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恶性肿瘤的磁靶向热疗   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
将磁性材料导入肿瘤区域后 ,置于交变磁场下使靶区温度升高到 4 1℃以上的热疗方法称磁靶向热疗。近年来 ,随着生物技术、纳米技术、材料科学、电磁学等学科的飞速发展 ,磁靶向热疗越来越引起广大学者的关注。介绍恶性肿瘤磁靶向热疗的历史、现状及发展。  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤严重危害人民的生命健康 ,据WHO统计 ,全世界每年新发病例约 10 0 0万 ,死亡 70 0万。目前主要的治疗方法包括手术、化疗和放疗等。手术是首选治疗方法 ,但大部分患者就诊时伴有转移病灶 ,原发病灶不能手术切除 ,化疗往往是可供选择的主要治疗方法[1] 。通过传统的注射途径应用化疗药物 ,药物均匀分布在全身循环中 ,药物在到达肿瘤之前 ,要经过同蛋白结合、代谢、排泄等步骤 ,血液中药物浓度迅速降低 ,最终只有少量药物到达肿瘤部位。要提高肿瘤内化疗药物浓度就必须提高全身循环系统的药物浓度 ,也就必须加大药物剂量 ,从而也加…  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤靶向治疗的载体   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
靶向给药是指药物选择地到达特定的生理部位、器官、组织或细胞 ,并在该靶部位发挥药物治疗作用。选择性给药可以增强药物在靶部位的活性并减少其在非靶部位的毒副作用 ,提高药物的治疗指数。靶向治疗研究的焦点是载体 ,寻找一种对肿瘤细胞有特异性的载体 ,将药物带到肿瘤部位  相似文献   

热疗对恶性肿瘤化疗的增效作用观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察WE2102型热疗机联合化疗治疗晚期恶性肿瘤的疗效.方法 184例晚期恶性肿瘤患者分为两组,化疗组92例采用单纯化疗;热化疗组92例采用化疗+热疗治疗,比较两组临床治疗有效率.结果 热化疗组有效率为68.48%,肿瘤缩小程度及有效率明显优于化疗组(P<0.01),不良反应主要为化疗所致的骨髓抑制、胃肠道反应,热疗所致的烫伤及发热少见,两组比较差异无显著性意义.结论 WE2102型热疗机联合化疗治疗晚期恶性肿瘤,不良反应小,有较好治疗效果.  相似文献   

目的:观察热化疗治疗晚期恶性肿瘤的近期疗效及安全性。方法:对75例晚期恶性肿瘤患者,根据病种不同选用相应化疗方案治疗,同时采用体外高频内生场深部肿瘤热疗系统对病灶局部进行加温,加温至41-43℃,加温时间为60-90min,每例患者热疗5—20次。平均8次。结果:完全缓解5例(6.67%),部分缓解35例(46.67%),稳定22例(29.33%),进展13例(17.33%),总有效率为53.34%。结论:热疗联合化疗治疗晚期恶性肿瘤有较好疗效,毒副反应轻。  相似文献   

脂质体制剂用于恶性肿瘤靶向治疗的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕雅蕾  刘巍 《临床荟萃》2003,18(23):1376-1377
脂质体是 196 5年英国学者Bangham等将磷脂分子散在水中进行电镜观察时发现并命名的[1] 。最初主要作为人工生物膜用于研究生物膜的结构和功能的关系。 1972年 ,Gregoriadis和Rymam将脂质体用于药物载体[2 ] 。抗癌药物由于严重的毒副作用 ,临床上的应用受到限制 ,脂质体作为药物载体可以激活巨噬细胞 ,这些被激活的巨噬细胞能区别致肿瘤细胞和非致肿瘤细胞 ,将药物运送到靶器官或靶组织 ,而正常部位几乎不受药物的影响。近年来由于药物载体研究的飞速发展 ,在恶性肿瘤靶向治疗方面取得了很大成功 ,现综述如下。1 脂质体脂质体是由人工制…  相似文献   

陈艳芳 《护理学报》2005,12(7):46-47
总结20例恶性肿瘤并转移患采用全身热疗联合化疗时预防烫伤的护理措施,将患体位摆放、医用材料选择、易烫伤部位保护等作为预防烫伤的重点,本组只有2例患在小腿出现单个小水疱,经对症处理,1周后痊愈。恶性肿瘤转移患行全身热疗联合化疗,疗效较好,弥补了治疗手段的不足,明显提高了肿瘤治疗的效果,严密的护理措施能有效减少烫伤的发生.  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤红外线全身热疗联合化疗的护理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
热疗是继手术、放疗、化疗和生物治疗后目前新兴的一种肿瘤治疗方法。热疗分局部热疗和全身热疗。全身热疗是用生物物理学的方法将人体体温均匀升高到一定温度后,利用热效应及继发效应来治疗恶性肿瘤。热疗主要通过破坏细胞膜性结构,控制细胞核内的DNA、RNA和蛋白质合成与修复,从而杀灭肿瘤细胞。同时,在一定的温度范围内全身热疗  相似文献   

目前认为,恶性胶质瘤对化疗不敏感的原因可能是在不引起并发症的前提下肿瘤处的药物剂量不足。热敏脂质体组成的纳米储药微囊在生理温度下能保持相对稳定,在高温处则释放所包含的药物,使该处的药物浓度大大提高,与局部间质内热疗起到协同作用,以达到最大程度杀伤肿瘤并减少对正常组织伤害的目的。本研究拟探讨热敏脂质体洛莫司汀(Lomus-tine)热靶向化疗的合适化疗药物浓度,旨在为热靶向化疗提供理论基础。  相似文献   

常玉萍 《护理研究》2007,21(3):248-249
热疔已被认为是继手术、放疗、化疗和生物疗法后的第五种肿瘤治疗方法,研究表明热疗与化疗药物联合可以增强灭活肿瘤细胞的效果。我科自2004年1月-2006年8月对81例住院的恶性肿瘤病人给予热放疗、热化疗联合治疗,效果显著,现将护理报告如下。  相似文献   

基质金属蛋白酶系统与恶性肿瘤   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
MMPs和TIMP在各种肿瘤的表达和分泌水平不同 ,它们通过多种机制影响肿瘤的侵袭和转移 ,研究MMPs和TIMP的分布和表达对肿瘤的诊疗具有重要的意义  相似文献   

目的 探讨胸腔镜下胸腔内热灌注化疗对肺癌合并胸腔积液患者的治疗效果.方法 40例肺癌合并胸腔积液患者于全身麻醉下用胸腔镜探察胸腔,并行胸膜活检,用人工心肺机将预充液(生理盐水3 000 mL+顺铂300 mg)加热至42~44℃后,通过2根导管连接至胸腔内,循环灌注胸腔约60min.结果 胸水控制有效率为97.5%,KPS评分升高率为67.5%;未见明显的毒副作用.结论 胸腔镜下胸腔内热灌注化疗具有快速诊断、创伤小、控制胸水效果好、副作用小的优点.  相似文献   

This paper presents the case report of a 2 year-old boy in whom a grade II fetal alcohol syndrome was diagnosed at 17 months. At 21 months, an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the urinary bladder trigone was found, and the tumour excised. Polychemotherapy was initiated, but bone-marrow depression and death in septicaemic shock followed. The main autopsy findings included the demonstration of tumour remnants in the urinary bladder and prostate, and a severe acute purulent pyelonephritis. This is the fifth case of fetal alcohol syndrome in conjunction with a malignant tumour to be reported in the international literature. These cases do not show any uniformity as to tumour type. No conclusion can as yet be drawn as to whether there is a pathogenetic connection between the fetal alcohol syndrome and the occurrence of malignant tumours (as is the case with the fetal hydantoin syndrome and neuroblastoma), or whether these findings are purely coincidental. Clinicians and pathologists should, however, be advised to look more closely for even minimally pronounced forms of the fetal alcohol syndrome in children with embryonic tumours.  相似文献   

During 5 years, the authors followed up 129 patients referred to the clinic with a diagnosis of fever of unclear genesis. In 36.4% of cases, fever masked malignant neoplasms. Hyperthermia was ahead of the emergence of the symptoms of a tumor (maximally up to 12 years), dominated or was the only symptom for a time being. However, in most cases it combined with other paraneoplastic masks (rheumatic, hematological, hepatological, etc), was resistant to the treatment and disappeared after radical treatment.  相似文献   

Malignant tumors may affect the kidney in a direct and in an indirect fashion. In addition, there are multiple paraneoplastic syndromes and the side effects of the tumor therapy. Therefore, clinicians may encounter a wide spectrum of disorders representing almost all aspects of kidney diseases. Importantly, practitioners taking care of patients with glomerulopathies must always consider the possibility of a co-existence of a malignancy, as highlighted by our case report.  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤的姑息治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肿瘤诊断的复杂性及目前诊断水平的限制,在许多国家尤其是发展中国家,相当多患者确诊时已是中晚期。因而临床实践中抗癌治疗被细分为肿瘤的治愈性治疗和姑息治疗两种方式。姑息治疗属于一种支持性治疗,可以和抗癌治疗联合应用于疾病的早期,减轻和治疗癌症相关症状和体征,使所有癌症患者都能充分接受无痛苦治疗。目的是减轻症状,提高生活质量,延长生命。姑息治疗目前在多数肿瘤中都占有比较重要的地位。  相似文献   

The operative removal of the tumour mass as early and completely as possible is the most important step in the treatment of malignant brain tumours, whereby the quality of life must be maintained as a prerequisite. The operation is followed by radiotherapy at a dosage of 60 Gy which again is followed by chemotherapy with CCNU and Oncovin. New strategies in chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hyperthermia and photochemotherapy will be evaluated over the coming years. The therapy of malignant brain tumours represents a universal challenge, and despite the only small increase in life span by 6-9 months, this must be considered a partial progress in the combat against brain tumours.  相似文献   

Small intestinal primary adenocarcinomas, carcinoids, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) were cleared up inadequately because it was hard to examine for small intestine by modalities in the 20th century. Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB) is often caused by these tumors. In future, these tumors will be more diagnosed in patients with OGIB by new modalities such as capsule endoscopy and double balloon endoscopy. We attempt to present these small intestinal malignant tumors using by capsule endoscopy and double balloon endoscopy.  相似文献   

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