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不同温度和时间处理对茶多酚损失率的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验采用两因素四水平完全交叉试验设计研究实际生产过程加热温度和时间对茶多酚损失的影响,不同温度处理为80℃、100℃、120℃、140℃和不同加热时间处理为60min、90min、120min、150min。试验结果表明,加热时间控制在60min以内,加热温度100℃至140℃,茶多酚的损失率可控制在15%以内。  相似文献   

论新农村建设之雷电灾害预警与公共管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【摘要】:本文首先通过对雷电灾害的成因及其影响的分析,阐明了伴随新农村建设,尤其是新村集镇、乡镇企业规模的迅速发展,雷电灾害造成的损失和社会影响将越趋严重。进而在雷电灾害预警机制的设计上,提出具体的预警方案和应急响应步骤。基于公共管理理念,认为气象机构作为政府危机管理部门之一,必须根据科学性、合法性、适度性和协同性等原则,建构完善的包括雷电预警在内的农村气象灾害预报预警体系。文章强调指出,《气象灾害防御条例》应尽快立法实施,必须以气象为主体统一规范雷电探测网的布局,在更高层次上统筹规划建设雷电综合监测系统,这是落实“公共气象、安全气象”理念、增强乡村防灾减灾整体能力的具体贡献。  相似文献   

不同草炭处理对植烟土壤理化性状及烟叶产质影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了研究不同草炭用量对植烟土壤的理化性状,烟叶产量和品质的影响;2005年应用盆栽土培的方法进行了试验研究。结果表明增施草炭250~2000 g/株能降低土壤容重,降幅0.78%~14.84%;提高土壤的孔隙度,增幅1.28%~14.01%;增加土壤中有机质和氮含量,增幅分别为21.15%~99.36%和3.80%~35.65%。同时增施草炭能促进烟株早期的快速生长;少量增施草炭对烟叶产量提高不大,但当草炭提高到1000~2000 g/株时产量大幅提高。同时增施草炭在一定程度上改善了烟叶的品质;但增施草炭对土壤中脲酶和过氧化氢酶影响较小。总之,增施草炭能降低土壤容重,提高土壤孔隙度,增加土壤中有机质和氮含量,同时增施草炭能促进烟株生长,提高产量和改善品质。  相似文献   

The computation principle of Cockroft-Lathem ductile cumulative damage is analyzed. A method to solve the critical damage factor based on the evolution rules of damage sensitive rate is brought forward. Several series of billet samples are compressed on heat physical simulation machine under different deformation temperatures and strain rates, and then the collected true stress-strain data are used to calculate the performance of computations. As the outer edge of upsetting drum where the maximum damage value appears is concerned, a typical damage softening rule is obtained and described as the damage sensitive rate decreases rapidly at the initial deformation, then gradually tends to 0. In further, damage softening is more sensitive to strain rate than temperature. A principle that critical damage factor arises when damage sensitive rate decreases to 0 is assumed, then the distribution of critical damage factor under temperature 573~723 K and strain rate 0.01~10 s-1 is obtained. The results show that the critical damage factor of 7075 aluminum alloy is not a constant but a change within a range of 0.255 ~ 0.453, and it is more sensitive to strain rate in high temperature and more sensitive to temperature in high strain rate.  相似文献   

比较了全膜平作穴播、全膜垄沟种植、膜侧0.4cm、膜侧0.6cm、起垄不覆膜、露地条播(CK)等6种覆膜栽培方式对苗期糜子生长及光合特性的影响。结果表明,全膜平作穴播、全膜垄沟种植处理的糜子幼苗株高与干物质重量最高、叶面积最大;光合速率全膜平作穴播最大,全膜垄沟种植处理次之。说明全膜平作穴播、全膜垄沟种植更有利于糜子苗期的生长和形态建成。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of an inoculation with Pyricularia oryzae (isolate P06-6) on net leaf photosynthetic rate of rice (Oryza sativa) was studied with four cultivars. Measurements were taken on the sixth leaf of the main culm of plants in the early tillering stage. On cultivars CO39, IR50 and IR64 a susceptible infection type developed, but a clear difference in relative infection efficiency of the cultivars was observed. The highest number of lesions developed on leaves of CO39, whereas the lowest number was found on leaves of IR64. For all three cultivars the effect of a single lesion on the reduction in net leaf photosynthetic rate was found to be equal to a reduction in leaf area of three times the area occupied by the visible lesion. On IR68, a cultivar with complete resistance, brown specks of pinpoint size appeared without any effect on net leaf photosynthetic rate.  相似文献   

To determine a suitable nitrogen fertilizer application rate, an experiment was conducted using Jinza 34, Liaoza 27, Jinsi 2, Jinnuo 3, and Fenjiuliang 1 with six nitrogen (N) fertilization levels, including 0 (N0), 75 (N75), 150 (N150), 225 (N225), 300 (N300), and 450 kg hm-2 (N450). The effects of long-term nitrogen fertilization with different levels on sorghum grain yield, nitrogen use characteristics and soil nitrate nitrogen distribution were investigated. The grain yield, grain number and N accumulation of sorghum increased initially and then tended to be stabile with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application. Among them, the maximum increase of sorghum under N75 treatment compared with that under N0 treatment was 23.68%, 48.05%, and 51.86%, respectively. With the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application, the grain starch content decreased, while the grain starch yield increased firstly and then decreased. Nitrogen apparent recovery rate, nitrogen fertilizer agronomic efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency which were accumulated for five years were reduced significantly with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application. Compared with the N150 treatment, nitrogen use efficiency accumulated for five years under N75 treatment, which was 63.01%, was increased by 76.91%. When nitrogen fertilizer application was beyond 225 kg hm-2, after four to five years later, nitrate nitrogen residue was increased rapidly in the 60-200 cm soil layer year by year, NO3--N accumulation peaks distributed in the 0-200 cm soil layer and the risk of nitrate nitrogen leaching was increased. In view of the yield, starch yield, nitrogen utilization and environmental benefit, the reasonable nitrogen fertilizer application for sorghum was between 75 kg hm-2 and 150 kg hm-2.  相似文献   

本研究于2015—2019年以晋杂34、辽杂27、晋饲2号、晋糯3号和汾酒粱1号为研究对象,设0(N0)、75(N75)、150(N150)、225(N225)、300(N300)、450 kg hm^-2(N450)6个氮素水平,调查其对产量性状、淀粉含量和土壤硝态氮以及氮素利用特性指标的影响,以探讨高粱合理的氮素施用方案。结果表明,高粱的产量、穗粒数及植株地上部氮素累积量,随施氮水平的增加呈先增加后趋于稳定的趋势,其中以N75处理增幅最大,较N0处理最大增幅分别可达23.68%、48.05%和51.86%;籽粒淀粉含量、5年叠加氮肥利用率、5年叠加氮肥农学效率和氮素5年叠加表观回收率随施氮水平的增加都存在不同程度的降低,其中N75处理下5年叠加氮肥利用率为63.01%,较N150处理提高了76.91%;籽粒淀粉产量则随施氮水平的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。连续施氮4~5年后,施氮量≥225 kg hm^-2,残留的硝态氮在60~200 cm土层逐年累积,且在0~200 cm土层存在明显的累积峰,硝态氮淋失风险加剧。施氮量75~150 kg hm^-2之间,在满足高粱植株基本生长需求的同时,可以弥补了土壤氮库的消耗,有效降低了土壤硝态氮的淋失,亦有利于高粱产量和籽粒淀粉产量的形成。  相似文献   

基于机器视觉的植物病虫害实时识别方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
曹乐平 《中国农学通报》2015,31(20):244-249
植物病虫灾害是中国三大自然灾害之一,其识别、监测、预警是防控工作的决策信息源头。联合国粮农组织的研究表明,仅农作物病虫害危害自然损失率就超过37%。中国是包括农作物在内的植物病虫害危害大国,若不采取防控措施,因病虫危害每年将损失粮食1500亿kg、果品与蔬菜1000亿kg、油料68亿kg、棉花1.9亿kg,潜在经济损失在5000亿元以上。通过植物病虫害的在线、实时、低廉、无损伤机器识别,不仅为植物病虫害防治防控提供了依据,赢得了防治时间,而且结合病虫害防治系统,最大限度地减少了经济损失,植物尤其是农产品品质得到了提升。对多种植物病虫害机器识别研究进行了综述与归纳,剖析了机器识别中的问题,认为未来的植物病虫害机器识别措施上应与病虫害监控、预测预报相结合;技术上融合机器视觉、声学、遥感、全球定位系统、地理信息系统、网络等技术;功能上进行草害信息、植物生长信息、生长环境信息自动识别等功能拓展。  相似文献   

地膜覆盖栽培对大蒜生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
经过连续两年的试验研究,实行地膜覆盖,可以改善大蒜生长发育的环境条件,提高冬春季土壤温度,保持土壤湿润、疏松,减少水分蒸发流失,可以促进大蒜早出苗、齐苗、长势好、早抽苔,提高产量和质量,促进大蒜增产增收。  相似文献   

The differences between effects of homoeologous group 5 chromosomes on growth phases and agronomic characters were studied by using reciprocal substitution lines between a winter wheat cultivar with a high vernalization requirement (Mironovskaya 808) and one with lowvernalization requirement (Bezostaya 1), in which the presence of different recessive vrn alleles is supposed. The two cultivars and the substitution lines Mironovskaya 808 (Bezostaya 1 5A), Mironovskaya 808 (Bezostaya 1 5B), Mironovskaya 808 (Bezostaya 1 5D), Bezostaya1 (Mironovskaya 808 5A), Bezostaya 1 (Mironovskaya 808 5B),Bezostaya 1 (Mironovskaya 808 5D) were grown at 10 different sowing dates. The results showed that differences between the homoeologous group 5 chromosomes of Mironovskaya 808 and those of Bezostaya 1influenced the growth phases in addition to the impact by the genetic background and sowing date. We inferred from the analysis and comparison of their effect on vernalization response that vrn loci on these chromosomes influence growth phases. It is probably due to pleiotropic effects of the loci. The rare occurrence of significant interactions between group 5 chromosomes × sowing dates probably indicates independence of their effect. Agronomic characters were also markedly influenced by sowing date and the difference in backgrounds between Mironovskaya 808 and Bezostaya 1. A significant impact by at least two of the chromosomes on almost all studied characters was detected. The chromosomes affected the combined characters in the order5D>5B>5A and the positive value of the differences suggests that a content of Mironovskaya 808 chromosomes is more advantageous. It was possible to find certain indices in some agronomic traits, supporting the idea that the expression of some characters can also be connected to vernalization requirement and thus to the expression of the vrn loci. This supposition is most probable in the number of tillers and number of spikes. In some traits significant interactions occurred between homoeologous group 5 chromosomes × genetic background. Sporadic and low significance between homoeologous group 5 chromosomes × sowing dates suggest that the genetic effect of these chromosomes is independent of environmental conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The herbicide glyphosate has been shown to stimulate growth and photosynthetic capacity of barley and other plant species. The growth increase, however, only takes place under certain, yet undefined, growth conditions. We hypothesise that glyphosate growth stimulation only takes place, when growth is nutrient limited. Nutrient limitation was induced in this study by limiting nitrogen and phosphorous availability. The experiments were performed on hydroponically grown lesser duckweed and barley and on barley in the field. Hydroponic duckweed and barley grown under a range of N- and P-availabilities displayed glyphosate induced growth increases in plants which were slightly stressed by N-deficiency, but not in response to P-deficiency in the case of barley. The growth increase found for P-deficient duckweed was hypothesised to be caused by glyphosate derived P, acting as a nutrient source. No growth increase was found in the 2012 field experiment, which was in contrast to earlier year’s findings. Our hypothesis that nutrient limitation makes plants susceptible to glyphosate induced growth was only confirmed for nitrogen but not for phosphorous and not under field conditions in 2012. Mechanisms related to high C:N ratios might be of importance, as this trait varies depending on N- and P-availability during plant growth.  相似文献   

E. C. Thörn 《Euphytica》1992,59(2-3):109-118
Summary Seed and embryo development was studied in crosses between H. bulbosum and the barley genotypes VK 16032, Vada and Vogelsanger Gold and subsequently the F1 and F2 progenies from VK 16032 x Vada and VK 16032 x Vogelsanger Gold. Both seed and embryo development are strongly influenced by the barley genotype. Favourable environmental conditions can promote seed and embryo development in genotypes with existing good characters. Dominant inheritance for good seed development and incomplete dominance for large embryos is evident. Linkage between small embryo size and winter habit exists in Vogelsanger Gold.  相似文献   

Agronomic experiments are often complex and difficult to interpret, and the proper use of appropriate statistical methodology is essential for an efficient and reliable analysis. In this paper, the basics of the statistical analysis of designed experiments are discussed using real examples from agricultural field trials. Factorial designs allow for the study of two or more treatment factors in the same experiment, and here we discuss the analysis of factorial designs for both qualitative and quantitative level treatment factors. Where treatment factors have quantitative levels, models of treatment effects are essential for efficient analysis and in this paper we discuss the use of polynomials for empirical quantitative modelling of treatment effects. The example analyses cover experiments with a single quantitative level factor, experiments with mixtures of quantitative and qualitative level factors, polynomial regression designs with two quantitative level factors, split‐plot designs with quantitative level factors and repeated‐measures designs with correlated data and a quantitative treatment response over time. Modern mixed model computer software for routine analysis of experimental data is now readily available, and we demonstrate the use of two alternative software packages, the SAS package and the R language. The main purpose of the paper is to exemplify standard statistical methodology for routine analysis of designed experiments in agricultural research, but in our discussion we also provide some references for the study of more advanced methodology.  相似文献   

Summary A assessment of in vitro characters: embryo size, differentiation stage and germination time of haploid embryos, was carried out with a view to developing a selection procedure to increase the efficiency of doubled haploid (DH) production using the Hordeum bulbosum system. The differentiation stage of haploid embryos at the time of excision was found to be the most promising character for selection. In the two spring crosses examined 55% of excised embryos were undifferentiated and 45% were differentiated, with overall success rates, in terms of the percentage of DHs produced, of 7.91% and 25.16%, respectively. 17% of excised embryos produced callus. These embryos performed poorly in terms of regeneration and subsequent growth. It is suggested that only differentiated non-callusing embryos are maintained in order to maximize the efficiency of DH production. It is also shown that the overall success rate depends not only on initial stages such as seed setting but also on genotypic differences in response to colchicine treatment at later stages.  相似文献   

为了研究红莲型水稻中2个恢复基因与2个不育基因的互作关系,用红莲型水稻不育系‘粤泰A’(‘YTA’)与恢复系‘9311’杂交,所得F1代再与保持系‘粤泰B’(‘YTB’)多次回交,最终构建了与不育系‘YTA’同质异核的近等基因恢复系‘L-Rf6’。根据Rf5和Rf6的基因序列设计了特异性分子标记,并对‘L-Rf6’进行检测。结果显示成功构建了近等基因恢复系‘L-Rf6’。对近等基因恢复系的不育基因orfh79的表达量进行分析,结果显示‘L-Rf6’中orfh79的表达量与‘YTA’比较明显下降。该近等基因恢复系的构建为阐述红莲型水稻多个恢复基因与多个不育基因的互作关系打下基础。  相似文献   

在MS中加入不同浓度的BA和NAA,配置成7种培养基,对杭白菊进行茎尖培养。结果表明,较高浓度的BA和较低浓度的NAA有利于芽的诱导,其中以MS+BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L诱导芽的效果最好;较低浓度的BA和较高浓度的NAA有利于根的诱导,其中以MS+BA0.1mg/L+NAA1.0mg/L诱导芽的效果较好;以不加植物生长调节物质的MS诱导的根量最大,但根较细。  相似文献   

A. H. Eenink 《Euphytica》1981,30(1):71-76
Summary For the production of inbred lines and F1 hybrids in witloof-chicory information is wanted on characteristics such as the incompatibility system. These characteristics can only be studied properly if the influence of temperature and physiological status of the plant on pollen germination and seed production is known. Investigations were carried out with 9 self-incompatible (SI) and 6 self-compatible (SC) clones in glasshouses of the IVT phytotron at constant temperatures of 10, 14, 17, 20, 23 and 26°C. In general, in vivo pollen germination percentages were rather low after self pollination with an optimum for germination around 17–20°C. No seeds were formed at the lowest temperature (10°C) while seed production for SC clones was usually (rather) good at higher temperatures. At 26°C seed production in some clones decreased. Both pollen germination and seed production decreased at the end of the flowering period. There was a rather positive relationship at e.g. 17 and 20°C between pollen germination after selfing and seed production. When no pollen germination was observed, no seed formation occurred. When pollen grains did germinate, seed development would not necessarily occur in all cases. So this relationship only enables negative mass selection for SC.  相似文献   

应用Herdchek猪瘟抗体检测试剂盒对3个规模化猪场送检的1865份血清样品进行猪瘟抗体的测定,淘汰加强免疫后猪瘟抗体不合格(阻断率<50%)的种猪,观察并记录淘汰猪瘟抗体不合格种猪后猪场种猪繁殖性能和小猪生产性能指标的变化情况。结果显示:3个猪场(A、B、C)淘汰加强免疫后猪瘟抗体不合格种猪后,平均窝产仔数分别提高了0.29头(P<0.05)、0.40头(P<0.01)、0.39头(P<0.01);平均窝产活仔数分别提高了0.54头(P<0.01)、0.35头(P<0.01)、0.62头(P<0.01);平均窝产断奶仔猪数分别增加了0.65头(P<0.01)、0.71头(P<0.01)、0.81头(P<0.01);3个猪场(A、B、C )30-60日龄小猪增重差异均极显著(P<0.01);3个猪场(A、B、C)的母猪受胎率、仔猪断奶成活率和30-60日龄小猪成活率均有不同程度的提高,但差异均不显著(P>0.05)。由此表明:淘汰加强免疫后猪瘟抗体不合格种猪后可以显著提高猪场母猪繁殖性能和小猪的生产性能。  相似文献   

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