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我院地处海南热带地区 ,气候炎热潮湿 ,湿度大 ,烧伤创面容易生长真菌。近三年来 ,发生烧伤创面真菌侵袭性感染13例 ,其中死亡 5例 ,治愈 8例。临 床 资 料本组男 10例 ,女 3例 ,年龄 2 5 7岁。平均烧伤面积 6 2 .3% ,平均Ⅲ度烧伤面积 40 .7%。患者入院后 ,烧伤创面均行暴露治疗 ,外用自制红树烧伤液[1] 10例 ,外用磺胺嘧啶银糊剂 3例。本组 13例患者烧伤创面出现真菌侵袭性感染前均较长时间全身应用广谱抗生素 ,如头孢噻甲羧肟、头孢三嗪噻肟、拉氧头孢钠、伊米配能 /西司他丁钠盐等 ,平均使用时间 12d ,其中有 8例烧伤创面外用上述广…  相似文献   

严重烧伤患者静脉导管感染的细菌学调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1993~2000年笔单位对496例严重烧伤患静脉穿刺或静脉切开插管连续置管2d以上的静脉导管尖端进行细菌培养,有17例患发生导管脓毒症,发生率为3.23%,现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的观察大面积侵袭感染组织切除对烧伤创面脓毒症患者高代谢的影响。方法对连续救治的8例烧伤创面脓毒症患者,分别于大面积侵袭感染组织切除前,手术后和病情稳定时,对静息能量消耗(restingenergyexpenditure,REE)白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)、内毒素(LPS)进行监测。结果侵袭感染组织切除后REE水平[(307.7±31.3)kJ·h  相似文献   

对烧伤感染的认识过程   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
1958年,全民大炼钢铁的年代,大面积烧伤患骤然增多。我是首批受命跟随黎鳌院士进入第三军医大学西南医院烧伤病房的医务人员之一,至今已48年。回顾几十年来的历程,感受良多,此处只就防治烧伤感染方面谈点个人的体会。  相似文献   

烧伤感染   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:22  
自60年代中期由于开发了几个有效的局部抗菌药物和创面处理方法的显著进步,烧伤总面积和Ⅲ度烧伤面积的LA50有显著提高,侵袭性感染发生率有一定下降,但以感染和以感染为动因的多脏器功能衰竭仍为烧伤死亡的第一原因。烧伤感染一直是烧伤临床工作所关注研究的热点。本文就烧伤感染的几个主要临床问题:烧伤感染的概念、烧伤创面细菌生态学和烧伤中心细菌耐药性进行回顾和讨论。一、烧伤感染的概念1962年Teplitz提出“烧伤创面脓毒症”概念前,有一个使临床医师感到困惑的问题,发现一部分烧伤病人出现典型的败血症症状,但血培养始终阴…  相似文献   

烧伤创面痂下活组织细菌定量培养与植皮存活率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
烧伤创面是病原菌侵入机体造成侵袭性感染的主要途径之一 ,其病原菌数量会与日俱增[1 ] 。及早、彻底清除烧伤坏死组织并封闭创面是救治严重烧伤患者的关键措施之一[2 ] ,植皮是覆盖创面的根本方法。影响创面植皮存活率的因素较多 ,痂下组织细菌定量培养是预测植皮存活率、判断感染预后及指导临床治疗的重要指标之一[3] 。笔者通过对严重烧伤患者伤后不同时间痂下活组织细菌进行定量培养和菌种鉴定 ,试图探讨其与植皮存活率的关系。一、资料与方法1.临床资料及分组 :选择 1999年 10月~ 2 0 0 0年 10月笔者单位收治的烧伤患者 36 5例 (2 80…  相似文献   

由于各种新型抗生素、激素的大量应用,耐药菌株不断出现,烧伤创面感染愈难控制。笔者单位2005年2月-2006年8月对感染6种耐药菌株的烧伤患者创面应用汇涵术泰护创液,取得较满意疗效。[第一段]  相似文献   

42年严重烧伤全身性感染的防治经验   总被引:23,自引:10,他引:13  
目的通过对严重烧伤(>50%TBSA)全身性感染患者329例进行分析和总结,旨在进一步提高严重烧伤感染的救治水平。方法利用1958年至2000年8月我所共收治烧伤面积>50%TBSA患者1127例临床资料,分析不同时期严重烧伤后全身性感染发生率及死亡率降低的主要原因。结果本组1127例烧伤患者中,发生全身性感染共329例,总发生率29.4%,第二阶段感染发生率为29.3%,显著低于第一阶段的48.5%(P<0.01~0.05);第三阶段(13.1%)与前两个阶段相比又显著下降(P<0.01~0.05)。总治愈率和不同烧伤面积治愈率均逐步提高,尤以烧伤面积>70%TBSA明显。结论防治严重烧伤全身性感染的主要经验是加强了早期处理,包括及时液体复苏、早期肠道喂养、有效抗生素的短程使用与早期切痂等。  相似文献   

控制烧伤创面感染的手术策略与手段   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭振荣 《临床外科杂志》2004,12(12):730-731
现代烧伤医学进展的特色之一是创面处理的进步,进步的标志体现在更深层次地理解到创面的危害作用,全方位处理的主动意识,创面修复材料的推陈出新,以及灵活多样的手术治疗手段。  相似文献   

烧伤创面脓毒症诊断的细菌学意义及临床分期   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨并重新评价烧伤创面脓毒症与组织细菌定量的关系 ,将其进行临床分期。 方法 对近 5年符合条件的 32例烧伤患者进行组织细菌检查和定量分析 ,结合临床表现对创面脓毒症进行分期。 结果  (1) 32例患者的 12 3个组织标本中 ,均可见到细菌侵入 ,有 82个标本的每克痂下组织菌量≥ 1× 10 5,4 1个标本的每克痂下组织菌量 <1× 10 5。其中 18例患者 6 8个标本 ,每克痂下组织菌量全部≥ 1× 10 5;5例患者 2 0个标本 ,每克痂下组织菌量全部 <1× 10 5;其余 9例患者的标本中仅部分每克痂下组织菌量≥ 1× 10 5。 (2 )根据细菌学结果并结合临床表现 ,可将创面脓毒症分为Ⅰ~Ⅳ期。 结论  (1)临床有中毒表现并获得细菌侵入活组织的证据时 ,创面脓毒症的诊断即可成立。 (2 )将创面脓毒症分为IV期 ,有助于规范临床诊断、指导临床治疗  相似文献   

IntroductionSystematic reviews (SR) of high-quality randomised controlled trials can identify effective treatments for burn wound infections (BWIs). Clinical heterogeneity in outcome definitions can prevent valid evidence synthesis, which may limit the reliability of the findings of SRs affected by this heterogeneity. This SR aimed to investigate whether there is variation BWI definitions across studies in SRs of burn care interventions and its impact on identification of effective treatments for patients with burn injuries.MethodsA systematic search of five databases was conducted. Included SRs were: in English, published from January 2010 to October 2018, assessed intervention effects for patients with a burn injury, and reported data about BWI.ResultsTwenty-nine SRs, which included 248 studies reporting BWI outcomes, were included in our final dataset. Three SRs used a definition of BWI to select studies for inclusion. Fourteen reported BWI definitions from included studies in the review results. There was heterogeneity of BWI definition in their included studies; across 29 SRs, 32 different BWI indicators were used, with the median across SRs ranging from 1 to 7 (range 1–14). Fourteen SRs accounted for BWI definition heterogeneity in their conclusions, indicating that the issue impacted whether a conclusion could be drawn, and limited the validity of the SR findings.ConclusionsThere is variation in BWI definition across SRs and within the studies included in SRs of interventions assessing BWI outcomes. This heterogeneity has prevented conclusions about intervention effects being drawn, and only half of the SR authors have accounted for it in their findings. Reviews that have collated this data without reference to the heterogeneity should be viewed with caution, since it may limit the validity of evidence for the identification of effective treatments for BWI. The use of a newly developed core indicator set to support consistent reporting of indicators and standardisation of BWI outcome reporting will enable effective evidence synthesis.  相似文献   

Eight burn wound sepsis patients, in which 6 cases were diagnosed as MODS and two as septic shock, were treated consecutively in our hospital from September 1997 to October 1998. The plasma concentration of IL-6, IL-8, TNFα and LPS were assayed before and after surgical intervention, as well as when the patients' vital signs became stable. The results showed: ①The patients' conditions abruptly deteriorated when the burn wound sepsis emerged;②The major cause related to burn wound sepsis was extensive burn injuries, with large areas of deep burn remaining open; ③Although wound swabs taken on admission revealed the presence of colonization by many pathogenic bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was one of the most frequent bacteria isolated from the subeschar tissue; ④The plasma concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, TNF and LPS before surgical intervention were significantly higher than that after surgical intervention (P<0.05) ;⑤The lowest level of the inflammatory mediators was observed when the patients' conditions became stable, as compared with before surgical intervention (P<0. 001).These findings suggest that the clinical characteristics of burn wound sepsis are abrupt deterioration of the general condition and prominent septic symptoms, often complicated by MODS. The main cause of burn wound sepsis is the presence of a large area of open deep burn wounds, which should be excised and covered early. LPS and pro-inflammatory mediators play an important role in the pathogenesis of burn wound sepsis. Although success in treating these patients is the result of appropriate application of multiple treatments, early, aggressive and thorough surgical excision of invasive burn infectious tissue and closure of wound play a crucial role in the successful treatment of patients complicated by burn wound sepsis. Other treatments are adjuvant but also important.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effect of extensive excision of invasive burn wound infection on hypermetabolic response in burn patients with sepsis. Methods:Eight patients with major burn, complicated by invasive burn wound infection and sepsis were consecutively admitted to our hospital from September 1997 to October 1998. REEs were monitored by means of Cardiorespiratory Diagnostic System (Medical Graphics Corporation, USA) at patients bedside. Plasma concentration of IL-6、IL-8、TNF-α and LPS were assayed before and after surgical intervention and at the time when the patients' vital signs became stable. Correlation analysis between REEs and IL-6、IL-8、TNF-α、LPS was respectively made. Results: A total of 8 patients were treated and all of them survived. Values of REE before surgical intervention were significantly higher than those after surgical intervention(P<0.01), and when patients vital signs became stable the values were significantly lower compared with that after surgical intervention(P<0.01). The plasma concentrations of IL-6、 IL-8、TNF-α and LPS after excision of invasive burn wound infection were significantly lower than those before surgical intervention (P<0.05). The lowest levels of these inflammatory mediators were observed when the conditions of patients became stable, and the values were significantly lower compared with those before surgical intervention (P<0. 001). There was a significant positive correlation between REE level and respective values of plasma IL-6、 IL-8、 TNF-α、 LPS(P <0.01). Conclusions: It is deemed that the extensive excision of invasively infected burn wound in patients with major burn should be performed as early as possible to reduce an increased release of inflammatory mediators, and to control the hypermetabolic response during sepsis.  相似文献   

Invasive fungal burn wound infection is an important emerging cause of late onset morbidity and high mortality in patients with major burns. Following a pilot study done in our unit in 1 year, i.e. January 2008-March 2009 in 71 patients where 28% (20 patients) of the burn wound biopsies from suspected cases showed fungal wound invasion (FWI), a detailed study was planned in order to study the epidemiology of fungal infection in burns in our unit wherein routine wound biopsies in 100 patients were sent on 7th, 14th and 21st postburn day over a one year period (July 2009-June 2010). 12 patients (12%) were diagnosed with FWI on culture. This was then followed by another study in a 9 month period (July 2010-March 2011) when wound samples for only 36 patients in whom there was clinical suspicion of fungal infection were sent. 16 of these patients were diagnosed with fungal wound invasion (FWI) thus establishing an incidence of 44% from suspected cases. These studies showing the increase in fungal infection in our unit have therefore made us wiser, increased our awareness and our accuracy in diagnosing this uncommon infection in extensive burns where patient is not only severely immunocompromised but also has many other risk factors making them more vulnerable to fungal invasion. Another glaring fact which emerged from these studies was the rising incidence of nonalbicans Candida infection compared to Candida albicans, especially C. tropicalis and C. krusei which are more severe in nature and associated with a higher mortality. This signifies that there is a shift of FWI in burns from commensal organism, i.e. C. albicans to pathogenic nosocomial organisms, i.e. C. nonalbicans.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to describe nosocomial infection (NI) rates, risk factors, etiologic agents, antibiotic susceptibility, invasive device utilization and invasive device associated infection rates in a burn intensive care unit (ICU) in Turkey.


Prospective surveillance of nosocomial infections was performed according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) criteria between 2001 and 2012. The data was analyzed retrospectively.


During the study period 658 burn patients were admitted to our burn ICU. 469 cases acquired 602 NI for an overall NI rate of 23.1 per 1000 patient days. 109 of all the cases (16.5%) died. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (241), Acinetobacter baumannii (186) and Staphylococcus aureus (69) were the most common identified bacteria in 547 strains.


Total burn surface area, full thickness burn, older age, presence of inhalation injury were determined to be the significant risk factors for acquisition of NI. Determining the NI profile at a certain burn ICU can lead the medical staff apply the appropriate treatment regimen and limit the drug resistance. Eleven years surveillance report presented here provides a recent data about the risk factors of NI in a Turkish burn ICU.  相似文献   

BackgroundHealthcare-associated infections (HAIs) remain a major challenge in burn research and care. We aimed to describe the epidemiology and timeline of HAIs and to estimate the association of demographics and clinical characteristics with time to HAI among burn patients.MethodsA prospective cohort study was conducted in a referral burn unit in southwestern Colombia. Incidence rates were calculated for HAI types and microorganisms, using a Poisson regression model. Univariable and multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate the effect of risk factors on time to first HAI.ResultsOf 165 burn patients, 46 (27.9%) developed at least one HAI (incidence rate of 21.8 per 1000 patient-days). The most frequent HAIs were burn wound infections, followed by bloodstream infections. The most common microorganisms were Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas spp., and Acinetobacter baumannii. Whereas gram-negative bacteria were the most common microorganisms causing HAIs, gram-positive bacteria were the first microorganisms isolated after hospital admission. The independent risk factors associated with time to first HAI were burn size (TBSA > 20%), burn mechanism (flames and scalds), central venous catheter use, and mestizo race.ConclusionThese data have implications toward generating empirical antibiotic guidelines and preventive strategies targeting the patients at highest risk for HAI.  相似文献   

The majority of burn victims do not need to be treated in a burn centre. Adequate care can be given by non specialised medical personnel, provided that proper guidelines are followed. The article outlines and reviews these guidelines.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Bacterial colonisation and invasive bacterial infection remain the major causes of mortality and morbidity following severe burn thus ongoing surveillance of patients and monitoring of infection facilitates early intervention to minimise the risk of sepsis. The circumstances of the Bali bombings in October 2002, provided an opportunity to analyse the ramifications of lengthy transfer times, delayed resuscitation and topical treatment, on the primary incidence of burn wound infection (BWI). METHOD: This prospective clinical audit investigated the primary incidence of BWI between the usual burn patients admitted to the Burn Unit at Royal Perth Hospital, Western Australia, and a number of survivors from the Bali bombings during a 3-month audit period in 2002. BWI was identified using the Peck et al. proposed definitions for the surveillance of burn wound infections. These include impetigo, surgical wound related infection, cellulitis and invasive infection of unexcised wounds. RESULTS: The incidence of primary BWI in the Bali-tourist group (68.2%) compared with the standard WA group (18.2%) was significant (p=0.001). CONCLUSION: Sensitive assessment criteria allowed for early identification of wound infection. A clinically significant difference in the Bali-tourist group is probably related to the circumstances of their injury.  相似文献   

IntroductionBurn wound infections result in delayed healing and increased pain, scarring, sepsis risk and healthcare costs. Clinical decision making about burn wound infection should be supported by evidence syntheses. Validity of evidence from systematic reviews may be reduced if definitions of burn wound infectionvary between trials. This review aimed to determine whether burn wound infectionis defined, and whether there is variation in the indicators used to define burn wound infectionacross studies testing interventions for patients with burns.MethodSearches were carried out in four databases (Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, Cinahl, Cochrane Register of Trials) to identify studies evaluating interventions for patients with burns and reporting a burn wound infection outcome. Pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria were systematically applied to select relevant studies. Data were systematically extracted and reported narratively.Results2056 studies were identified, of which 72 met the inclusion criteria, comprising 71 unique datasets. 52.1% of studies were randomised controlled trials. Twenty-eight (38.0%) studies reporting a burn wound infection outcome did not report how they had defined it. In the methods of included studies, 59 studies (83.1%) reported that they planned to measure burn wound infection as an outcome. Of these, 44 studies (74.6%) described how they had defined burn wound infection; 6 studies (13.6%) reported use of a previously developed consensus-informed definition of burn wound infection, and 41 studies (69.5%) described the specific indicators used to define it. Studies used between one (11 studies; 26.8%) and nine indicators (2 studies; 4.9%) to define burn wound infection (median = 3, inter-quartile range = 2). The most commonly used indicator was presence of bacteria in the wound (61.0% of studies). Only 13 studies (31.7%) defined burn wound infection using the same indicators as at least one other study.Discussion and conclusionsWithin intervention studies reporting burn wound infection outcomes, a definition of this outcome is commonly not provided, or it varies between studies. This will prevent evidence synthesis to identify effective treatments for patients with burn injuries. Since there is no objective method for assessing burn wound infection, expert consensus is needed to agree a minimum set of indicators (Core Indicator Set) reported in all trials reporting burn wound infection as an outcome.  相似文献   

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