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目的:了解大学生被动吸烟暴露情况及相关知识、态度及行为状况。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,对保定市4所高校2730名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果调查问卷有效回收率为95.3%。2602名被调查大学生中,总吸烟率为12.9%。2267名不吸烟大学生中,被动吸烟率24.6%,其中男生38.4%,女生12.4%,男女生被动吸烟率差异有统计学意义( P <0.01)。男生的被动吸烟率随着年级的升高明显升高( P <0.01)。艺术类和体育专业男生被动吸烟率高于其它专业( P <0.01)。宿舍是男生被动吸烟发生率最高的场所。90%以上大学生知晓被动吸烟危害健康,但知识掌握不全面。38.2%学生对被动吸烟表示非常反感,能够做到主动劝阻的只有16.3%。结论应加强高校控烟工作,强化大学生的控烟健康教育,改善大学生被动吸烟状况。  相似文献   

目的 研究脆弱性组氨酸三联体(FHIT)的表达与非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的发生发展及与吸烟的关系。方法 采用免疫组化(S-P)法检测7例正常支气管黏膜和81例NSCLC患者中FHIT的表达。结果 FHIT在正常支气管黏膜及NSCLC中的表达差异有显著意义(P〈0.05),其表达与分化程度、吸烟指数及吸烟率差异有显著意义(P〈0.01,P〈0.05,P〈0.05),与性别、年龄、TNM分期及分型无关。吸烟与鳞癌星正相关。结论 FHIT是NSCLC发生发展分子机制之一;FHIT可能与烟草致癌有相关性。  相似文献   

本文对1200名在校大学生吸烟情况进行了调查,调查结果显示在大学生中吸烟率较高,尤其是对于男同学来说。吸烟有害健康,如何控制大学生吸烟就成为主要话题。本文针对现代大学生吸烟现状具体提出了解决方案。  相似文献   

某师范学院大学生吸烟现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解大学生主动吸烟与被动吸烟的现状,为控制大学生吸烟提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群抽样法对562名周口师范学院的学生进行问卷调查,并对相关数据进行统计学分析。结果收回有效问卷550份(收回率为83.3%)。550名被调查学生中总吸烟率20.18%,其中男生吸烟率38.87%,女生2.04%,男女生吸烟率比较有显著性差异(P<0.01);不同年级大学生吸烟率比较无显著性差异(P>0.05);95.09%的大学生认为吸烟损害健康,93.82%的大学生认为被动吸烟有损健康。结论大学生虽然知晓吸烟对健康的危害性,但吸烟率仍较高,应加强对大学生的控烟健康教育。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者吸烟与吸毒的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解海洛因依赖者吸毒前后的吸烟情况,分析吸烟与吸毒之间的关系。方法:调查了576名海洛因依赖者的流行病学资料。结果:海洛因依赖人群吸毒前后的吸烟比例分别为83.54%和91.36%,有显著差异(P〈0.01);其中女性海洛因依赖者吸毒前后的吸烟率分别为47.89%和85.91%,有显著差异(P〈0.01);而男性海洛因依赖者吸毒前后的吸烟率分别为88.91%和92.29%,无显著差异(P〉0.05)。海洛因依赖人群的吸烟年限、吸烟量与每日吸毒量之间存在着正相关。结论:吸烟情况可作为海洛因依赖程度的预测因子之一。  相似文献   

目的探讨被动吸烟健康青年人血管内皮舒张功能及血浆一氧化氮(NO)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AⅡ)的水平变化。方法采用超声肱动脉内释测量法,观察被动吸烟、主动吸烟及正常对照者各30名血流介导的和硝酸甘油介导的肱动脉内径变化,同时测定各组血浆NO、AⅡ。结果三组肱动脉内径基础值及硝酸甘油介导的肱动脉舒张均无最著性差异(P〉0,05).而血流介导的血管扩张被动吸烟组与正常对照组间存在显著差异(P〈0.01),与吸烟组无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。NO在主、被动吸烟组减低。AⅡ在主、被动吸烟组升高。结论被动吸烟导致健康青年人血管内皮舒张功能损伤可能与血浆NO减少、AⅡ增加有关。  相似文献   

目的了解新婚夫妇烟草控制知识、吸烟行为、举办无烟婚礼意愿的现状,为实施家庭控烟干预提供依据。方法采用随机拦截的方法,对巩义市810名新婚夫妇的控烟认知及举办无烟婚礼意愿进行调查。结果新婚夫妇现在吸烟率为17.28%;新婚夫妇对吸烟引起中风和心脏病的知晓率分别为29.51%和39.38%,对二手烟雾引起成人心脏疾病的知晓率为29.63%;81.36%的新婚夫妇支持室内公共场所禁烟,39.38%的新婚夫妇愿意举办无烟婚礼。结论新婚夫妇对吸烟和二手烟雾引起的相关疾病的知晓率以及无烟婚礼举办意愿均较低,实际举办无烟婚礼的更低,提示应进一步加强烟草危害健康知识的传播,广泛进行社会动员,摒弃传统待客敬烟习俗,倡导健康生活方式,提高公众自我保护意识。  相似文献   

医学男生吸烟行为及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭炜  陈刚 《中国基层医药》2001,8(4):347-347
青少年吸烟已成为社会关注的一个重要问题 ,为了解医学院在校学生吸烟行为及影响因素 ,笔者于 2 0 0 0年 3~ 5月对某医学院在校学生进行吸烟行为及影响因素的问卷调查 ,探索适合大学生特点的控烟干预对策。1 对象与方法1 1 对象 由于医学院女生吸烟率较低 ,本文只对医学院男生进行吸烟行为及影响因素的调查。采用分层整群随机抽样方法 ,随机抽取在校四个年级共 991名学生作为调查人群。1 2 方法 本次调查采用不记名方式 ,在调查前向被调查者说明本次调查目的 ,学生在教室内集中填写问卷 ,所有老师均不在现场。问卷内容包括一般情况、…  相似文献   

世界卫生组织(WHO)烟草或健康合作中心主任王辰教授不久前指出,我国医师的吸烟率太高,这是我国控烟工作中一个很突出的问题,造成我国医师吸烟率高的关键原因是他们对吸烟有害健康的认识不足。我国目前约有3.5亿吸烟者,每年有近百万人死于吸烟相关疾病。如果得不到有效控制,从现在到2050年预计将有1亿国人死于与烟草相关疾病。美国尼古丁和烟草研究学会(SRNT)主席Scott Leischow教授认为,  相似文献   

目的了解80后护士的职业态度,并对相关因素进行分析,为培养80后护士积极的职业态度提供依据。方法采用247名80后护士的调查职业态度。结果80后护士职业态度总评分(2.51±0.6)属不太理想,各维度评分认知成分(2.74±0.82),行为成分(2.68±0.67)属不太理想,情感成分(2.01±0.59)属较差。不同学历护士认知成分得分比较,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01),不同工作年限护士在认知成分、情感成分、行为成分各维度得分比较,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01,P〈0.05);不同用工性质护士在认知成分、情感成分得分比较,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01,P〈0.05);是否独生子女护士在情感成分、行为成分各维度得分比较,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01,P〈0.05)。结论80后护士职业态度总体不太理想。不同学历,不同工作年限,不同用工性质,是否独生子女,不同婚姻状况对职业态度及各维度有不同程度影响。护理管理者应针对不同影响因素加强对80后护士职业态度的教育,对护士的不良情绪和压力及时疏导,提高护士待遇和地位,培养她们的职业兴趣,激发护士职业自豪感,才能为患者提供更加优质的护理。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Currently, little is known about argileh (water pipe or hubble-bubble) and cigarette smoking among pregnant women in the Arab world, despite emerging evidence on the adverse health effects of argileh smoking and well-established knowledge about the health risks of cigarette smoking during pregnancy. OBJECTIVES: The present study assesses pregnant Arab women's knowledge of chemical contents and related harmful effects of argileh and cigarettes, their attitudes towards smoking argileh and cigarettes, and their actual smoking of argileh and cigarettes, both before and during pregnancy. METHODS: A stratified sample of 864 women from 23 health care centers in Lebanon completed a structured, interviewer-administered questionnaire. Information was collected on basic demographic variables, women's knowledge, attitudes, and cigarette and argileh smoking. RESULTS: Women were partially knowledgeable about the health risks of cigarette smoking, knew little about the harmful ingredients of argileh smoking, and had many misconceptions regarding how argileh worked or how it can produce harm. Attitudes were permissive towards all forms of smoking. Almost one quarter (23%) of participants reported smoking during pregnancy, with 17% smoking only cigarettes, 4% smoking only argileh, and 1.5% smoking both cigarette and argileh. CONCLUSION: A significant and growing percentage of pregnant Arab women are smoking in Lebanon, with four cigarette smokers for every argileh smoker. Smoking behaviors are empirically linked with important gaps in knowledge and with permissive attitudes. These data may be used to design more effective prevention programs targeting this vulnerable population.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to investigate the perceived consequences of cigarette smoking among a sample of college students. Participants (N=206) rated the negative consequences of smoking higher than the positive consequences on both the Decisional Balance Measure and the Smoking Consequences Questionnaire. While scales assessing the perceived positive consequences of cigarette smoking varied as a function of smoking status, the perceived negative consequences of smoking did not vary as a function of smoking status or stage of change. This pattern of findings is inconsistent with previous studies, which have reported that the relationship between the perceived positive and negative consequences of smoking shifts towards a more negative view as smokers become more motivated to change or actually quit smoking. The differential patterns of results across studies highlight the need for continued research on the relationship between the perceived consequences of cigarette use and actual smoking behavior among young adults who smoke but are not necessarily nicotine dependent.  相似文献   

李庆国 《医药论坛杂志》2007,28(5):62-63,66
目的 了解男大学生的吸烟状况及吸烟心理.方法 采用自拟的问卷附加Russell吸烟问卷,调查了某大学223名男生.结果 从223份问卷中获得200份合格问卷,吸烟者为96人,吸烟率为48%;镇静在学生吸烟原因中起主要原因.结论 大学生的吸烟率较高,该结果可以作为制定戒除和预防吸烟行为的依据.  相似文献   

Entrance into college may be associated with elevated risk of progression in cigarette use among Chinese students. The purpose of this study was to examine patterns and dynamics of cigarette smoking by age and grade among college students in China. Cross-sectional data from 1845 students (44% females) in 19 colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province were derived from the Chinese Youth Health Risk Behavior Survey in 2001. Data were analyzed using latent class analysis (LCA). Overall 11 mutually exclusive types (latent classes) of cigarette users were derived and their proportions estimated from four variables: lifetime smoking, past 30-day smoking, attempting to quit in the past, and intention to smoke in the future. Two types (resistant never-smokers, self-stopped resistant nonsmokers) were observed across age groups and grades for both males and females while other smoking types varied with gender, age and grade. Advanced cigarette smoking types appeared in older age groups and higher grades. The cross-sectional age and grade trend suggests substantial progression in cigarette smoking among Chinese college students, underscoring the need for prevention among these students. Results also suggest that LCA may be an effective methodology for analyzing behavioral types and their dynamics with a limited number of variables.  相似文献   

The relationship between trait-impulsivity and smoking expectancies on smoking progression in undergraduate college students was examined over a 48-hour period of smoking abstinence. Participants were forty-nine college-aged dependent cigarette smokers who completed measures designed to assess impulsivity, nicotine dependence, and smoking expectancies. Using a series of multilevel models, impulsivity by time analyses indicated significant differences in positive reinforcement expectancies, [F (2, 94)=3.19, p<.05], but not in negative reinforcement expectancies, [F (2, 94)=0.49, p=.61]. Simple slopes analyses indicated that heightened trait-impulsivity predicted greater increases in positive reinforcement outcome expectancies at 48 h of abstinence. Level of impulsivity, however, was not related to changes in negative reinforcement expectancies. Results indicate that during an abstinence period, college students higher in trait-impulsivity may be more prone to relapse due to stronger beliefs about the positive effects from smoking a cigarette. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the interaction of personality and cognitive factors when working with young adult smokers wishing to quit this health-compromising behavior.  相似文献   

目的了解珠海市学生对吸烟的认知情况以及吸烟行为情况。方法采用随机整群抽样方法抽取珠海市8所中学及2所大学的3268名学生,进行问卷调查。结果有22.3%学生吸过烟,男生吸烟率明显高于女生,53.2%的学生第一次吸整支烟的年龄集中在9~16岁;部分学生缺乏吸烟的正确认识;性别、年级、学业成绩等因素对吸烟行为存在着影响。结论学生吸烟问题情况严重,应采取综合的干预措施及进行系统的健康教育,更好地控制青少年吸烟。  相似文献   

Faster P300 latency after smoking in visual but not auditory oddball tasks   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
In two separate experiments, P300 was recorded from overnight-abstaining smokers before and after smoking. In the first experiment, 32 subjects counted forward by ones and counted backwards by threes upon presentation of a rare tone burst (20%) in a stream of standard tones. There were no changes in P300 amplitude or latency pre- to post-smoking (1.1-mg FTC nicotine-yield cigarette). In the second experiment, 29 subjects completed auditory and visual oddball tasks before smoking, after smoking a low nicotine-yield cigarette (0.05 mg), after smoking a higher nicotine-yield cigarette (1.1-mg), and after smoking a second 1.1-mg cigarette. In the visual oddball task, P300 latency decreased after smoking the first higher-yield cigarette relative to both pre-smoking and post smoking the lower-yield cigarette. This effect was maintained after smoking the second higher-yield cigarette. In the visual task, P300 amplitude increased after smoking the first higher-yield cigarette (from a lower baseline level) in a group of subjects with larger changes in tidal-breath CO but not in a group with smaller changes in CO. There were no effects of smoking on P300 amplitude or latency in the auditory tasks of either the first or second experiment.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that increased exposure to cigarette advertising increases adolescents' risk of smoking and moreover, that gender may play an important role in moderating how cigarette advertisements are viewed and processed. However, information about the particular features of cigarette advertising that interact with gender to promote smoking among adolescents is scarce. The purpose of this study was to examine if gender moderates the degree to which the relaxation valence (i.e., degree to which relaxing themes are emphasized) of cigarette advertisements is related to smoking intentions in a sample of never smoking adolescents. Regardless of brand type (of the seven brands studied), cigarette advertisements that displayed highly relaxing images were associated with increased intentions to smoke among female adolescents only. These results have implications for understanding what features of cigarette advertisements have the most influence among different groups of adolescents.  相似文献   

Although the initiation of cigarette use typically occurs prior to age 18, there is evidence for considerable change in smoking behavior after this age. College may be a particularly important period to study smoking because it is a time when adolescents transition into a new social context where substance use is normative. Using a longitudinal design, daily assessments of smoking were collected during the entire first year of college for a large cohort of freshman (N=496). Findings suggested a weekly cycle of smoking such that the probability of smoking was much higher on weekends (Friday and Saturday) than on remaining days of the week. In addition to this weekly cycle, there was an overall trend for smoking to decline over the course of the year. Substantial individual variability in levels of smoking was observed. These findings provide new insights into college smoking, and have implications for assessment, policy, intervention, and future directions for research.  相似文献   

目的 了解汕头市濠江区60岁以上老年人高血压发病率、知晓率、服药率、控制率的情况,发现和分析目前存在问题,改进公共卫生服务工作,探索适合濠江区居民慢性病的防治措施.方法 采用横断面调查方法,对汕头市濠江区60岁以上体检人群4 035名居民进行问卷调查和血压测量.结果 高血压患者发病率2015年为60.08%,2016年为68.08%,2016年较2015年有所上升(P=1.498×10-7).调查对象对高血压知识的知晓率2015年为54.6%,2016年为53.9%;服药率2015年为51.6%,2016年为50.9%;血压控制率2015年为8.3%,2016年为8.5%;2015年与2016年高血压的知晓率、服药率、控制率差异均无统计学意义(均P> 0.05).结论 汕头市濠江区60岁以上老年人高血压发病率处于较高水平,而知晓率、服药率、血压控制率均偏低;今后需要汕头市濠江区各社区卫生服务中心对该类人群进行科学管理,加强健康教育,普及慢病相关知识及健康的饮食和适宜的行为方式,降低老年人高血压发病率,提高知晓率、服药率、控制率.  相似文献   

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