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Sedimentary hydrocarbons have been studied quantitatively and qualitatively in 16 stations of the Bay of Fort de France (Martinique). Hydrocarbon levels ranged from 54 to 1045 mg kg(-1) sed. dry weight. Origin of hydrocarbons are multiple: biogenic (terrestrial inputs), pyrolytic (residues of natural or anthropogenic combustions), diagenetic and anthropogenic (petroleum contamination). Generally high levels of hydrocarbons are not associated to a petroleum contamination. The main source of hydrocarbons in the mangrove coastal zones of the Bay of Fort de France seems to be the early diagenetic degradation products of 3-oxytriterpenoids. Excepted two stations, petroleum contamination is very low or absent.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the trace elements (TE) contents of potential biomonitors in a historical Zn–Pb mining district: apiary products (honey, royal-jelly and beeswax) lichen and moss were sampled and analysed. In spite of high TE concentrations in mining waste and soil, apiary products are free of TE contamination originating from historical mining. Lichen/moss show high TE levels, which suggest atmospheric input of local dust. Pb isotopes analysis proved the origin of TE found in lichen/moss to be mainly mining waste. These results help discuss the choice of relevant organisms for monitoring TE in the environment and bring additional data on the potential impacts of brownfields left after mining, especially on food products from apiaries.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations and deposition fluxes of PCDD/F and PCB have been evaluated over a 1-year period in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Etang de Thau, France). Indicative PBDE air concentrations in the hot season are also reported in this work. ∑2,3,7,8-PCDD/Fs and ∑18PCBs (gas + particulate) air concentrations ranged from 67 to 1700 fg m−3 and from 13 to 95 pg m−3, respectively whereas ∑8PBDEs (gas + particulate) summer time levels varied from 158 to 230 pg m−3. The PCDD/F and PCB atmospheric occurrence over Thau lagoon and subsequent inputs to the surface waters are determined by an assemble of factors, being the seasonality of atmospheric concentration, the air mass origin and meteorological conditions important drivers. Total (wet + dry) ∑2,3,7,8-PCDD/Fs and ∑18PCBs deposition fluxes to Thau Lagoon waters are 117 and 715 pg m−2 d−1, respectively.  相似文献   

The Lot-Garonne fluvial system is known for its historic heavy metal pollution resulting from mining and smelting activities since the late 19th century. Here, we report 137Cs activities and heavy metal (Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb and V) concentration-depth profiles from sediment cores retrieved in 2001 from three reservoirs in the Lot River. High mean sedimentation rates of 2.4-2.8 cm a(-1) are indicated by 137Cs dating. The reservoir sediments have recorded the heavy metal deposition and thus allow establishing a connection between the temporal evolution of the heavy metal pollution and historical changes in smelting and waste-treatment proceedings. Based on heavy metal concentrations in sediments upstream of the anthropogenic inputs and bottom-sediments of the furthest downstream core (interpreted as old soil or riverbed), concentrations of approximately 17, approximately 82, approximately 0.33 and approximately 28 mg kg(-1) for Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb, respectively, are proposed as natural background values for the Lot fluvial system. The geoaccumulation index (Igeo [Müller, G., 1979. Schwermetalle in den Sedimenten des Rheins-Ver?nderungen seit. Umschav 79, 133-149.]) revealed that the Lot River sediments must be considered as "severely polluted" in Cd and Zn. Moreover, despite remediation efforts undertaken in the former smelting site, the Lot River is still "severely" (Igeo approximately 4) and "moderately to severely" (Igeo>2) impacted by Cd and Zn inputs, respectively.  相似文献   

Fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) identified in coastal waters within a large salinity range had been widely reported in previous studies, which stated that conservative mixing of terrestrially derived and river-transported FDOM by clear seawaters could account for the relatively low FDOM fluorescence signals in high salinity seawaters. This study aimed at testing the conservative mixing model in high salinity seawaters in a shallow bay (Bohai Bay, China) with low river flow in a dry season. The water showed high salinities varying in a narrow range (30.52???2.07), and salinity effects on fluorescence quantum yields therefore less likely introduced complications to fluorescence data analyses. By applying a parallel factor analysis to fluorescence excitation emission matrices of the water samples, we identified a tyrosine-like FDOM component, a tryptophan-like FDOM component, and two humic substances-like FDOM components. Based on a theoretical analysis, we found that dissolved organic carbon concentrations and suspended solid concentrations of the bulk-water samples as well as the maximum fluorescence signals of each identified FDOM component showed spatial distributions that could not be accounted for by the conservative mixing model. Marine autochthonous processes including microbial activities and FDOM releasing from resuspended sediment were likely to be invoked.  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of microorganisms on the mercury biogeochemistry, the metal content and the structure of microbial communities were determined in sediments from stations along the Adour Estuary. The comparison of the bacterial communities and their distribution in function of the environmental parameters by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) revealed the influence of metals on the bacterial communities structure. Sediments where the bacterial communities are mostly influenced by methylmercury were incubated in slurries with or without mercury, under oxic and anoxic conditions. Methylmercury production was detected in the anoxic biotic slurries with a net methylation yield of 0.3% after 24 h. CCA based on T-RFLP profiles revealed the impact of mercury addition on the bacterial communities structure. In addition, 17 bacterial strains, mainly sulphate-reducing bacteria involved in mercury methylation, were isolated and identified.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations, congener patterns and multi-media distribution of PCDD/Fs and PCBs were determined in air, water, sediment and mussels in a semi-enclosed marine ecosystem (Thau lagoon, France). summation operator2,3,7,8-PCDD/F and summation operator7ICES PCB air concentrations (0.2-1.4 and 31-57pg m(-3), respectively) were typical of rural areas. Concentrations in the water column were very low for PCDD/Fs (163-476fg L(-1)) and low for PCBs (138-708pg L(-1)). PCDD/F and PCB concentrations found in surface sediment (0.15-1.6 and 2.5-33ng g(-1) d.w., respectively) and mussel (13-21pg g(-1) d.w. and 10-39ng g(-1) d.w., respectively) were medium levels. PCDD/F congener patterns observed in air, water particulate phase and sediments were similar suggesting direct coupling among these compartments and atmospheric inputs of PCDD/Fs into the lagoon. Conversely, for the same set of samples, similar patterns were not observed for PCBs in the mentioned compartments.  相似文献   

An assessment of PCB and PBDE contamination of surface sediments in Monastir Bay was carried out in two contrasted seasons of the year. Samples were collected from 5 sites and analyzed for the ∑7 marker PCBs (i.e. PCBs 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) and ∑4 PBDE congeners (PBDEs 47, 99, 119 and 153) by GC/ECD. Concentrations of both PCBs and PBDEs showed seasonal variations. PCB concentrations were in the range of 3.1–9.3 ng g−1 and 1.1–8.1 ng g−1 in wet and dry season respectively, and sediments were considered moderately contaminated with PCBs. All PCBs analyzed were detected in surface sediments. PCB 153 and 52 congeners showed the highest relative abundance in both winter and summer. PBDE concentrations ranged from not detect to 0.1 ng g−1, with only BDE-47 congener detected in sediments and only in winter. Analysis of spatial and seasonal variations indicated that PCB distribution is governed by hydrodynamics and temporal variability of inputs. While the PCB contamination appeared to be mainly land-based, PBDEs are suspected to originate from atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

A 2-year study was implemented to characterize the contamination of estuarine continuums in the Bay of Vilaine area (NW Atlantic Coast, Southern Brittany, France) by 30 pesticide and biocide active substances and metabolites. Among these, 11 triazines (ametryn, atrazine, desethylatrazine, desethylterbuthylazine, desisopropyl atrazine, Irgarol 1051, prometryn, propazine, simazine, terbuthylazine, and terbutryn), 10 phenylureas (chlortoluron, diuron, 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-methylurea, fenuron, isoproturon, 1-(4-isopropylphenyl)-3-methylurea, 1-(4-isopropylphenyl)-urea, linuron, metoxuron, and monuron), and 4 chloroacetanilides (acetochlor, alachlor, metolachlor, and metazachlor) were detected at least once. The objectives were to assess the corresponding risk for aquatic primary producers and to provide exposure information for connected studies on the responses of biological parameters in invertebrate sentinel species. The risk associated with contaminants was assessed using risk quotients based on the comparison of measured concentrations with original species sensitivity distribution-derived hazardous concentration values. For EU Water Framework Directive priority substances, results of monitoring were also compared with regulatory Environmental Quality Standards. The highest residue concentrations and risks for primary producers were recorded for diuron and Irgarol 1051 in Arzal reservoir, close to a marina. Diuron was present during almost the all survey periods, whereas Irgarol 1051 exhibited a clear seasonal pattern, with highest concentrations recorded in June and July. These results suggest that the use of antifouling biocides is responsible for a major part of the contamination of the lower part of the Vilaine River course for Irgarol 1051. For diuron, agricultural sources may also be involved. The presence of isoproturon and chloroacetanilide herbicides on some dates indicated a significant contribution of the use of plant protection products in agriculture to the contamination of Vilaine River. Concentration levels and associated risk were always lower in estuarine sites than in the reservoir, suggesting that Arzal dam reduces downstream transfer of contaminants and favors their degradation in the freshwater part of the estuary. Results of the additional monitoring of two tidal streams located downstream of Arzal dam suggested that, although some compounds may be transferred to the estuary, their impact was probably very low. Dilution by marine water associated with tidal current was also a major factor of concentration reduction. It is concluded that the highest risks associated to herbicides and booster biocides concerned the freshwater part of the estuary and that its brackish/saltwater part was exposed to a moderate risk, although some substances may sometimes exhibit high concentration but mainly at low tide and on an irregular basis.  相似文献   

This paper describes the first results of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) in sediment cores of Admiralty Bay, Antarctica. These markers were used to assess the local input of anthropogenic materials (particulate and organic compounds) as a result of the influence of human occupation in a sub-Antarctic region and a possible long-range atmospheric transport of combustion products from sources in South America. The highest SCPs and PAHs concentrations were observed during the last 30 years, when three research stations were built in the area and industrial activities in South America increased. The concentrations of SCPs and PAHs were much lower than those of other regions in the northern hemisphere and other reported data for the southern hemisphere. The PAH isomer ratios showed that the major sources of PAHs are fossil fuels/petroleum, biomass combustion and sewage contribution generally close to the Brazilian scientific station.  相似文献   

Four sediment cores collected in the Seine River basin and dated between 1916 and 2003 were analyzed for lead concentrations and isotopic composition. In all four cores, the measured Pb concentration (up to 460 mg kg−1) lies significantly above the natural background (27-40 mg kg−1), although a significant decrease (down to 75 mg kg−1) was observed during the second half of the 20th century which can be explained by the reduction of lead emissions. The 206Pb/207Pb ratio measured in these samples indicates that the main source of Pb used in the Paris conurbation is characterized by a “Rio Tinto” signature (defined as 206Pb/207Pb = 1.1634 ± 0.0001). A high contribution, up to 25%, from the leaded gasoline (characterized by 206Pb/207Pb = 1.08 ± 0.02) is revealed in the Seine River downstream Paris, indicating that lead from the leaded gasoline is preferentially released to the river.The dominating Pb signature in the Paris conurbation that is currently sampled through incinerators fumes (206Pb/207Pb = 1.1550 ± 0.0005) and waste water treatment plant (206Pb/207Pb = 1.154 ± 0.002), represents a mixture of highly recycled lead from the Rio Tinto mine and lead from leaded gasoline (imprinted by the low 206Pb/207Pb of the Broken Hill mine). This signature is called “urban” rather than “industrial”, because it is clearly distinct from the Pb that is found in areas contaminated by heavy industry, i.e. the heavy industries located on the Oise River which used lead from European ores characterized by high 206Pb/207Pb ratios (∼1.18-1.19) and possibly a minor amount of North American lead (206Pb/207Pb ratios > 1.20). The “urban” signature is also found in a rural area upstream of Paris in the 1970’s. At the Seine River mouth in 2003, Pb with an urban signature represents 70% of the total Pb sediment content, with the 30% remaining corresponding to natural Pb.  相似文献   

The 137Cs and 210Pb dating of a 61-cm long sediment core retrieved from a drinking water reservoir (Lake Brêt) located in Switzerland revealed a linear and relatively high sedimentation rate (~1 cm year?1) over the last decades. The continuous centimeter scale measurement of physical (porewater and granulometry), organic (Corg, P, N, HI and OI indexes) and mineral (Cmin and lithogenic trace elements) parameters therefore enables reconstructing the environmental history of the lake and anthropogenic pollutant input (trace metals, DDT and PCBs) at high resolution. A major change in the physical properties of the lowermost sediments occurred following the artificial rise of the dam in 1922. After ca. 1940, there was a long-term up-core increase in organic matter deposition attributed to enhance primary production and anoxic bottom water conditions due to excessive nutrient input from a watershed predominantly used for agriculture that also received domestic effluents of two wastewater-treatment plants. This pattern contrasts with the terrigenous element input (Eu, Sc, Mg, Ti, Al, and Fe) which doubled after the rising of the dam but continuously decreased during the last 60 years. By comparison, the trace metals (Cu, Pb and Hg) presented a slight enrichment factor (EF) only during the second part of the 20th century. Although maximum EF Pb (>2) occurred synchronously with the use of leaded gasoline in Switzerland (between ca. 1947 and 1985) the Hg and Cu profiles exhibited a relatively similar trend than Pb during the 20th century, therefore excluding the alkyl-lead added to petrol as the dominant (atmospheric) source of lead input to Lake Brêt. Conversely, the Cu profile that did not follow the decrease registered in Pb and Hg during the last 10 years, suggests an additional source of Cu probably linked to the impact of agricultural activities in the area. In absence of heavy industries in the catchment, the atmospheric deposition of DDT and PCBs via surface runoff followed the historical emissions of POPs in Switzerland. Such result highlights the regional contamination of freshwater resources by the large-scale emission of toxic industrial chemicals in the 1960s and 1970s as well as the efficiency of the regulatory measures subsequently taken.  相似文献   

Sediment cores taken from the deep basin of Loch Coire nan Arr in north-west Scotland were dated using 210Pb calibrated spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) profiles and analysed for trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These data show that the site is one of the least contaminated by atmospheric pollution in the UK. Peak concentrations of PAHs were found to be equivalent to background values at sites in the English Lake District. The date of concentration maxima for SCP, PCB and some metals were in agreement with previously published polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDD/F) data suggesting long-range industrial sources. The date of individual PAH concentration maxima were earlier, but concomitant with each other, possibly suggesting the influence of a local source. Comparison with remote European mountain lakes shows Loch Coire nan Arr to be one of the least contaminated sites in Europe with respect to PCBs, but more contaminated with respect to PAHs.  相似文献   



Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and PCB congeners accumulation profile were measured in the liver of two torpedinid species (Torpedo nobiliana and Torpedo marmorata) from the Mediterranean Sea (Adriatic Sea) in order to investigate the relative toxicological impact of these highly toxic PCBs in the organisms in question.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial distribution of metals and the sources of metal pollution were investigated along the Northern Shelf of Cyprus (Mediterranean Sea). The concentrations of heavy metals and organic matter were measured in sediments collected from the Gemi Konagi, Girne, and Gazi Magusa areas. Measured metal values were compared with Mediterranean background concentrations. Cu and Zn concentrations at the Gemi Konagi area and all of the Cr values were higher than Mediterranean backgrounds. The metal levels were evaluated by the enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (Cf) and degree of contamination (Cd). EF results indicated that heavy metal sources were probably originated from natural processes and mining activities. The Cf values of Hg indicated low contamination. The Cd (degree of contamination) values for all heavy metals also showed a low degree of contamination at the study area. Metal levels were also compared with the numerical Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQG) for an environmental risk assessment. Results showed that sediments were classified as heavily polluted by Cu and moderately polluted by Zn at Gemi Konagi and heavily polluted by Cr and Ni contamination at all sampling areas per the SQG.  相似文献   

Ten superficial sediments from river estuaries of Gipuzkoa (North Spain) were collected and analyzed for nine metals (including tin, Sn) and butyltin compounds (monobutyltin, MBT; dibutyltin, DBT; tributyltin, TBT). Total metal concentration in the fine fraction (<63 micrometer) of the sediment was determined in aqua regia--hydrofluoric acid extracts by atomic absorption spectrometry. The butyltin species (BTs) were firstly extracted from the sediments with hydrochloric acid-methanol mixture. After derivatization with sodium tetraethyl borate, the organotin compounds were extracted by solid phase microextraction (SPME) in headspace mode. A fiber coated with 100 micrometer poly(dimethylsiloxane) was used for SPME. The organotin species were analyzed by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection. Analysis of the certified reference sediment (PACS-2) shown the suitability of the procedures for determination of metal contents and DBT-TBT species in contaminated sediments. Factorial analysis was used to examine the main sources of metals. Three factors represented more than 89% of the total variance of the metal system, and the Sn was related with Cu-Zn-Pb suggesting the same pollution source. The BTs concentrations in the area were high (TBT ranged from 0.05 to 5.48 mg Sn kg(-1)). The percentage of total butyltin species ( summation operator BTs) respect to the total Sn amount was higher than 4% in all the sediments, showing in the Bidasoa river estuary a remarkable value higher than 20%. Hence, the studied estuarine sediments reflect a pollution that is related with historical industrial and fishing activities of the area.  相似文献   

The effects of air pollution on lichen biodiversity (LB) were monitored in Liguria (northwest Italy). A systematic sampling strategy was adopted in order to avoid the influence of spatial autocorrelation on the results. An eight LB class scale permitted to point out the levels of naturality/alteration in the region. The comparison of these results with the ones obtained by mean of physico-chemical methodologies shows a good accordance. The results of this study suggest the possibility of designing an integrated monitoring network, in which biological monitoring will allow to estimate the level of alteration in remote areas, which account for most of this region and which are currently not covered by measurements with automatic systems.  相似文献   

Heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) concentrations in the muscle, gill and liver of six fish species (Sparus auratus, Atherina hepsetus, Mugil cephalus, Trigla cuculus, Sardina pilchardus and Scomberesox saurus) from the northeast Mediterranean Sea were measured and the relationships between fish size (length and weight) and metal concentrations in the tissues were investigated by linear regression analysis. Metal concentrations (as microg/g d.w.) were highest in the liver, except for iron in the gill of Scomberesox sauris and lowest in the muscle of all the fish species. Highest concentrations of Cd (4.50), Cr (17.1) and Pb (41.2) were measured in liver tissues of T. cuculus, Sardina pilchardus and A. hepsetus, respectively. The liver of M. cephalus showed strikingly high Cu concentrations (202.8). The gill of Scomberesox saurus was the only tissue that showed highest (885.5) iron concentrations. Results of linear regression analysis showed that, except in a few cases, significant relationships between metal concentrations and fish size were negative. Highly significant (P<0.001) negative relationships were found between fish length and Cr concentrations in the liver of A. hepsetus and M. cephalus, and Cr concentrations in the gill of T. cuculus. Cr and Pb concentrations in the liver and Cu concentrations in all the tissues of Scomberesox saurus also showed very significant (P<0.001) negative relationships. Negative relationships found here were discussed.  相似文献   

Background Species that are at high levels of the food web have often been used as bioindicators to evaluate the presence of persistent contaminants in ecosystems. Most of these species are long-lived, so pollutant burdens may be integrated in some complex way over time. This makes them particularly sensitive to deleterious effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Birds have been suggested as useful organisms for monitoring pollutant levels. Traditionally such studies have been carried out with raptors such as osprey (Pandion haliaetus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), bald eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus), etc. In this paper we present the results of a monitoring study conducted on two raptor species, osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and red kite (Milvus milvus), inhabiting a Mediterranean island (Menorca, Spain). These two species have different feeding habits; ospreys prey on fish and red kites feed on terrestrial species. This study constitutes a good opportunity to investigate if differences in feeding habits (aquatic vs. terrestrial) influences the contaminants pattern in two species inhabiting the same area. Methods The study was conducted in a non-destructive way, using only failed eggs, to avoid the damage of the population stability. Eggs were collected during the period 1994–2000. The contaminants examined were dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs, including DDT and its main metabolite, DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including ortho PCBs (PCBs with at least one Chlorine atom in the ortho position): #28, 52, 95, 101, 123+149, 118, 114, 153, 132+105, 138, 167, 156, 157, 180, 170, 189, 194; and non ortho PCBs (PCBs with no Chlorine atom in the ortho position): #77, 126, 169 and all the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) with Chlorine atoms at the 2,3,7 and 8 position (2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs and PCDFs). The analysis of organochlorine compounds was performed using a sample treatment based on a Solid Phase Matrix Dispersion procedure. Ortho PCBs and DDTs were determined by HRGC-μECD; non ortho PCBs and PCDD/Fs were determined by HRGC-HRMS. Results and Discussion The sum of the ortho PCB congeners analysed ranged from 0.94 to 15.03 μg/g wet weight (ww) for ospreys and from 1.0 to 11.2 μg/g ww for red kites. In both species, PCB congeners #153, #138 and #180 accounted about 75% to total ortho PCB concentrations. Regarding non ortho PCBs, for ospreys, concentrations ranged from 0.16 to 1.39 ng/g wet weight (ww) and for red kites from 0.12 to 0.51 ng/g ww, being congener #126 the most abundant. Concerning DDTs, concentration for ospreys ranged from 0.07 to 1.03 μg/g ww; and for red kites ranged from 0.90 to 2.10 μg/g ww, representing DDE more than 95% of the total DDTs, which proves a past use of DDT in the study area. Differences in contaminant levels between species are probably associated to feeding habits. The fish-eating species presents the highest PCB levels, whereas the terrestrial species exhibits the highest DDT levels. PCDD/Fs in ospreys were in the range 2.6–14.2 pg/g ww, while in red kites the range was slightly wider (22.2–43.2 pg/g ww), being PCDDs the major contributors in black kites. Ospreys had PCDDs similar to PCDF concentrations. PCDD/F profiles were mostly influenced by OCDD in both species. Non ortho PCBs were the major contributors to calculated Toxic Equivalent Quantity (TEQs) in both species. Conclusion In both species studied, ortho-PCBs could represent a problem of concern since 57% of the eggs exhibited levels higher than 4 μg/g ww, reported as the level that could cause reduced hatchability, embryo mortality, and deformities in birds. Recommendations and Outlook Results found in this study suggest that a more detailed study to clear up possible deleterious effects of PCBs on the bird populations studied here should be done. Section Editor: Prof. Dr. Paola Gramatica (paola.gramatica@uninsubria.it)  相似文献   

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