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In the flagellated protozoon Euglena gracilis, characterized nuclear genes harbor atypical introns that usually are flanked by short repeats, adopt complex secondary structures in pre-mRNA, and do not obey the GT-AG rule of conventional cis-spliced introns. In the nuclear fibrillarin gene of E. gracilis, we have identified three spliceosomal-type introns that have GT-AG consensus borders. Furthermore, we have isolated a small RNA from E. gracilis and propose, on the basis of primary and secondary structure comparisons, that it is a homolog of U1 small nuclear RNA, an essential component of the cis-spliceosome in higher eukaryotes. Conserved sequences at the 5' splice sites of the fibrillarin introns can potentially base pair with Euglena U1 small nuclear RNA. Our observations demonstrate that spliceosomal GT-AG cis-splicing occurs in Euglena, in addition to the nonconventional cis-splicing and spliced leader trans-splicing previously recognized in this early diverging unicellular eukaryote.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA was synthesized using polyadenylated nuclear RNA of cultured Drosophila cells as template. The kinetics of hybridization of this cDNA with nuclear RNA indicated that the complexity of this RNA population is five to ten times greater than that of cytoplasmic mRNA. The same difference in the fraction of DNA represented was obtained when nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA were hybridized with labeled unique sequence DNA. The fraction of the DNA sequences represented in total number of polyadenylated nuclear RNA is much higher than that represented in cytoplasmic RNA.  相似文献   

The distribution of nucleic acids within nuclei of epidermal cells in skin from guinea-pig ear was investigated using an indirect enzyme digestion technique to observe both DNA and RNA, and a direct Schiff-Thallium reaction technique, to observe DNA alone. Similar results were obtained by both methods. The distribution of DNA and RNA change gradually in nuclei as epidermal cells differentiate. DNA in cells of the lower strata is localized in essentially the same areas in which electron-opaque components are seen by conventional electron microscopy. With the cytochemical treatments, however, we found that DNA is not present in all electron-opaque areas of nuclei in superficial granular cells. RNA is present in the nucleoli of cells in all layers, but its density is also lower in the upper granular cells. We postulate that nucleic acids in nuclei of granular cells gradually decrease and that the space is filled with newly synthesized electron-dense protein, as part of the differentiation process.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of U1, U2, U4 and U5 spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) involves the nuclear export of precursor molecules extended at their 3' ends, followed by a cytoplasmic phase during which the pre-snRNAs assemble into ribonucleoprotein particles and undergo hypermethylation of their 5' caps and 3' end processing prior to nuclear import. Previous studies have demonstrated that the assembly of pre-snRNAs into ribonucleoprotein particles containing the Sm core proteins is essential for nuclear import in mammalian cells but that 5' cap hypermethylation is not. In the present investigation we have asked whether or not 3' end processing is required for nuclear import of U2 RNA. We designed human pre-U2 RNAs that carried modified 3' tails, and identified one that was stalled (or greatly slowed) in 3' end processing, leading to its accumulation in the cytoplasm of human cells. Nonetheless, this 3' processing arrested pre-U2 RNA molecule was found to undergo cytoplasmic assembly into Sm protein-containing complexes to the same extent as normal pre-U2 RNA. The Sm protein-associated, unprocessed mutant pre-U2 RNA was not observed in the nuclear fraction. Using an assay based on suppression of a genetically blocked SV40 pre-mRNA splicing pathway, we found that the 3' processing deficient U2 RNA was significantly reduced in its ability to rescue splicing, consistent with its impaired nuclear import.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA 5' splice site activity depends, at least in part, on base complementarity to U1 small nuclear RNA. In transient coexpression assays, defective 5' splice sites can regain activity in the presence of U1 carrying compensatory changes, but it is unclear whether such mutant U1 RNAs can be permanently expressed in mammalian cells. We have explored this issue to determine whether U1 small nuclear RNAs with altered specificity may be of value to rescue targeted mutant genes or alter pre-mRNA processing profiles. This effort was initiated following our observation that U1 with specificity for a splice site associated with an alternative H-ras exon substantially reduced the synthesis of the potentially oncogenic p21ras protein in transient assays. We describe the development of a mammalian complementation system that selects for removal of a splicing-defective intron placed within a drug resistance gene. Complementation was observed in proportion to the degree of complementarity between transfected mutant U1 genes and different defective splice sites, and all cells selected in this manner were found to express mutant U1 RNA. In addition, these cells showed specific activation of defective splice sites presented by an unlinked reporter gene. We discuss the prospects of this approach to permanently alter the expression of targeted genes in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

In a previous study we showed that the levels of the intermediate filament proteins, cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19, in the nuclear matrix-intermediate filament (NM-IF) fraction from the hormone-dependent and estrogen receptor (ER)-positive human breast cancer cell line T-47D5 were regulated by estrogens. In contrast, estrogens did not regulate the cytokeratins in the NM-IF fraction of the hormone-independent and ER-positive cell line, T5-PRF. In this study, human breast cancer cells were treated with cis-diamminedichloroplatinum to cross-link protein to nuclear DNA in situ, and proteins bound to DNA were isolated. We show that cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19 of T-47D5 and T5-PRF were associated with nuclear DNA in situ. The levels of the cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19 bound to nuclear DNA or associated with the cytoskeleton of T-47D5 human breast cancer cells decreased when estrogens were depleted or the pure antiestrogen ICI 164,384 was added. In contrast, the cytokeratin levels associated with nuclear DNA or cytoskeleton were not significantly affected by estrogen withdrawal or antiestrogen administration in T5-PRF cells. These observations suggest that estrogen regulates the organization of nuclear DNA by rearrangement of the cytokeratin filament network in hormone-dependent, ER-positive human breast cancer cells and that this regulation is lost in hormone-independent, ER-positive breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

DNA restriction fragments, 120-650 base pairs (bp) in length, with 5'-GCGC-3', 5'-GGCC-3' or 3'-GCGC-5' single-stranded overhanging termini, give rise to diffuse bands of unusual electrophoretic mobility in non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. This shift in electrophoretic mobility can be observed at 4-12 degreesC, not at higher temperatures, but is stabilized by 5-10 mM Mg2+, even at 37 degreesC. The nucleotide sequence in the abutting double-stranded part of the fragment does not affect this phenomenon, which is not caused by dimerization. The altered mobility may be due to the unusual terminal DNA structure, which is dependent on co-operative interactions among more than two neighboring G and C residues. The structure is stabilized by cytidine methylation. The biological role of such fragment structures in DNA repair and recombination is presently unknown.  相似文献   

A genetic screen was devised to identify Saccharomyces cerevisiae splicing factors that are important for the function of the 5' end of U2 snRNA. Six slt (stands for synthetic lethality with U2) mutants were isolated on the basis of synthetic lethality with a U2 snRNA mutation that perturbs the U2-U6 snRNA helix II interaction. SLT11 encodes a new splicing factor and SLT22 encodes a new RNA-dependent ATPase RNA helicase (D. Xu, S. Nouraini, D. Field, S. J. Tang, and J. D. Friesen, Nature 381:709-713, 1996). The remaining four slt mutations are new alleles of previously identified splicing genes: slt15, previously identified as prp17 (slt15/prp17-100), slt16/smd3-1, slt17/slu7-100, and slt21/prp8-21. slt11-1 and slt22-1 are synthetically lethal with mutations in the 3' end of U6 snRNA, a region that affects U2-U6 snRNA helix II; however, slt17/slu7-100 and slt21/prp8-21 are not. This difference suggests that the latter two factors are unlikely to be involved in interactions with U2-U6 snRNA helix II but rather are specific to interactions with U2 snRNA. Pairwise synthetic lethality was observed among slt11-1 (which affects the first step of splicing) and several second-step factors, including slt15/prp17-100, slt17/slu7-100, and prp16-1. Mutations in loop 1 of U5 snRNA, a region that is implicated in the alignment of the two exons, are synthetically lethal with slu4/prp17-2 and slu7-1 (D. Frank, B. Patterson, and C. Guthrie, Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:5179-5205, 1992), as well as with slt11-1, slt15/prp17-100, slt17/slu7-100, and slt21/prp8-21. These same U5 snRNA mutations also interact genetically with certain U2 snRNA mutations that lie in the helix I and helix II regions of the U2-U6 snRNA structure. Our results suggest interactions among U2 snRNA, U5 snRNA, and Slt protein factors that may be responsible for coupling and coordination of the two reactions of pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that mutant genomic cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) sequences can be corrected in transformed CF airway epithelial cell lines by targeted replacement with small fragments of DNA with wild-type sequence. To determine if the observed genotype modification following small fragment homologous replacement (SFHR) was limited to transformed CF cell lines, further studies were carried out in both transformed and non-transformed primary normal airway epithelial cells. The endogenous genotype of these normal cell lines was modified following liposome or dendrimer transfection using DNA fragments with DeltaF508 CFTR sequence (488 nt, complementary single strands) designed to also contain a unique restriction enzyme cleavage site (Xho I). Replacement at the appropriate genomic locus by exogenous DeltaF508 CFTR DNA and its expression as mRNA was demonstrated by PCR amplification of genomic DNA and mRNA-derived cDNA as well as Xho I digestion of the PCR products. These studies show that SFHR occurs in both transformed and non-transformed primary human airway epithelial cells and indicate that single base substitution (the silent mutation giving rise to the Xho I site) and deletion or insertion of at least three consecutive bases can be achieved in both normal and CF epithelial cells. Furthermore, these studies reiterate the potential of SFHR as a strategy for a number of gene targeting applications, such as site-specific mutagenesis, development of transgenic animals, development of isogenic cell lines and for gene therapy.  相似文献   

The histochemical binding pattern of the peanut (Arachis hypogaea) lectin (PNA) was quantitatively described by means of computer-assisted microscope analysis in 28 benign prostatic hyperplasias (BPH), 15 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasias (PIN), and 119 prostatic adenocarcinomas. PNA exhibits nonimmune but selective binding to glycoproteins with beta-D-galactosyl(1,3)-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine residues. We also investigated whether a relationship existed between the number of histochemical-related PNA acceptors and the histochemical prostate-specific antigen (PSA) stain intensity, and between the number of PNA receptors and DNA ploidy level. The results show that neoplastic prostate tissues and high-grade intraepithelial prostatic neoplasias (PIN2_3) exhibit a significantly higher number of PNA acceptors than benign prostatic hyperplasias and low (PIN1) grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasias. A statistically significant correlation was observed between the number of histochemically related PNA acceptors and PSA immunostain intensity. Lastly, diploid prostatic tumors, whether benign or malignant, exhibited a significantly higher number of PNA acceptors than aneuploid ones. These results suggest that PNA acceptors play an important role in the biology of prostate tumors.  相似文献   

An antiserum to the Rous sarcoma virus-transforming protein pp60v-src, raised in rabbits immunized with the bacterially produced protein alpha p60 serum (M. D. Resh and R. L. Erikson, J. Cell Biol. 100:409-417, 1985) previously reported to detect very specifically a novel population of pp60v-src and pp60c-src molecules associated with juxtareticular nuclear membranes in normal and Rous sarcoma virus-infected cells of avian and mammalian origin, was used here to investigate by immunofluorescence microscopy localization patterns of Src molecules in human cell lines, either normal or derived from spontaneous tumors. We found that the alpha p60 serum reveals nuclear and nucleolar concentrations of antigens in all the human cell lines tested and in two rat and mouse hepatoma cell lines derived from adult tumorous tissues but not in any established rat and mouse cell lines either untransformed or transformed by the src and ras oncogenes. Both the nuclear and nucleolar stainings can be totally extinguished by preincubation of the serum with highly purified chicken c-Src. We show also that the partitioning of the alpha p60-reactive proteins among the whole nucleus and the nucleolus depends mostly on two different parameters: the position in the cell cycle and the degree of cell confluency. Our observations raise the attractive possibility that, in differentiated cells, pp60c-src and related proteins might be involved not only in mediating the transduction of mitogenic signals at the plasma membrane level but also in controlling progression through the cell cycle and entry in mitosis by interacting with cell division cycle regulatory components at the nuclear level.  相似文献   

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