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充流体的裸眼井中弹性波的传播   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了具有有限大小的柱状声源下充流体的裸眼井中弹性波的传播,给出了弹性波场的解析结果,表明在某些条件下可发生共振,提出了所谓“频率-功率测井”及“频率测井”的设想。  相似文献   

本文分析了具有有限大小的柱状声源下充流体的裸眼井中弹性波的传播,给出了弹性波场的解析结果,表明在某些条件下可发生共振,提出了所谓“频率-功率测井”及“频率测井”的设想。  相似文献   

本文从数值上研究了裸眼井中弹性波传播的非对称模式,给出了合成微地震图和导波(弯曲波)的频散曲线,发现在“硬”地层和“软”地层的井中,导波都是高度频散的,其最大相速度等于地层的横波速度,其截止频率低于对称模式的伪瑞利波的截止频率;在低频(2—3kHz)和长源距(3—4m)的条件下,由非对称的声源(如声偶极子)所产生的微地震图中,初至信号是以横波速度传播的,而以纵波速度传播的信号被抑制。本文的结果对研制横波速度测井仪是有意义的。  相似文献   

Numerical wavefield extrapolation represents the backbone of any algorithm for depth migration pre- or post-stack. For such depth imaging techniques to yield reliable and interpretable results, the underlying wavefield extrapolation algorithm must propagate the waves through inhomogeneous media with a minimum of numerically induced distortion, over a range of frequencies and angles of propagation. A review of finite-difference (FD) approximations to the acoustic one-way wave equation in the space-frequency domain is presented. A straightforward generalization of the conventional FD formulation leads to an algorithm where the wavefield is continued downwards with space-variant symmetric convolutional operators. The operators can be precomputed and made accessible in tables such that the ratio between the temporal frequency and the local velocity is used to determine the correct operator at each grid point during the downward continuation. Convolutional operators are designed to fit the desired dispersion relation over a range of frequencies and angles of propagation such that the resulting numerical distortion is minimized. The optimization is constrained to ensure that evanescent energy and waves propagating at angles higher than the maximum design angle are attenuated in each extrapolation step. The resulting operators may be viewed as optimally truncated and bandlimited spatial versions of the familiar phase shift operator. They are unconditionally stable and can be applied explicitly. This results in a simple wave propagation algorithm, eminently suited for implementation on pipelined computers and on large parallel computing systems.  相似文献   

裸眼井中弹性波传播的非对称模式的数值研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文从数值上研究了裸眼井中弹性波传播的非对称模式,给出了合成微地震图和导波(弯曲波)的频散曲线,发现在“硬”地层和“软”地层的井中,导波都是高度频散的,其最大相速度等于地层的横波速度,其截止频率低于对称模式的伪瑞利波的截止频率;在低频(2-3kHz)和长源距(3-4m)的条件下,由非对称的声源(如声偶极子)所产生的微地震图中,初至信号是以横波速度传播的,而以纵波速度传播的信号被抑制。本文的结果对研制横波速度测井仪是有意义的。  相似文献   

在电磁波传播测井中,侧面波是重要的波模.本文利用迭代法导出了侧面波解的简单而精确的公式,研究了泥饼对侧面波的影响及侧面波的传播规律,并利用该简单公式对频率选择、源距选取及如何改进测井解释作了讨论.  相似文献   

在电磁波传播测井中,侧面波是重要的波模.本文利用迭代法导出了侧面波解的简单而精确的公式,研究了泥饼对侧面波的影响及侧面波的传播规律,并利用该简单公式对频率选择、源距选取及如何改进测井解释作了讨论.  相似文献   

Conversion of borehole Stoneley waves to channel waves was observed in data from a seismic cross-borehole experiment conducted between wellbores penetrating a thin coal layer at 2022 m depth, near Rifle, Colorado. Traveltime moveout observations show that borehole Stoneley waves underwent partial conversion to channel waves at the coal layer. The channel waves were detected directly in an adjacent borehole 35 m away at receiver positions within the coal. Stoneley waves, subsequently produced by partial conversion of channel waves, were also detected at receiver positions located up to 50 m above and below the coal layer in the adjacent borehole. We infer the channel wave to be the first-higher Rayleigh mode by comparing the observed group velocity with theoretically derived dispersion curves. Identifying the conversion between borehole and stratigraphically guided waves is significant because coal penetrated by multiple wells may be detected without placing a transmitter or receiver in the coal itself.  相似文献   

张金钟 《地球物理学报》1987,30(03):323-329
本文利用射线展开理论、割线积分技术及留数定理,研究了裸眼井声波全波测井中纵波和斯通利波的性质。下面简要说明数值计算方法。 计算方法 考虑在无限大均匀地层中,有一充满流体的深井。在井轴上放一点状声源,则在井轴上离声源距离为z处的声压为  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to derive relationships useful for the analysis of shallow transmission and reflection seismic data. Since the effects of absorption cause such data to be non-stationary, the derived results do not rely on frequency-domain representations being independent of the time origin. Rather, results are expressed in the z-domain and are suitable for implementation in the time domain. In order to give an unambiguous system of notation a classic approach to the problem of 1D wave propagation in a layered system is fully described. Absorption is included in a general but realistic way and the implications of representing it digitally are considered in detail. Computational efficiency is improved by grouping the layers in blocks of similar absorptive effect. The transmissivity and reflectivity of systems composed of such blocks are obtained and a dereverberation filter identified. The filter is described succinctly in terms of a non-linear recursion relationship. The sequences obtained by convolving the filter with the transmissivity and reflectivity are discussed in detail. The results are illustrated by nominally realistic synthetic examples computed in the time domain.  相似文献   

裸眼井声波全波测井中纵波和斯通利波的数值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用射线展开理论、割线积分技术及留数定理,研究了裸眼井声波全波测井中纵波和斯通利波的性质。下面简要说明数值计算方法。 计算方法 考虑在无限大均匀地层中,有一充满流体的深井。在井轴上放一点状声源,则在井轴上离声源距离为z处的声压为  相似文献   

This paper collects certain results concerning wave propagation in two-and-one-half dimensions, i.e., three-dimensional (3-D) wave propagation in a medium that has variations in two dimensions only. The results of interest are for sources and receivers in the plane determined by the two directions of parameter variation. The objective of this work is to reduce the analysis of the in-plane propagation to 2-D analysis while retaining–at least asymptotically–the proper 3-D geometrical spreading. We do this for the free space Green's function and for the Kirchhoff approximate upward scattered field from a single reflector. In both cases the derivation is carried out under the assumption of a background velocity c(x, z) with the special cases c = c0 and c = c(z).  相似文献   

When treating the forward full waveform case, a fast and accurate algorithm for modelling seismic wave propagation in anisotropic inhomogeneous media is of considerable value in current exploration seismology. Synthetic seismograms were computed for P-SV wave propagation in transversely isotropic media. Among the various techniques available for seismic modelling, the finite-difference method possesses both the power and flexibility to model wave propagation accurately in anisotropic inhomogeneous media bounded by irregular interfaces. We have developed a fast high-order vectorized finite-difference algorithm adapted for the vector supercomputer. The algorithm is based on the fourth-order accurate MacCormack-type splitting scheme. Solving the equivalent first-order hyperbolic system of equations, instead of the second-order wave equation, avoids computation of the spatial derivatives of the medium's anisotropic elastic parameters. Examples indicate that anisotropy plays an important role in modelling the kinematic and the dynamic properties of the wave propagation and should be taken into account when necessary.  相似文献   

吴如山  徐韶辉 《地震学报》1979,1(2):197-213
在简述了全息成象的一般原理, 并讨论了全息成象应用于钻孔电波勘探的物理基础之后, 着重介绍了多重全息图的概念及其合成成象技术.指明了对钻孔电波勘探的多次定点观测曲线和多次同步观测曲线, 可利用多重全息图及合成成象技术进行联合处理, 以提高分辨力和成象质量.并证明这相当于接收天线阵和发射天线阵依次聚焦在每一成象点上的双聚焦扫描成象的过程.文中对双孔透射法和单孔反射法都进行了讨论, 并给出了相应的计算公式;然后讨论了资料处理中的几个问题, 如发射点象的干扰及其消除、透射全息的屏蔽区问题、水平同步成象时的双象问题等, 并同时介绍了用衍射点模型进行计算机模拟的结果。最后给出了对水槽模型试验资料的处理结果和野外资料的试算结果.  相似文献   

地震波传播的微分几何描述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文以复杂介质中的走向函数为基础,引入走时场的微分流形,从微分几何观点看,复杂介质中的射线方程即为流形上的测地线方程,复杂介质中的标量波动方程即为流形上的协变标量场方程,从而建立起复杂介质中地震波传播的微分几何描述,文中还讨论该方法在射线追踪,波场变换等方面的应用。  相似文献   

The propagation of transient acoustic pressure waves in a layer enclosed between two, not necessarily identical, half-spaces is considered. The source and the receivers are always located in the same half-space and at the same depth. The source excitation function is a narrow causal spike. Several thicknesses of the layer are examined including the case in which the embedded layer vanishes. The phenomena of ‘constricted’ head waves and wide-angle reflections in the layer are examined in detail using a ‘numerical experimentation’ approach. First, a closed-form solution is numerically evaluated. Then this solution is developed in series and each term is evaluated separately using the same numerical techniques. When the contribution of an individual high-order term becomes unimportant, all higher order terms are discarded, and the response is constructed by superposition of the previously computed low-order terms only. Propagation by wide-angle reflections from inside the layer is of interest. When the thickness of the layer is reduced to a fraction of the wavelength, these events consist typically of a low amplitude, high frequency, geometrical acoustics arrival, followed by higher amplitude, low frequency, non-geometrical coda. When all important low-order terms are added, the non-geometrical events tend to interfere destructively, leaving a waveform nearly identical to that obtained by integration of the closed-form solution. When the thickness of the embedded layer is measured in fractions of the dominant wavelength, none of the individual terms of the series development can be duplicated by asymptotic ray tracing. However, because the codas of the various terms interfere destructively, the total response may be well-represented by the addition of a few low-order rays, using asymptotic approximation. This discovery extends the usefulness of Huygens-Kirchhoff ray tracing to modeling of wave propagation in thin layers.  相似文献   

A model of parallel slip interfaces simulates the behaviour of a fracture system composed of large, closely spaced, aligned joints. The model admits any fracture system anisotropy: triclinic (the most general), monoclinic, orthorhombic or transversely isotropic, and this is specified by the form of the 3 × 3 fracture system compliance matrix. The fracture system may be embedded in an anisotropic elastic background with no restrictions on the type of anisotropy. To compute the long wavelength equivalent moduli of the fractured medium requires at most the inversion of two 3 × 3 matrices. When the fractures are assumed on average to have rotational symmetry (transversely isotropic fracture system behaviour) and the background is assumed isotropic, the resulting equivalent medium is transversely isotropic and the effect of the additional compliance of the fracture system may be specified by two parameters (in addition to the two isotropic parameters of the isotropic background). Dilute systems of flat aligned microcracks in an isotropic background yield an equivalent medium of the same form as that of the isotropic medium with large joints, i.e. there are two additional parameters due to the presence of the microcracks which play roles in the stress-strain relations of the equivalent medium identical to those played by the parameters due to the presence of large joints. Thus, knowledge of the total of four parameters describing the anisotropy of such a fractured medium tells nothing of the size or concentration of the aligned fractures but does contain information as to the overall excess compliance due to the fracture system and its orientation. As the aligned microcracks, which were assumed to be ellipsoidal, with very small aspect ratio are allowed to become non-fiat, i.e. have a growing aspect ratio, the moduli of the equivalent medium begin to diverge from the standard form of the moduli for flat cracks. The divergence is faster for higher crack densities but only becomes significant for microcracks of aspect ratios approaching 0.3.  相似文献   

传统的人工边界是在声波或弹性波分解为内行和外行分量的基础上设计的.对于较复杂的介质模型(如粘弹介质、弹塑介质、塑性介质模型等),地震波不能简单地分解为各自满足其运动方程的纵波、横波等成分,且地震波在传播过程中还有衰减现象,因此传统的人工边界已不能有效地用于非弹性的较复杂介质的波场模拟.本文提出了一种适合于更一般的地震模型的波场计算的透射边界条件,并以粘弹介质的一个较简单的二维几何模型为例,通过有限元数值求解这种透射边界和刚性边界下粘弹波的激发和传播,得到地面合成地震记录,证明了这种透射边界用于较复杂介质波场计算是可行的.  相似文献   

含地下水的土层对地震波传播的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文综合地介绍了含地下水的土层对地震波传播的研究成果,并对一些普遍性的原则问题进行了讨论.在不变形介质的前提下详细研究了二维地下水的波动问题,应用和开发了线单元-特征线法、交替方向隐式差分法和伽辽金有限单元法,求解了一些边值问题.还研究了介质的不均匀性、地层的成层性等对地下水波动的影响以及地下水波在界面上的透射、反射现象,发现了一些新的规律.从普遍方程出发,论证了地下水波在可变形介质和不变形介质中的差别,导出了两者的换算关系.开辟了由不变形介质的解求可变形介质的解的一个间接途径. 在可变形介质的前提下,直接从两相介质动力方程组出发,对含水土层中的波动问题进行了详尽研究,考虑了弹塑性、非线性本构关系、剪胀性、刚度退化等各种因素的影响.通过计算对各种土壤刚度、渗阻条件、边界透水条件、荷载形式、本构关系和不均匀性等情况做了比较研究,发现一些新规律.在垂直地震荷载作用下发现了两种不同形态的孔隙水压反应--阶变形和振荡形的机制,并用间断波理论解释了孔压阶跃的原因.最后对发现的新现象做了一些讨论和总结.  相似文献   

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