was highest with Nardus stricta, and lowest with S. nigra and A. xanthochlora. In addition, Castanea sativa leaves led to an exceptional low methane production, but this was accompanied by severely impaired ruminal fermentation. When the data were analysed by principal component analysis, phenol concentrations were negatively related with methane proportion in total gas. CONCLUSION: Variation in methane production potential across the investigated forages was small. The two goals of limited methane production potential and high nutritive value for ruminants were met best by A. xanthochlora and S. nigra. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Effects of varying the concentrations of hydrazine sulfate (HS) and chloramphenicol (CAP), inhibitors of microbial-N uptake and protein synthesis, on rates of protein degradation estimated from net appearance of NH3 and total amino acids (TAA) were studied in a ruminal in vitro fermentation system. Without inhibitors, recoveries of N added as NH3 and TAA were 4 and 6% after 4-h incubations, and apparent degradation rates estimated from release of NH3 and TAA for casein, solvent soybean meal (SSBM), and expeller soybean meal (ESBM) approached 0. Increasing inhibitor concentrations from the standard amounts of 1 mM HS plus 30 mg of CAP/L to 2 mM HS plus 90 mg of CAP/ L gave rise to numerically greater N recoveries and degradation rates, but these differences were not statistically significant. Compared with the standard inhibitor concentrations, use of 2 mM HS, without CAP, yielded similar recoveries and rates, but 30 or 90 mg of CAP/L, without HS, was not satisfactory. Versus that with 1 mM HS plus 30 mg of CAP/L, media containing 2 mM HS plus 90 mg of CAP/L gave increased TAA recoveries and higher rates for casein, but not SSBM, in the presence of added starch. Faster degradation rates were obtained for casein, but slower rates for SSBM and ESBM, in Sweden versus Wisconsin using inocula from cows fed different diets but with similar CP and energy contents. Differences in microbial catabolism of peptides may account for differences in degradation rates observed between Sweden and Wisconsin. Adding NH3 plus free and peptide-bound amino acids to the inoculum reduced apparent degradation rates, possibly via end-product inhibition. Analysis of data from multiple time-point incubations indicated that casein degradation followed simple, first-order kinetics, while a biexponential model fitted degradation patterns for both SSBM and ESBM.  相似文献   

Sources of variation in rates of in vitro ruminal protein degradation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rates and extents of ruminal protein degradation for casein, solvent soybean meal (SSBM), expeller soybean meal (ESBM), and alfalfa hay were estimated from net appearance of NH3 and total amino acids in in vitro media containing 1 mM hydrazine and 30 mg/L of chloramphenicol. Protein was added at 0.13 mg of N/mL of medium, and incubations were conducted for 4 to 6 h, usually with hourly sampling. Inocula were obtained from ruminally cannulated donor cows fed diets of grass silage or alfalfa and corn silages plus concentrates. Preincubation or dialysis of inocula was used to suppress background NH3 and total amino acids; however, preincubation yielded more rapid degradation rates for casein and SSBM and was used in subsequent incubations. Preincubation with added vitamins, VFA, hemin, or N did not alter protein degradation. Protein degradation rates estimated for SSBM, ESBM, and alfalfa were not different when computed from total N release or N release in NH3 plus total amino acids, regardless of whether amino acids were quantified using ninhydrin colorimetry or o-phthalaldehyde fluorescence. Accounting for the release of peptide-N also did not affect estimated degradation. However, casein degradation rates were more rapid when using total N release or accounting for peptide-N, indicating significant accumulation of small peptides during its breakdown. Rates also were more rapid with inocula from lactating cows versus nonlactating cows with lower feed intake. Protein degradation rates were different due to time after feeding: casein rate was more rapid, but SSBM and ESBM rates were slower with inocula obtained after feeding. Several characteristics of ruminal inoculum that influenced breakdown of the rapidly degraded protein casein did not appear to have direct effects on degradation of protein in soybean meal.  相似文献   

Milk production, rumen fermentation, and whole-tract apparent nutrient digestibility in response to feeding 20% steam-rolled wheat with or without sodium bicarbonate were evaluated in 12 Holstein cows averaging 165 ± 16 DIM. Cows were fed 1 of 2 isoenergetic and isonitrogenous diets containing either 0 or 0.75% sodium bicarbonate on a DM basis for 21 d in a crossover design. Rumen fluid samples were obtained 18 times during the last 2 d of each period, and fecal samples were collected on 12 occasions from d 18 to 21 of each period. Removal of sodium bicarbonate from the diet did not affect DMI (21.0 kg/d), yields of milk (30.8 kg/d), or milk components (1.16, 1.01, and 1.40 kg/d for fat, protein, and lactose, respectively). Whole-tract apparent digestibility of DM, CP, ADF, and NDF did not differ between the 2 treatments (75.3, 76.6, 67.2, and 63.6%, respectively). The mean rumen pH was 6.24 and was not affected by excluding sodium bicarbonate from the diet. Rumen NH3-N (12.31 mg/dL) and lactic acid (3.63 mM) concentrations were not different, whereas total volatile fatty acids concentration tended to increase when sodium bicarbonate was present in the diet (110 vs. 116 mM). However, average concentrations of the individual volatile fatty acids, as a proportion of total volatile fatty acids, were not affected by treatment. In conclusion, dairy cow diets can include up to 20% steam-rolled wheat without the need for added sodium bicarbonate as long as the diets are formulated to meet the fiber requirements of the cow.  相似文献   

This study compared measured gas production (GP) and computed CH4 production values provided by closed or vented bottles connected to gas collection bags. Two forages and 3 concentrates were incubated. Two incubations were conducted, where the 5 feeds were tested in 3 replicates in closed or vented bottles, plus 4 blanks, for a total of 64 bottles. Half of the bottles were not vented, and the others were vented at a fixed pressure (6.8 kPa) and gas was collected into one gas collection bag connected to each bottle. Each bottle (317 mL) was filled with 0.4000 ± 0.0010 g of feed sample and 60 mL of buffered rumen fluid (headspace volume = 257 mL) and incubated at 39.0°C for 24 h. At 24 h, gas samples were collected from the headspace of closed bottles or from headspace and bags of vented bottles and analyzed for CH4 concentration. Volumes of GP at 24 h were corrected for the gas dissolved in the fermentation fluid, according to Henry’s law of gas solubility. Methane concentration (mL/100 mL of GP) was measured and CH4 production (mL/g of incubated DM) was computed using corrected or uncorrected GP values. Data were analyzed for the effect of venting technique (T), feed (F), interaction between venting technique and feed (T × F), and incubation run as a random factor. Closed bottles provided lower uncorrected GP (−18%) compared with vented bottles, especially for concentrates. Correction for dissolved gas reduced but did not remove differences between techniques, and closed bottles (+25 mL of gas/g of incubated DM) had a greater magnitude of variation than did vented bottles (+1 mL of gas/g of incubated DM). Feeds differed in uncorrected and corrected GP, but the ranking was the same for the 2 techniques. The T × F interaction influenced uncorrected GP values, but this effect disappeared after correction. Closed bottles provided uncorrected CH4 concentrations 23% greater than that of vented bottles. Correction reduced but did not remove this difference. Methane concentration was influenced by feed but not by the T × F interaction. Corrected CH4 production was influenced by feed, but not by venting technique or the T × F interaction. Closed bottles provide good measurements of CH4 production but not of GP. Venting of bottles at low pressure permits a reliable evaluation of total GP and CH4 production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of fumarate on ruminal ammonia accumulation and fiber digestion in vitro and on feed intake and nutrient utilization in dairy does. Batch cultures of mixed rumen microorganisms were used to study effects of different concentrations of fumarate on fermentation with various N sources (ammonia as ammonium bicarbonate, casein amino acids, casein peptides, gelatin peptides) and feeds (bermudagrass hay, mixed diet of 60% bermudagrass hay plus 40% concentrate) for 6 and 24 h, respectively. Substrates were grouped into pairs for separate incubations. Monosodium fumarate was added to incubation tubes to achieve final concentrations of 0, 5, and 10 mM fumarate. More ammonia accumulated at the end of incubation with added ammonium bicarbonate. Ammonia concentration was higher for peptide compared with amino acid incubation, and for casein peptide compared with gelatin peptide. Addition of fumarate linearly decreased ammonia for all N sources and for feed substrates. For all substrate types, fumarate treatment increased acetate, propionate, and total volatile fatty acids (VFA), decreased acetate to propionate ratio, and tended to reduce branched-chain VFA. Digestion of feed neutral detergent fiber (NDF) by rumen microorganisms was improved by fumarate along with elevated endoglucanase and xylanase activities. In an animal metabolism experiment, 8 dairy does (4 per treatment) were used in a completely randomized design for 21 d. Does were fed a hay plus concentrate diet without (control) or with fumarate (6 g/head per day) supplementation to determine feed intake, whole-tract nutrient digestibility, and N utilization. Fumarate treatment did not affect weight change or feed intake but increased whole-tract digestion of gross energy, crude protein, and cellulose. Digested N was increased by fumarate supplementation; however, N retention was unaffected. Plasma glucose concentration was elevated with fumarate but urea N concentration remained unchanged. Fumarate addition had significant effects on rumen microbial fermentation by decreasing ammonia and branched-chain VFA, and by increasing acetate and propionate, and NDF digestion. These effects were reflected in the improvement in whole-tract gross energy, crude protein, and cellulose digestion and elevated plasma glucose concentration when dairy does were supplemented with fumarate.  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed the effects of increasing amounts of linseed oil (LSO) in corn silage-based diets on enteric CH4 production, rumen fermentation characteristics, protozoal population, nutrient digestibility, N utilization, and milk production. For this purpose, 12 multiparous lactating Holstein cows (84 ± 28 d in milk; mean ± SD) fitted with ruminal cannula were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design (35-d period). The cows were fed ad libitum a total mixed ration without supplementation (control) or supplemented [on a dry matter (DM) basis] with LSO at 2% (LSO2), 3% (LSO3) or 4% (LSO4). The forage:concentrate ratio was 61:39 (on DM basis) and was similar among the experimental diets. The forage portion consisted of corn silage (58% diet DM) and timothy hay (3% diet DM). The proportions of soybean meal, corn grain and soybean hulls decreased as the amount of LSO in the diet increased. Daily methane production (g/d) decreased quadratically as the amount of LSO increased in the diet. Increasing LSO dietary supplementation caused a linear decrease in CH4 emissions expressed on either DM intake (DMI) basis (?9, ?20, and ?28%, for LSO2, LSO3, and LSO4, respectively) or gross energy intake basis (?12, ?22, and ?31%, for LSO2, LSO3, and LSO4, respectively). At 2 and 3% LSO, the decrease in enteric CH4 emissions occurred without negatively affecting DMI or apparent total-tract digestibility of fiber and without changing protozoa numbers. However, these 2 diets caused a shift in volatile fatty acids pattern toward less acetate and more propionate. The effect of the LSO4 diet on enteric CH4 emissions was associated with a decrease in DMI, fiber apparent-total-tract digestibility, protozoa numbers (total and genera), and an increase in propionate proportion at the expense of acetate and butyrate proportions. Methane emission intensity [g of CH4/kg of energy-corrected milk (ECM)] decreased linearly (up to 28% decrease) with increasing LSO level in the diet. Milk fat yield decreased linearly (up to 19% decrease) with increasing inclusion of LSO in the diet. Milk protein yield increased at 2% or 3% LSO and decreased to the same level as that of the nonsupplemented diet at 4% LSO (quadratic effect). Yield of ECM was unchanged by LSO2 and LSO3 treatments but decreased (?2.8 kg/d) upon supplementation with 4% LSO (quadratic effect). Efficiency of milk production (kg ECM/kg DMI) was unaffected by the 3 levels of LSO. Ruminal NH3 concentration was quadratically affected by LSO supplementation; decreasing only at the highest level of LSO supplementation. The amount (g/d) of N excreted in feces and urine decreased linearly and quadratically, respectively, as the amount of LSO increased in the diet, mainly because of the reduction in N intake. Efficiency of dietary N used for milk N secretion increased linearly with increasing LSO supplementation in the diet. We conclude that supplementing corn silage-based diets with 2 or 3% of LSO can reduce enteric CH4 emissions up by to 20% without impairing animal productivity (i.e., ECM yield and feed efficiency).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tannins added to animal diets may have a positive effect on energy and protein utilisation in the rumen. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of different sources and concentrations (20, 50, 100, 150 and 200 g kg?1 dry matter (DM)) of condensed (acacia and quebracho) and hydrolysable (chestnut and valonea) tannins on rumen microbial fermentation in vitro. The experiment also included a negative control with no tannins (control) and a positive control with monensin (10 mg L?1). RESULTS: In vitro gas production and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration decreased as tannin concentration increased. Addition of acacia, chestnut or valonea tannins at ≥ 50 g kg?1 or quebracho tannins at ≥ 100 g kg?1 resulted in a decrease (up to 40%) in methane (CH4) production compared with the control. Valonea tannins were the only tannin source that reduced (?11%) CH4 production at 50 g kg?1 without affecting VFA concentration. Tannin treatments reduced ammonia (NH3) and branched‐chain VFA concentrations, indicating a reduction in ruminal protein degradation. Monensin reduced CH4 production (?37%) and NH3 concentration (?20%) without affecting total VFA concentration. CONCLUSION: Supplying acacia, chestnut or valonea tannins at 50 g kg?1 has the potential to reduce CH4 production and ruminal protein degradation with minimum detrimental effects on efficiency of ruminal fermentation. Copyright © 2012 Crown in the right of Canada. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

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